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As I said before, you need to write a DLL to inject into the process to make your data modifications. It sounds like you want to be able to write this code in AutoIt... sorry, not gonna happen.

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  • 2 years later...

Thanks for your code and design, it's very helpful to me.

But I compiled them to 64bit version and running on the 64bit Windows 7, the ApiHookExample.exe is crash.

I read the code but I think the pointer size is enough for 64bit OS.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


Why don't you use <snip>

It solves all the injection staff since you can hook any Windows API (included in Platform SDK) and receive calls in you own process.



Edited by Melba23
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  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

Thanks a lot. Really useful. But there seems to be a bug for this method.

It seems if the backup instructions happened to have relative call/jmp opcodes, the application will crash if calling back to those backup instructions. For instance, I hooked user32.dll:DdeGetData(), it crashed as soon as I tried to call the original function. It's working fine If I didn't call the original function.

Is there any idea how to solve this problem?

OK. I use some dirty method in dll to work around this problem. On each call to DdeGetData(), I modify the first 10 byte to the original instructions before calling, and after calling I modify the first 10 byte back to the HOOK instructions. Call VirtualProtect() first before modifying DdeGetData() or applicatoin get crashed. I don't know the performance penalty of this kind of run-time code patching since DdeGetData() may get called frequently.


below is the output log while hooking user32.dll:DdeGetData() for reference

mnemonic: PUSH
operands: 0xc
instructions: 6a 0c
size: 2
offset: 0
mnemonic: PUSH
operands: 0x75e4fc58
instructions: 68 58fce475
size: 5
offset: 2
mnemonic: CALL
operands: 0xfffffffffffe6557
instructions: e8 4b65feff
size: 5
offset: 7
HookAddress: 0x75E4FBCE
HookBak: 0x6A0C6858FCE475E84B65
Bridge: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
BridgePtr: 0x01F50000
Status after get: 0
Process: 10536
remote bridge: 0x6A0C6858FCE475E84B65FEFFFF251200F501DAFBE475000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
remote hook: 0xFF25D4FBE475D0105202
Edited by meltice

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