youknowwho4eva Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 (edited)'s complete until I find something else to add. I'm contemplating making a 3D presentation program much like powerpoint, but Idono maybe if you ask nicely . What is it? Just a program that I made to possibly, in the future, be a catalog of products. Something we can send to a customer to show what their product would look like or to display existing products such as the plate. The frame is from my Happy Holidays program.Edit: And in case you want to learn anything from it I guess the source would be nice. Or if you don't trust lil ole me yet here you go.Another Edit: opps wrong codeexpandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <Constants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> ;~ #include <WINAPI.au3> #include <IrrlichtPluginUtils.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <math.au3> #include <color.au3> #include <misc.au3> #include <IE.au3> dim $seq[100000], $folder[1000000], $model[1000000], $mouse[1000000], $product[1000000], $productnode[1000000], $productnodetexture[1000000], $cursor[1000000], $cursornode[1000000], $cursornodetexture[1000000] $dll = "user32.dll" Global $y,$y2,$y3,$guess,$modely,$modelx $num = 1 $cameraz = 0 $out = -.25 $folder = dirgetsize(@scriptdir & "\models",1) $modelsearch = FileFindFirstFile(@scriptdir & "\models\*.3ds") For $i = 1 To $folder[1] $model[$i] = FileFindNextFile($modelsearch) Next $3ds = @scriptdir & "\models\" $mousesearch = FileFindFirstFile(@scriptdir & "\mouse*.3ds") For $b = 1 To 3 $mouse[$b] = FileFindNextFile($mousesearch) Next $mice = @scriptdir & "\" $turn = 0 $r= 155 $g= 230 $b= 255 HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate") ;pink, pink, pink $Hwnd = CreateLayeredDevice( "Trans", 0, 0, @DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight, 0, 255, 0, 1 ) ;Don't forget the light! Never. $Light1 = AddLightSceneNode( 0, 10, 10, -500, 0, 0, 0, 1000 ) ;AddNewSLight( CastShadows, Falloff, InnerCone, OuterCone, Radius [, Type ] ) $SLight = AddNewSLight( 0, 50, 1, 500, 3000, $ELT_DIRECTIONAL ) SetLightSpecularColor( $SLight, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 ) ;~ SetLightDiffuseColor( $SLight, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7 ) SetLightData( $Light1, $SLight ) $Light2 = AddLightSceneNode( 0, -300, 50, -20, 0, 0, 0, 1000 ) $SLight2 = AddNewSLight( 0, 100, 1, 500, 3000, $ELT_DIRECTIONAL ) SetLightSpecularColor( $SLight2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 ) ;~ SetLightDiffuseColor( $SLight2, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7 ) SetLightData( $Light2, $SLight2 ) ;~ SetRotation( $Light2, 0, 90, 0 ) $Camera = AddCameraSceneNode( 0, 0, 0, -20, 0, 0, 0 ) $m = MouseGetPos() $mx = $mouse[0] $my = $mouse[1] ;~ MsgBox(0,"",$mouse[$i]) For $a = 1 To 3 $cursor[$a] = getmesh($mice & $mouse[$a]) $cursornode[$a] = addmeshscenenode($cursor[$a]) $cursornodetexture[$a] = getmaterial ($cursornode[$a],0) ;~ setdiffusecolor($cursornodetexture,0,255,255,255) SetMaterialTexture( $cursorNode[$a], 0, GetTexture( @scriptdir & "\white.bmp" ) ) SetMaterialFlag( $cursornode[$a], Bitand($EMF_GOURAUD_SHADING,$EMF_LIGHTING), 1 ) setvisible($cursornode[$a],0) ;~ MsgBox(0,"",$mouse[$h]) Next setvisible($cursornode[1],1) ;~ setscale($cursornode[1],2,2,2) setrotation($cursornode[1],0,0,-45) setvisible($cursornode[2],1) setposition($cursornode[2],-5.8,3.5,-10) setscale($cursornode[2],5,5,5) setvisible($cursornode[3],1) setposition($cursornode[3],-4,1,-10) setscale($cursornode[3],5,5,5) $cursornum = 1 setvisible($cursornode[2],0) setvisible($cursornode[3],0) ;~ $mouse = getmesh(@scriptdir & "\mouse.3ds") ;~ $mousenode = addmeshscenenode($mouse) ;~ $mousenodetexture = getmaterial ($mousenode,0) ;~ setdiffusecolor($mousenodetexture,0,0,0,0) ;~ setscale($mousenode,1,1,1) ;~ SetMaterialFlag( $mousenode, $EMF_NORMALIZE_NORMALS, 1 ) ;~ setrotation($mousenode,0,0,-45) ;~ SetMaterialTexture( $mouseNode, 0, GetTexture( @scriptdir & "\white.bmp" ) ) ;~ SetMaterialFlag( $mousenode, $EMF_LIGHTING, 0 ) ;~ setvisible($mousenode,0) ;~ $rotate = getmesh(@scriptdir & "\rotate.3ds") ;~ $rotatenode = addmeshscenenode($rotate) ;~ $rotatenodetexture = getmaterial ($rotatenode,0) ;~ setdiffusecolor($rotatenodetexture,0,0,0,0) ;~ setposition($rotatenode,-13,5,0) ;~ setscale($rotatenode,10,10,10) ;~ SetMaterialFlag( $rotatenode, $EMF_NORMALIZE_NORMALS, 1 ) ;~ setrotation($rotatenode,0,0,-45) ;~ SetMaterialTexture( $rotateNode, 0, GetTexture( @scriptdir & "\white.bmp" ) ) ;~ SetMaterialFlag( $rotatenode, $EMF_LIGHTING, 0 ) ;~ setvisible($rotatenode,0) ;~ $mag = getmesh(@scriptdir & "\magglass.3ds") ;~ $magnode = addmeshscenenode($mag) ;~ $magnodetexture = getmaterial ($magnode,0) ;~ setdiffusecolor($magnodetexture,0,0,0,0) ;~ setposition($magnode,-9,0,0) ;~ setscale($magnode,10,10,10) ;~ SetMaterialFlag( $magnode, $EMF_NORMALIZE_NORMALS, 1 ) ;~ setrotation($magnode,0,5,0) ;~ SetMaterialTexture( $magNode, 0, GetTexture( @scriptdir & "\white.bmp" ) ) ;~ SetMaterialFlag( $magnode, $EMF_LIGHTING, 0 ) ;~ setvisible($magnode,1) $rarrow = getmesh(@scriptdir & "\arrow.3ds") $rarrownode = addmeshscenenode($rarrow) $rarrownodetexture = getmaterial ($rarrownode,0) ;~ setdiffusecolor($rarrownodetexture,0,0,0,0) setposition($rarrownode,12,-10,0) setscale($rarrownode,150,150,150) SetMaterialFlag( $rarrownode, $EMF_NORMALIZE_NORMALS, 1 ) setrotation($rarrownode,0,0,0) SetMaterialTexture( $rarrowNode, 0, GetTexture( @scriptdir & "\white.bmp" ) ) ;~ SetMaterialFlag( $rarrownode, $EMF_LIGHTING, 0 ) ;~ setvisible($rarrownode,0) $larrow = getmesh(@scriptdir & "\arrow.3ds") $larrownode = addmeshscenenode($larrow) $larrownodetexture = getmaterial ($larrownode,0) ;~ setdiffusecolor($larrownodetexture,0,0,0,0) setposition($larrownode,-12,-10,0) setscale($larrownode,150,150,150) SetMaterialFlag( $larrownode, $EMF_NORMALIZE_NORMALS, 1 ) setrotation($larrownode,0,0,180) SetMaterialTexture( $larrowNode, 0, GetTexture( @scriptdir & "\white.bmp" ) ) ;~ SetMaterialFlag( $larrownode, $EMF_LIGHTING, 0 ) ;~ setvisible($larrownode,0) For $h = 1 To $i - 1 $product[$h] = getmesh($3ds & $model[$h]) $productnode[$h] = addmeshscenenode($product[$h]) $productnodetexture[$h] = getmaterial ($productnode[$h],0) ;~ setdiffusecolor($productnodetexture,0,255,255,255) If $h <> 1 Then setposition($productnode[$h],-12,-10,0) Else setposition($productnode[$h],1,0,0) EndIf setscale($productnode[$h],2,2,2) setrotation($productnode[$h],0,0,0) SetMaterialTexture( $productNode[$h], 0, GetTexture( @scriptdir & "\white.bmp" ) ) SetMaterialFlag( $productnode[$h], Bitand($EMF_GOURAUD_SHADING,$EMF_LIGHTING), 1 ) setvisible($productnode[$h],0) ;~ MsgBox(0,"",$model[$h]) Next setvisible($productnode[1],1) setscale($productnode[1],1.25,1.25,1.25) $mprotate = 0 $right = 0 $key = "01" $node = $productnode[1] $left = 0 $up = 55 $right = 0 $down = 0 $y = 0 $hgui = GUICreate("", @DesktopWidth + 20, @DesktopHeight - 80, -10, 0, -1, 0x00000080);$WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW = 0x00000080 WinSetTrans($hGUI, "", 1) WinSetOnTop($hGUI, "", 1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) GUISetCursor(16) $speed = 53 While 1 ;~ SetRotation( $Light1, 0, $y, 0 ) ;~ $y += 5 ;~ if $y > 360 Then $y -= 360 If $node = $productnode[1] Then ;~ MsgBox(0,"","should be here") setrotation($node,0,$mprotate,0) If $right = 1 Then $mprotate += 1 If $mprotate > 44 Then $right = 0 Else $mprotate -= 1 If $mprotate < -44 Then $right = 1 EndIf BeginScene( true, true, 0, $r, $g, $b) SceneDraw( ) GuiDraw( ) EndScene( ) EndIf $m = mouseGetPos( ) $CurrNode = GetSceneNodeFromScreenCoordinatesBB( $m[0], $m[1] ) If $m[1] > @DesktopHeight/2 Then $my = (@DesktopHeight/2 - $m[1]) / $speed Else $my = (-($m[1] - @DesktopHeight/2)) / $speed EndIf If $m[0] > @DesktopWidth/2 Then $mx = (-(@DesktopWidth/2 - $m[0])) / $speed Else $mx = ($m[0] - @DesktopWidth/2) / $speed EndIf If $cursornum = 2 Then $mx += .8 $my += .7 ElseIf $cursornum = 3 Then $mx += 2 $my += .7 EndIf setposition($cursornode[$cursornum],$mx,$my,-10) BeginScene( true, true, 0, $r, $g, $b) SceneDraw( ) GuiDraw( ) EndScene( ) Switch $CurrNode Case $node If _IsPressed($key) Then If $node = $productnode[1] then _IECreate("",0,1,0) EndIf ;~ Case _IsPressed($key) ;~ If $rotate = "up" Then ;~ MsgBox(0,"","up") ;~ $modely = $m[1] - $my ;~ setrotation($node, $modelx,$modely,0) ;~ BeginScene( true, true, 0, $r, $g, $b) ;~ SceneDraw( ) ;~ GuiDraw( ) ;~ EndScene( ) ;~ ElseIf $rotate = "side" Then ;~ MsgBox(0,"","up") ;~ $modelx = $cursor[0] - $cursorx ;~ setrotation($node, $modelx,$modely,0) ;~ BeginScene( true, true, 0, $r, $g, $b) ;~ SceneDraw( ) ;~ GuiDraw( ) ;~ EndScene( ) ;~ EndIf ;~ Case $rotatenode ;~ ToolTip ("Rotate Tool") ;~ case $magnode ;~ ToolTip ("Magnify Tool") Case $rarrownode setscale($rarrownode,130,130,130) If _IsPressed( $Key ) Then setposition($productnode[$num],0,0,0) setrotation($productnode[$num],0,0,0) $up = 55 $down = 0 $left = 0 $right = 0 ;~ MsgBox(0,"","Is it getting this message?") $move = 1 $num -= 1 $prenode = $node If $num = 0 Then $node = $productnode[$i - 1] $num = $i - 1 $cursornum = 1 setposition($cursornode[2],-5.8,3.5,-10) setposition($cursornode[3],-4,1,-10) ;~ MsgBox(0,$i,"should be here") ElseIf $num = $i Then $node = $productnode[1] $num = 1 $cursornum = 1 setposition($cursornode[2],-5.8,3.5,-10) setposition($cursornode[3],-4,1,-10) ;~ MsgBox(0,"","should not be here") Else $node = $productnode[$num] ;~ MsgBox(0,$i & $num,"should never be here") EndIf For $n = 0 to -@DesktopWidth Step - $move If $n < -30 Then ExitLoop setposition($prenode,$n,0,0) BeginScene( true, true, 0, $r, $g, $b) SceneDraw( ) GuiDraw( ) EndScene( ) Next setvisible($prenode,0) setrotation($productnode[$num],0,0,0) If $prenode = $productnode[1] Then $move = 4 setrotation($node,0,0,0) ElseIf $node = $productnode[1] Then $move = 1 setrotation($node,0,0,0) Else setrotation($node,0,0,0) EndIf setvisible($node,1) For $n = 30 To -$move Step - $move If $n < 0 Then $n = 0 setposition($node,$n,0,0) BeginScene( true, true, 0, $r, $g, $b) SceneDraw( ) GuiDraw( ) EndScene( ) If $n = 0 Then ExitLoop Next EndIf Case $larrownode setscale($larrownode,130,130,130) If _IsPressed( $Key ) Then setposition($productnode[$num],0,0,0) setrotation($productnode[$num],0,0,0) $up = 55 $down = 0 $left = 0 $right = 0 ;~ MsgBox(0,"","Is it getting this message?") $move = 1 $num += 1 $prenode = $node If $num = 0 Then $node = $productnode[$i - 1] $num = $i - 1 $cursornum = 1 setposition($cursornode[2],-5.8,3.5,-10) setposition($cursornode[3],-4,1,-10) ;~ MsgBox(0,$i,"should be here") ElseIf $num = $i Then $node = $productnode[1] $cursornum = 1 $num = 1 setposition($cursornode[2],-5.8,3.5,-10) setposition($cursornode[3],-4,1,-10) ;~ MsgBox(0,"","should not be here") Else $node = $productnode[$num] ;~ MsgBox(0,$i & $num,"should never be here") EndIf For $n = 0 to @DesktopWidth Step $move If $n > 30 Then ExitLoop setposition($prenode,$n,0,0) BeginScene( true, true, 0, $r, $g, $b) SceneDraw( ) GuiDraw( ) EndScene( ) Next setvisible($prenode,0) setrotation($productnode[$num],0,0,0) If $prenode = $productnode[1] Then $move = 4 setrotation($node,0,0,0) ElseIf $node = $productnode[1] Then $move = 1 setrotation($node,0,0,0) Else setrotation($node,0,0,0) EndIf setvisible($node,1) For $n = -30 To 0 Step $move If $n = 0 Then ExitLoop setposition($node,$n,0,0) BeginScene( true, true, 0, $r, $g, $b) SceneDraw( ) GuiDraw( ) EndScene( ) Next EndIf EndSwitch If $num = 1 and $cursornum <> 1 Then $cursornum = 1 EndIf If _IsPressed($key) Then setvisible($cursornode[$cursornum],0) ;~ Sleep(60) $CurrNode = GetSceneNodeFromScreenCoordinatesBB( $m[0], $m[1] ) If $currnode = $cursornode[2] Then $zoomcontrol = 0 If $cursornum = 1 Then setposition($cursornode[1],-7.5,6,-10) ElseIf $cursornum = 2 Then setposition($cursornode[2],-5.8,3.5,-10) ElseIf $cursornum = 3 Then setposition($cursornode[3],-4,1,-10) EndIf $cursornum = 2 $speed = 58 ElseIf $currnode = $cursornode[1] Then $zoomcontrol = 0 If $cursornum = 1 Then setposition($cursornode[1],-7.5,6,-10) ElseIf $cursornum = 2 Then setposition($cursornode[2],-5.8,3.5,-10) ElseIf $cursornum = 3 Then setposition($cursornode[3],-4,1,-10) EndIf $cursornum = 1 $speed = 53 ElseIf $currnode = $cursornode[3] Then $zoomcontrol = 0 If $cursornum = 1 Then setposition($cursornode[1],-7.5,6,-10) ElseIf $cursornum = 2 Then setposition($cursornode[2],-5.8,3.5,-10) ElseIf $cursornum = 3 Then setposition($cursornode[3],-4,1,-10) EndIf $cursornum = 3 $speed = 65 EndIf If $node <> $productnode[1] and $cursornum = 2 Then $modely = -$m[0] - $my $modelx = $m[1] - $mx setrotation($node, $modelx,$modely,0) BeginScene( true, true, 0, $r, $g, $b) SceneDraw( ) GuiDraw( ) EndScene( ) EndIf If $m[0] > @DesktopWidth/2 + 160 Then MouseMove(@DesktopWidth/2 + 160,$m[1]) ElseIf $m[1] > @DesktopHeight/2 + 160 Then MouseMove($m[0],@DesktopHeight/2 + 160) ElseIf $m[0] < @DesktopWidth/2 - 160 Then MouseMove(@DesktopWidth/2-160,$m[1]) ElseIf $m[1] < @DesktopHeight/2 - 160 Then MouseMove($m[0],@DesktopHeight/2-160) EndIf If $node <> $productnode[1] and $cursornum = 3 Then If $zoomcontrol = 0 Then $zoomcontrol = 1 setvisible($cursornode[1],1) setvisible($cursornode[2],1) setvisible($cursornode[3],1) ElseIf $zoomcontrol = 1 Then $cameraz += $out If $cameraz > 0 Then $cameraz = 0 If $cameraz < -10 Then $cameraz = -10 setposition($productnode[$num],0,0,$cameraz) Sleep(60) EndIf EndIf Else setscale($rarrownode,150,150,150) setscale($larrownode,150,150,150) setvisible($cursornode[1],1) setvisible($cursornode[2],1) setvisible($cursornode[3],1) EndIf ;~ Sleep( 50 ) ;~ BeginScene( true, true, 0, $r, $g, $b) ;~ SceneDraw( ) ;~ GuiDraw( ) ;~ EndScene( ) If _IsPressed("4f") Then setposition($productnode[$num],0,0,0) $cameraz = 0 EndIf If _IsPressed("5a") Then If $out = .25 Then $out = -.25 Else $out = .25 EndIf EndIf If $cursornum = 1 Then ToolTip("Pointer Tool" & @LF & "Used to select tools or rotate between models") ElseIf $cursornum = 2 Then ToolTip("Rotate Tool" & @lf & "Click and drag to rotate") ElseIf $cursornum = 3 Then ToolTip("Zoom Tool" & @lf & "Press Z to switch between zoom in and out" & @lf & "Press O to zoom completely out") EndIf If $num = 1 Then setvisible($cursornode[2],0) setvisible($cursornode[3],0) Else setvisible($cursornode[1],1) setvisible($cursornode[2],1) setvisible($cursornode[3],1) EndIf WEnd Func terminate() Exit EndFunc Edited December 17, 2008 by youknowwho4eva Giggity
youknowwho4eva Posted December 17, 2008 Author Posted December 17, 2008 (edited) Click in the beginning go down to the bottom hold shift and click again. Taa daa But yea I guess I can do that. Edit:... Where did his post go? Edited December 17, 2008 by youknowwho4eva Giggity
FireFox Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 @youknowwho4eva Very hard work on this, good job ! Looks nice,continue in this way !
TehWhale Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 Click in the beginning go down to the bottom hold shift and click again. Taa daa But yea I guess I can do that.Edit:... Where did his post go?Don't mind me... I just saw your link to the .zip.
FireFox Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 @TehWhale yep because he have edited his post
youknowwho4eva Posted December 17, 2008 Author Posted December 17, 2008 (edited) Yea, well the links been there, I just added the source download at the bottom Edit: Oh yea thank you FireFox, I tried to make it as complete as possible with the functions it currently has. Any thoughts on the 3D slide show program? Another Edit: Wow I just noticed, you don't even get to see half the coolness. I forgot to add my arrow models. Have to do that tomorrow when I get to work. Edited December 17, 2008 by youknowwho4eva Giggity
youknowwho4eva Posted December 18, 2008 Author Posted December 18, 2008 Alright, the zip in the link is fixed. Now it should be 100% complete. Giggity
corgano Posted December 18, 2008 Posted December 18, 2008 how did you make the 3d modles? i couldnt find a program that would do that other than blender and blender has a really bad gui 0x616e2069646561206973206c696b652061206d616e20776974686f7574206120626f64792c20746f206669676874206f6e6520697320746f206e657665722077696e2e2e2e2e
youknowwho4eva Posted December 18, 2008 Author Posted December 18, 2008 Well I use KeyCreator. Pricey stuff. Try out truespace. I haven't had enough experience in it yet, but it looks simpler then blender. Even simpler is the free version of sketchup. I acquired the full version and it's really simple, but I don't think you'd be able to create very complex models with it. If you want accuracy "acquire" yourself KeyCreator, AutoCAD, SolidWorks. Rhinoceros has a free trial, I believe you can save 5 models. AutoDesk (owners of AutoCAD, MIA, and a few others I cant think of) offer free trial versions. But the models can't be for commercial purposes and all that blahdy blah. I grew up with AutoCAD, and have fideled with MIA but KC is a good bit simpler. Stability is it's only real issue. If you get KC 8 it can export to obj and au3irrlicht supports obj files. I have to export to STL then to .3DS from Truespace. If you don't know CAD it's all about as hard as picking up scripting. I've been doing it for 9 years now. So the modeling was the easy part. I've only been coding for less then 6 months . Giggity
oMBRa Posted December 18, 2008 Posted December 18, 2008 it's extremely slow for me, is it normal? I have Windows XP SP2, Athlon 3000+, 1.25 GB of RAM
youknowwho4eva Posted December 18, 2008 Author Posted December 18, 2008 For me the plate is the only slow part. I'm sure it is a memory hog. But I have duel duo's with 4 gigs ram. I'm sure a sleep in my while loop wouldn't hurt, but it would throw off the mp swivel. Giggity
A. Percy Posted December 18, 2008 Posted December 18, 2008 Forgive my late, finaly I got internet connection in my house The problem is this line, you don't need it: CreateLayeredDevice( "Trans", 0, 0, @DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight, 0, 255, 0, 1 ) Put this line instead: CreateDevice( $EDT_DIRECT3D8, @DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight, 32, 0, 0, 0 ) Só o que posso lhe dizer, bom é quando faz mal!My work:Au3Irrlicht - Irrlicht for AutoItMsAgentLib - An UDF for MSAgentAu3GlPlugin T2 - A 3D plugin for AutoIt...OpenGl Plugin - The old version of Au3GlPlugin.MAC Address Changer - Changes the MAC AddressItCopter - A dragonfly R/C helicopter simulator VW Bug user Pinheiral (Pinewood) city:
corgano Posted December 19, 2008 Posted December 19, 2008 It's complete until I find something else to add. I'm contemplating making a 3D presentation program much like powerpoint, but Idono maybe if you ask nicely .excuse me my good sir,this is me asking you nicely,could you please make a 3D presentation program much like powerpoint? i am sure that many poeple would be made happy with its compleation 0x616e2069646561206973206c696b652061206d616e20776974686f7574206120626f64792c20746f206669676874206f6e6520697320746f206e657665722077696e2e2e2e2e
TehWhale Posted December 19, 2008 Posted December 19, 2008 excuse me my good sir,this is me asking you nicely,could you please make a 3D presentation program much like powerpoint? i am sure that many poeple would be made happy with its compleationThats a little far fetched.
youknowwho4eva Posted December 19, 2008 Author Posted December 19, 2008 (edited) A 3D presentation program would only require some edits to this one to have a start. Then I'd just need to add a gui for model adding, and effect adding. Believe me TehWhale I put a lot of thought into it before asking if it's wanted. My goal would be for it to display how to use the au3irrlicht more completely. The only problem is with it is most of my scripting time is at work. So I would need to find some free time to work on it. @Percy, WOW why didn't you tell me that before . That is amazingly fast. Now I have to slow it down for my PC. Maybe I'll add a processor and memory check. Set some limits for how fast to move Edited December 19, 2008 by youknowwho4eva Giggity
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