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I know about that.

But there is still version compatible with Win9x systems.

I don't want you to make it Win9x compatible,

just mention in your first post: It doesn't work on Win9x

It's OK friend, thanks for feedback :o
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Im sure if you add checkbox in help window for run wintray on start-up, everyone would enjoy... :mellow:

Cheers, FireFox.

[autoit]#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=Hides windows to system tray





I have understood. Don't need to post whole my code. This option will be added in the new version. :)

Nice utility rasim. Just watch out for "feature creep" or you'll end up with cascading menus!! Small light and simple is great!! ( Just my $.02 .. I'm going to stay with 1.0 unless I find a bug ) :o

Posted (edited)


Im sure if you add checkbox in help window for run wintray on start-up, everyone would enjoy... :)

Cheers, FireFox.

That's a common option in task tray apps but if rasim wanted to keep the code minimal another way to skin the cat would be to make a minimal installer script with Inno Setup. It's trivial to make a checkbox for Start When Windows Starts in the installer. Granted you can't switch it on and off like an option built into the program but the advantage is the tray app stays small. Just a thought. It's up to rasim after all. :o

Edited by MilesAhead


Tray apps stay small because check is on help gui :)


It would be great that you add icon for restoreall and minimize all because without icon its not super when you have other windows with icons

Cheers, FireFox.

Posted (edited)


Tray apps stay small because check is on help gui :)


It would be great that you add icon for restoreall and minimize all because without icon its not super when you have other windows with icons

Cheers, FireFox.


You did a nice job on the flashing colors in your avatar, however, it becomes very annoying very quickly, please tone it down


Keep up the good work


Edited by Valuater




You did a nice job on the flashing colors in your avatar, however, it becomes very annoying very quickly, please tone it down


:D ... :o ... :)

Thanks, its not annoying for me but i will town it down as you like mate :D

Cheers, FireFox.



Tray apps stay small because check is on help gui :)

I guess that would make some kind of sense because when the user doesn't see it in the menu where expected then they'll probably click on Help. :D

Anyway I'm being facetious. I did see another minimizer freebie on one of the sites like SoftPedia or someplace and it had so many bells and whistles... feature creep. I like Tray because it does the job. I already have the Windows "Show Desktop" thingie so I don't really need another Minimize All command thing. A few tweaks aren't bad. Just have to watch out for the cascading menus though. :o

In any case rasim provides the source so we can all customize it for personal use.


Seriously, its excellent! :D

Should have thought of this myself :)

Ah well, probably wouldnt have worked as nice as yours :o

Never argue with an idiot, he will just bring you down to his own level and beat you with experience! :D


Very nice utility. Inspired I changed some of my programs to use a Task Tray Icon and never show a Taskbar Button. I just added a ShowHere command to the Tray Menu in case the window should somehow go off screen. Also doubled my Taskbar size so I could fit lots of Tray Icons!! It's very good with some XP themes that make the Taskbar smaller. This way you can still read the button text. :)

Posted (edited)

this does not work for me.

throws out missing constants, then taskbar is gone, then tray menu is gone and have to kill script from taskmanager.

what is wrong ?


just checked it again:



(it happens when selecting "hide all" from traymenu)

i use the source.zip. there is no icon for the script (only the default one) and no modern menu. i have the resources folder in scriptdir and everything is there where it should. the functions work. any idea ?

ahm, rasim:

i always recommend to write a script without includes. better to copy functions and constants manually. or use FreeStyle (my sig).

Edited by jennico

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Thank you for feedback :)


When a window opens and I am holding shift it is still minimized, that or an icon is created.

Please explain exactly.


this does not work for me.

A compiled script give same errors?


I tested last wintray with always shift down for all actions and I got no problems : XP SP3

Cheers, FireFox.

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