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Remotely creating Home drive

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Hi there,

I've been trying to create an script to remotely create an users home drive (taken from Active Directory)

Below is what i currently have, which does kinda do it in an roundabout way. But preferably im looking for something less script intensive that doesnt use Psexec to execute the command.

I'm hoping that someone may be able to help me recreate the script so that it uses WMI to create, share and set permissions on an server-side folder


Folder created = e:\users\username

Share = username

permissions would be RW

Note that below im using an mirror account to get the install location of where to create the folder on the server.

If its possible to change this so that i can use WMI to run cmd on the remote computer with an given string(e.g. net share ....., md, cacls)

Any help would be most appreciated as this is starting to give me an headache. :)


;Program to Create an home drive remotely via the command line using switches

;Ran Via: homedrivecreate.exe <username to create> <username Mirrored>

;Uses Pstools Psexec to run commands on home drive server


#Include <File.au3>

#include <Array.au3>

#Include <NetShare.au3>

;PsExec Install Commands

FileInstall("psexec.exe", @TempDir & "\psexec.exe",1)

RegWrite("HKCU\Software\Sysinternals\PsExec", "EulaAccepted", "REG_DWORD", "00000001")

$psexec = @TempDir & "\psexec.exe"

;Check to see if ran from command line and exit if not

If $CmdLine[0] = 0 Then

MsgBox(0, "Error", "Program can only be ran from command line. If running from command line, please ensure details are correct.")

;Delete psexec files and reg entries





;Static Assignments

$Username = $CmdLine[1] ;Username from command line

$Mirror = $CmdLine[2] ;Mirror account from command line

$WmicTempFile = @TempDir & "\wmic.txt"

;Ldap Query basics


Const $ADS_NAME_TYPE_NT4 = 3

Const $ADS_NAME_TYPE_1779 = 1


$strDNSDomain = $objRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")


$objTrans.Init($ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_GC, "" )

$objTrans.Set($ADS_NAME_TYPE_1779, $strDNSDomain)

$strNetBIOSDomain = $objTrans.Get($ADS_NAME_TYPE_NT4)

$strNetBIOSDomain =StringLeft($strNetBIOSDomain,StringLen($strNetBIOSDomain)-1)

$objTrans.Set($ADS_NAME_TYPE_NT4, $strNetBIOSDomain & "\" & $Username)

$strUserDN = $objTrans.Get($ADS_NAME_TYPE_1779)

$objUser = ObjGet("LDAP://" & $strUserDN)


$HomeDriveServer = GetHomeDriveServerName($objuser.Get("homeDirectory")) ;Uses Ldap query to get the servername to logon with

Func GetHomeDriveServerName($LHomeDrive) ;Gets the name of the server which the home drive resides on. Returns Server name

Dim $LHomeDriveArray

$LHomeDriveArray = StringSplit($LHomeDrive, "\")

MsgBox(0,"GetHomeDriveServerName", $LHomeDriveArray[3])

Return $LHomeDriveArray[3]


Func FindLocalHomeDrivePath() ;This Runs an Search on the selected Dc for the mirror accounts home folder and returns its location.

;RunWait("cmd.exe /c wmic /NODE:" & $HomeDriveServer & " /output:" & $WmicTempFile & " share get path", @SystemDir, @SW_HIDE)

Dim $ShareArray

$ShareArray = _Net_Share_ShareGetInfo($HomeDriveServer, $Mirror)

$strLen = StringLen($Mirror)

$LhomePath = StringTrimRight($ShareArray[6], $strLen)

$LhomePath = $LhomePath & $Username

MsgBox(0,"FindLocalHomeDrivePath", $LhomePath)

Return $LhomePath


Func CreateDrive() ;Creates the remote drive and set permissions

RunWait($psexec & " \\" & $HomeDriveServer & " " & @SystemDir & "cmd.exe /c" & " md " & FindLocalHomeDrivePath(), @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE) ;Create folder

;RunWait($psexec & " \\" & $HomeDriveServer & "NET SHARE " & $Username & "=" & FindLocalHomeDrivePath() & "/GRANT:Everyone,FULL", @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE) ;Share drive

;RunWait($psexec & " \\" & $HomeDriveServer & "CACLS " & FindLocalHomeDrivePath() & " /G " & $Username & ":C", @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE) ;Grant Folder permissions


Func CleanupFiles() ;Cleans up the files used in this program

;Delete psexec files and reg entries






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In an Active Directory environment it would be absurd to "push" a logon script using psexec, instead you use Group Policy.

i know, basically we have an 100+ server environment than spans over an uk wide Wan. Each individual server stores the users home folders for that location. what im making atm is an toolkit to make the lives on the service desk an bit easier by automating some tasks. e.g. creating an home drive and setting permissions for an new user in Edinburgh when the server we use to access the network is in london i.e. our current process:

1. logon to london jump off box,

2. get the home drive location from AD,

3. goto that locations Domain Controller via RDP

4. create Folder in its Users folder and share it

5. Set permissions

What im looking to do is make an script that gets the home directory from AD, creates the drive on the server and shares it, sets the permissions, All from passing it the username to create for and an mirror account.

Edited by lostangel556
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If anyones interested, i've figured out how to do it. ldap mixed in with wmi to share the drive

Func _CreateRemoteDrive($usr, $clone)

$HomeDriveServer = GetHomeDriveServerName(Ldap($clone, "homeDirectory")) ;Uses Ldap query to create drive on

$ShareArray = _Net_Share_ShareGetInfo($HomeDriveServer, $clone)

$DriveString = StringReplace($ShareArray[6], ":\", "$\")

$DriveString = StringReplace($DriveString, $clone, $usr)

$DriveString = "\\" & $HomeDriveServer & "\" & $DriveString

;Create Folder remotely

RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c md " & $DriveString, "", @SW_HIDE)

_CreateRemoteShare($usr, StringReplace($ShareArray[6], $clone, $usr), $HomeDriveServer)

;need to add part in here to set permissions (cacls remotely)


Func _CreateRemoteShare($ShareName, $ShareLoc, $Server)

Const $FILE_SHARE = 0


$strComputer = $Server

$objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

$objNewShare = $objWMIService.Get("Win32_Share")

$errReturn = $objNewShare.Create($ShareLoc, $ShareName, $FILE_SHARE, $MAXIMUM_CONNECTIONS, "")

Return $errReturn


Func GetHomeDriveServerName($LHomeDrive) ;Gets the name of the server which the home drive resides on. Returns Server name

Local $LHomeDriveArray

$LHomeDriveArray = StringSplit($LHomeDrive, "\")

Return $LHomeDriveArray[3]


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