zeroZshadow Posted February 11, 2005 Posted February 11, 2005 is there any way how i can check the lenght of a audio file?? i'made a media player, but i need the lenght of the file for my progress bar and the repead function. (i'll post the media player when you ask for it) *If u thought life couldn't get worse, u meet me *<guy> What would you give my little sister to unzip ?<friend> 10 bucks<guy> No, i mean like Winzip...
zeroZshadow Posted February 11, 2005 Author Posted February 11, 2005 expandcollapse popup#include <GuiConstants.au3> Opt("GUIoneventmode",1) Opt("OnExitFunc","_write") Global $songname[500] Global $song[500] Global $songGUI[500] Global $number ;If Not IsDeclared('WS_CLIPSIBLINGS') Then Global $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS = 0x04000000 GuiCreate("Media Player", 336, 168,(@DesktopWidth-336)/2, (@DesktopHeight-168)/2,-1,0x00000018) $Input = GuiCtrlCreateInput("Drag And Drop Media files here.", 120, 10, 210, 20) GUICtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_ACCEPTFILES) $Listname = GUICtrlCreateListView ( "Playlist|path",10,10,100,149) _Loadplay() $Slider = GuiCtrlCreateSlider(110, 130, 190, 40) $Buttonplay = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Play", 120, 30, 70, 30) $Buttonstop = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Stop", 120, 60, 30, 30) $Buttonadd = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Add", 150, 60, 30, 30) GUICtrlSetData($Slider,100) GUICtrlSetLimit ($Slider,100,0) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_Exit") GuiCtrlSetOnEvent($ButtonPlay, "_Play") GuiCtrlSetOnEvent($Buttonstop, "_Stop") GuiCtrlSetOnEvent($Buttonadd, "_Add") GuiSetState() While 1 SoundSetWaveVolume (GUICtrlRead($slider)) WEnd Func _Exit() Exit EndFunc Func _play() $song = StringSplit (GUICtrlRead($input), "|") if $song[0] = 1 Then SoundPlay($song[1]) Else SoundPlay($song[2]) EndIf EndFunc Func _Stop() SoundPlay ("") EndFunc Func _loadplay() $number = IniRead ( "playlist.ini", "NUMBER", "number", "0" ) If $number > 0 Then For $num=1 to $number $songname[$num] = IniRead ( "playlist.ini", "NAME", "name"&$num, "Not found" ) $song[$num] = IniRead ( "playlist.ini", "PATH", "path"&$num, "Not found" ) $songGUI[$num] = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem ($songname[$num]&"|"&$song[$num],$listname) Next EndIf EndFunc Func _Add() $adder = GUICtrlRead($input) $check = Stringsplit($adder,"|") If $check[0] = 1 Then $name = InputBox("Name","What is the songs name? (***.mp3/***.wma..)") $number=$number+1 GUICtrlCreateListViewItem ($name&"|"&$adder,$listname) IniWrite ( "playlist.ini", "NUMBER", "number",$number) IniWrite ( "playlist.ini", "NAME", "name"&$number,$name) IniWrite ( "playlist.ini", "PATH", "path"&$number,$adder) Else GUICtrlCreateListViewItem ($adder,$listname) EndIf EndFunc its nr. 3 of the pet program project *If u thought life couldn't get worse, u meet me *<guy> What would you give my little sister to unzip ?<friend> 10 bucks<guy> No, i mean like Winzip...
zeroZshadow Posted February 11, 2005 Author Posted February 11, 2005 van somebody pleas???? helpp me here. i hope there is a way to check howlong the music files are axample 4.67 min *If u thought life couldn't get worse, u meet me *<guy> What would you give my little sister to unzip ?<friend> 10 bucks<guy> No, i mean like Winzip...
ioliver Posted February 11, 2005 Posted February 11, 2005 Great job Shadow... I like it. Ian "Blessed be the name of the Lord" - Job 1:21Check out Search IMF
Lazycat Posted February 11, 2005 Posted February 11, 2005 You can have a look into my mp3 tag/info Koda homepage ([s]Outdated Koda homepage[/s]) (Bug Tracker)My Autoit script page ([s]Outdated mirror[/s])
zeroZshadow Posted February 11, 2005 Author Posted February 11, 2005 (edited) does that HAS to be a wav?? because here it doesn't work with wma. EDIT: @lazycat: i'm testing urs now Edited February 11, 2005 by zeroZshadow *If u thought life couldn't get worse, u meet me *<guy> What would you give my little sister to unzip ?<friend> 10 bucks<guy> No, i mean like Winzip...
Lazycat Posted February 11, 2005 Posted February 11, 2005 Doh... With DllCall many thing going way simpler... This was main problem with my script - taking length of VBR files... Koda homepage ([s]Outdated Koda homepage[/s]) (Bug Tracker)My Autoit script page ([s]Outdated mirror[/s])
zeroZshadow Posted February 11, 2005 Author Posted February 11, 2005 ALRIGHT!! works great!! only it gives no time when u use mp3's and lazycats mp3 tag and info reader olny work when the mp3's HAVE info or tag (mine don't) i added a repeat function now (wich i'm testing right now) and a progressbar. special thanks to larry!! p.s. i know my english is bad *If u thought life couldn't get worse, u meet me *<guy> What would you give my little sister to unzip ?<friend> 10 bucks<guy> No, i mean like Winzip...
zeroZshadow Posted February 11, 2005 Author Posted February 11, 2005 sure how can i send it?? *If u thought life couldn't get worse, u meet me *<guy> What would you give my little sister to unzip ?<friend> 10 bucks<guy> No, i mean like Winzip...
zeroZshadow Posted February 11, 2005 Author Posted February 11, 2005 (edited) mmm.. strange it works now, but the other song didn't?!?! This is the whole code now, but its still pretty buggy i think. Isn't there an timerstop function?? strange expandcollapse popup#include <GuiConstants.au3> Opt("GUIoneventmode",1) Opt("OnExitFunc","_write") Global $songname[500] Global $song[500] Global $songGUI[500] Global $number Global $timer Global $timestop Global $playing = 0 GuiCreate("Media Player", 336, 168,(@DesktopWidth-336)/2, (@DesktopHeight-168)/2,-1,0x00000010) $Input = GuiCtrlCreateInput("Drag And Drop Media files here.", 120, 10, 210, 20) GUICtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_ACCEPTFILES) $Listname = GUICtrlCreateListView ( "Playlist|path",10,10,100,149) _Loadplay() $Slider = GuiCtrlCreateSlider(110, 130, 190, 40) $Buttonplay = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Play", 120, 30, 70, 30) $Buttonstop = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Stop", 120, 60, 30, 30) $Buttonadd = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Add", 150, 60, 30, 30) GUICtrlSetData($Slider,100) GUICtrlSetLimit ($Slider,100,0) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_Exit") GuiCtrlSetOnEvent($ButtonPlay, "_Play") GuiCtrlSetOnEvent($Buttonstop, "_Stop") GuiCtrlSetOnEvent($Buttonadd, "_Add") $progbar = GUICtrlCreateProgress(120,90,200,20,$PBS_SMOOTH) GuiSetState() While 1 sleep(10) $diff = TimerDiff($timer) $progressset = ($diff/$timestop*100) if $playing = 1 Then If $progressset >= 100 Then _play() EndIf EndIf GuiCtrlsetdata($progbar,$progressset,0) SoundSetWaveVolume (GUICtrlRead($slider)) WEnd Func _Exit() Exit EndFunc Func _play() $song = StringSplit (GUICtrlRead($input), "|") if $song[0] = 1 Then $FileName = '"'&$song[1]&'"' mciSendString("Open " & $FileName & " alias MediaFile") mciSendString("Set MediaFile time format milliseconds") $answer = mciSendString("Status MediaFile length") mciSendString("Close MediaFile") $timestop = $answer;MsgBox(4096,"file length","length in milliseconds: " & $answer/1000) $timer = TimerInit() SoundPlay($song[1]) Else SoundPlay($song[2]) EndIf Global $playing = 1 EndFunc Func _Stop() Global $playing = 0 $diff = TimerDiff($timer) SoundPlay ("") EndFunc Func _loadplay() $number = IniRead ( "playlist.ini", "NUMBER", "number", "0" ) If $number > 0 Then For $num=1 to $number $songname[$num] = IniRead ( "playlist.ini", "NAME", "name"&$num, "Not found" ) $song[$num] = IniRead ( "playlist.ini", "PATH", "path"&$num, "Not found" ) $songGUI[$num] = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem ($songname[$num]&"|"&$song[$num],$listname) Next EndIf EndFunc Func _Add() $adder = GUICtrlRead($input) $check = Stringsplit($adder,"|") If $check[0] = 1 Then $name = InputBox("Name","What is the songs name? (***.mp3/***.wma..)") $number=$number+1 GUICtrlCreateListViewItem ($name&"|"&$adder,$listname) IniWrite ( "playlist.ini", "NUMBER", "number",$number) IniWrite ( "playlist.ini", "NAME", "name"&$number,$name) IniWrite ( "playlist.ini", "PATH", "path"&$number,$adder) Else GUICtrlCreateListViewItem ($adder,$listname) EndIf EndFunc Func mciSendString($string) Local $ret $ret = DllCall("winmm.dll","int","mciSendString","str",$string,"str","","int",65534,"hwnd",0) If Not @error Then Return $ret[2] EndFunc hope it helps ya btw i can't attach any mp3 here, because 1. its illegal (not that i care) 2. its to big Edited February 11, 2005 by zeroZshadow *If u thought life couldn't get worse, u meet me *<guy> What would you give my little sister to unzip ?<friend> 10 bucks<guy> No, i mean like Winzip...
Lazycat Posted February 11, 2005 Posted February 11, 2005 and lazycats mp3 tag and info reader olny work when the mp3's HAVE info or tag <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Mp3 can have or have not tag, but it always have info, so it should get it. But for VBR files it's seems impossible to get length without scanning whole file. In the autoit this task will take ages... Koda homepage ([s]Outdated Koda homepage[/s]) (Bug Tracker)My Autoit script page ([s]Outdated mirror[/s])
Lakes Posted March 14, 2006 Posted March 14, 2006 this works for me... $FileName = "c:\mediafile.wma" mciSendString("Open " & $FileName & " alias MediaFile") mciSendString("Set MediaFile time format milliseconds") $answer = mciSendString("Status MediaFile length") mciSendString("Close MediaFile") MsgBox(4096,"file length","length in milliseconds: " & $answer) Func mciSendString($string) Local $ret $ret = DllCall("winmm.dll","int","mciSendString","str",$string,"str","","int",65534,"hwnd",0) If Not @error Then Return $ret[2] EndFunc one thing to consider... if the file path has spaces, you need quotes... $FileName = '"c:\media file.wma"' Lar. Larry`s code with some basic math to convert Milliseconds to Mins & Seconds $FileName = '"F:\My Shared Folder\MP3\Favs\Meetcam\Bob Seger - Mainstreet.mp3"' mciSendString("Open " & $FileName & " alias MediaFile") mciSendString("Set MediaFile time format milliseconds") $answer = mciSendString("Status MediaFile length") mciSendString("Close MediaFile") $Mins = int($Answer/60000) $Seconds = int($Answer/1000) $Secs = int($Seconds-($Mins*60)) MsgBox(4096,"file length","length in seconds: " &$Mins &":" &$Secs) Func mciSendString($string) Local $ret $ret = DllCall("winmm.dll","int","mciSendString","str",$string,"str","","int",65534,"hwnd",0) If Not @error Then Return $ret[2] EndFunc Of course if its possible to change the format from MCIsendstring that would be better... Or just use seconds for a progress bar. How would you link the progress bar to the length of the song? I`m thinking something like set a timer that counts down the song length and read that into the progressbar? 2015 - Still no flying cars, instead blankets with sleeves.
Lakes Posted March 14, 2006 Posted March 14, 2006 Of course if its possible to change the format from MCIsendstring that would be better...Or just use seconds for a progress bar.How would you link the progress bar to the length of the song?I`m thinking something like set a timer that counts down the song length and read that into the progressbar?Doh!, sorry, I` did`nt read the main script before posting! Sorry! 2015 - Still no flying cars, instead blankets with sleeves.
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