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hi there, i would like to know how to run AU3 without installing Autoit software?

What do you mean?

Just compile your script to an EXE and you can run it anywhere..


im nost sure what are u asking but:

autoit3.exe "c:\path_to\au3_file\file.au3"

or just run autoit3.exe and select your au3 file

Is There A Life BEFORE Death?im stupidSaved warn logs: cheateraSmOke_N Note Added 17 January 2009 - 02:54 PM Added to warn level Posting a way to hack the registry and force sending someones desktop via TCP. Jos Note Added 25 November 2008 - 02:52 PM Added to warn level for being an impolite rookie.once a year i go bad ... what will happen in 2010??[u]Its GOOD to be BAD ... (Warlock's Succubus - World of Warcraft)[/u]


What do you mean?

Just compile your script to an EXE and you can run it anywhere..

i want to run au3 files using a compiled exe and don't want to install AutoIt software.

im nost sure what are u asking but:

autoit3.exe "c:\path_to\au3_file\file.au3"

or just run autoit3.exe and select your au3 file

He said without installing Autoit software. :mellow:

I think isn't possible.

Posted (edited)

i want to run au3 files using a compiled exe and don't want to install AutoIt software.

What you do with include files?

If the file isn't compiled you need to install AutoIt. :mellow:

Do not have anything to lose as you install, you'll be use it. :(

Edited by Andreik

I'm not sure what the use of this is? For you need to have autoit installed to be able to compile a script first...

are you thinking of running a script on someone's pc without them knowing?

[right]~What can I say, I'm a Simplistic person[/right]

Posted (edited)

I'm not sure what the use of this is? For you need to have autoit installed to be able to compile a script first...

are you thinking of running a script on someone's pc without them knowing?

bcoz, my script creates another script. but i don't know how can i run the newly created script if the user have no autoit installed. Edited by SinghIsKing

Use FileInstall() with Aut2exe then compile the script with it. run the compiled file :mellow: and voila.. there's a lot of topic on compiling with aut2exe from within a script.

[right]~What can I say, I'm a Simplistic person[/right]


It's called the search feature. People aren't going to write your project for you so you do need to do a bit of work on your own. All I've seen so far is you asking people to give you answers.


All compiled scripts works as the full intepreter, therefor this works regardless of compiled state:

Run('"'&@AutoItExe&'" /AutoIt3ExecuteScript "'&$PathToScript&'"')

Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!


All compiled scripts works as the full intepreter, therefor this works regardless of compiled state:

Run('"'&@AutoItExe&'" /AutoIt3ExecuteScript "'&$PathToScript&'"')
But if use include files that doesn't exists in compiled script will not work.

But if use include files that doesn't exists in compiled script will not work.

Yeah, but it's very easy to fix. Just replace all #include with the actual contents of the include. This is how AutoIt does it internally anyway.

Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!

Posted (edited)

what monoceres is trying to say is:

if $cmdline[0] <> 0 then
    #include "new.au3"

MsgBox(0, "", "blaaaa")

;some source
;  blaaa
;user makes this and that 
; and finaly it makes what u want to make to write it down to new.au3
fileWriteline("new.au3", "Run('explorer.exe')")
; after that, find self restarting script (sumwhere in forumz) with ANY parameter in the self restart
; so it will include new.au3 and run it

you MUST (!!!!!!!!!!!!) create the file u will make after so autoit include it (EDIT) so to compile it (/EDIT). make it new.au3 BLANK

if u cant understand this - find other way, im too lazy to explain

EDIT: ah and one more thing: DONT IN ANY-ABSOLUTLY-CASE-OF-EMERGENCY-OR-WHATEVER put includes in new.au3 ..... NEVER! :mellow: it will error-out, hang, blow your pc into pieces :(

edit2: so script_name.exe -> blaaa msg box

scriptname.exe var(or 4 or whatecer so auto it see's any parameter) -> runs explorer.exe and then blaaa msgbox

Edited by cheatera

Is There A Life BEFORE Death?im stupidSaved warn logs: cheateraSmOke_N Note Added 17 January 2009 - 02:54 PM Added to warn level Posting a way to hack the registry and force sending someones desktop via TCP. Jos Note Added 25 November 2008 - 02:52 PM Added to warn level for being an impolite rookie.once a year i go bad ... what will happen in 2010??[u]Its GOOD to be BAD ... (Warlock's Succubus - World of Warcraft)[/u]

Posted (edited)

Couldn't you just get the autoit3.exe file, the include files, and the au3 script, put them all into an exe using 7Zip SFX module, and have the config file for 7Zip run autoit3.exe /script.au3? I don't know if you use a "/" to say "run this script," or if it's a "-". Either way, it should be easy enough. And you also want to add a remove command at the end of the config file. You can find examples all over the place.

Edited by netmonk

Thanks to monoceres, Andriek and cheatera for the help.

anytime m8 ... if i know what u are asking for, why not to share it? :mellow:

Is There A Life BEFORE Death?im stupidSaved warn logs: cheateraSmOke_N Note Added 17 January 2009 - 02:54 PM Added to warn level Posting a way to hack the registry and force sending someones desktop via TCP. Jos Note Added 25 November 2008 - 02:52 PM Added to warn level for being an impolite rookie.once a year i go bad ... what will happen in 2010??[u]Its GOOD to be BAD ... (Warlock's Succubus - World of Warcraft)[/u]

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