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Posted (edited)

Is there a trick to getting the help file's last example for _WinHttpSimpleFormFill to work?  I get no result returned at all.  I'd like to use that command to fill and submit a form in an HTTPS environment (which happens to also be a redirect).

Edit: That's not entirely true.  I do get a result--_WinHttpSimpleFormFill returns an @error of 1, which means it can't find the form.  Does _WinhttpSimpleFormFill need to be modified to work with HTTPS?

Edited by GMK
Posted (edited)

Is there a trick to getting the help file's last example for _WinHttpSimpleFormFill to work?  I get no result returned at all.  I'd like to use that command to fill and submit a form in an HTTPS environment (which happens to also be a redirect).

Edit: That's not entirely true.  I do get a result--_WinHttpSimpleFormFill returns an @error of 1, which means it can't find the form.  Does _WinhttpSimpleFormFill need to be modified to work with HTTPS?

_WinHttpSimpleFormFill works just fine with HTTPS.

The problem on that page is invalid HTML. Yahoo lost it with one of the updates. This is validator output for the page. The error report line for the issue is (search for it on the linked page):

Error Line 1023, Column 11: end tag for "FORM" omitted, but its declaration does not permit this </fieldset>


•You forgot to close a tag, or
•you used something inside this tag that was not allowed, and the validator is complaining that the tag should be closed before such content can be allowed.

The next message, "start tag was here" points to the particular instance of the tag in question); the positional indicator points to where the validator expected you to close the tag. 

Info Line 954, Column 2: start tag was here     <form method="post" action="https://login.yahoo.com/config/login?" autocomplet…

So apparently I should add support for invalid HTML. It's not all that big deal and I will, but this really sucks. :D

Edited by trancexx





OK, I need some clarification.  What does the following mean from the help file (_WinHttpSimpleFormFill) and may I please have an example?

When $hInternet is form string, form's "action" must specify URL and $sActionPage parameter must be session handle.

^^ It means that form-fill function can accept strings with forms in it. Form is everyting that's inside <form></form>.
Some APIs don't have web pages available for the users with forms to fill because they aren't meant to be filled by (browser) users. Those APIs are meant to be filled programatically. API documentation specifies what is expected from the agent and agent must therefore follow the documentation.
_WinHttpSimpleFormFill offers easy way to create and send requests when that's the case to avoid tedious process of manually constructing requests. You see, everything on web is done through requests, one way or the other.

I have posted number of examples how to use this function to construct requests APIs expect. The latest posted example was >this.




  • 2 weeks later...

Just wondring why i can't use WinHTTP on my computer, I use Win8x64, when I run the code from help file, all i get is error, on any example, I use WinHTTP

#include "WinHttp.au3"

Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)

; Initialize
Global $hOpen = _WinHttpOpen()

If @error Then
    MsgBox(48, "Error", "Error initializing the usage of WinHTTP functions.")
    Exit 1

; Specify what to connect to
Global $hConnect = _WinHttpConnect($hOpen, "yahoo.com") ; <- yours here
If @error Then
    MsgBox(48, "Error", "Error specifying the initial target server of an HTTP request.")
    Exit 2

; Create request
Global $hRequest = _WinHttpOpenRequest($hConnect)
If @error Then
    MsgBox(48, "Error", "Error creating an HTTP request handle.")
    Exit 3

; Send it
If @error Then
    MsgBox(48, "Error", "Error sending specified request.")
    Exit 4

; Wait for the response
If @error Then
    MsgBox(48, "Error", "Error waiting for the response from the server.")
    Exit 5

; See if there is data to read
Global $sChunk, $sData
If _WinHttpQueryDataAvailable($hRequest) Then
    ; Read
    While 1
        $sChunk = _WinHttpReadData($hRequest)
        If @error Then ExitLoop
        $sData &= $sChunk
    ConsoleWrite($sData & @CRLF) ; print to console
    MsgBox(48, "Error", "Site is experiencing problems.")

; Close handles when they are not needed any more

I get error messagebox, Error sending specified request.


That's strange. Do you perhaps have some special firewall or something similar running?

Maybe it checks user agent string and allows only browsers communication on standard ports. Try changing user agent string.

Try example of _WinHttpSimpleRequest(), that one has non-default user agent string used.





trancexx, actually I'm not going to ask about this thread's subject, but what I'm trying to get some help about, is somehow related to WinHTTP functions (I guess)!

In my last application, I have created a Login system, which the user must have an account (Username + Password) to be able to enter the application.

I bought a host and a domain, I have created my databases, I have coded the server side script (in PHP), and everything is just ready.

When the end-user enter the Username and Password and push the Login button in the application, the Username and the MD5 hashed Password will be sent to the php script on the server with the POST method, ..., PHP script echos the proper value and the application do what it should do.

It's all OK, it's simple, it's somehow secure, and yes, it works!

I want the request be as small as possible, also the response. As I know each HTTP request or response have its own headers, and the header of course have their own size, I want to reduce the request and response size, so it will be faster and ...

I would be thankful if you let me have your advice, or any better idea.

I also read about sockets, both TCP and UDP, may I aks what's your suggestion?


That's strange. Do you perhaps have some special firewall or something similar running?

Maybe it checks user agent string and allows only browsers communication on standard ports. Try changing user agent string.

Try example of _WinHttpSimpleRequest(), that one has non-default user agent string used.


I try to run _WinHttpSimpleRequest() example, disable windows firewall (I only have this), my anti virus is windows defender so this has nothing to do with antivirus, but the script immediately return 0..., like not doing anything

#include "WinHttp.au3"

Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)

; Initialize and get session handle
Global $hOpen = _WinHttpOpen("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; ffco7) Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3")
; Get connection handle
Global $hConnect = _WinHttpConnect($hOpen, "autoit.de")

; Simple-request it...
MsgBox(64, "Returned (first 1400 characters)", StringLeft(_WinHttpSimpleRequest($hConnect), 1400) & "...")

; Close handles

trancexx, actually I'm not going to ask about this thread's subject, but what I'm trying to get some help about, is somehow related to WinHTTP functions (I guess)!

In my last application, I have created a Login system, which the user must have an account (Username + Password) to be able to enter the application.

I bought a host and a domain, I have created my databases, I have coded the server side script (in PHP), and everything is just ready.

When the end-user enter the Username and Password and push the Login button in the application, the Username and the MD5 hashed Password will be sent to the php script on the server with the POST method, ..., PHP script echos the proper value and the application do what it should do.

It's all OK, it's simple, it's somehow secure, and yes, it works!

I want the request be as small as possible, also the response. As I know each HTTP request or response have its own headers, and the header of course have their own size, I want to reduce the request and response size, so it will be faster and ...

I would be thankful if you let me have your advice, or any better idea.

I also read about sockets, both TCP and UDP, may I aks what's your suggestion?

If you have server that works with HTTP then WinHTTP (WinHttp) is the most logical choice.

Some things protocol requires such as correct headers, are unavoidable and you shouldn't be worrying about that. Normally this is only 10-20, maybe 30 bytes.

HTTP in WinHTTP is layer over TCP sockets.





I don't know then.

Maybe your machine is set to use proxy server. In that case you have to know which server exactly to be able to connect through. Maybe to try _WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser() function to see what you get.




Posted (edited)

OK, thank you.

Here is the AutoIt part of my code:

#include "WinHttp.au3"

Func SendRequest($sAction, $sUsername, $sPassword, $sMachineId)
    Local $hSession = _WinHttpOpen("AFK Manager")
    If (@error) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)

    Local $hConnect = _WinHttpConnect($hSession, "localhost")
    If (@error) Then
        Return SetError(2, 0, 0)

    Local $hRequest = _WinHttpOpenRequest($hConnect, "POST", "AFK Manager/Interface.php", Default, $sUsername)
    If (@error) Then
        Return SetError(3, 0, 0)

    Local $sData = "a=" & $sAction & "&p=" & $sPassword & "&m=" & $sMachineId
    _WinHttpSendRequest($hRequest, "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded", $sData)
    If (@error) Then
        Return SetError(6, 0, 0)

    If (@error) Then
        Return SetError(7, 0, 0)

    Local $sStatusCode = _WinHttpQueryHeaders($hRequest, $WINHTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE)
    If (@error Or Int($sStatusCode) <> $HTTP_STATUS_OK) Then
        Return SetError(8, 0, 0)

    If (@error) Then
        Return SetError(9, 0, 0)

    Local $sResponse = _WinHttpReadData($hRequest, Default, 23)


    Return $sResponse

As you can see, I'm using the UserAgent string. in the PHP part I will check this to make sure the request is coming from my application (And not a browser).

I'm sending the Username in the Referrer Header, it's somehow tricky and provides more security (I can make sure the request is not coming from a browser).

Rest of data will be sent via POST method.

Here is the PHP part of code:

require_once 'Server.php';


$userAgent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$username  = trim($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);

if ((strcmp($userAgent, 'AFK Manager') != 0)
    || (strlen($username) < 1)
    || (strlen($username) > 16)
) {

if (isset($_POST['a'], $_POST['p'], $_POST['m']) == FALSE) {

$action    = $_POST['a'];
$password  = trim($_POST['p']);
$machineId = trim($_POST['m']);

if ((is_numeric($action) == FALSE)
    || (strlen($action) != 1)
    || (strlen($password) != 32)
    || (strlen($machineId) != 32)
) {

if (!databaseConnect()) {


switch (intval($action)) {
    case 1:
        echo accountLogin($username, $password, $machineId);

    case 2:
        echo accountLogout($username, $password);


As you can see, I'm using the header_remove() function that will remove all unwanted header (Only required ones will remain).

Here is the whole story, I'm looking for suggestions and ideas for improvement.

Also, I'm returning the values via echo (Aka response body), any suggestion about a better way?

Thanks in advance.

Edited by D4RKON3

Hi trancexx,

I need you help here since I can't find any clue of this.

I think about a bug in winhttp on winxp, since it works with wininet.

The above code works well on my Windows 7 x64, but not on my Windows XP SP3.

I try to connect to an https internal server with default cert, and bypass certificate error.

The connection hang on winhttpreceiveresponse, then falls in timeout.

#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
;~ #include "WinHttp.au3"
#include <Array.au3>

;~ *Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)

; Current WinHTTP proxy configuration:
;Global $aProxy = _WinHttpGetDefaultProxyConfiguration()

$LocalIP = "myserverwithdefaultcertificate.com"
$hw_open = _WinHttpOpen()
ConsoleWrite(@ScriptLineNumber & @TAB & _WinAPI_GetLastError() & @crlf)

; Register Callback function
Global $hWINHTTP_STATUS_CALLBACK = DllCallbackRegister("__WINHTTP_STATUS_CALLBACK", "none", "handle;dword_ptr;dword;ptr;dword")
; Associate callback function with this handle
_WinHttpSetStatusCallback( $hw_open, $hWINHTTP_STATUS_CALLBACK)

$hw_connect = _WinHttpConnect($hw_open, $LocalIP,443)

ConsoleWrite(@ScriptLineNumber & @TAB & _WinAPI_GetLastError() & @crlf)
$h_openRequest = _WinHttpOpenRequest($hw_connect, "GET", "/client/clients.xml",Default,Default,"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml", _

; Add header fields to the request
;~ _WinHttpAddRequestHeaders($h_openRequest, "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5")
;~ _WinHttpAddRequestHeaders($h_openRequest, "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
;~ _WinHttpAddRequestHeaders($h_openRequest, "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7")
;~ _WinHttpAddRequestHeaders($h_openRequest, "Keep-Alive: 300")
;~ _WinHttpAddRequestHeaders($h_openRequest, "Connection: keep-alive")

_WinHttpSendRequest($h_openRequest) ; return 12175, so bypass cert error

$soResult = _WinHttpSetOption($h_openRequest, $WINHTTP_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS, $allow_unknownCA_wrongCN)
        If @error Or $soResult = 0 Then
            ConsoleWrite("Error: _WinHttpSetOption failed with code " & _WinAPI_GetLastError() & @crlf)
;~             Return 0

_WinHttpSendRequest($h_openRequest) ; send request

;~ ConsoleWrite("1")
; Hang here in windows XP
_WinHttpReceiveResponse($h_openRequest) ; wait for response

$sHeaders = _WinHttpQueryHeaders($h_openRequest)

$sData = ""
If _WinHTTPQueryDataAvailable($h_openRequest) Then
        $sData &= _WinHttpReadData($h_openRequest)
    Until @error<>0




MsgBox(0, 'Header', $sHeaders)
MsgBox(0, 'Data', $sData)

Version autoit : and beta

Last version of winhttp used,

Here is an extract of winhttptracelog. We can see timeout. No problem on Win7.

08:21:58.393 ::*Session* :: >>>> WinHttp Version 5.1 Build 5.1.2600 Nov 16 2011 17:40:13>>>>Process autoit3.exe [4556 (0x11cc)] started at 08:21:58.393 08/06/2013
08:21:58.393 ::*Session* :: WinHttpOpen("AutoIt/3.3 WinHTTP/5.1",  (1), "", "", 0x0)
08:21:58.393 ::*Session* :: WinHttpOpen() returning handle 0x19f6000
08:21:58.393 ::*Session* :: WinHttpSetStatusCallback(0x19f6000, 0x1b20000, 0xffffffff)
08:21:58.393 ::*Session* :: WinHttpSetStatusCallback() returning NULL
08:21:58.393 ::*Session* :: WinHttpConnect(0x19f6000, "vxvc3.cigma.fr", 443, 0x0)
08:21:58.393 ::*Session* :: WinHttpConnect() returning handle 0x19f6100
08:21:58.393 ::*Session* :: WinHttpOpenRequest(0x19f6100, "GET", "/client/clients.xml", "HTTP/1.1", "", 0xcf3710, 0x00800100)
08:21:58.393 ::*Session* :: WinHttpCreateUrlA(0x8eed60, 0x0, 0x1c70000, 0x8eed9c)
08:21:58.393 ::*Session* :: WinHttpCreateUrlA() returning TRUE
08:21:58.393 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpOpenRequest() returning handle 0x1a00000
08:21:58.393 ::*Session* :: WinHttpAddRequestHeaders(0x1a00000, "User-Agent:VMware VI Client/4.0.0", -1, 0x10000000)
08:21:58.393 ::*Session* :: WinHttpAddRequestHeaders() returning TRUE
08:21:58.393 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpSendRequest(0x1a00000, "", 0, 0x0, 0, 0, 0)
08:21:58.409 ::*0000001* :: "vxvc3.cigma.fr" resolved
08:21:58.409 ::*0000001* :: Winsock/RPC/SSL/Transport error: 0x90312 [SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED]
08:21:58.409 ::*0000001* :: sending data:
08:21:58.409 ::*0000001* :: 77 (0x4d) bytes
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90000  16 03 01 00 48 01 00 00-44 03 01 52 00 96 06 95   ....H...D..R....
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90010  a5 63 4d 96 c7 83 62 fd-00 66 48 33 d2 78 6b 96   .cM...b..fH3.xk.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90020  a4 f9 41 21 eb ef 02 63-34 6a 35 00 00 16 00 04   ..A!...c4j5.....
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90030  00 05 00 0a 00 09 00 64-00 62 00 03 00 06 00 13   .......d.b......
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90040  00 12 00 63 01 00 00 05-ff 01 00 01 00            ...c.........
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: received data:
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 949 (0x3b5) bytes
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00400  16 03 01 00 31 02 00 00-2d 03 01 52 00 96 0b af   ....1...-..R....
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00410  d7 ce 49 f4 1a b9 29 0d-e2 b4 0a 20 34 55 0b a3   ..I...).... 4U..
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00420  00 ca b2 45 a3 5a 61 8a-62 6e 0d 00 00 0a 00 00   ...E.Za.bn......
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00430  05 ff 01 00 01 00 16 03-01 03 71 0b 00 03 6d 00   ..........q...m.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00440  03 6a 00 03 67 30 82 03-63 30 82 02 4b a0 03 02   .j..g0..c0..K...
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00450  01 02 02 04 0a c6 99 1f-30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86   ........0...*.H.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00460  f7 0d 01 01 05 05 00 30-1b 31 19 30 17 06 03 55   .......0.1.0...U
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00470  04 0a 13 10 56 4d 77 61-72 65 20 49 6e 73 74 61   ....VMware Insta
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00480  6c 6c 65 72 30 1e 17 0d-31 32 30 33 31 37 32 30   ller0...12031720
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00490  32 35 34 30 5a 17 0d 32-32 30 33 31 35 32 30 32   2540Z..220315202
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a004a0  35 34 30 5a 30 76 31 15-30 13 06 03 55 04 0a 13   540Z0v1.0...U...
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a004b0  0c 56 4d 77 61 72 65 2c-20 49 6e 63 2e 31 15 30   .VMware, Inc.1.0
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a004c0  13 06 03 55 04 0b 13 0c-56 4d 77 61 72 65 2c 20   ...U....VMware, 
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a004d0  49 6e 63 2e 31 23 30 21-06 03 55 04 03 13 1a 56   Inc.1#0!..U....V
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a004e0  4d 77 61 72 65 20 64 65-66 61 75 6c 74 20 63 65   Mware default ce
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a004f0  72 74 69 66 69 63 61 74-65 31 21 30 1f 06 09 2a   rtificate1!0...*
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00500  86 48 86 f7 0d 01 09 01-16 12 73 75 70 70 6f 72   .H........suppor
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00510  74 40 76 6d 77 61 72 65-2e 63 6f 6d 30 82 01 22   t@vmware.com0.."
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00520  30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86-f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03   0...*.H.........
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00530  82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a-02 82 01 01 00 c4 c3 52   ....0..........R
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00540  89 7d 79 94 9e 80 5d 19-1e 22 5d 15 fa 04 ab 92   .}y...].."].....
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00550  dc 5d f4 a3 d2 88 c6 c1-ef 4e dc 7b 9e ba 40 bb   .].......N.{..@.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00560  ac 38 74 1a 66 74 1e 82-cd 1c 97 e0 b6 d1 38 74   .8t.ft........8t
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00570  ee f6 c3 3a a0 4a 13 6e-34 8d ee 86 f0 9d 70 d1   ...:.J.n4.....p.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00580  e4 1f e0 ae 1f 06 0e 2e-9b 04 cf 34 5b 2f 38 6d   ...........4[/8m
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00590  12 16 28 33 04 26 ea 02-26 16 e0 0c d9 a0 83 57   ..(3.&..&......W
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a005a0  35 48 75 21 19 1f a8 fd-30 37 f0 ae 10 34 15 d4   5Hu!....07...4..
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a005b0  11 96 7e 62 da c2 f1 ca-51 9a 64 ba d5 65 c2 4d   ..~b....Q.d..e.M
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08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00600  a6 e4 a8 9b eb 3e 5f 08-46 b8 c6 4e da 9b 38 d6   .....>_.F..N..8.
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08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00620  d3 fd 2c d8 0b 9f 4a 4d-a2 7d 2e 31 5d 30 49 2e   ..,...JM.}.1]0I.
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08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00640  00 01 a3 54 30 52 30 09-06 03 55 1d 13 04 02 30   ...T0R0...U....0
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00650  00 30 0b 06 03 55 1d 0f-04 04 03 02 04 b0 30 1d   .0...U........0.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00660  06 03 55 1d 25 04 16 30-14 06 08 2b 06 01 05 05   ..U.%..0...+....
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00670  07 03 01 06 08 2b 06 01-05 05 07 03 02 30 19 06   .....+.......0..
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00680  03 55 1d 11 04 12 30 10-82 0e 56 58 56 43 33 2e   .U....0...VXVC3.
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08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a006a0  f7 0d 01 01 05 05 00 03-82 01 01 00 40 91 90 18   ............@...
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a006b0  6a c8 b9 9a e5 8c 13 24-ea 39 ab 49 87 56 1f 10   j......$.9.I.V..
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a006c0  41 48 89 f5 45 68 44 b9-3c e1 ac 15 4f 32 d0 eb   AH..EhD.<...O2..
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a006d0  d9 84 34 2a a2 49 63 6c-73 58 87 31 91 a9 69 05   ..4*.IclsX.1..i.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a006e0  b6 41 bf 32 42 b6 a8 b7-aa 68 fd 2d bd b2 be 9e   .A.2B....h.-....
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a006f0  5d 1c 42 c0 53 38 72 9e-5d 06 fd 85 87 58 fb 61   ].B.S8r.]....X.a
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00700  a0 dd 86 94 2a 2f 95 52-10 a7 99 f4 9f 9c e6 38   ....*/.R.......8
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00710  2c 7d de 0c c2 ab 4e f0-e0 97 73 29 40 35 44 e1   ,}....N...s)@5D.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00720  94 a6 9e 85 90 72 40 47-e5 92 e0 f8 f5 bb 72 5a   .....r@G......rZ
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00730  75 67 94 01 a9 c8 92 85-4c 51 4b 5f 87 43 3f 60   ug......LQK_.C?`
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00740  ce 63 ad e5 af 2c cd 85-2c cf 65 34 27 36 0d 97   .c...,..,.e4'6..
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00750  dc 90 04 bb 48 3e 4b 25-60 5a 6f 31 2a 34 02 74   ....H>K%`Zo1*4.t
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00760  99 d2 3b f8 5b 2e e9 4c-2f f4 56 63 1e cd ef 21   ..;.[..L/.Vc...!
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00770  03 85 1f 3f e8 19 24 3c-98 c7 eb 5a 46 4c bd c8   ...?..$<...ZFL..
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00780  8a ec ad 93 fc c4 ff 44-b6 b7 53 13 c5 f2 81 e5   .......D..S.....
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00790  d2 68 63 ee c4 42 69 75-28 ef a3 ff d9 8b e5 9a   .hc..Biu(.......
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a007a0  4b 3f d8 95 e1 42 e6 95-44 68 e6 82 16 03 01 00   K?...B..Dh......
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a007b0  04 0e 00 00 00                                    .....
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: sending data:
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 318 (0x13e) bytes
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90000  16 03 01 01 06 10 00 01-02 01 00 4c e1 4d e0 43   ...........L.M.C
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90010  ca ba c7 ef 38 d7 55 c7-86 96 69 48 c3 7a 48 17   ....8.U...iH.zH.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90020  cd 54 a1 8c 4b 2d 53 87-82 75 12 2e 56 2c 67 8f   .T..K-S..u..V,g.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90030  c8 ea c0 80 c3 3b 3f 92-25 00 05 df 0b c6 65 d8   .....;?.%.....e.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90040  58 c1 3b d5 ae 4c c2 d1-a3 13 f5 a1 a6 a1 b2 49   X.;..L.........I
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90050  97 4b 56 52 c2 61 39 22-53 ee 3f 91 07 af b2 f7   .KVR.a9"S.?.....
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90060  bf f1 b2 b8 0b 88 f2 68-87 6a 9e cd 98 2a cd 50   .......h.j...*.P
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90070  14 13 74 75 92 3c 51 65-b5 01 bb a8 c9 13 5d 15   ..tu.<Qe......].
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90080  35 05 ed 1a e2 ab d4 50-11 d1 f5 d5 66 6d 29 86   5......P....fm).
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90090  74 23 b8 af 0a 97 fc 50-74 bf e8 67 8e 49 ed 40   t#.....Pt..g.I.@
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c900a0  42 1b cc 75 61 7b 47 73-c6 a8 71 dc 39 0e b0 b6   B..ua{Gs..q.9...
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c900b0  5f 76 59 d0 7c 05 3a 4f-e0 d7 d6 07 0d ee 9d fc   _vY.|.:O........
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c900c0  ce df fe fa 32 25 e1 08-e3 3d 7d 34 51 dd 72 c1   ....2%...=}4Q.r.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c900d0  0f d6 57 e7 df 24 3f bb-48 83 30 1b cb 60 15 17   ..W..$?.H.0..`..
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c900e0  dc d4 f2 b9 8e 3c 8b 66-cb 5f 99 a9 73 a7 87 0b   .....<.f._..s...
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c900f0  22 10 78 b3 dc fa 62 ec-ed c5 49 cd b3 a2 d4 c3   ".x...b...I.....
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90100  85 9f d3 ae 6e c8 1a e9-4c 68 69 14 03 01 00 01   ....n...Lhi.....
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90110  01 16 03 01 00 28 87 8c-dd cc b6 a2 6a f5 fe 35   .....(......j..5
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90120  8d 4a 0c 6e 67 64 3b 29-f7 3c 28 3e b0 27 29 0e   .J.ngd;).<(>.').
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90130  f9 39 e6 9a 65 bc 60 a1-38 65 b3 96 ae 95         .9..e.`.8e....
08:21:58.440 ::*0000001* :: received data:
08:21:58.440 ::*0000001* :: 51 (0x33) bytes
08:21:58.440 ::*0000001* :: 01a00400  14 03 01 00 01 01 16 03-01 00 28 85 39 5c 49 11   ..........(.9\I.
08:21:58.440 ::*0000001* :: 01a00410  70 4b 77 8a 50 59 66 8f-1e c9 b7 89 74 39 21 09   pKw.PYf.....t9!.
08:21:58.440 ::*0000001* :: 01a00420  0c b5 9e d9 6c f6 ed 20-8c fd 40 24 4c ea 63 ba   ....l.. ..@$L.c.
08:21:58.440 ::*0000001* :: 01a00430  d9 6f f9                                          .o.
08:21:58.565 ::*0000001* :: Winsock/RPC/SSL/Transport error: 0x800b0109 [?]
08:21:58.565 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpSendRequest: error 12175 [ERROR_WINHTTP_SECURE_FAILURE]
08:21:58.565 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpSendRequest() returning FALSE
08:21:58.565 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpSetOption(0x1a00000,  (31), 0x8ef1f0 [0x3300], 4)
08:21:58.565 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpSetOption() returning TRUE
08:21:58.565 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpSendRequest(0x1a00000, "", 0, 0x0, 0, 0, 0)
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: Winsock/RPC/SSL/Transport error: 0x90312 [SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED]
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: sending data:
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 77 (0x4d) bytes
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0000  16 03 01 00 48 01 00 00-44 03 01 52 00 96 06 2a   ....H...D..R...*
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0010  f3 cb a7 64 b7 54 4a ca-a2 90 df 78 1c 98 6f 01   ...d.TJ....x..o.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0020  9f 8f 59 a1 3d 6c e1 17-93 9e f7 00 00 16 00 04   ..Y.=l..........
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0030  00 05 00 0a 00 09 00 64-00 62 00 03 00 06 00 13   .......d.b......
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0040  00 12 00 63 01 00 00 05-ff 01 00 01 00            ...c.........
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: received data:
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 949 (0x3b5) bytes
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00400  16 03 01 00 31 02 00 00-2d 03 01 52 00 96 0b f6   ....1...-..R....
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00410  a4 98 9f 15 67 1c 54 b1-7b 4d 96 f4 2b 60 2c ae   ....g.T.{M..+`,.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00420  eb 86 65 d3 e8 d3 5b fe-23 d4 77 00 00 0a 00 00   ..e...[.#.w.....
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00430  05 ff 01 00 01 00 16 03-01 03 71 0b 00 03 6d 00   ..........q...m.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00440  03 6a 00 03 67 30 82 03-63 30 82 02 4b a0 03 02   .j..g0..c0..K...
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00450  01 02 02 04 0a c6 99 1f-30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86   ........0...*.H.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00460  f7 0d 01 01 05 05 00 30-1b 31 19 30 17 06 03 55   .......0.1.0...U
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00470  04 0a 13 10 56 4d 77 61-72 65 20 49 6e 73 74 61   ....VMware Insta
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00480  6c 6c 65 72 30 1e 17 0d-31 32 30 33 31 37 32 30   ller0...12031720
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00490  32 35 34 30 5a 17 0d 32-32 30 33 31 35 32 30 32   2540Z..220315202
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a004a0  35 34 30 5a 30 76 31 15-30 13 06 03 55 04 0a 13   540Z0v1.0...U...
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a004b0  0c 56 4d 77 61 72 65 2c-20 49 6e 63 2e 31 15 30   .VMware, Inc.1.0
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a004c0  13 06 03 55 04 0b 13 0c-56 4d 77 61 72 65 2c 20   ...U....VMware, 
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a004d0  49 6e 63 2e 31 23 30 21-06 03 55 04 03 13 1a 56   Inc.1#0!..U....V
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a004e0  4d 77 61 72 65 20 64 65-66 61 75 6c 74 20 63 65   Mware default ce
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a004f0  72 74 69 66 69 63 61 74-65 31 21 30 1f 06 09 2a   rtificate1!0...*
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00500  86 48 86 f7 0d 01 09 01-16 12 73 75 70 70 6f 72   .H........suppor
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00510  74 40 76 6d 77 61 72 65-2e 63 6f 6d 30 82 01 22   t@vmware.com0.."
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00520  30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86-f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03   0...*.H.........
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00530  82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a-02 82 01 01 00 c4 c3 52   ....0..........R
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00540  89 7d 79 94 9e 80 5d 19-1e 22 5d 15 fa 04 ab 92   .}y...].."].....
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00550  dc 5d f4 a3 d2 88 c6 c1-ef 4e dc 7b 9e ba 40 bb   .].......N.{..@.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00560  ac 38 74 1a 66 74 1e 82-cd 1c 97 e0 b6 d1 38 74   .8t.ft........8t
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00570  ee f6 c3 3a a0 4a 13 6e-34 8d ee 86 f0 9d 70 d1   ...:.J.n4.....p.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00580  e4 1f e0 ae 1f 06 0e 2e-9b 04 cf 34 5b 2f 38 6d   ...........4[/8m
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00590  12 16 28 33 04 26 ea 02-26 16 e0 0c d9 a0 83 57   ..(3.&..&......W
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a005a0  35 48 75 21 19 1f a8 fd-30 37 f0 ae 10 34 15 d4   5Hu!....07...4..
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a005b0  11 96 7e 62 da c2 f1 ca-51 9a 64 ba d5 65 c2 4d   ..~b....Q.d..e.M
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a005c0  b4 72 46 3f e0 67 f9 02-aa e6 3a 3a 6c ed f1 e1   .rF?.g....::l...
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a005d0  46 3e aa c6 48 d3 3d 7d-0b 07 78 4b 66 15 21 bc   F>..H.=}..xKf.!.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a005e0  e5 75 5b 64 63 79 56 3e-65 33 ef da d7 21 e7 eb   .u[dcyV>e3...!..
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a005f0  3e 4a d6 05 23 79 af b1-13 60 cb 5e 15 e7 19 50   >J..#y...`.^...P
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00600  a6 e4 a8 9b eb 3e 5f 08-46 b8 c6 4e da 9b 38 d6   .....>_.F..N..8.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00610  0a d7 5e 2b ed 90 f6 f5-7a 55 87 89 c1 32 ec 24   ..^+....zU...2.$
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00620  d3 fd 2c d8 0b 9f 4a 4d-a2 7d 2e 31 5d 30 49 2e   ..,...JM.}.1]0I.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00630  fb ed 78 53 52 c0 a8 95-f1 2c 5d 87 89 02 03 01   ..xSR....,].....
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00640  00 01 a3 54 30 52 30 09-06 03 55 1d 13 04 02 30   ...T0R0...U....0
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00650  00 30 0b 06 03 55 1d 0f-04 04 03 02 04 b0 30 1d   .0...U........0.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00660  06 03 55 1d 25 04 16 30-14 06 08 2b 06 01 05 05   ..U.%..0...+....
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00670  07 03 01 06 08 2b 06 01-05 05 07 03 02 30 19 06   .....+.......0..
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00680  03 55 1d 11 04 12 30 10-82 0e 56 58 56 43 33 2e   .U....0...VXVC3.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00690  63 69 67 6d 61 2e 66 72-30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86   cigma.fr0...*.H.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a006a0  f7 0d 01 01 05 05 00 03-82 01 01 00 40 91 90 18   ............@...
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a006b0  6a c8 b9 9a e5 8c 13 24-ea 39 ab 49 87 56 1f 10   j......$.9.I.V..
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a006c0  41 48 89 f5 45 68 44 b9-3c e1 ac 15 4f 32 d0 eb   AH..EhD.<...O2..
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a006d0  d9 84 34 2a a2 49 63 6c-73 58 87 31 91 a9 69 05   ..4*.IclsX.1..i.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a006e0  b6 41 bf 32 42 b6 a8 b7-aa 68 fd 2d bd b2 be 9e   .A.2B....h.-....
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a006f0  5d 1c 42 c0 53 38 72 9e-5d 06 fd 85 87 58 fb 61   ].B.S8r.]....X.a
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00700  a0 dd 86 94 2a 2f 95 52-10 a7 99 f4 9f 9c e6 38   ....*/.R.......8
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00710  2c 7d de 0c c2 ab 4e f0-e0 97 73 29 40 35 44 e1   ,}....N...s)@5D.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00720  94 a6 9e 85 90 72 40 47-e5 92 e0 f8 f5 bb 72 5a   .....r@G......rZ
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00730  75 67 94 01 a9 c8 92 85-4c 51 4b 5f 87 43 3f 60   ug......LQK_.C?`
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00740  ce 63 ad e5 af 2c cd 85-2c cf 65 34 27 36 0d 97   .c...,..,.e4'6..
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00750  dc 90 04 bb 48 3e 4b 25-60 5a 6f 31 2a 34 02 74   ....H>K%`Zo1*4.t
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00760  99 d2 3b f8 5b 2e e9 4c-2f f4 56 63 1e cd ef 21   ..;.[..L/.Vc...!
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00770  03 85 1f 3f e8 19 24 3c-98 c7 eb 5a 46 4c bd c8   ...?..$<...ZFL..
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00780  8a ec ad 93 fc c4 ff 44-b6 b7 53 13 c5 f2 81 e5   .......D..S.....
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00790  d2 68 63 ee c4 42 69 75-28 ef a3 ff d9 8b e5 9a   .hc..Biu(.......
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a007a0  4b 3f d8 95 e1 42 e6 95-44 68 e6 82 16 03 01 00   K?...B..Dh......
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a007b0  04 0e 00 00 00                                    .....
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: sending data:
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 318 (0x13e) bytes
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0000  16 03 01 01 06 10 00 01-02 01 00 3f 7f ed c6 b7   ...........?...
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0010  24 5e 26 c2 a0 f3 4b 63-af 57 7a d2 9f b0 18 85   $^&...Kc.Wz.....
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0020  23 ea d1 48 9e 73 14 0d-09 e2 5c 17 d5 0d e1 d2   #..H.s....\.....
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0030  59 3c ce 55 dd 09 8a 13-2a f5 e7 4f bd ac f3 56   Y<.U....*..O...V
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0040  da 67 29 3a dc b8 08 c9-3d cd 17 a6 9c 15 3a 4e   .g):....=.....:N
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0050  26 bb f9 96 a0 46 ec 9b-14 10 10 56 75 dc 0c e6   &....F.....Vu...
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0060  b7 d1 60 cd f5 93 c3 ba-41 de 45 3f 95 26 2c f5   ..`.....A.E?.&,.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0070  53 83 22 3a a7 5d ed 57-bb db 59 e4 e4 e2 7a e3   S.":.].W..Y...z.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0080  63 17 fa f6 35 00 b1 f8-90 60 ec d0 8b fa 4c d5   c...5....`....L.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0090  7a 24 08 f5 34 77 17 47-47 b5 74 e3 e7 85 c4 d6   z$..4w.GG.t.....
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec00a0  d9 9e ca b7 47 7a 38 c9-60 85 9b 44 b4 14 7e f2   ....Gz8.`..D..~.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec00b0  f1 38 4d c5 8a b4 c8 3f-15 b2 af 91 f5 55 b3 77   .8M....?.....U.w
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec00c0  b8 75 73 33 af 2b 66 11-02 22 6b 85 b9 87 c5 3b   .us3.+f.."k....;
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec00d0  57 6c 77 bb 1e 4e d1 a1-0c fa 03 cd f4 0d cb 48   Wlw..N.........H
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec00e0  fd 9e e5 6d 41 01 96 5c-b6 7a 06 8e d5 92 5c 77   ...mA..\.z....\w
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec00f0  32 c5 be 05 dc 91 c2 a7-7f 68 23 e4 c7 b4 32 66   2.......h#...2f
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0100  2e 6f d3 63 80 99 08 61-0f 8e bf 14 03 01 00 01   .o.c...a........
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0110  01 16 03 01 00 28 02 6e-99 49 b4 59 6e 09 7f d8   .....(.n.I.Yn..
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0120  68 5e 38 fb fb d9 d2 fd-76 ac 91 db b0 b3 47 b0   h^8.....v.....G.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0130  3d b1 29 6d da ff 59 aa-6f 27 a8 42 89 fa         =.)m..Y.o'.B..
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: received data:
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 51 (0x33) bytes
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a00400  14 03 01 00 01 01 16 03-01 00 28 58 93 23 0e 90   ..........(X.#..
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a00410  75 8d 03 3f 58 c5 f9 2b-fb f8 95 9c d9 ac d5 d9   u..?X..+........
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a00420  87 6e fa e4 37 d9 f0 3a-08 fb e6 7e 08 4e b1 09   .n..7..:...~.N..
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a00430  be 89 12                                          ...
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: sending data:
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 220 (0xdc) bytes
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd0e0  47 45 54 20 2f 63 6c 69-65 6e 74 2f 63 6c 69 65   GET /client/clie
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd0f0  6e 74 73 2e 78 6d 6c 20-48 54 54 50 2f 31 2e 31   nts.xml HTTP/1.1
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd100  0d 0a 41 63 63 65 70 74-3a 20 74 65 78 74 2f 68   ..Accept: text/h
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd110  74 6d 6c 2c 20 61 70 70-6c 69 63 61 74 69 6f 6e   tml, application
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd120  2f 78 68 74 6d 6c 2b 78-6d 6c 2c 20 61 70 70 6c   /xhtml+xml, appl
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd130  69 63 61 74 69 6f 6e 2f-78 6d 6c 0d 0a 55 73 65   ication/xml..Use
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd140  72 2d 41 67 65 6e 74 3a-20 56 4d 77 61 72 65 20   r-Agent: VMware 
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd150  56 49 20 43 6c 69 65 6e-74 2f 34 2e 30 2e 30 0d   VI Client/4.0.0.
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd160  0a 48 6f 73 74 3a 20 76-78 76 63 33 2e 63 69 67   .Host: vxvc3.cig
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd170  6d 61 2e 66 72 0d 0a 43-6f 6e 6e 65 63 74 69 6f   ma.fr..Connectio
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd180  6e 3a 20 4b 65 65 70 2d-41 6c 69 76 65 0d 0a 43   n: Keep-Alive..C
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd190  61 63 68 65 2d 43 6f 6e-74 72 6f 6c 3a 20 6e 6f   ache-Control: no
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd1a0  2d 63 61 63 68 65 0d 0a-50 72 61 67 6d 61 3a 20   -cache..Pragma: 
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd1b0  6e 6f 2d 63 61 63 68 65-0d 0a 0d 0a               no-cache....
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpSendRequest() returning TRUE
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpReceiveResponse(0x1a00000, 0x0)
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: received data:
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 482 (0x1e2) bytes
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02000  17 03 01 00 18 4d b2 26-63 39 5d 17 1c 9f 0d 94   .....M.&c9].....
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02010  7a 0c b0 18 11 5d 80 c1-77 b2 ae ea f7 17 03 01   z....]..w.......
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02020  01 c0 cd d3 c7 01 af cb-ba e8 8d 41 8b ff 1f c0   ...........A....
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02030  c5 01 64 8d f7 ff 2d bb-6b 1c 33 a5 9a 32 ad a3   ..d...-.k.3..2..
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02040  47 a7 5f 29 6d 81 d3 d0-9e a6 5b 24 42 85 ff f7   G._)m.....[$B...
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02050  db 19 6a 08 50 ee 5a cb-c4 ef 0d 40 7d 7e 6e bd   ..j.P.Z....@}~n.
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02060  0a 03 06 b4 2c f7 dc 6a-ec 3e f1 df 21 33 bd d5   ....,..j.>..!3..
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02070  4f e4 47 3e e7 50 f7 e3-51 c8 ca fb f0 9f 62 4a   O.G>.P..Q.....bJ
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02080  dd 18 1c aa a7 31 ef 69-fc 87 3a c8 ee 94 85 fa   .....1.i..:.....
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02090  83 64 27 d6 d9 3d 06 a5-d3 09 d7 9b 31 cd 9f 6e   .d'..=......1..n
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a020a0  d9 84 32 a9 86 2a ec 95-c6 35 a3 4a 08 ba 64 50   ..2..*...5.J..dP
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a020b0  bd 9f 6c 3f 08 52 4e 55-a6 55 8d 7c c0 3c 9a 1a   ..l?.RNU.U.|.<..
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a020c0  7b 2a 21 dd a3 77 25 22-f5 ab 2c 54 11 ba 08 67   {*!..w%"..,T...g
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a020d0  47 70 0b 4f 39 10 ab ba-6c 44 e5 c1 65 81 9d ad   Gp.O9...lD..e...
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a020e0  3c 9b 88 e4 c2 7f ee d2-ab fe b8 ad 72 a5 e4 db   <..........r...
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a020f0  2b 58 0b c1 71 7f a4 24-3b a5 33 80 1e 20 cb 62   +X..q.$;.3.. .b
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02100  f3 26 cd 39 89 bb 27 99-fa 42 6b e1 47 64 1d dc   .&.9..'..Bk.Gd..
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02110  a8 34 d0 65 02 e4 d1 e3-4c 19 bc dc 1f ec cc 28   .4.e....L......(
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02120  27 e5 b8 2b fe 7a e3 ee-56 db 20 df 3d da 99 78   '..+.z..V. .=..x
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02130  e8 ac b2 d0 5b e9 ff e1-ef 78 b3 b4 cd e3 f1 3f   ....[....x.....?
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02140  c4 77 47 72 3b f4 a0 cf-c0 7b 06 6c a2 68 0e 86   .wGr;....{.l.h..
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02150  fd a1 71 75 b9 36 1f c0-08 ee cb c8 05 71 de a3   ..qu.6.......q..
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02160  34 74 cb fd 09 b6 a3 d3-f9 86 5d 6f ae 5d 5e 18   4t........]o.]^.
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02170  59 c8 e2 44 60 ad f3 cf-ee ec 9f c0 87 46 f3 0e   Y..D`........F..
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02180  da 4e 58 5a a9 da ff 1f-16 10 82 e0 40 58 eb 67   .NXZ........@X.g
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02190  d1 3a ab 47 13 d0 55 e1-a7 eb f3 74 e9 e8 a5 fe   .:.G..U....t....
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a021a0  49 95 c2 1e 02 2d ce 1b-fb ea 04 42 f0 bd e5 33   I....-.....B...3
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a021b0  ee a4 32 18 f5 a8 2c 76-5e ea 3e 6f ad 88 4e 7a   ..2...,v^.>o..Nz
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a021c0  77 f5 9d 1d 04 1b 2e 86-57 69 98 e5 44 04 11 26   w.......Wi..D..&
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a021d0  f2 34 fe 4d c5 1f df ac-7b 89 14 fe 59 2a 35 4e   .4.M....{...Y*5N
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a021e0  68 33                                             h3
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: Winsock/RPC/SSL/Transport error: 0x274c [WSAETIMEDOUT]
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: Winsock/RPC/SSL/Transport error: 0x2ee2 [ERROR_WINHTTP_TIMEOUT]
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpReceiveResponse: error 12002 [ERROR_WINHTTP_TIMEOUT]
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpReceiveResponse() returning FALSE
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryHeaders(0x1a00000,  (0x16), "", 0x1cd64c8, 0x8ef118 [65536], 0x8ef130 [0])
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryHeaders() returning FALSE
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryOption(0x1a00000,  (21), 0x0, 0x8ee838 [0])
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryOption() returning FALSE
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryOption(0x1a00000,  (21), 0xcd1508, 0x8ee940 [4])
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryOption() returning TRUE
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryOption(0x19f6100,  (21), 0x0, 0x8eea10 [0])
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryOption() returning FALSE
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryOption(0x19f6100,  (21), 0xcd1270, 0x8eeb18 [4])
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryOption() returning TRUE
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryOption(0x19f6000,  (45), 0x0, 0x8eebe8 [0])
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryOption() returning FALSE
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryOption(0x19f6000,  (45), 0xcd1210, 0x8eecf0 [4])
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryOption() returning TRUE
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryDataAvailable(0x1a00000, 0x8ef0b0, 0x8ef3e8)
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryDataAvailable: error 12019 [ERROR_WINHTTP_INCORRECT_HANDLE_STATE]
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryDataAvailable() returning FALSE
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpCloseHandle(0x1a00000)
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpCloseHandle() returning TRUE
08:22:29.121 ::*Session* :: WinHttpCloseHandle(0x19f6100)
08:22:29.121 ::*Session* :: WinHttpCloseHandle() returning TRUE
08:22:29.121 ::*Session* :: WinHttpCloseHandle(0x19f6000)
08:22:29.121 ::*Session* :: WinHttpCloseHandle() returning TRUE

I really think i miss something on xp, but I can't find any information on this, and why it work on my Windows 7. Tried to add the cert in local cert store too. Same issue : hang in receiveresponse.

thx for any help, 


-- Arck System _ Soon -- Ideas make everything

"La critique est facile, l'art est difficile"

Projects :

[list] [*]Au3Service : Run your exe as service V3 / Updated 29/07/2013 Get it Here [/list]

OK, thank you.

Here is the AutoIt part of my code:

#include "WinHttp.au3"

Func SendRequest($sAction, $sUsername, $sPassword, $sMachineId)
    Local $hSession = _WinHttpOpen("AFK Manager")
    If (@error) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)

    Local $hConnect = _WinHttpConnect($hSession, "localhost")
    If (@error) Then
        Return SetError(2, 0, 0)

    Local $hRequest = _WinHttpOpenRequest($hConnect, "POST", "AFK Manager/Interface.php", Default, $sUsername)
    If (@error) Then
        Return SetError(3, 0, 0)

    Local $sData = "a=" & $sAction & "&p=" & $sPassword & "&m=" & $sMachineId
    _WinHttpSendRequest($hRequest, "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded", $sData)
    If (@error) Then
        Return SetError(6, 0, 0)

    If (@error) Then
        Return SetError(7, 0, 0)

    Local $sStatusCode = _WinHttpQueryHeaders($hRequest, $WINHTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE)
    If (@error Or Int($sStatusCode) <> $HTTP_STATUS_OK) Then
        Return SetError(8, 0, 0)

    If (@error) Then
        Return SetError(9, 0, 0)

    Local $sResponse = _WinHttpReadData($hRequest, Default, 23)


    Return $sResponse

As you can see, I'm using the UserAgent string. in the PHP part I will check this to make sure the request is coming from my application (And not a browser).

I'm sending the Username in the Referrer Header, it's somehow tricky and provides more security (I can make sure the request is not coming from a browser).

Rest of data will be sent via POST method.

Here is the PHP part of code:

require_once 'Server.php';


$userAgent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$username  = trim($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);

if ((strcmp($userAgent, 'AFK Manager') != 0)
    || (strlen($username) < 1)
    || (strlen($username) > 16)
) {

if (isset($_POST['a'], $_POST['p'], $_POST['m']) == FALSE) {

$action    = $_POST['a'];
$password  = trim($_POST['p']);
$machineId = trim($_POST['m']);

if ((is_numeric($action) == FALSE)
    || (strlen($action) != 1)
    || (strlen($password) != 32)
    || (strlen($machineId) != 32)
) {

if (!databaseConnect()) {


switch (intval($action)) {
    case 1:
        echo accountLogin($username, $password, $machineId);

    case 2:
        echo accountLogout($username, $password);


As you can see, I'm using the header_remove() function that will remove all unwanted header (Only required ones will remain).

Here is the whole story, I'm looking for suggestions and ideas for improvement.

Also, I'm returning the values via echo (Aka response body), any suggestion about a better way?

Thanks in advance.

Just a practical idea, do not use echo because it can be simulate on user side, I had an issue like this, after that I use custom headers  aka non-standard header (from PHP) to send response, (it's not secure enough, nothing is secure actually) but it will  little bit obfuscate the process.

73 108 111 118 101 65 117 116 111 105 116


Hi trancexx,

I need you help here since I can't find any clue of this.

I think about a bug in winhttp on winxp, since it works with wininet.

The above code works well on my Windows 7 x64, but not on my Windows XP SP3.


I try to connect to an https internal server with default cert, and bypass certificate error.

The connection hang on winhttpreceiveresponse, then falls in timeout.

#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
;~ #include "WinHttp.au3"
#include <Array.au3>

;~ *Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)

; Current WinHTTP proxy configuration:
;Global $aProxy = _WinHttpGetDefaultProxyConfiguration()

$LocalIP = "myserverwithdefaultcertificate.com"
$hw_open = _WinHttpOpen()
ConsoleWrite(@ScriptLineNumber & @TAB & _WinAPI_GetLastError() & @crlf)

; Register Callback function
Global $hWINHTTP_STATUS_CALLBACK = DllCallbackRegister("__WINHTTP_STATUS_CALLBACK", "none", "handle;dword_ptr;dword;ptr;dword")
; Associate callback function with this handle
_WinHttpSetStatusCallback( $hw_open, $hWINHTTP_STATUS_CALLBACK)

$hw_connect = _WinHttpConnect($hw_open, $LocalIP,443)

ConsoleWrite(@ScriptLineNumber & @TAB & _WinAPI_GetLastError() & @crlf)
$h_openRequest = _WinHttpOpenRequest($hw_connect, "GET", "/client/clients.xml",Default,Default,"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml", _

; Add header fields to the request
;~ _WinHttpAddRequestHeaders($h_openRequest, "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5")
;~ _WinHttpAddRequestHeaders($h_openRequest, "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
;~ _WinHttpAddRequestHeaders($h_openRequest, "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7")
;~ _WinHttpAddRequestHeaders($h_openRequest, "Keep-Alive: 300")
;~ _WinHttpAddRequestHeaders($h_openRequest, "Connection: keep-alive")

_WinHttpSendRequest($h_openRequest) ; return 12175, so bypass cert error

$soResult = _WinHttpSetOption($h_openRequest, $WINHTTP_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS, $allow_unknownCA_wrongCN)
        If @error Or $soResult = 0 Then
            ConsoleWrite("Error: _WinHttpSetOption failed with code " & _WinAPI_GetLastError() & @crlf)
;~             Return 0

_WinHttpSendRequest($h_openRequest) ; send request

;~ ConsoleWrite("1")
; Hang here in windows XP
_WinHttpReceiveResponse($h_openRequest) ; wait for response

$sHeaders = _WinHttpQueryHeaders($h_openRequest)

$sData = ""
If _WinHTTPQueryDataAvailable($h_openRequest) Then
        $sData &= _WinHttpReadData($h_openRequest)
    Until @error<>0




MsgBox(0, 'Header', $sHeaders)
MsgBox(0, 'Data', $sData)
Version autoit : and beta

Last version of winhttp used,


Here is an extract of winhttptracelog. We can see timeout. No problem on Win7.

08:21:58.393 ::*Session* :: >>>> WinHttp Version 5.1 Build 5.1.2600 Nov 16 2011 17:40:13>>>>Process autoit3.exe [4556 (0x11cc)] started at 08:21:58.393 08/06/2013
08:21:58.393 ::*Session* :: WinHttpOpen("AutoIt/3.3 WinHTTP/5.1",  (1), "", "", 0x0)
08:21:58.393 ::*Session* :: WinHttpOpen() returning handle 0x19f6000
08:21:58.393 ::*Session* :: WinHttpSetStatusCallback(0x19f6000, 0x1b20000, 0xffffffff)
08:21:58.393 ::*Session* :: WinHttpSetStatusCallback() returning NULL
08:21:58.393 ::*Session* :: WinHttpConnect(0x19f6000, "vxvc3.cigma.fr", 443, 0x0)
08:21:58.393 ::*Session* :: WinHttpConnect() returning handle 0x19f6100
08:21:58.393 ::*Session* :: WinHttpOpenRequest(0x19f6100, "GET", "/client/clients.xml", "HTTP/1.1", "", 0xcf3710, 0x00800100)
08:21:58.393 ::*Session* :: WinHttpCreateUrlA(0x8eed60, 0x0, 0x1c70000, 0x8eed9c)
08:21:58.393 ::*Session* :: WinHttpCreateUrlA() returning TRUE
08:21:58.393 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpOpenRequest() returning handle 0x1a00000
08:21:58.393 ::*Session* :: WinHttpAddRequestHeaders(0x1a00000, "User-Agent:VMware VI Client/4.0.0", -1, 0x10000000)
08:21:58.393 ::*Session* :: WinHttpAddRequestHeaders() returning TRUE
08:21:58.393 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpSendRequest(0x1a00000, "", 0, 0x0, 0, 0, 0)
08:21:58.409 ::*0000001* :: "vxvc3.cigma.fr" resolved
08:21:58.409 ::*0000001* :: Winsock/RPC/SSL/Transport error: 0x90312 [SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED]
08:21:58.409 ::*0000001* :: sending data:
08:21:58.409 ::*0000001* :: 77 (0x4d) bytes
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90000  16 03 01 00 48 01 00 00-44 03 01 52 00 96 06 95   ....H...D..R....
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90010  a5 63 4d 96 c7 83 62 fd-00 66 48 33 d2 78 6b 96   .cM...b..fH3.xk.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90020  a4 f9 41 21 eb ef 02 63-34 6a 35 00 00 16 00 04   ..A!...c4j5.....
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90030  00 05 00 0a 00 09 00 64-00 62 00 03 00 06 00 13   .......d.b......
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90040  00 12 00 63 01 00 00 05-ff 01 00 01 00            ...c.........
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: received data:
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 949 (0x3b5) bytes
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00400  16 03 01 00 31 02 00 00-2d 03 01 52 00 96 0b af   ....1...-..R....
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00410  d7 ce 49 f4 1a b9 29 0d-e2 b4 0a 20 34 55 0b a3   ..I...).... 4U..
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00420  00 ca b2 45 a3 5a 61 8a-62 6e 0d 00 00 0a 00 00   ...E.Za.bn......
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00430  05 ff 01 00 01 00 16 03-01 03 71 0b 00 03 6d 00   ..........q...m.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00440  03 6a 00 03 67 30 82 03-63 30 82 02 4b a0 03 02   .j..g0..c0..K...
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00450  01 02 02 04 0a c6 99 1f-30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86   ........0...*.H.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00460  f7 0d 01 01 05 05 00 30-1b 31 19 30 17 06 03 55   .......0.1.0...U
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00470  04 0a 13 10 56 4d 77 61-72 65 20 49 6e 73 74 61   ....VMware Insta
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00480  6c 6c 65 72 30 1e 17 0d-31 32 30 33 31 37 32 30   ller0...12031720
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00490  32 35 34 30 5a 17 0d 32-32 30 33 31 35 32 30 32   2540Z..220315202
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a004a0  35 34 30 5a 30 76 31 15-30 13 06 03 55 04 0a 13   540Z0v1.0...U...
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a004b0  0c 56 4d 77 61 72 65 2c-20 49 6e 63 2e 31 15 30   .VMware, Inc.1.0
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a004c0  13 06 03 55 04 0b 13 0c-56 4d 77 61 72 65 2c 20   ...U....VMware, 
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a004d0  49 6e 63 2e 31 23 30 21-06 03 55 04 03 13 1a 56   Inc.1#0!..U....V
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a004e0  4d 77 61 72 65 20 64 65-66 61 75 6c 74 20 63 65   Mware default ce
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a004f0  72 74 69 66 69 63 61 74-65 31 21 30 1f 06 09 2a   rtificate1!0...*
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00500  86 48 86 f7 0d 01 09 01-16 12 73 75 70 70 6f 72   .H........suppor
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00510  74 40 76 6d 77 61 72 65-2e 63 6f 6d 30 82 01 22   t@vmware.com0.."
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00520  30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86-f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03   0...*.H.........
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00530  82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a-02 82 01 01 00 c4 c3 52   ....0..........R
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00540  89 7d 79 94 9e 80 5d 19-1e 22 5d 15 fa 04 ab 92   .}y...].."].....
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00550  dc 5d f4 a3 d2 88 c6 c1-ef 4e dc 7b 9e ba 40 bb   .].......N.{..@.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00560  ac 38 74 1a 66 74 1e 82-cd 1c 97 e0 b6 d1 38 74   .8t.ft........8t
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00570  ee f6 c3 3a a0 4a 13 6e-34 8d ee 86 f0 9d 70 d1   ...:.J.n4.....p.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00580  e4 1f e0 ae 1f 06 0e 2e-9b 04 cf 34 5b 2f 38 6d   ...........4[/8m
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00590  12 16 28 33 04 26 ea 02-26 16 e0 0c d9 a0 83 57   ..(3.&..&......W
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a005a0  35 48 75 21 19 1f a8 fd-30 37 f0 ae 10 34 15 d4   5Hu!....07...4..
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a005b0  11 96 7e 62 da c2 f1 ca-51 9a 64 ba d5 65 c2 4d   ..~b....Q.d..e.M
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a005c0  b4 72 46 3f e0 67 f9 02-aa e6 3a 3a 6c ed f1 e1   .rF?.g....::l...
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a005d0  46 3e aa c6 48 d3 3d 7d-0b 07 78 4b 66 15 21 bc   F>..H.=}..xKf.!.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a005e0  e5 75 5b 64 63 79 56 3e-65 33 ef da d7 21 e7 eb   .u[dcyV>e3...!..
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a005f0  3e 4a d6 05 23 79 af b1-13 60 cb 5e 15 e7 19 50   >J..#y...`.^...P
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00600  a6 e4 a8 9b eb 3e 5f 08-46 b8 c6 4e da 9b 38 d6   .....>_.F..N..8.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00610  0a d7 5e 2b ed 90 f6 f5-7a 55 87 89 c1 32 ec 24   ..^+....zU...2.$
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00620  d3 fd 2c d8 0b 9f 4a 4d-a2 7d 2e 31 5d 30 49 2e   ..,...JM.}.1]0I.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00630  fb ed 78 53 52 c0 a8 95-f1 2c 5d 87 89 02 03 01   ..xSR....,].....
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00640  00 01 a3 54 30 52 30 09-06 03 55 1d 13 04 02 30   ...T0R0...U....0
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00650  00 30 0b 06 03 55 1d 0f-04 04 03 02 04 b0 30 1d   .0...U........0.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00660  06 03 55 1d 25 04 16 30-14 06 08 2b 06 01 05 05   ..U.%..0...+....
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00670  07 03 01 06 08 2b 06 01-05 05 07 03 02 30 19 06   .....+.......0..
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00680  03 55 1d 11 04 12 30 10-82 0e 56 58 56 43 33 2e   .U....0...VXVC3.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00690  63 69 67 6d 61 2e 66 72-30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86   cigma.fr0...*.H.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a006a0  f7 0d 01 01 05 05 00 03-82 01 01 00 40 91 90 18   ............@...
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a006b0  6a c8 b9 9a e5 8c 13 24-ea 39 ab 49 87 56 1f 10   j......$.9.I.V..
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a006c0  41 48 89 f5 45 68 44 b9-3c e1 ac 15 4f 32 d0 eb   AH..EhD.<...O2..
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a006d0  d9 84 34 2a a2 49 63 6c-73 58 87 31 91 a9 69 05   ..4*.IclsX.1..i.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a006e0  b6 41 bf 32 42 b6 a8 b7-aa 68 fd 2d bd b2 be 9e   .A.2B....h.-....
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a006f0  5d 1c 42 c0 53 38 72 9e-5d 06 fd 85 87 58 fb 61   ].B.S8r.]....X.a
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00700  a0 dd 86 94 2a 2f 95 52-10 a7 99 f4 9f 9c e6 38   ....*/.R.......8
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00710  2c 7d de 0c c2 ab 4e f0-e0 97 73 29 40 35 44 e1   ,}....N...s)@5D.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00720  94 a6 9e 85 90 72 40 47-e5 92 e0 f8 f5 bb 72 5a   .....r@G......rZ
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00730  75 67 94 01 a9 c8 92 85-4c 51 4b 5f 87 43 3f 60   ug......LQK_.C?`
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00740  ce 63 ad e5 af 2c cd 85-2c cf 65 34 27 36 0d 97   .c...,..,.e4'6..
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00750  dc 90 04 bb 48 3e 4b 25-60 5a 6f 31 2a 34 02 74   ....H>K%`Zo1*4.t
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00760  99 d2 3b f8 5b 2e e9 4c-2f f4 56 63 1e cd ef 21   ..;.[..L/.Vc...!
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00770  03 85 1f 3f e8 19 24 3c-98 c7 eb 5a 46 4c bd c8   ...?..$<...ZFL..
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00780  8a ec ad 93 fc c4 ff 44-b6 b7 53 13 c5 f2 81 e5   .......D..S.....
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a00790  d2 68 63 ee c4 42 69 75-28 ef a3 ff d9 8b e5 9a   .hc..Biu(.......
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a007a0  4b 3f d8 95 e1 42 e6 95-44 68 e6 82 16 03 01 00   K?...B..Dh......
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01a007b0  04 0e 00 00 00                                    .....
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: sending data:
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 318 (0x13e) bytes
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90000  16 03 01 01 06 10 00 01-02 01 00 4c e1 4d e0 43   ...........L.M.C
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90010  ca ba c7 ef 38 d7 55 c7-86 96 69 48 c3 7a 48 17   ....8.U...iH.zH.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90020  cd 54 a1 8c 4b 2d 53 87-82 75 12 2e 56 2c 67 8f   .T..K-S..u..V,g.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90030  c8 ea c0 80 c3 3b 3f 92-25 00 05 df 0b c6 65 d8   .....;?.%.....e.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90040  58 c1 3b d5 ae 4c c2 d1-a3 13 f5 a1 a6 a1 b2 49   X.;..L.........I
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90050  97 4b 56 52 c2 61 39 22-53 ee 3f 91 07 af b2 f7   .KVR.a9"S.?.....
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90060  bf f1 b2 b8 0b 88 f2 68-87 6a 9e cd 98 2a cd 50   .......h.j...*.P
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90070  14 13 74 75 92 3c 51 65-b5 01 bb a8 c9 13 5d 15   ..tu.<Qe......].
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90080  35 05 ed 1a e2 ab d4 50-11 d1 f5 d5 66 6d 29 86   5......P....fm).
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90090  74 23 b8 af 0a 97 fc 50-74 bf e8 67 8e 49 ed 40   t#.....Pt..g.I.@
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c900a0  42 1b cc 75 61 7b 47 73-c6 a8 71 dc 39 0e b0 b6   B..ua{Gs..q.9...
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c900b0  5f 76 59 d0 7c 05 3a 4f-e0 d7 d6 07 0d ee 9d fc   _vY.|.:O........
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c900c0  ce df fe fa 32 25 e1 08-e3 3d 7d 34 51 dd 72 c1   ....2%...=}4Q.r.
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c900d0  0f d6 57 e7 df 24 3f bb-48 83 30 1b cb 60 15 17   ..W..$?.H.0..`..
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c900e0  dc d4 f2 b9 8e 3c 8b 66-cb 5f 99 a9 73 a7 87 0b   .....<.f._..s...
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c900f0  22 10 78 b3 dc fa 62 ec-ed c5 49 cd b3 a2 d4 c3   ".x...b...I.....
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90100  85 9f d3 ae 6e c8 1a e9-4c 68 69 14 03 01 00 01   ....n...Lhi.....
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90110  01 16 03 01 00 28 87 8c-dd cc b6 a2 6a f5 fe 35   .....(......j..5
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90120  8d 4a 0c 6e 67 64 3b 29-f7 3c 28 3e b0 27 29 0e   .J.ngd;).<(>.').
08:21:58.424 ::*0000001* :: 01c90130  f9 39 e6 9a 65 bc 60 a1-38 65 b3 96 ae 95         .9..e.`.8e....
08:21:58.440 ::*0000001* :: received data:
08:21:58.440 ::*0000001* :: 51 (0x33) bytes
08:21:58.440 ::*0000001* :: 01a00400  14 03 01 00 01 01 16 03-01 00 28 85 39 5c 49 11   ..........(.9\I.
08:21:58.440 ::*0000001* :: 01a00410  70 4b 77 8a 50 59 66 8f-1e c9 b7 89 74 39 21 09   pKw.PYf.....t9!.
08:21:58.440 ::*0000001* :: 01a00420  0c b5 9e d9 6c f6 ed 20-8c fd 40 24 4c ea 63 ba   ....l.. ..@$L.c.
08:21:58.440 ::*0000001* :: 01a00430  d9 6f f9                                          .o.
08:21:58.565 ::*0000001* :: Winsock/RPC/SSL/Transport error: 0x800b0109 [?]
08:21:58.565 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpSendRequest: error 12175 [ERROR_WINHTTP_SECURE_FAILURE]
08:21:58.565 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpSendRequest() returning FALSE
08:21:58.565 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpSetOption(0x1a00000,  (31), 0x8ef1f0 [0x3300], 4)
08:21:58.565 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpSetOption() returning TRUE
08:21:58.565 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpSendRequest(0x1a00000, "", 0, 0x0, 0, 0, 0)
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: Winsock/RPC/SSL/Transport error: 0x90312 [SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED]
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: sending data:
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 77 (0x4d) bytes
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0000  16 03 01 00 48 01 00 00-44 03 01 52 00 96 06 2a   ....H...D..R...*
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0010  f3 cb a7 64 b7 54 4a ca-a2 90 df 78 1c 98 6f 01   ...d.TJ....x..o.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0020  9f 8f 59 a1 3d 6c e1 17-93 9e f7 00 00 16 00 04   ..Y.=l..........
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0030  00 05 00 0a 00 09 00 64-00 62 00 03 00 06 00 13   .......d.b......
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0040  00 12 00 63 01 00 00 05-ff 01 00 01 00            ...c.........
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: received data:
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 949 (0x3b5) bytes
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00400  16 03 01 00 31 02 00 00-2d 03 01 52 00 96 0b f6   ....1...-..R....
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00410  a4 98 9f 15 67 1c 54 b1-7b 4d 96 f4 2b 60 2c ae   ....g.T.{M..+`,.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00420  eb 86 65 d3 e8 d3 5b fe-23 d4 77 00 00 0a 00 00   ..e...[.#.w.....
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00430  05 ff 01 00 01 00 16 03-01 03 71 0b 00 03 6d 00   ..........q...m.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00440  03 6a 00 03 67 30 82 03-63 30 82 02 4b a0 03 02   .j..g0..c0..K...
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00450  01 02 02 04 0a c6 99 1f-30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86   ........0...*.H.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00460  f7 0d 01 01 05 05 00 30-1b 31 19 30 17 06 03 55   .......0.1.0...U
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00470  04 0a 13 10 56 4d 77 61-72 65 20 49 6e 73 74 61   ....VMware Insta
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00480  6c 6c 65 72 30 1e 17 0d-31 32 30 33 31 37 32 30   ller0...12031720
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00490  32 35 34 30 5a 17 0d 32-32 30 33 31 35 32 30 32   2540Z..220315202
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a004a0  35 34 30 5a 30 76 31 15-30 13 06 03 55 04 0a 13   540Z0v1.0...U...
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a004b0  0c 56 4d 77 61 72 65 2c-20 49 6e 63 2e 31 15 30   .VMware, Inc.1.0
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a004c0  13 06 03 55 04 0b 13 0c-56 4d 77 61 72 65 2c 20   ...U....VMware, 
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a004d0  49 6e 63 2e 31 23 30 21-06 03 55 04 03 13 1a 56   Inc.1#0!..U....V
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a004e0  4d 77 61 72 65 20 64 65-66 61 75 6c 74 20 63 65   Mware default ce
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a004f0  72 74 69 66 69 63 61 74-65 31 21 30 1f 06 09 2a   rtificate1!0...*
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00500  86 48 86 f7 0d 01 09 01-16 12 73 75 70 70 6f 72   .H........suppor
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00510  74 40 76 6d 77 61 72 65-2e 63 6f 6d 30 82 01 22   t@vmware.com0.."
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00520  30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86-f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03   0...*.H.........
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00530  82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a-02 82 01 01 00 c4 c3 52   ....0..........R
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00540  89 7d 79 94 9e 80 5d 19-1e 22 5d 15 fa 04 ab 92   .}y...].."].....
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00550  dc 5d f4 a3 d2 88 c6 c1-ef 4e dc 7b 9e ba 40 bb   .].......N.{..@.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00560  ac 38 74 1a 66 74 1e 82-cd 1c 97 e0 b6 d1 38 74   .8t.ft........8t
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00570  ee f6 c3 3a a0 4a 13 6e-34 8d ee 86 f0 9d 70 d1   ...:.J.n4.....p.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00580  e4 1f e0 ae 1f 06 0e 2e-9b 04 cf 34 5b 2f 38 6d   ...........4[/8m
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00590  12 16 28 33 04 26 ea 02-26 16 e0 0c d9 a0 83 57   ..(3.&..&......W
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a005a0  35 48 75 21 19 1f a8 fd-30 37 f0 ae 10 34 15 d4   5Hu!....07...4..
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a005b0  11 96 7e 62 da c2 f1 ca-51 9a 64 ba d5 65 c2 4d   ..~b....Q.d..e.M
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a005c0  b4 72 46 3f e0 67 f9 02-aa e6 3a 3a 6c ed f1 e1   .rF?.g....::l...
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a005d0  46 3e aa c6 48 d3 3d 7d-0b 07 78 4b 66 15 21 bc   F>..H.=}..xKf.!.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a005e0  e5 75 5b 64 63 79 56 3e-65 33 ef da d7 21 e7 eb   .u[dcyV>e3...!..
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a005f0  3e 4a d6 05 23 79 af b1-13 60 cb 5e 15 e7 19 50   >J..#y...`.^...P
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00600  a6 e4 a8 9b eb 3e 5f 08-46 b8 c6 4e da 9b 38 d6   .....>_.F..N..8.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00610  0a d7 5e 2b ed 90 f6 f5-7a 55 87 89 c1 32 ec 24   ..^+....zU...2.$
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00620  d3 fd 2c d8 0b 9f 4a 4d-a2 7d 2e 31 5d 30 49 2e   ..,...JM.}.1]0I.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00630  fb ed 78 53 52 c0 a8 95-f1 2c 5d 87 89 02 03 01   ..xSR....,].....
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00640  00 01 a3 54 30 52 30 09-06 03 55 1d 13 04 02 30   ...T0R0...U....0
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00650  00 30 0b 06 03 55 1d 0f-04 04 03 02 04 b0 30 1d   .0...U........0.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00660  06 03 55 1d 25 04 16 30-14 06 08 2b 06 01 05 05   ..U.%..0...+....
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00670  07 03 01 06 08 2b 06 01-05 05 07 03 02 30 19 06   .....+.......0..
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00680  03 55 1d 11 04 12 30 10-82 0e 56 58 56 43 33 2e   .U....0...VXVC3.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00690  63 69 67 6d 61 2e 66 72-30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86   cigma.fr0...*.H.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a006a0  f7 0d 01 01 05 05 00 03-82 01 01 00 40 91 90 18   ............@...
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a006b0  6a c8 b9 9a e5 8c 13 24-ea 39 ab 49 87 56 1f 10   j......$.9.I.V..
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a006c0  41 48 89 f5 45 68 44 b9-3c e1 ac 15 4f 32 d0 eb   AH..EhD.<...O2..
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a006d0  d9 84 34 2a a2 49 63 6c-73 58 87 31 91 a9 69 05   ..4*.IclsX.1..i.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a006e0  b6 41 bf 32 42 b6 a8 b7-aa 68 fd 2d bd b2 be 9e   .A.2B....h.-....
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a006f0  5d 1c 42 c0 53 38 72 9e-5d 06 fd 85 87 58 fb 61   ].B.S8r.]....X.a
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00700  a0 dd 86 94 2a 2f 95 52-10 a7 99 f4 9f 9c e6 38   ....*/.R.......8
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00710  2c 7d de 0c c2 ab 4e f0-e0 97 73 29 40 35 44 e1   ,}....N...s)@5D.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00720  94 a6 9e 85 90 72 40 47-e5 92 e0 f8 f5 bb 72 5a   .....r@G......rZ
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00730  75 67 94 01 a9 c8 92 85-4c 51 4b 5f 87 43 3f 60   ug......LQK_.C?`
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00740  ce 63 ad e5 af 2c cd 85-2c cf 65 34 27 36 0d 97   .c...,..,.e4'6..
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00750  dc 90 04 bb 48 3e 4b 25-60 5a 6f 31 2a 34 02 74   ....H>K%`Zo1*4.t
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00760  99 d2 3b f8 5b 2e e9 4c-2f f4 56 63 1e cd ef 21   ..;.[..L/.Vc...!
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00770  03 85 1f 3f e8 19 24 3c-98 c7 eb 5a 46 4c bd c8   ...?..$<...ZFL..
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00780  8a ec ad 93 fc c4 ff 44-b6 b7 53 13 c5 f2 81 e5   .......D..S.....
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a00790  d2 68 63 ee c4 42 69 75-28 ef a3 ff d9 8b e5 9a   .hc..Biu(.......
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a007a0  4b 3f d8 95 e1 42 e6 95-44 68 e6 82 16 03 01 00   K?...B..Dh......
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01a007b0  04 0e 00 00 00                                    .....
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: sending data:
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 318 (0x13e) bytes
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0000  16 03 01 01 06 10 00 01-02 01 00 3f 7f ed c6 b7   ...........?...
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0010  24 5e 26 c2 a0 f3 4b 63-af 57 7a d2 9f b0 18 85   $^&...Kc.Wz.....
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0020  23 ea d1 48 9e 73 14 0d-09 e2 5c 17 d5 0d e1 d2   #..H.s....\.....
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0030  59 3c ce 55 dd 09 8a 13-2a f5 e7 4f bd ac f3 56   Y<.U....*..O...V
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0040  da 67 29 3a dc b8 08 c9-3d cd 17 a6 9c 15 3a 4e   .g):....=.....:N
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0050  26 bb f9 96 a0 46 ec 9b-14 10 10 56 75 dc 0c e6   &....F.....Vu...
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0060  b7 d1 60 cd f5 93 c3 ba-41 de 45 3f 95 26 2c f5   ..`.....A.E?.&,.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0070  53 83 22 3a a7 5d ed 57-bb db 59 e4 e4 e2 7a e3   S.":.].W..Y...z.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0080  63 17 fa f6 35 00 b1 f8-90 60 ec d0 8b fa 4c d5   c...5....`....L.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0090  7a 24 08 f5 34 77 17 47-47 b5 74 e3 e7 85 c4 d6   z$..4w.GG.t.....
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec00a0  d9 9e ca b7 47 7a 38 c9-60 85 9b 44 b4 14 7e f2   ....Gz8.`..D..~.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec00b0  f1 38 4d c5 8a b4 c8 3f-15 b2 af 91 f5 55 b3 77   .8M....?.....U.w
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec00c0  b8 75 73 33 af 2b 66 11-02 22 6b 85 b9 87 c5 3b   .us3.+f.."k....;
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec00d0  57 6c 77 bb 1e 4e d1 a1-0c fa 03 cd f4 0d cb 48   Wlw..N.........H
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec00e0  fd 9e e5 6d 41 01 96 5c-b6 7a 06 8e d5 92 5c 77   ...mA..\.z....\w
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec00f0  32 c5 be 05 dc 91 c2 a7-7f 68 23 e4 c7 b4 32 66   2.......h#...2f
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0100  2e 6f d3 63 80 99 08 61-0f 8e bf 14 03 01 00 01   .o.c...a........
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0110  01 16 03 01 00 28 02 6e-99 49 b4 59 6e 09 7f d8   .....(.n.I.Yn..
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0120  68 5e 38 fb fb d9 d2 fd-76 ac 91 db b0 b3 47 b0   h^8.....v.....G.
08:21:58.580 ::*0000001* :: 01ec0130  3d b1 29 6d da ff 59 aa-6f 27 a8 42 89 fa         =.)m..Y.o'.B..
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: received data:
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 51 (0x33) bytes
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a00400  14 03 01 00 01 01 16 03-01 00 28 58 93 23 0e 90   ..........(X.#..
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a00410  75 8d 03 3f 58 c5 f9 2b-fb f8 95 9c d9 ac d5 d9   u..?X..+........
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a00420  87 6e fa e4 37 d9 f0 3a-08 fb e6 7e 08 4e b1 09   .n..7..:...~.N..
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a00430  be 89 12                                          ...
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: sending data:
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 220 (0xdc) bytes
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd0e0  47 45 54 20 2f 63 6c 69-65 6e 74 2f 63 6c 69 65   GET /client/clie
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd0f0  6e 74 73 2e 78 6d 6c 20-48 54 54 50 2f 31 2e 31   nts.xml HTTP/1.1
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd100  0d 0a 41 63 63 65 70 74-3a 20 74 65 78 74 2f 68   ..Accept: text/h
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd110  74 6d 6c 2c 20 61 70 70-6c 69 63 61 74 69 6f 6e   tml, application
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd120  2f 78 68 74 6d 6c 2b 78-6d 6c 2c 20 61 70 70 6c   /xhtml+xml, appl
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd130  69 63 61 74 69 6f 6e 2f-78 6d 6c 0d 0a 55 73 65   ication/xml..Use
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd140  72 2d 41 67 65 6e 74 3a-20 56 4d 77 61 72 65 20   r-Agent: VMware 
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd150  56 49 20 43 6c 69 65 6e-74 2f 34 2e 30 2e 30 0d   VI Client/4.0.0.
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd160  0a 48 6f 73 74 3a 20 76-78 76 63 33 2e 63 69 67   .Host: vxvc3.cig
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd170  6d 61 2e 66 72 0d 0a 43-6f 6e 6e 65 63 74 69 6f   ma.fr..Connectio
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd180  6e 3a 20 4b 65 65 70 2d-41 6c 69 76 65 0d 0a 43   n: Keep-Alive..C
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd190  61 63 68 65 2d 43 6f 6e-74 72 6f 6c 3a 20 6e 6f   ache-Control: no
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd1a0  2d 63 61 63 68 65 0d 0a-50 72 61 67 6d 61 3a 20   -cache..Pragma: 
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 019fd1b0  6e 6f 2d 63 61 63 68 65-0d 0a 0d 0a               no-cache....
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpSendRequest() returning TRUE
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpReceiveResponse(0x1a00000, 0x0)
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: received data:
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 482 (0x1e2) bytes
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02000  17 03 01 00 18 4d b2 26-63 39 5d 17 1c 9f 0d 94   .....M.&c9].....
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02010  7a 0c b0 18 11 5d 80 c1-77 b2 ae ea f7 17 03 01   z....]..w.......
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02020  01 c0 cd d3 c7 01 af cb-ba e8 8d 41 8b ff 1f c0   ...........A....
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02030  c5 01 64 8d f7 ff 2d bb-6b 1c 33 a5 9a 32 ad a3   ..d...-.k.3..2..
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02040  47 a7 5f 29 6d 81 d3 d0-9e a6 5b 24 42 85 ff f7   G._)m.....[$B...
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02050  db 19 6a 08 50 ee 5a cb-c4 ef 0d 40 7d 7e 6e bd   ..j.P.Z....@}~n.
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02060  0a 03 06 b4 2c f7 dc 6a-ec 3e f1 df 21 33 bd d5   ....,..j.>..!3..
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02070  4f e4 47 3e e7 50 f7 e3-51 c8 ca fb f0 9f 62 4a   O.G>.P..Q.....bJ
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02080  dd 18 1c aa a7 31 ef 69-fc 87 3a c8 ee 94 85 fa   .....1.i..:.....
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02090  83 64 27 d6 d9 3d 06 a5-d3 09 d7 9b 31 cd 9f 6e   .d'..=......1..n
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a020a0  d9 84 32 a9 86 2a ec 95-c6 35 a3 4a 08 ba 64 50   ..2..*...5.J..dP
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08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a020f0  2b 58 0b c1 71 7f a4 24-3b a5 33 80 1e 20 cb 62   +X..q.$;.3.. .b
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02100  f3 26 cd 39 89 bb 27 99-fa 42 6b e1 47 64 1d dc   .&.9..'..Bk.Gd..
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08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02120  27 e5 b8 2b fe 7a e3 ee-56 db 20 df 3d da 99 78   '..+.z..V. .=..x
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02130  e8 ac b2 d0 5b e9 ff e1-ef 78 b3 b4 cd e3 f1 3f   ....[....x.....?
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02140  c4 77 47 72 3b f4 a0 cf-c0 7b 06 6c a2 68 0e 86   .wGr;....{.l.h..
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08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02160  34 74 cb fd 09 b6 a3 d3-f9 86 5d 6f ae 5d 5e 18   4t........]o.]^.
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08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a02190  d1 3a ab 47 13 d0 55 e1-a7 eb f3 74 e9 e8 a5 fe   .:.G..U....t....
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a021a0  49 95 c2 1e 02 2d ce 1b-fb ea 04 42 f0 bd e5 33   I....-.....B...3
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a021b0  ee a4 32 18 f5 a8 2c 76-5e ea 3e 6f ad 88 4e 7a   ..2...,v^.>o..Nz
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a021c0  77 f5 9d 1d 04 1b 2e 86-57 69 98 e5 44 04 11 26   w.......Wi..D..&
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a021d0  f2 34 fe 4d c5 1f df ac-7b 89 14 fe 59 2a 35 4e   .4.M....{...Y*5N
08:21:58.596 ::*0000001* :: 01a021e0  68 33                                             h3
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: Winsock/RPC/SSL/Transport error: 0x274c [WSAETIMEDOUT]
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: Winsock/RPC/SSL/Transport error: 0x2ee2 [ERROR_WINHTTP_TIMEOUT]
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpReceiveResponse: error 12002 [ERROR_WINHTTP_TIMEOUT]
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpReceiveResponse() returning FALSE
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryHeaders(0x1a00000,  (0x16), "", 0x1cd64c8, 0x8ef118 [65536], 0x8ef130 [0])
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryHeaders() returning FALSE
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryOption(0x1a00000,  (21), 0x0, 0x8ee838 [0])
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryOption() returning FALSE
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryOption(0x1a00000,  (21), 0xcd1508, 0x8ee940 [4])
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryOption() returning TRUE
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryOption(0x19f6100,  (21), 0x0, 0x8eea10 [0])
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryOption() returning FALSE
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryOption(0x19f6100,  (21), 0xcd1270, 0x8eeb18 [4])
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryOption() returning TRUE
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryOption(0x19f6000,  (45), 0x0, 0x8eebe8 [0])
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryOption() returning FALSE
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryOption(0x19f6000,  (45), 0xcd1210, 0x8eecf0 [4])
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryOption() returning TRUE
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryDataAvailable(0x1a00000, 0x8ef0b0, 0x8ef3e8)
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryDataAvailable: error 12019 [ERROR_WINHTTP_INCORRECT_HANDLE_STATE]
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpQueryDataAvailable() returning FALSE
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpCloseHandle(0x1a00000)
08:22:29.121 ::*0000001* :: WinHttpCloseHandle() returning TRUE
08:22:29.121 ::*Session* :: WinHttpCloseHandle(0x19f6100)
08:22:29.121 ::*Session* :: WinHttpCloseHandle() returning TRUE
08:22:29.121 ::*Session* :: WinHttpCloseHandle(0x19f6000)
08:22:29.121 ::*Session* :: WinHttpCloseHandle() returning TRUE
I really think i miss something on xp, but I can't find any information on this, and why it work on my Windows 7. Tried to add the cert in local cert store too. Same issue : hang in receiveresponse.


thx for any help, 



I don't know what to say, you are doing everything right as far as the procedure goes.


Maybe try some other site, for example snapstream.helpserve.com




Posted (edited)

Hi trancexx

thx for the answer XD

I'm trying to create the code in C to see if it's a bug in autoit, which I don't think.

btw it's a real good udf.

thx for feedback


Edit : ok I think I've found a bug in winhttp on Windows xp, yipiyeahhhh

When the certificate is made with RSA 2048 it simply doesn't work.

When it's Under, so RSA 1024 no prob ( tried with other sites with unknown CA ).

When it's 2048, but md5, it works too.

That's maybe why it works Under 7 : the crypt api is maybe more powerful.

That's weird, but since it works with some other sites, I won't investigate anymore.

Edited by arcker

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  • 3 weeks later...

What's the best tool that you use to sniff the sequence of HTTP requests in order to replicate them with WinHTTP commands?

I tried some Chrome and Firefox live header sniffers but they all lack of essential informations (for example I didn't see the additional headers to append to the request in a POST action) and are full of useless informations (for example of plenty of requests for intra-page unnecessary elements like images)...

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