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Function current path

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Guest blackhawk


I´m searching for a funktion, which i can find out the current path of the file.



I´m searching for a funktion, which i can find out the current path of the file.


eg. "C:\Temp\test.txt"

eg. "C:\Temp\"

this should be in the suport forum btw :lmao:


Guest blackhawk

the path should be variable.


a user save the files on his desktop.

The script should copy the file from the current path (which must be variable) to

an fix path (c:\temp)

and another user could nsave the file in c:

then the script must copy the file from c: to c:\temp.


What file? The AutoIt script, a file you select from the script, or something else? Might wanna have a poke in the help file at the File* functions under Function Reference->File, Directory and Disk Management to see if anything there gives you inspiration and post whatever script you have so far.

Guest blackhawk

yes a file that i select from the script.

Posted (edited)

we need a way to make people read the whole help file before coming here (jk)

use this

$file = FileOpenDialog ( "title", "default dir", "filter (*.*)" )
FileCopy ( $file, "C:\temp" )


EDIT: let me correct myself

we need a way to FORCE people to read the whole help file before coming here

jk of couse :lmao: Edited by Xenogis

[font="Times"] If anyone remembers me, I am back. Maybe to stay, maybe not.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font][font="Times"]Things I am proud of: Pong! in AutoIt | SearchbarMy website: F.R.I.E.S.A little website that is trying to get started: http://thepiratelounge.net/ (not mine)[/font][font="Times"] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font][font="Arial"]The newbies need to stop stealing avatars!!! It is confusing!![/font]


Try this one.

$file = FileOpenDialog ( "title", "default dir", "filter (*.*)" )
;FileCopy ( $file, "C:\temp" )
$Folder = _GetFolder($file)
MsgBox(64, "Test", "The folder of the selected file:" & @CRLF & $Folder)

Func _GetFolder($gFile)
   Local $Match
   $Match = StringInStr($gFile, "\", 0, -1)
   Return StringLeft($gFile, $Match - 1)

BTW, you can select a folder y'know using a function: FileSelectFolder()

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