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Hi, I was wondering how could I put changing variables in a url?

heres my code:

$x = "hi"

ShellExecute("https://www.google.com/=www&say=$x") ; just example url

I tried to search answer but couldnt find.. any help?


Hi, I was wondering how could I put changing variables in a url?

heres my code:

$x = "hi"

ShellExecute("https://www.google.com/=www&say=$x") ; just example url

I tried to search answer but couldnt find.. any help?

I dont get it...that looks fine??

I mean at the moment, $x is always going to be "hi", is it that value you want to change..and if so, what are other results do you want $x to change it to, or where are you getting the other results for $x from??

Instant Lockerz Invite - www.instantlockerzinvite.co.uk

To use variables and a literal string you must use & to conjoin them. For example:

$Variable1 = "cal"
$Variable2 = "wmplayer"
$Variable3 = "mspaint"

Shellexecute($variable1 & "c")
ShellExecute("mspaint " & $Variable2)

You cannot use: "String $Variable" as it will take $Variable as a literal string and write that.

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