Markus Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 (edited) Being bored at work with only having the stupid windows xp games Minesweeper and Pinball I wrote bots for both. Now I'm even more bored. PinballBot: start pinball (or add a shellexecute line) (doesn't work with fullscreen) HotKeySet("^q","quit") WinMove("3D-Pinball","",0,0) WinActivate("3D-Pinball","") WinWaitActive("3D-Pinball","") $sumleft=PixelChecksum(159,429,173,454) $sumright=PixelChecksum(197,429,210,454) AutoItSetOption("SendKeyDownDelay",100) AutoItSetOption("SendKeyDelay",200) While 1 If PixelChecksum(159,429,173,454)<>$sumleft Then Send("y") If PixelChecksum(197,429,210,454)<>$sumright Then Send("m") WEnd Func quit() Exit EndFunc And the more difficult MinesweeperBot: expandcollapse popupShellExecute("C:\WINDOWS\system32\winmine.exe") WinWaitActive("MineSweeper") HotKeySet("^q","_quit") HotKeySet("^h","_forhotkey") WinActivate("MineSweeper") WinMove("MineSweeper","",0,0) Sleep(200) ;Dim $alltime=0 Dim $xstart=15 Dim $ystart=105 Dim $fieldwidth=16 Dim $fieldheight=16 Dim $fieldspos[31][17][2] Dim $fieldsstates[31][17][3] Dim $fieldsprocessed[31][17] Dim $fieldinfluenced[31][17] For $y=1 To 16 For $x=1 To 30 $fieldspos[$x][$y][0]=$xstart+($x-1)*$fieldwidth $fieldspos[$x][$y][1]=$ystart+($y-1)*$fieldheight Next Next ;MsgBox(0,"",_field_get_numb(7,2)) ;MsgBox(0,"",_field_get_col(13,5)) ;MsgBox(0,"",_field_get_col(26,7)) ;MsgBox(0,"",Hex(PixelGetColor($fieldspos[5][13][0]+7,$fieldspos[5][13][1]+7))) ;MsgBox(0,"",Hex(PixelGetColor(327,250))) _scan() While 1 _bot() ;_calculatestates() WEnd Func _forhotkey() $teststring="" For $y=1 To 16 For $x=1 To 30 If $fieldsstates[$x][$y][0]=10 Then $teststring&="x" Else $teststring&=$fieldsstates[$x][$y][0] EndIf Next $teststring&=@CRLF Next MsgBox(0,"",$teststring) EndFunc Func _scan() For $y=1 To 16 For $x=1 To 30 $fieldsstates[$x][$y][0]=_field_get_numb($x,$y) Next Next _calculatestates() EndFunc Func _bot() For $y=1 To 16 For $x=1 To 30 $fieldsprocessed[$x][$y]=0 Next Next For $y=1 To 16 For $x=1 To 30 If $fieldsstates[$x][$y][0]>0 And $fieldsstates[$x][$y][0]<9 Then If $fieldsstates[$x][$y][0]-$fieldsstates[$x][$y][1]=$fieldsstates[$x][$y][2] Then _setflags($x,$y) EndIf If $fieldsstates[$x][$y][0]=$fieldsstates[$x][$y][1] And $fieldsstates[$x][$y][2]>0 Then _setopenfields($x,$y) EndIf EndIf Next Next $clicked=0 For $y=1 To 16 For $x=1 To 30 If $fieldsprocessed[$x][$y]=1 Then $clicked=1 Next Next If $clicked=0 Then ;MsgBox(0,"Bot Message","Nothing found with usual way." & @crlf & "Starting special search.") _checkspecialmoves() EndIf $clicked=0 For $y=1 To 16 For $x=1 To 30 If $fieldsprocessed[$x][$y]=1 Then $clicked=1 Next Next If $clicked=0 Then MsgBox(0,"Bot Message","Also special search doesn't help - you have to guess." & @crlf & "Over and Out") _scan() #cs For $y=1 To 16 If $clicked Then ExitLoop For $x=1 To 30 If $clicked Then ExitLoop If $fieldsstates[$x][$y][0]=0 Then MouseClick("left",$fieldspos[$x][$y][0]+16,$fieldspos[$x][$y][1]+16,1,0) $fieldsprocessed[$x][$y]=1 Sleep(50) $fieldsstates[$x][$y][0]=_field_get_numb($x,$y) If $fieldsstates[$x][$y][0]=9 Then _scanaroundfield($x,$y) EndIf _calculatestatesaroundfield($x,$y) $clicked=1 EndIf Next Next #ce EndIf EndFunc Func _checkspecialmoves() For $y=1 To 16 For $x=1 To 30 For $yinner=1 To 16 For $xinner=1 To 30 $fieldinfluenced[$xinner][$yinner]=0 Next Next If $fieldsstates[$x][$y][0]>1 And $fieldsstates[$x][$y][0]<7 And $fieldsstates[$x][$y][2]>1 Then _search($x,$y) EndIf Next Next EndFunc Func _search($xfield,$yfield) For $i=1 To 8 Switch $i Case 1 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield-1 Case 2 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield Case 3 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 4 $tmpx=$xfield $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 5 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 6 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield Case 7 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield-1 Case 8 $tmpx=$xfield $tmpy=$yfield-1 EndSwitch If $tmpx>0 And $tmpx<31 And $tmpy>0 And $tmpy<17 Then If $fieldsstates[$tmpx][$tmpy][0]>0 And $fieldsstates[$tmpx][$tmpy][0]<6 Then _setinfluence($xfield,$yfield) _subtractinfluence($tmpx,$tmpy) $numbStillInfluenced=0 For $y=1 To 16 For $x=1 To 30 If $fieldinfluenced[$x][$y]=1 Then $numbStillInfluenced+=1 Next Next If $fieldsstates[$xfield][$yfield][0]-$fieldsstates[$xfield][$yfield][1]-$fieldsstates[$tmpx][$tmpy][0]+$fieldsstates[$tmpx][$tmpy][1]=$numbStillInfluenced Then For $y=1 To 16 For $x=1 To 30 If $fieldinfluenced[$x][$y]=1 And $fieldsprocessed[$x][$y]=0 Then ;MsgBox(0,"Bot Message","Special search succesful" & @crlf & "flag on: " & @crlf & "x: " & $x & " y: " & $y & @crlf & @crlf & "reason:" & @crlf & "field: x:" & $xfield & " y: " & $yfield & @crlf & "Still Influenced: " & $numbStillInfluenced) MouseClick("right",$fieldspos[$x][$y][0]+5,$fieldspos[$x][$y][1]+5,1,0) $fieldsprocessed[$x][$y]=1 $fieldsstates[$x][$y][0]=10 _calculatestatesaroundfield($x,$y) EndIf Next Next EndIf EndIf EndIf Next EndFunc Func _setinfluence($xfield,$yfield) For $i=1 To 8 Switch $i Case 1 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield-1 Case 2 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield Case 3 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 4 $tmpx=$xfield $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 5 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 6 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield Case 7 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield-1 Case 8 $tmpx=$xfield $tmpy=$yfield-1 EndSwitch If $tmpx>0 And $tmpx<31 And $tmpy>0 And $tmpy<17 Then If $fieldsstates[$tmpx][$tmpy][0]=0 Then $fieldinfluenced[$tmpx][$tmpy]=1 EndIf EndIf Next EndFunc Func _subtractinfluence($xfield,$yfield) For $i=1 To 8 Switch $i Case 1 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield-1 Case 2 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield Case 3 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 4 $tmpx=$xfield $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 5 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 6 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield Case 7 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield-1 Case 8 $tmpx=$xfield $tmpy=$yfield-1 EndSwitch If $tmpx>0 And $tmpx<31 And $tmpy>0 And $tmpy<17 Then If $fieldsstates[$tmpx][$tmpy][0]=0 Then $fieldinfluenced[$tmpx][$tmpy]=0 EndIf EndIf Next EndFunc Func _field_get_col($xfield,$yfield) Return Hex(PixelGetColor($fieldspos[$xfield][$yfield][0]+10,$fieldspos[$xfield][$yfield][1]+10)) EndFunc Func _field_get_numb($xfield,$yfield) $col=_field_get_col($xfield,$yfield) $numb=0 If $col="00C0C0C0" Then $numb=0;field to click If $col="000000FF" Then $numb=1 If $col="00008000" Then $numb=2 If $col="00FF0000" Then $numb=3 If $col="00000080" Then $numb=4 If $col="?" Then $numb=5 If $col="?" Then $numb=6 If $col="?" Then $numb=7 If $col="?" Then $numb=8 If $col="00000000" Then $numb=10;fahne If $numb=0 Then If Hex(PixelGetColor($fieldspos[$xfield][$yfield][0],$fieldspos[$xfield][$yfield][1]))<>"00FFFFFF" Then $numb="9";open field EndIf EndIf Return $numb EndFunc Func _field_get_flags_around($xfield,$yfield) $numberflags=0 For $i=1 To 8 Switch $i Case 1 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield-1 Case 2 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield Case 3 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 4 $tmpx=$xfield $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 5 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 6 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield Case 7 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield-1 Case 8 $tmpx=$xfield $tmpy=$yfield-1 EndSwitch If $tmpx>0 And $tmpx<31 And $tmpy>0 And $tmpy<17 Then If $fieldsstates[$tmpx][$tmpy][0]=10 Then $numberflags+=1 EndIf Next Return $numberflags EndFunc Func _field_get_openfields_around($xfield,$yfield) $numberopenfields=0 For $i=1 To 8 Switch $i Case 1 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield-1 Case 2 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield Case 3 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 4 $tmpx=$xfield $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 5 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 6 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield Case 7 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield-1 Case 8 $tmpx=$xfield $tmpy=$yfield-1 EndSwitch If $tmpx>0 And $tmpx<31 And $tmpy>0 And $tmpy<17 Then If $fieldsstates[$tmpx][$tmpy][0]=0 Then $numberopenfields+=1 EndIf Next Return $numberopenfields EndFunc Func _setflags($xfield,$yfield) For $i=1 To 8 Switch $i Case 1 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield-1 Case 2 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield Case 3 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 4 $tmpx=$xfield $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 5 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 6 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield Case 7 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield-1 Case 8 $tmpx=$xfield $tmpy=$yfield-1 EndSwitch If $tmpx>0 And $tmpx<31 And $tmpy>0 And $tmpy<17 Then If $fieldsstates[$tmpx][$tmpy][0]=0 And $fieldsprocessed[$tmpx][$tmpy]=0 Then MouseClick("right",$fieldspos[$tmpx][$tmpy][0]+5,$fieldspos[$tmpx][$tmpy][1]+5,1,0) $fieldsprocessed[$tmpx][$tmpy]=1 $fieldsstates[$tmpx][$tmpy][0]=10 _calculatestatesaroundfield($tmpx,$tmpy) EndIf EndIf Next EndFunc Func _setopenfields($xfield,$yfield) ;MouseClick("left",$fieldspos[$xfield][$yfield][0]+16,$fieldspos[$xfield][$yfield][1]+16) ;MouseClick("right",$fieldspos[$xfield][$yfield][0]+16,$fieldspos[$xfield][$yfield][1]+16) ;_scanaroundfield($xfield,$yfield) ;_calculatestatesaroundfield($xfield,$yfield) For $i=1 To 8 Switch $i Case 1 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield-1 Case 2 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield Case 3 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 4 $tmpx=$xfield $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 5 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 6 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield Case 7 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield-1 Case 8 $tmpx=$xfield $tmpy=$yfield-1 EndSwitch If $tmpx>0 And $tmpx<31 And $tmpy>0 And $tmpy<17 Then If $fieldsstates[$tmpx][$tmpy][0]=0 And $fieldsprocessed[$tmpx][$tmpy]=0 Then MouseClick("left",$fieldspos[$tmpx][$tmpy][0]+14,$fieldspos[$tmpx][$tmpy][1]+14,1,0) $fieldsprocessed[$tmpx][$tmpy]=1 Sleep(50) $fieldsstates[$tmpx][$tmpy][0]=_field_get_numb($tmpx,$tmpy) If $fieldsstates[$tmpx][$tmpy][0]=9 Then ;MouseMove(0,0,0) _scan() Else _calculatestatesaroundfield($tmpx,$tmpy) EndIf EndIf EndIf Next EndFunc Func _scanaroundfield($xfield,$yfield) For $i=1 To 8 Switch $i Case 1 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield-1 Case 2 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield Case 3 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 4 $tmpx=$xfield $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 5 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 6 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield Case 7 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield-1 Case 8 $tmpx=$xfield $tmpy=$yfield-1 EndSwitch If $tmpx>0 And $tmpx<31 And $tmpy>0 And $tmpy<17 Then If $fieldsstates[$tmpx][$tmpy][0]=0 And $fieldsprocessed[$tmpx][$tmpy]=0 Then $fieldsprocessed[$tmpx][$tmpy]=1 Sleep(50) $fieldsstates[$tmpx][$tmpy][0]=_field_get_numb($tmpx,$tmpy) If $fieldsstates[$tmpx][$tmpy][0]=9 Then _scanaroundfield($tmpx,$tmpy) EndIf _calculatestatesaroundfield($tmpx,$tmpy) EndIf EndIf Next EndFunc Func _calculatestates() For $y=1 To 16 For $x=1 To 30 $fieldsstates[$x][$y][1]=_field_get_flags_around($x,$y) Next Next For $y=1 To 16 For $x=1 To 30 $fieldsstates[$x][$y][2]=_field_get_openfields_around($x,$y) Next Next EndFunc Func _calculatestatesaroundfield($xfield,$yfield) $fieldsstates[$xfield][$yfield][1]=_field_get_flags_around($xfield,$yfield) $fieldsstates[$xfield][$yfield][2]=_field_get_openfields_around($xfield,$yfield) For $i=1 To 8 Switch $i Case 1 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield-1 Case 2 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield Case 3 $tmpx=$xfield-1 $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 4 $tmpx=$xfield $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 5 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield+1 Case 6 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield Case 7 $tmpx=$xfield+1 $tmpy=$yfield-1 Case 8 $tmpx=$xfield $tmpy=$yfield-1 EndSwitch If $tmpx>0 And $tmpx<31 And $tmpy>0 And $tmpy<17 Then $fieldsstates[$tmpx][$tmpy][1]=_field_get_flags_around($tmpx,$tmpy) $fieldsstates[$tmpx][$tmpy][2]=_field_get_openfields_around($tmpx,$tmpy) EndIf Next EndFunc Func _quit() Exit EndFunc How to use MinesweeperBot: as the bot only works for professional mode (the biggest one) you have to start minesweeper before using the bot and set the mode to professional, then close minesweeper and start the bot (maybe you have to change the path in the first line). run him and wait. The message "Bot Message" will appear. Always if that message appears you have to guess, as Minesweeper suxx you often have to guess.... Edited October 30, 2008 by Markus "It's easier to disintegrate an atom than a prejudice." (A.Einstein)---------------------------------------------------------------------------My C++ - tools:Tidy tool-->indents your c++ sourceCleanscript --> cleans autoit-code before compiling (co-author: peethebee)My tools:GUIBuilder-->build your window and get the source; german versionMy Games:OnlineGameCenter-->Online Chess and Connect4 with a rtf-chatSnake-->including a level editor to build your own levelsTetris-->the well known game, big funOther things:Tower of Hanoi-->perfect riddler with graphic output
BrettF Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 Hey, I can't get the minesweeper bot to work! I also couldn't find a professional mode... Cheers, Brett Vist my blog!UDFs: Opens The Default Mail Client | _LoginBox | Convert Reg to AU3 | BASS.au3 (BASS.dll) (Includes various BASS Libraries) | MultiLang.au3 (Multi-Language GUIs!)Example Scripts: Computer Info Telnet Server | "Secure" HTTP Server (Based on Manadar's Server)Software: AAMP- Advanced AutoIt Media Player | WorldCam | AYTU - Youtube Uploader Tutorials: Learning to Script with AutoIt V3Projects (Hardware + AutoIt): ArduinoUseful Links: AutoIt 1-2-3 | The AutoIt Downloads Section: | SciTE4AutoIt3 Full Version!
Markus Posted October 30, 2008 Author Posted October 30, 2008 the mode with the field size 16*30 "It's easier to disintegrate an atom than a prejudice." (A.Einstein)---------------------------------------------------------------------------My C++ - tools:Tidy tool-->indents your c++ sourceCleanscript --> cleans autoit-code before compiling (co-author: peethebee)My tools:GUIBuilder-->build your window and get the source; german versionMy Games:OnlineGameCenter-->Online Chess and Connect4 with a rtf-chatSnake-->including a level editor to build your own levelsTetris-->the well known game, big funOther things:Tower of Hanoi-->perfect riddler with graphic output
Markus Posted October 30, 2008 Author Posted October 30, 2008 Botrecords: Minesweeper: 33 seconds Pinball: 2.6 millions "It's easier to disintegrate an atom than a prejudice." (A.Einstein)---------------------------------------------------------------------------My C++ - tools:Tidy tool-->indents your c++ sourceCleanscript --> cleans autoit-code before compiling (co-author: peethebee)My tools:GUIBuilder-->build your window and get the source; german versionMy Games:OnlineGameCenter-->Online Chess and Connect4 with a rtf-chatSnake-->including a level editor to build your own levelsTetris-->the well known game, big funOther things:Tower of Hanoi-->perfect riddler with graphic output
dbzfanatic Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 Your pinball bot doesn't work for me. What's your screen res? I'm running xp 64bit so we have the same game (or should) Go to my website. | My Zazzle Page (custom products)Al Bhed Translator | Direct linkScreenRec ProSimple Text Editor (STE) [TUTORIAL]Task Scheduler UDF <--- First ever UDF!_ControlPaste() UDF[quote name='renanzin' post='584064' date='Sep 26 2008, 07:00 AM']whats help ?[/quote]
cageman Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 i tried the minesweeper bot. It works pretty nice only problem is, it doesnt detect when you lost + its pretty annoying that popup each time. Also if i click it might move instantly after that and cause im moving it misclicks sometimes.
Pcerins Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 ShellExecute('pinball.exe') Sleep(5000) HotKeySet("^q","quit") WinMove("3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet","",0,0) WinActivate("3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet","") WinWaitActive("3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet","") $sumleft=PixelChecksum(159,429,173,454) $sumright=PixelChecksum(197,429,210,454) AutoItSetOption("SendKeyDownDelay",100) AutoItSetOption("SendKeyDelay",200) While 1 If PixelChecksum(159,429,173,454)<>$sumleft Then Send("z") If PixelChecksum(197,429,210,454)<>$sumright Then Send("/") WEnd Func quit() Exit EndFunc Added shellexecute and sleep. Also had to change window title and change y m to z / . Very cool code though Only problem is that the pinball goes to the same spot almost every time...
BrettF Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 Botrecords:Minesweeper: 33 secondsPinball: 2.6 millionsHuman, beginner mode, 71seconds Vist my blog!UDFs: Opens The Default Mail Client | _LoginBox | Convert Reg to AU3 | BASS.au3 (BASS.dll) (Includes various BASS Libraries) | MultiLang.au3 (Multi-Language GUIs!)Example Scripts: Computer Info Telnet Server | "Secure" HTTP Server (Based on Manadar's Server)Software: AAMP- Advanced AutoIt Media Player | WorldCam | AYTU - Youtube Uploader Tutorials: Learning to Script with AutoIt V3Projects (Hardware + AutoIt): ArduinoUseful Links: AutoIt 1-2-3 | The AutoIt Downloads Section: | SciTE4AutoIt3 Full Version!
trancexx Posted November 1, 2008 Posted November 1, 2008 Your pinball bot doesn't work for me. What's your screen res? I'm running xp 64bit so we have the same game (or should)Change MineSweeper to Minesweeperbtw, I hate this kind of stuff but I was bored too ♡♡♡ . eMyvnE
Markus Posted November 2, 2008 Author Posted November 2, 2008 Your pinball bot doesn't work for me. What's your screen res? I'm running xp 64bit so we have the same game (or should)Have to check the screen size in the office tomorrow (weekend suxx :-P)Only problem is that the pinball goes to the same spot almost every time...You could change the pixelarea - or make an array with different areas, that are randomly checked. "It's easier to disintegrate an atom than a prejudice." (A.Einstein)---------------------------------------------------------------------------My C++ - tools:Tidy tool-->indents your c++ sourceCleanscript --> cleans autoit-code before compiling (co-author: peethebee)My tools:GUIBuilder-->build your window and get the source; german versionMy Games:OnlineGameCenter-->Online Chess and Connect4 with a rtf-chatSnake-->including a level editor to build your own levelsTetris-->the well known game, big funOther things:Tower of Hanoi-->perfect riddler with graphic output
wIck3d Posted November 2, 2008 Posted November 2, 2008 How does the minesweeper works ? i runs but all it does is giving me the bot message over and over. Scripts:Mouse coords, cursor ID and color
Markus Posted November 4, 2008 Author Posted November 4, 2008 How does the minesweeper works ? i runs but all it does is giving me the bot message over and over.It doesn't do anything if you have to guess. As there is no field opened at the beginning, you have to guess. So always when that message appears, click anywhere in the field and then "OK" in the message. If you have a game situation where you don't have to guess but that message still appears, there's a bug "It's easier to disintegrate an atom than a prejudice." (A.Einstein)---------------------------------------------------------------------------My C++ - tools:Tidy tool-->indents your c++ sourceCleanscript --> cleans autoit-code before compiling (co-author: peethebee)My tools:GUIBuilder-->build your window and get the source; german versionMy Games:OnlineGameCenter-->Online Chess and Connect4 with a rtf-chatSnake-->including a level editor to build your own levelsTetris-->the well known game, big funOther things:Tower of Hanoi-->perfect riddler with graphic output
dbzfanatic Posted November 4, 2008 Posted November 4, 2008 (edited) Pinball bot works. Highscore = 3,829,250 Edit: Code below sends keys to pinball window only,allowing window changing without key sends. ShellExecute('pinball.exe') Sleep(5000) HotKeySet("^q","quit") WinMove("3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet","",0,0) WinActivate("3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet","") WinWaitActive("3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet","") $sumleft=PixelChecksum(159,429,173,454) $sumright=PixelChecksum(197,429,210,454) AutoItSetOption("SendKeyDownDelay",100) AutoItSetOption("SendKeyDelay",200) While 1 If PixelChecksum(159,429,173,454)<>$sumleft Then ControlSend("3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet","","","z") If PixelChecksum(197,429,210,454)<>$sumright Then ControlSend("3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet","","","/") WEnd Func quit() Exit EndFunc Edited November 4, 2008 by dbzfanatic Go to my website. | My Zazzle Page (custom products)Al Bhed Translator | Direct linkScreenRec ProSimple Text Editor (STE) [TUTORIAL]Task Scheduler UDF <--- First ever UDF!_ControlPaste() UDF[quote name='renanzin' post='584064' date='Sep 26 2008, 07:00 AM']whats help ?[/quote]
Worfox Posted November 5, 2008 Posted November 5, 2008 (edited) i added some features expandcollapse popupHotKeySet("^{END}", "quit") Opt("SendKeyDownDelay", 100) Opt("SendKeyDelay", 200) $name = InputBox("", "Highscore name", "coga") If @error Then Exit Dim $xy1[4] = [159, 429, 173, 454] Dim $xy2[4] = [197, 429, 210, 454] Dim $xy3[4] = [319, 409, 338, 427] Global $sum1, $sum2, $sum3 if WinExists("3D-Pinball") = False then ShellExecute(@ProgramFilesDir & "\Windows NT\Pinball\PINBALL.EXE") start() Func start() WinActivate("3D-Pinball") WinWaitActive("3D-Pinball") WinMove("3D-Pinball", "", 0, 0) $sum1 = PixelChecksum($xy1[0], $xy1[1], $xy1[2], $xy1[3]) $sum2 = PixelChecksum($xy2[0], $xy2[1], $xy2[2], $xy2[3]) $sum3 = PixelChecksum($xy3[0], $xy3[1], $xy3[2], $xy3[3]) ;~ ControlGetFocus("" EndFunc ;==>start While 1 If PixelChecksum($xy1[0], $xy1[1], $xy1[2], $xy1[3]) <> $sum1 Then ControlSend("3D-Pinball", "", "", "y") If PixelChecksum($xy2[0], $xy2[1], $xy2[2], $xy2[3]) <> $sum2 Then ControlSend("3D-Pinball", "", "", "m") If PixelChecksum($xy3[0], $xy3[1], $xy3[2], $xy3[3]) <> $sum3 Then Sleep(1000) ControlSend("3D-Pinball", "", "", "{SPACE down}") Sleep(540) ControlSend("3D-Pinball", "", "", "{SPACE up}") EndIf If WinExists("3D-Pinball") = False Then start() If WinExists("Bestenliste") Or WinExists("High Scores") Then If WinExists("Bestenliste") Then $id = ControlGetFocus("Bestenliste") ControlSend("Bestenliste", "", $id, $name) ControlClick("Bestenliste", "", "Button1") Else $id = ControlGetFocus("High Scores") ControlSend("High Scores", "",$id, $name) ControlClick("High Scores", "", "Button1") EndIf Sleep(1000) WinActivate("3D-Pinball") WinWaitActive("3D-Pinball") ControlSend("3D-Pinball", "", "", "{F2}") EndIf WEnd Func quit() Exit EndFunc ;==>quit Edited November 5, 2008 by Worfox
dansxmods Posted November 5, 2008 Posted November 5, 2008 i love this I want to make a freecell bot, what is the best way to do this? sorry for the off topic.
dbzfanatic Posted November 5, 2008 Posted November 5, 2008 i love this I want to make a freecell bot, what is the best way to do this? sorry for the off topic.It's not nice to hijack others' threads. Your question should be asked in General Help and Support. New Bot Highschore: 4,203,250 Bot Code: expandcollapse popupHotKeySet("^{END}", "quit") Opt("SendKeyDownDelay", 100) Opt("SendKeyDelay", 200) $name = InputBox("", "Highscore name", "coga") If @error Then Exit Dim $xy1[4] = [159, 429, 173, 454] Dim $xy2[4] = [197, 429, 210, 454] Dim $xy3[4] = [319, 409, 338, 427] Global $sum1, $sum2, $sum3 if WinExists("3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet") = False then ShellExecute(@ProgramFilesDir & "\Windows NT\Pinball\PINBALL.EXE") start() Func start() WinActivate("3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet") WinWaitActive("3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet") WinMove("3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet", "", 0, 0) $sum1 = PixelChecksum($xy1[0], $xy1[1], $xy1[2], $xy1[3]) $sum2 = PixelChecksum($xy2[0], $xy2[1], $xy2[2], $xy2[3]) $sum3 = PixelChecksum($xy3[0], $xy3[1], $xy3[2], $xy3[3]) ;~ ControlGetFocus("" EndFunc ;==>start While 1 If PixelChecksum($xy1[0], $xy1[1], $xy1[2], $xy1[3]) <> $sum1 Then ControlSend("3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet", "", "", "z") If PixelChecksum($xy2[0], $xy2[1], $xy2[2], $xy2[3]) <> $sum2 Then ControlSend("3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet", "", "", "/") If PixelChecksum($xy3[0], $xy3[1], $xy3[2], $xy3[3]) <> $sum3 Then Sleep(1000) ControlSend("3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet", "", "", "{SPACE down}") Sleep(1000) ControlSend("3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet", "", "", "{SPACE up}") EndIf If WinExists("3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet") = False Then start() If WinExists("Bestenliste") Or WinExists("High Scores") Then If WinExists("Bestenliste") Then $id = ControlGetFocus("Bestenliste") ControlSend("Bestenliste", "", $id, $name) ControlClick("Bestenliste", "", "Button1") Else $id = ControlGetFocus("High Scores") ControlSend("High Scores", "",$id, $name) ControlClick("High Scores", "", "Button1") EndIf Sleep(1000) WinActivate("3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet") WinWaitActive("3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet") ControlSend("3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet", "", "", "{F2}") EndIf WEnd Func quit() Exit EndFunc ;==>quit Go to my website. | My Zazzle Page (custom products)Al Bhed Translator | Direct linkScreenRec ProSimple Text Editor (STE) [TUTORIAL]Task Scheduler UDF <--- First ever UDF!_ControlPaste() UDF[quote name='renanzin' post='584064' date='Sep 26 2008, 07:00 AM']whats help ?[/quote]
Worfox Posted November 17, 2008 Posted November 17, 2008 I used "3D-Pinball" because the title in the German version is different to the English..German:"3D-Pinball für Windows - Space Cadet"English:"3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet"
dbzfanatic Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 Well the titlematchmode was set wrong or something because it didn't work until I set the full title. Probably something minor.New huge high-score: 17,000,250!! Go to my website. | My Zazzle Page (custom products)Al Bhed Translator | Direct linkScreenRec ProSimple Text Editor (STE) [TUTORIAL]Task Scheduler UDF <--- First ever UDF!_ControlPaste() UDF[quote name='renanzin' post='584064' date='Sep 26 2008, 07:00 AM']whats help ?[/quote]
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