eukalyptus Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 (edited) UDF to perform calculations with big numbers _BigNum_Parse _BigNum_Add _BigNum_Sub _BigNum_Mul _BigNum_Div _BigNum_Pow _BigNum_SQRT _BigNum_n_Root _BigNum_Mod _BigNum_Round _BigNum_Compare EDIT: updated BigNum.au3 BigNum_example.au3 #include "BigNum.au3" $X = "10000000000000000000" $Y = "0.000000000000000001" MsgBox(0, "Addition", $X & " + " & $Y & " = " & _BigNum_Add($X, $Y)) $X = "-10000000000000000000" $Y = "10000000000000000000" MsgBox(0, "Subtraction", $X & " - " & $Y & " = " & _BigNum_Sub($X, $Y)) $X = "10000000000000000001" $Y = "-0.0000001" MsgBox(0, "Multiplication", $X & " x " & $Y & " = " & _BigNum_Mul($X, $Y)) $X = "10000000000000000000" $Y = "3" MsgBox(0, "Division, 10 Decimalplaces", $X & " / " & $Y & " = " & _BigNum_Div($X, $Y, 10)) MsgBox(0, "Division & Modulo", $X & " / " & $Y & " = " & _BigNum_Div($X, $Y) & @CRLF & "Mod: " & _BigNum_Mod($X, $Y)) Edited August 15, 2010 by eukalyptus Gianni and AZJIO 2 DirectSound UDF Direct2D UDF
Jango Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 hithis is the current result of the u tell me what is this contest exactly ?
eukalyptus Posted October 30, 2008 Author Posted October 30, 2008 Can u tell me what is this contest exactly ?HiIt´s a scripting competition at month, Waluev gives us a new exercise.For example: in march we had to write a hangman-game.Winner is the fastest / smallest / best looking /... (depending on the exercise) script.E DirectSound UDF Direct2D UDF
eukalyptus Posted October 30, 2008 Author Posted October 30, 2008 Fixed a bug in _BigNum_Div and I´ve added a Debug_To_Text option. Just set the Global Const $BigNum_Debug to True and a TXT-File with the single calculation steps will be created... E DirectSound UDF Direct2D UDF
jennico Posted December 7, 2009 Posted December 7, 2009 (edited) amazing speed - good work ! this udf should be added to the official includes ! i am impressed j. Edit: updated Eukalyptus' UDF added: _BigNum_Pow _BigNum_SQRT _BigNum_n_Root no changes applied to original functions discussion and examples later in this thread. expandcollapse popup#include-once Global Const $BigNum_Debug = False ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: BigNum ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Perform calculations with big numbers ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #CURRENT# ===================================================================================================================== ;_BigNum_Add ;_BigNum_Sub ;_BigNum_Mul ;_BigNum_Div ;_BigNum_Pow ;_BigNum_SQRT ;_BigNum_n_Root ;_BigNum_Mod ;_BigNum_Round ;_BigNum_Compare ;_BigNum_Swap ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ;_BigNum_CheckNegative ;_BigNum_DivAdd ;_BigNum_DivComp ;_BigNum_DivSub ;_BigNum_Div_DivisorGreater14 ;_BigNum_Div_DivisorMaxLen14 ;_BigNum_InsertDecimalSeparator ;_BigNum_StringIsDecimal ;_BigNum_IsValid ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ;==================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _BigNum_Add ; Description ...: Addition $sX + $sY ; Syntax.........: _BigNum_Add($sX, $sY) ; Parameters ....: $sX - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; $sY - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; Return values .: Success - Result $sX + $sY ; Failure - 0, sets @error to 1 if $sX/$sY not valid StringNumber ; Author ........: Eukalyptus ; ; ;=============================================================================================== Func _BigNum_Add($sX, $sY) If _BigNum_IsValid($sX, $sY) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iNeg = _BigNum_CheckNegative($sX, $sY), $sNeg = "" If $iNeg = 3 Then $sNeg = "-" If $iNeg = 1 Then Return _BigNum_Sub($sY, $sX) If $iNeg = 2 Then Return _BigNum_Sub($sX, $sY) If $BigNum_Debug Then Local $BN_File = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\BigNum_Debug.txt", 2) Local $iDec = _BigNum_StringIsDecimal($sX, $sY) Local $iTmp = StringLen($sX), $iLen = StringLen($sY), $iCar = 0, $sRet = "" If $BigNum_Debug Then FileWrite($BN_File, " " & _BigNum_DS($iLen - $iTmp, "0") & $sX & " + " & @CRLF & " " & _BigNum_DS($iTmp - $iLen, "0") & $sY & @CRLF) If $iLen < $iTmp Then $iLen = $iTmp If $BigNum_Debug Then FileWrite($BN_File, " " & _BigNum_DS($iLen, "-") & @CRLF) For $i = 1 To $iLen Step 18 $iTmp = Int(StringRight($sX, 18)) + Int(StringRight($sY, 18)) + $iCar $sX = StringTrimRight($sX, 18) $sY = StringTrimRight($sY, 18) If ($iTmp > 999999999999999999) Then $iTmp = StringRight($iTmp, 18) $sRet = $iTmp & $sRet If $BigNum_Debug Then FileWrite($BN_File, _BigNum_DS($iLen - $i - StringLen($iTmp) + 2) & $iTmp & _BigNum_DS($i) & "+" & $iCar & @CRLF) $iCar = 1 Else If $BigNum_Debug Then FileWrite($BN_File, _BigNum_DS($iLen - $i - StringLen($iTmp) + 2) & $iTmp & _BigNum_DS($i) & "+" & $iCar & @CRLF) $iTmp = StringRight("000000000000000000" & $iTmp, 18) $sRet = $iTmp & $sRet $iCar = 0 EndIf Next $sRet = StringRegExpReplace($iCar & $sRet, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1) If $iDec > 0 Then $sRet = _BigNum_InsertDecimalSeparator($sRet, $iDec, $iDec) If $sRet = "0" Then $sNeg = "" If $BigNum_Debug Then FileWrite($BN_File, " " & _BigNum_DS($iLen, "-") & @CRLF) FileWrite($BN_File, _BigNum_DS($iLen - StringLen($sRet) + 1) & $sRet) FileClose($BN_File) EndIf Return $sNeg & $sRet EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_Add ; #FUNCTION# ;==================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _BigNum_Sub ; Description ...: Subtraction $sX - $sY ; Syntax.........: _BigNum_Sub($sX, $sY) ; Parameters ....: $sX - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; $sY - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; Return values .: Success - Result $sX - $sY ; Failure - 0, sets @error to 1 if $sX/$sY not valid StringNumber ; Author ........: Eukalyptus ; ; ;=============================================================================================== Func _BigNum_Sub($sX, $sY) If _BigNum_IsValid($sX, $sY) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iNeg = _BigNum_CheckNegative($sX, $sY), $bNeg = False If $iNeg = 3 Then Return _BigNum_Add("-" & $sX, $sY) If $iNeg = 1 Then Return "-" & _BigNum_Add($sX, $sY) If $iNeg = 2 Then Return _BigNum_Add($sX, $sY) If $BigNum_Debug Then Local $BN_File = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\BigNum_Debug.txt", 2) Local $iDec = _BigNum_StringIsDecimal($sX, $sY) If _BigNum_Compare($sX, $sY) = -1 Then $bNeg = _BigNum_Swap($sX, $sY) Local $iTmp = StringLen($sX), $iLen = StringLen($sY), $iCar = 0, $sRet = "" If $BigNum_Debug Then FileWrite($BN_File, " " & _BigNum_DS($iLen - $iTmp, "0") & $sX & " - " & @CRLF & " " & _BigNum_DS($iTmp - $iLen, "0") & $sY & @CRLF) If $iLen < $iTmp Then $iLen = $iTmp If $BigNum_Debug Then FileWrite($BN_File, " " & _BigNum_DS($iLen, "-") & @CRLF) For $i = 1 To $iLen Step 18 $iTmp = Int(StringRight($sX, 18)) - Int(StringRight($sY, 18)) - $iCar $sX = StringTrimRight($sX, 18) $sY = StringTrimRight($sY, 18) If $iTmp < 0 Then $iTmp = 1000000000000000000 + $iTmp If $BigNum_Debug Then FileWrite($BN_File, _BigNum_DS($iLen - $i - StringLen($iTmp) + 2) & $iTmp & _BigNum_DS($i) & "-" & $iCar & @CRLF) $iCar = 1 Else If $BigNum_Debug Then FileWrite($BN_File, _BigNum_DS($iLen - $i - StringLen($iTmp) + 2) & $iTmp & _BigNum_DS($i) & "-" & $iCar & @CRLF) $iCar = 0 EndIf $sRet = StringRight("0000000000000000000" & $iTmp, 18) & $sRet Next $sRet = StringRegExpReplace($iCar & $sRet, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1) If $iDec > 0 Then $sRet = _BigNum_InsertDecimalSeparator($sRet, $iDec, $iDec) If $BigNum_Debug Then FileWrite($BN_File, " " & _BigNum_DS($iLen, "-") & @CRLF) FileWrite($BN_File, _BigNum_DS($iLen - StringLen($sRet) + 1) & $sRet) FileClose($BN_File) EndIf If $bNeg = True And $sRet <> "0" Then Return "-" & $sRet Else Return $sRet EndIf EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_Sub ; #FUNCTION# ;==================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _BigNum_Mul ; Description ...: Multiplication $sX * $sY ; Syntax.........: _BigNum_Mul($sX, $sY) ; Parameters ....: $sX - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; $sY - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; Return values .: Success - Result $sX * $sY ; Failure - 0, sets @error to 1 if $sX/$sY not valid StringNumber ; Author ........: Eukalyptus ; ; ;=============================================================================================== Func _BigNum_Mul($sX, $sY) If _BigNum_IsValid($sX, $sY) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iNeg = _BigNum_CheckNegative($sX, $sY), $sNeg = "" Local $iDec = _BigNum_StringIsDecimal($sX, $sY) If $BigNum_Debug Then Local $BN_File = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\BigNum_Debug.txt", 2), $BN_X = StringLen($sX) FileWrite($BN_File, " " & $sX & " * " & $sY & " = " & @CRLF) FileWrite($BN_File, " " & _BigNum_DS($BN_X + StringLen($sY) + 3, "-") & @CRLF) EndIf Local $aX = StringRegExp($sX, '\A.{' & 6 - (Ceiling(StringLen($sX) / 6) * 6 - StringLen($sX)) & '}|.{6}+', 3) Local $aY = StringRegExp($sY, '\A.{' & 6 - (Ceiling(StringLen($sY) / 6) * 6 - StringLen($sY)) & '}|.{6}+', 3) Local $aRet[UBound($aX) + UBound($aY) - 1] For $j = 0 To UBound($aX) - 1 For $i = 0 To UBound($aY) - 1 If $BigNum_Debug Then FileWrite($BN_File, " " & _BigNum_DS(StringLen($aX[0]) + $j * 6 - StringLen($aX[$j])) & $aX[$j] & _BigNum_DS($BN_X - (StringLen($aX[0]) + $j * 6)) & " * " & _BigNum_DS(StringLen($aY[0]) + $i * 6 - StringLen($aY[$i])) & $aY[$i]) FileWrite($BN_File, " " & _BigNum_DS(((UBound($aY) - 1 - $i) * 6) + ($i * 15 + $j * 15)) & $aX[$j] * $aY[$i] & @CRLF) EndIf $aRet[$j + $i] += $aX[$j] * $aY[$i] Next Next If $BigNum_Debug Then FileWrite($BN_File, " " & _BigNum_DS($BN_X + StringLen($sY) + 3) & _BigNum_DS($i * 15 + $j * 15, "-") & @CRLF) FileWrite($BN_File, " " & _BigNum_DS($BN_X + StringLen($sY) + 6)) For $i = 0 To UBound($aRet) - 1 FileWrite($BN_File, $aRet[$i] & _BigNum_DS(15 - StringLen($aRet[$i]))) Next FileWrite($BN_File, @CRLF & @CRLF) For $i = 0 To UBound($aRet) - 1 FileWrite($BN_File, _BigNum_DS($BN_X + StringLen($sY)) & _BigNum_DS($i * 6 + 15 - StringLen($aRet[$i])) & $aRet[$i] & @CRLF) Next FileWrite($BN_File, _BigNum_DS($BN_X + StringLen($sY)) & _BigNum_DS(15 - StringLen($aRet[0])) & _BigNum_DS($i * 6, "-") & @CRLF) EndIf Local $sRet = "", $iCar = 0, $iTmp For $i = UBound($aRet) - 1 To 0 Step - 1 $aRet[$i] += $iCar $iCar = Floor($aRet[$i] / 1000000) $iTmp = Mod($aRet[$i], 1000000) If $iTmp <= 1000000 Then $iTmp = StringRight("000000" & $iTmp, 6) $sRet = $iTmp & $sRet Next If $iCar > 0 Then $sRet = $iCar & $sRet $sRet = StringRegExpReplace($sRet, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1) If ($iNeg = 1 Or $iNeg = 2) And $sRet <> "0" Then $sNeg = "-" If $iDec > 0 Then $sRet = _BigNum_InsertDecimalSeparator($sRet, $iDec * 2, $iDec * 2) If $BigNum_Debug Then FileWrite($BN_File, _BigNum_DS($BN_X + StringLen($sY)) & _BigNum_DS(15 - StringLen($aRet[0])) & $sRet) FileClose($BN_File) EndIf Return $sNeg & $sRet EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_Mul ; #FUNCTION# ;==================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _BigNum_Div ; Description ...: Division $sX / $sY ; Syntax.........: _BigNum_Div($sX, $sY, [$iD = 0]) ; Parameters ....: $sX - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; $sY - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; $iD [optional] - Number of Decimalplaces ; Return values .: Success - Result $sX / $sY ; Failure - 0, sets @error to 1 if $sX/$sY not valid StringNumber ; Author ........: Eukalyptus ; ; ;=============================================================================================== Func _BigNum_Div($sX, $sY, $iD = 0) If _BigNum_IsValid($sX, $sY) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iNeg = _BigNum_CheckNegative($sX, $sY), $sNeg = "" Local $iDec = _BigNum_StringIsDecimal($sX, $sY), $sMod If $sX = 0 Or $sY = 0 Then Return "0" If $sY = "1" Then Return $sNeg & $sX While StringLeft($sX, 1) = "0" $sX = StringTrimLeft($sX, 1) $iDec += 1 WEnd While StringLeft($sY, 1) = "0" $sY = StringTrimLeft($sY, 1) $iDec += 1 WEnd Local $sRet = "", $iLnX = StringLen($sX), $iLnY = StringLen($sY), $iTmp, $iCnt, $sTmp, $iDe1 = 0 If $iD > 0 Then $iDe1 += $iD If $iNeg = 1 Or $iNeg = 2 Then $sNeg = "-" $iTmp = _BigNum_Compare($sX, $sY) If $iTmp = -1 Then For $iCnt = $iLnX To $iLnY $sX &= 0 $iDe1 += 1 Next EndIf If $iTmp = 0 Then Return $sNeg & "1" If $iD = -1 Then $iD = $iDec * 2 For $iCnt = 1 To $iD $sX &= "0" Next If $iLnY > 14 Then $sRet = _BigNum_Div_DivisorGreater14($sX, $sY, $sMod) Else $sRet = _BigNum_Div_DivisorMaxLen14($sX, $sY, $sMod) EndIf If $iDe1 > 0 Then $sRet = _BigNum_InsertDecimalSeparator($sRet, $iDe1, $iD) If $sRet = "0" Then Return "0" Else Return $sNeg & $sRet EndIf EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_Div ; #FUNCTION# ;==================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _BigNum_Pow ; Description ...: Exponentiation $n^$e ; Syntax.........: _BigNum_Pow($n [, $e = 2]) ; Parameters ....: $n - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; $e [optional] - Exponent (must be a positive 64-bit signed integer) ; Default: $e = 2 means result = $n² ; Return values .: Success - Result $n^$e ; Failure - -1, sets @error to 1 if $n not valid StringNumber ; -1, sets @error to 2 if $e is not a positive Integer ; Author ........: jennicoattminusonlinedotde ; Date ..........: 9.12.09 ; Remarks .......: Fractional exponents not allowed - use BigNum_n_root instead. ; _BigNum_Pow() offers a drastically better efficiency than looping _BigNum_Mul() ; Reference .....: ; ;=============================================================================================== Func _BigNum_Pow($n, $e = 2) $e = Number($e) If IsInt($e) = 0 Or $e < 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) ;If $e < -2147483648 Or $e > 2147483647 Then Return SetError(-2, 0, -1) If _BigNum_IsValid($n, $n) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) Local $res = 1 While $e ;If BitAND($e, 1) Then ; bitoperation is not faster ! If Mod($e, 2) Then $res = _BigNum_Mul($res, $n) $e -= 1 EndIf $n = _BigNum_Mul($n, $n) ;$e = BitShift($e, 1) ; bitoperation is not faster ! $e /= 2 WEnd Return $res EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_Pow ; #FUNCTION# ;==================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _BigNum_SQRT ; Description ...: Square Root (BigNum) ; Syntax.........: _BigNum_SQRT($n [, $p = -1]) ; Parameters ....: $n - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; $p [optional] - Precision (Number of Decimalplaces) (must be positive Integer) ; Default: $p = -1 means automatic precision (stringlen of integer part of $n) ; Return values .: Success - Result SQRT($n) ; @extended = Precicion of result (if $p set to automatic precision) ; @error = Number of Iterations ; Failure - -1, sets @error to -1 if $n not valid StringNumber ; -1, sets @error to -2 if $p is out of valid range ; -1, sets @error to -3 if time-out (>100 iterations) ; Author ........: jennicoattminusonlinedotde ; Date ..........: 8.12.09 ; Remarks .......: use Precision param when u want to obtain the square root of a small number with the desired decimal places. ; References ....: ; "Newton's Method" - before: Heron of Alexandria ; ;=============================================================================================== Func _BigNum_SQRT($n, $p = -1) If _BigNum_IsValid($n, $n) Then Return SetError(-1, 0, -1) $p = Number($p) If IsInt($p) = 0 Or $p < -1 Then Return SetError(-2, 0, -1) Local $l = StringInStr($n, ".") - 1 If $l = -1 Then $l = StringLen($n) If $p < 0 Then $p = $l Local $g = 1, $last For $i = 3 To $l Step 2 $g = _BigNum_Mul($g, 10) Next For $i = 1 To 100 $last = $g $g = _BigNum_Div(_BigNum_Add(_BigNum_Div($n, $g, $p), $g), 2, $p) If $last = $g Then Return SetError($i, $p, $g) Next Return SetError(-3, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_SQRT ; #FUNCTION# ;==================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _BigNum_n_Root ; Description ...: $e-th Root of $n ; Syntax.........: _n_Root($n [, $e=2]) ; Parameters ....: $n - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; $e - [optional] Multiplicity of root (power, exponent) (must be a positive 64-bit signed integer > 0) ; Default: $e = 2 (=SQRT) ; $p - [optional] Precision (Number of desired Decimalplaces) (must be positive Integer) ; Default: $p = -1 means automatic precision (stringlen of integer part of $n) ; Return values .: Success - Result $e-root($n) ; @extended = Number of Iterations ; Failure - -1 and sets @error to 1 if $n not valid StringNumber ; -1 and sets @error to 2 if $e out of valid range ; -1 and sets @error to 3 if $p out of valid range ; Author ........: jennicoattminusonlinedotde ; Date ..........: 9.12.09 ; References ....: derived from "Newton's Method" ; ;=============================================================================================== Func _BigNum_n_Root($n, $e = 2, $p = -1) If _BigNum_IsValid($n, $n) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) $e = Number($e) If IsInt($e) = 0 Or $e < 1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) $p = Number($p) If IsInt($p) = 0 Or $p < -1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) Local $l = StringInStr($n, ".") - 1 If $l = -1 Then $l = StringLen($n) If $p < 0 Then $p = $l Local $g = 1, $last, $i = 0 For $i = 3 To $l Step 2 $g = _BigNum_Mul($g, 10) Next While 1 $i += 1 $last = $g $g = _BigNum_Div(_BigNum_Add(_BigNum_Div($n, _BigNum_Pow($g, $e - 1), $p), _BigNum_Mul($g, $e - 1)), $e, $p) If $last = $g Then Return SetExtended($i, $g) WEnd EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_n_Root ; #FUNCTION# ;==================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _BigNum_Mod ; Description ...: Modulo Mod($sX, $sY) ; Syntax.........: _BigNum_Mod($sX, $sY) ; Parameters ....: $sX - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; $sY - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; Return values .: Success - Result Mod($sX, $sY) ; Failure - 0, sets @error to 1 if $sX/$sY not valid StringNumber ; Author ........: Eukalyptus ; ; ;=============================================================================================== Func _BigNum_Mod($sX, $sY) If _BigNum_IsValid($sX, $sY) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If $sY = 0 Or $sY = 1 Then Return "0" Local $sRes = $sX Local $iNeg = _BigNum_CheckNegative($sX, $sY) Local $iDec = _BigNum_StringIsDecimal($sX, $sY) If _BigNum_Compare($sX, $sY) < 0 Then Return $sRes Local $sRet = "", $iLnX = StringLen($sX), $iLnY = StringLen($sY) If $iLnY > 14 Then _BigNum_Div_DivisorGreater14($sX, $sY, $sRet) Else _BigNum_Div_DivisorMaxLen14($sX, $sY, $sRet) EndIf $sRet = _BigNum_InsertDecimalSeparator($sRet, $iDec, StringLen($sRet)) If ($iNeg = 3 Or $iNeg = 1) And $sRet <> "0" Then $sRet = "-" & $sRet Return $sRet EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_Mod ; #FUNCTION# ;==================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _BigNum_Round ; Description ...: Round $sX to $iD Decimalplaces ; Syntax.........: _BigNum_Round($sX, $iD) ; Parameters ....: $sX - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; $iD - Number of Decimalplaces ; Return values .: Success - Result Round($sX, $iD) ; Failure - 0, sets @error to 1 if $sX not valid StringNumber ; Author ........: Eukalyptus ; ; ;=============================================================================================== Func _BigNum_Round($sX, $iD) If _BigNum_IsValid($sX, $sX) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $sTmp = 0, $sRet, $sRes = $sX Local $iNeg = _BigNum_CheckNegative($sX, $sTmp) Local $iDec = _BigNum_StringIsDecimal($sX, $sTmp) If $iD > $iDec Or $iDec = 0 Then Return $sRes $sTmp = StringLeft(StringRight($sX, $iDec - $iD), 1) $sRet = StringTrimRight($sRes, $iDec - $iD) If $sTmp >= 5 And $iD > 0 Then If $iNeg = 1 Then $sRet = _BigNum_Add($sRet, "-0." & StringFormat("%0" & String($iD) & "u", "1")) Else $sRet = _BigNum_Add($sRet, "0." & StringFormat("%0" & String($iD) & "u", "1")) EndIf ElseIf $sTmp >= 5 And $iD = 0 Then If $iNeg = 1 Then $sRet = _BigNum_Add($sRet, "-1") Else $sRet = _BigNum_Add($sRet, "1") EndIf Else If StringRight($sRet, 1) = "." Then $sRet = StringTrimRight($sRet, 1) EndIf Return $sRet EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_Round ; #FUNCTION# ;==================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _BigNum_Compare ; Description ...: Compares $sX $sY ; Syntax.........: _BigNum_Compare($sX, $sY) ; Parameters ....: $sX - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; $sY - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; Return values .: Success - Return: ; |0 - $sX and $sY are equal ; |1 - $sX is greater than $sY ; |-1 - $sX is less than $sY ; Failure - sets @error to 1 if $sX/$sY not valid StringNumber ; Author ........: Eukalyptus ; ; ;=============================================================================================== Func _BigNum_Compare($sX, $sY) Local $iNeg = _BigNum_CheckNegative($sX, $sY) If $iNeg = 1 Then Return -1 If $iNeg = 2 Then Return 1 Local $iLnX = StringLen($sX), $iLnY = StringLen($sY) If $iNeg = 3 Then If $iLnX > $iLnY Then Return -1 ElseIf $iLnX < $iLnY Then Return 1 Else If $sX > $sY Then Return -1 ElseIf $sX < $sY Then Return 1 Else Return 0 EndIf EndIf Else If $iLnX > $iLnY Then Return 1 ElseIf $iLnX < $iLnY Then Return -1 Else If $sX > $sY Then Return 1 ElseIf $sX < $sY Then Return -1 Else Return 0 EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_Compare Func _BigNum_Swap(ByRef $sX, ByRef $sY) Local $sSwap = $sX $sX = $sY $sY = $sSwap Return True EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_Swap ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ #region Internal Functions Func _BigNum_Div_DivisorGreater14($sX, $sY, ByRef $sM) $sM = "0" If $sY = "1" Then Return $sX If $sX = "0" Or $sY = "0" Or $sX = "" Or $sY = "" Then Return "0" If $BigNum_Debug Then Local $BN_File = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\BigNum_Debug.txt", 2), $BN_X = StringLen($sX) FileWrite($BN_File, " " & $sX & " / " & $sY & " = " & @CRLF) FileWrite($BN_File, " " & _BigNum_DS($BN_X + StringLen($sY) + 3, "-") & @CRLF) EndIf Local $iLnY = StringLen($sY), $bRed = False Local $sRet = "", $sRem = StringLeft($sX, $iLnY), $sTmp = "", $sTm2 = "", $iCnt, $iLen = 1 $sX = StringTrimLeft($sX, $iLnY) Do If _BigNum_DivComp($sRem, $sY) = -1 Then $sTmp = StringLeft($sX, 1) $sRem &= $sTmp $sX = StringTrimLeft($sX, 1) If StringLen($sTmp) > 0 Then $iLen += 1 EndIf $sTmp = $sY $sTm2 = "0" If _BigNum_DivComp($sRem, $sY) >= 0 Then For $iCnt = 1 To 9 $sTm2 = $sTmp $sTmp = _BigNum_DivAdd($sTmp, $sY) If _BigNum_DivComp($sRem, $sTmp) < 0 Then ExitLoop Next Else $iCnt = 0 EndIf If $BigNum_Debug Then FileWrite($BN_File, _BigNum_DS($BN_X - StringLen($sX) - StringLen($sRem) + 1) & $sRem & _BigNum_DS($BN_X + 10 - $iLen - $iLnY) & StringFormat("%0" & String($iLen) & "u", $iCnt) & @CRLF) If StringLen($sX) = 0 Then $bRed = True $sM = $sRem $sRem = _BigNum_DivSub($sRem, $sTm2) If $iCnt > 0 Then $sM = $sRem $sRet &= StringFormat("%0" & String($iLen) & "u", $iCnt) $iTrm = $iLnY - StringLen($sRem) $sTmp = StringLeft($sX, $iTrm) $sX = StringTrimLeft($sX, $iTrm) $iLen = StringLen($sTmp) $sRem &= $sTmp Until $bRed $sM = StringRegExpReplace($sM, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1) If $BigNum_Debug Then FileWrite($BN_File, " " & _BigNum_DS($BN_X + 9 + StringRegExp($sRet, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1)) & _BigNum_DS(StringLen(StringRegExpReplace($sRet, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1)), "-") & @CRLF) FileWrite($BN_File, " " & _BigNum_DS($BN_X + 9 + StringRegExp($sRet, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1)) & StringRegExpReplace($sRet, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1)) FileClose($BN_File) EndIf Return StringRegExpReplace($sRet, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1) EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_Div_DivisorGreater14 Func _BigNum_Div_DivisorMaxLen14($sX, $sY, ByRef $sM) $sM = "0" If $sY = "1" Then Return $sX If $sX = "0" Or $sY = "0" Or $sX = "" Or $sY = "" Then Return "0" If $BigNum_Debug Then Local $BN_File = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\BigNum_Debug.txt", 2), $BN_X = StringLen($sX) FileWrite($BN_File, " " & $sX & " / " & $sY & " = " & @CRLF) FileWrite($BN_File, " " & _BigNum_DS($BN_X + StringLen($sY) + 3, "-") & @CRLF) EndIf Local $sRet = "", $iRem = StringLeft($sX, 15), $iTmp = 0, $iTrm = 6, $iLen $sX = StringTrimLeft($sX, 15) $iTmp = Floor($iRem / $sY) $sRet &= $iTmp If $BigNum_Debug Then FileWrite($BN_File, " " & $iRem & _BigNum_DS(StringLen($sX) + 10) & $iTmp & @CRLF) $iRem -= $iTmp * $sY While StringLen($sX) > 0 $iTrm = 15 - StringLen($iRem) $iTmp = StringLeft($sX, $iTrm) $iLen = StringLen($iTmp) $iRem &= $iTmp $sX = StringTrimLeft($sX, $iTrm) $iTmp = Floor($iRem / $sY) $iTmp = StringRight("000000000000000" & $iTmp, $iLen) If $BigNum_Debug Then FileWrite($BN_File, _BigNum_DS($BN_X - StringLen($sX) + 1 - StringLen($iRem)) & $iRem & _BigNum_DS(StringLen($sX) + 10 + StringLen($sRet)) & $iTmp & @CRLF) $sRet &= $iTmp $iRem -= $iTmp * $sY WEnd $sM = String($iRem) If $BigNum_Debug Then FileWrite($BN_File, " " & _BigNum_DS($BN_X + 10) & _BigNum_DS(StringLen(StringRegExpReplace($sRet, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1)), "-") & @CRLF) FileWrite($BN_File, " " & _BigNum_DS($BN_X + 10) & StringRegExpReplace($sRet, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1)) FileClose($BN_File) EndIf Return StringRegExpReplace($sRet, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1) EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_Div_DivisorMaxLen14 Func _BigNum_DivComp($sX, $sY) $sX = StringRegExpReplace($sX, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1) $sY = StringRegExpReplace($sY, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1) Local $iLnX = StringLen($sX), $iLnY = StringLen($sY) If $iLnX < $iLnY Then Return -1 ElseIf $iLnX > $iLnY Then Return 1 Else If $sX < $sY Then Return -1 ElseIf $sX > $sY Then Return 1 Else Return 0 EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_DivComp Func _BigNum_DivAdd($sX, $sY) Local $iTmp = StringLen($sX), $iLen = StringLen($sY), $iCar = 0, $sRet = "" If $iLen < $iTmp Then $iLen = $iTmp For $i = 1 To $iLen Step 18 $iTmp = Int(StringRight($sX, 18)) + Int(StringRight($sY, 18)) + $iCar $sX = StringTrimRight($sX, 18) $sY = StringTrimRight($sY, 18) If ($iTmp > 999999999999999999) Then $sRet = StringRight($iTmp, 18) & $sRet $iCar = 1 Else $iTmp = StringRight("000000000000000000" & $iTmp, 18) $sRet = $iTmp & $sRet $iCar = 0 EndIf Next $sRet = StringRegExpReplace($iCar & $sRet, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1) Return $sRet EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_DivAdd Func _BigNum_DivSub($sX, $sY) Local $iTmp = StringLen($sX), $iLen = StringLen($sY), $iCar = 0, $sRet = "" If $iLen < $iTmp Then $iLen = $iTmp For $i = 1 To $iLen Step 18 $iTmp = Int(StringRight($sX, 18)) - Int(StringRight($sY, 18)) - $iCar $sX = StringTrimRight($sX, 18) $sY = StringTrimRight($sY, 18) If $iTmp < 0 Then $iTmp = 1000000000000000000 + $iTmp $iCar = 1 Else $iCar = 0 EndIf $sRet = StringRight("0000000000000000000" & $iTmp, 18) & $sRet Next $sRet = StringRegExpReplace($iCar & $sRet, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1) Return $sRet EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_DivSub Func _BigNum_IsValid($sX, $sY) If StringRegExp($sX, "[^0-9.-]") <> 0 Or StringRegExp($sY, "[^0-9.-]") <> 0 Then Return True Return False EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_IsValid Func _BigNum_InsertDecimalSeparator($sX, $iDec, $iD = 18) If $iD = 0 And $iDec = 0 Then Return $sX Local $sRet = StringRegExpReplace(StringRight(StringFormat("%0" & String($iDec) & "u", "") & $sX, $iDec), "0+$", "\1", 1) $sX = StringTrimRight($sX, $iDec) If $sX = "" Then $sX = "0" $sRet = StringLeft($sRet, $iD) If $sRet = "" Or $sRet = "0" Then Return $sX Return $sX & "." & $sRet EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_InsertDecimalSeparator Func _BigNum_StringIsDecimal(ByRef $sX, ByRef $sY) If StringLeft($sX, 1) = "." Then $sX = "0" & $sX If StringLeft($sY, 1) = "." Then $sY = "0" & $sY Local $iPsX = StringInStr($sX, ".", 0, 1) - 1, $iPsY = StringInStr($sY, ".", 0, 1) - 1 $sX = StringRegExpReplace($sX, "\D", "") $sY = StringRegExpReplace($sY, "\D", "") Local $iLnX = StringLen($sX), $iLnY = StringLen($sY) If $iPsX <= 0 Then $iPsX = $iLnX If $iPsY <= 0 Then $iPsY = $iLnY If $iLnX - $iPsX > $iLnY - $iPsY Then For $iCnt = $iLnY - $iPsY To $iLnX - $iPsX - 1 $sY &= "0" Next Return $iLnX - $iPsX ElseIf $iLnX - $iPsX < $iLnY - $iPsY Then For $iCnt = $iLnX - $iPsX To $iLnY - $iPsY - 1 $sX &= "0" Next Return $iLnY - $iPsY EndIf Return $iLnX - $iPsX EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_StringIsDecimal Func _BigNum_CheckNegative(ByRef $sX, ByRef $sY) Local $bNgX = False, $bNgY = False While StringLeft($sX, 1) = "-" $bNgX = Not $bNgX $sX = StringTrimLeft($sX, 1) WEnd While StringLeft($sY, 1) = "-" $bNgY = Not $bNgY $sY = StringTrimLeft($sY, 1) WEnd $sX = StringRegExpReplace($sX, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1) $sY = StringRegExpReplace($sY, "^0+([^0]|0$)", "\1", 1) If $sX = "" Then $sX = "0" If $sY = "" Then $sY = "0" If $bNgX = True And $bNgY = True Then Return 3 ElseIf $bNgX = True And $bNgY = False Then Return 1 ElseIf $bNgX = False And $bNgY = True Then Return 2 Else Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_CheckNegative Func _BigNum_DS($iC, $sS = " ") Local $sRet = "", $iCnt For $iCnt = 1 To $iC $sRet &= $sS Next Return $sRet EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_DS #endregion Internal Functions j. Edited December 10, 2009 by jennico Spoiler I actively support Wikileaks | Freedom for Julian Assange ! | Defend freedom of speech ! | Fight censorship ! | I will not silence.Don't forget this IP: Â
Mat Posted December 7, 2009 Posted December 7, 2009 amazing speed - good work ! this udf should be added to the official includes !i am impressedj.And it should have a bit more than 84 downloads too. I have added it to my list of links as well.Mat AutoIt Project Listing
jennico Posted December 7, 2009 Posted December 7, 2009 problem of this thread is, that you cannot find it because there is hardly text in here with keywords. so i will add some tags: BigInt BigDec BigNum BigNumber BigDecimal BigInteger overflow stringnumber floating float limitation limit big factorial fibonacci pi calculation arbitrary precision _BigNum_Add _BigNum_Sub _BigNum_Mul _BigNum_Div _BigNum_Mod _BigNum_Round _BigNum_Compare _BigNum_Swap Addition subtrction multiplication division number range size signed some more operations could be useful: sqrt, exponentiantion, random, abs j. Skysnake 1 Spoiler I actively support Wikileaks | Freedom for Julian Assange ! | Defend freedom of speech ! | Fight censorship ! | I will not silence.Don't forget this IP: Â
jennico Posted December 7, 2009 Posted December 7, 2009 (edited) concerning the square root: excluding bignumbers, there is a fantastic algorithm to calculate the sqrt very easy and fast (Newton's method): While 1 $n = InputBox("Raw SQRT", "Enter any Number to calculate the Square Root") If @error Then ExitLoop $timer = TimerInit() $g = 10 ^ (Ceiling(StringLen(Int($n)) / 2) - 1) For $i = 1 To 50 $last = $g $g = (($n / $g) + $g) / 2 If $last = $g Then ExitLoop Next MsgBox(0, "Raw SQRT Result:", "Sqrt(" & $n & ") = " & $g & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Time: " & Round(TimerDiff($timer) / 1000, 10) & " sec" & @CRLF & "Error: " & $g * $g - $n & @CRLF & "Iterations: " & $i) WEnd the problem with bignumbers is, that you have to define the desired precision first, because theoretically you could calculate with infinite precision, but infinite time as well. lower precision, on the other hand, will accumulate errors. so it does not really make sense with bignumbers. anyway, at least it helps to calculate the sqrt of small numbers (e.g. 2) to a random precision: _BigNum_SQRT( [bigNum], [precision] ) #Include <BigNum.au3> While 1 $n = InputBox("BigNum SQRT", "Enter any BigNumber to calculate the Square Root") If @error Then ExitLoop $p = InputBox("BigNum SQRT", "Define the desired precision (decimal places)") If @error Then ExitLoop $timer = TimerInit() ;$l = StringInStr($n, ".") - 1 ;If $l = -1 Then $l = $n ;$l = StringLen($l) $g = 1 ;For $i = 3 To $l ; $g = _BigNum_Mul ($g, 10) ;Next For $i = 1 To 100 $last = $g $g = _BigNum_Div (_BigNum_Add (_BigNum_Div ($n, $g, $p), $g), 2, $p) If $last = $g Then ExitLoop Next MsgBox(0, "BigNum SQRT Result:", "Sqrt(" & $n & ") = " & $g & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Time: " & Round(TimerDiff($timer) / 1000, 10) & " sec" & @CRLF & "Error: " & _BigNum_Sub (_BigNum_Mul ($g, $g), $n) & @CRLF & @TAB & " (" & _BigNum_Div (_BigNum_Mul (_BigNum_Sub (_BigNum_Mul ($g, $g), $n), 100), $g, 5) & " %)" & @CRLF & "Iterations: " & $i) WEnd in this way, i calculated SQRT(2) to 50 decimal places: Sqrt(2) = 1.41421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694 Time: 1.0292369561 sec SQRT(2) to precision 100: Sqrt(2) = 1.4142135623730950488016887242096980785696718753769480731766797379907324784621070388503875343276415727 Time: 3.6602808457 sec SQRT(2) to precision 500: Sqrt(2) = 1.41421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973799073247846210703885038753432764157273501384623091229702492483605585073721264412149709993583141322266592750559275579995050115278206057147010955997160597027453459686201472851741864088919860955232923048430871432145083976260362799525140798968725339654633180882964062061525835239505474575028775996172983557522033753185701135437460340849884716038689997069900481503054402779031645424782306849293691862158057846311159666871301301561856898723723 Time: 123.7198459581 sec nice, but quite useless... j. edit: improved _BigInt_SQRT() Edited December 8, 2009 by jennico Spoiler I actively support Wikileaks | Freedom for Julian Assange ! | Defend freedom of speech ! | Fight censorship ! | I will not silence.Don't forget this IP: Â
jennico Posted December 8, 2009 Posted December 8, 2009 (edited) well now i finally succeeded in scripting _BigNum_SQRT with very satisfying results. this could be added to BigNum UDF: _BigNum_SQRT: expandcollapse popup#Include <BigNum.au3> ; #FUNCTION# ;==================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _BigNum_SQRT ; Description ...: Square Root (BigNum) ; Syntax.........: _BigNum_SQRT($n [, $p = -1]) ; Parameters ....: $n - StringNumber: Minus"-" Digits"0"..."9" Separator"." ("-1234567890.12345") ; $p [optional] - Precision (Number of Decimalplaces) ; Default: $p = -1 means automatic precision (stringlen of integer part of $n) ; Return values .: Success - Result SQRT($n) ; @extended = Precicion of result ; @error = Number of Iterations ; Failure - -1, sets @error to -1 if $n not valid StringNumber ; -1, sets @error to -2 if time-out (>100 iterations) ; Author ........: jennicoattminusonlinedotde ; Date ..........: 8.12.09 ; Remarks .......: use Precision param when u want to obtain the square root of a small number with the desired decimal places. ; References ....: ; "Newton's Method" - before: Heron of Alexandria ; ;=============================================================================================== Func _BigNum_SQRT($n, $p = -1) If _BigNum_IsValid ($n, $n) Then Return SetError(-1, 0, -1) Local $l = StringInStr($n, ".") - 1 If $l = -1 Then $l = StringLen($n) If $p < 0 Then $p = $l Local $g = 1, $last For $i = 3 To $l Step 2 $g = _BigNum_Mul ($g, 10) Next For $i = 1 To 100 $last = $g $g = _BigNum_Div (_BigNum_Add (_BigNum_Div ($n, $g, $p), $g), 2, $p) If $last = $g Then Return SetError($i, $p, $g) Next Return SetError(-2, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_BigNum_SQRT ;# Start Examples _Example_1() _Example_2() ;# Example 1 - SQRT BigNumber with automatic precision Func _Example_1() While 1 Local $n = InputBox("BigNum SQRT - Example 1", "Enter any BigNumber to calculate its Square Root with automatic precision") If @error Then Return ;$p = InputBox("BigNum SQRT", "Define the desired precision (decimal places)") ;If @error Then Return Local $timer = TimerInit() Local $g = _BigNum_SQRT($n);, $p) Local $steps = @error Local $p = @extended MsgBox(0, "BigNum SQRT Result:", "Sqrt( " & $n & " ) = " & $g & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Time: " & Round(TimerDiff($timer) / 1000, 10) & " sec" & @CRLF & "Error: " & _BigNum_Sub (_BigNum_Mul ($g, $g), $n) & @CRLF & @TAB & " (" & _BigNum_Div (_BigNum_Mul (_BigNum_Sub (_BigNum_Mul ($g, $g), $n), 100), $g, 5) & " %)" & @CRLF & "Iterations: " & $steps & @CRLF & "Automatic precision: " & $p) WEnd EndFunc ;==>_Example_1 ;# Example 2 - SQRT BigNumber with arbitrary precision Func _Example_2() While 1 Local $n = 2 ;InputBox("BigNum SQRT", "Enter any BigNumber to calculate the Square Root") ;If @error Then Return Local $p = InputBox("BigNum SQRT(2) - Example 2", "Define the desired precision (decimal places) for SQRT(2)") If @error Then Return Local $timer = TimerInit() Local $g = _BigNum_SQRT($n, $p) Local $steps = @error ;$p=@extended MsgBox(0, "BigNum SQRT Result:", "Sqrt( " & $n & " ) = " & $g & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Time: " & Round(TimerDiff($timer) / 1000, 10) & " sec" & @CRLF & "Error: " & _BigNum_Sub (_BigNum_Mul ($g, $g), $n) & @CRLF & @TAB & " (" & _BigNum_Div (_BigNum_Mul (_BigNum_Sub (_BigNum_Mul ($g, $g), $n), 100), $g, 5) & " %)" & @CRLF & "Iterations: " & $steps & @CRLF & "Precision: " & $p) WEnd EndFunc ;==>_Example_1 try this very big number as a reference (in Example 1): Sqrt( 4091003901585987357290452999329796564377935868371155936881162018216821980804517176141145508100318254 ) = 63960956071544047529338853709828067819172266042961.4258272131375271736017940766811164575416725207420800454626613688807390792649133246503981796744005 Time: 12.3042112894 sec Error: -0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000601166520170038821256019924587054742167390188347100116103304858424724612102064808643035731561991320069110348870368051385955170224431180496559975 (-0.00000 %) Iterations: 12 Automatic precision: 100 j, edited: _BigNum_SQRT - improved error handling Edited December 8, 2009 by jennico Spoiler I actively support Wikileaks | Freedom for Julian Assange ! | Defend freedom of speech ! | Fight censorship ! | I will not silence.Don't forget this IP: Â
Mat Posted December 8, 2009 Posted December 8, 2009 Is this going to reach the point where it is faster to use BigNum's than normal numbers? Apparently newtons method can be used to solve Quadratics... Since you now appear to understand it, any chance of an explanation? have you tested the accuracy? Mat AutoIt Project Listing
jennico Posted December 8, 2009 Posted December 8, 2009 the accuracy is 100%. the error check results are due to rounding according to the desired precision. only if the iteration limit is reached (100), it will return a false result. i will edit the code above so as it returns an error in this case. Newton's method (in fact, already the Babylonians new it) is: - $n is number to be rooted - $g is a random guess (e.g. 1) - perform the operation $g = (($n / $g) + $g) / 2 in a loop until it returns twice the same result. this is the correct result. the term $g = (($n / $g) + $g) / 2 can be transformed to $n = $g^2. the primary guess $g will approach the correct result in a spiral until it does not change anymore because it fulfills $n = $g^2. astonishing thing is that the result usually occurs after only 4 - 12 iterations. i don't know it, but i guess that all calculators use this SQRT method. it can be used to solve quadratics as well. maybe i will work it out. iteration is very effective for computer based math. i used lots of different iteration based calculations in my _Primes UDF. funny thing is that all those methods are much older than computers. j. Spoiler I actively support Wikileaks | Freedom for Julian Assange ! | Defend freedom of speech ! | Fight censorship ! | I will not silence.Don't forget this IP: Â
Mat Posted December 8, 2009 Posted December 8, 2009 Thanks, thats a lot better than wikipedia explains it! Will it make it faster if you provide a more accurate guess? If so then you could speed it up by doing a simple estimation first. One more question... How can this be applied to other roots? Mat AutoIt Project Listing
czardas Posted December 8, 2009 Posted December 8, 2009 The ancient Greeks did all their geometry with a compas and a straight edge (a ruler without calibration). At least that's what I think is true. I find that quite astonishing. operator64Â Â ArrayWorkshop
jennico Posted December 8, 2009 Posted December 8, 2009 @mat: the first guess should be placed near the estimated result. e.g. when int($n) has three or four decimal places, you would guess $g = 10 because 10² = 100. when int($n) has four or five decimals, you would guess $g = 100 because 100² = 10000. with 6 or 7, guess 1000, because 1000² = 1000000. so you can reduce the iterations, but basically it does work with any guess > 0. accordingly my little algorithm does the approach like this: $g = 10 ^ (Ceiling(StringLen(Int($n)) / 2) - 1) in _BigNum_SQRT i use a counting loop instead: Local $l = StringInStr($n, ".") - 1 If $l = -1 Then $l = StringLen($n) Local $g = 1 For $i = 3 To $l Step 2 $g = _BigNum_Mul ($g, 10) Next by the way, a quadratic solver is way too easy you don't need Newton, it's just straight forward: While 1 $a = InputBox("Quadratic Solver", @CRLF & "ax² + bx + c" & @CRLF & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Enter 'a' :") If @error Then Exit $b = InputBox("Quadratic Solver", @CRLF & $a & "x² + bx + c" & @CRLF & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Enter 'b' :") If @error Then Exit $c = InputBox("Quadratic Solver", @CRLF & $a & "x² + " & $b & "x + c" & @CRLF & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Enter 'c' :") If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Quadratic Solver", @CRLF & $a & "x² + " & $b & "x + " & $c & " = 0 " & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Solution:" & @CRLF & _Algorithm($a, $b, $c)) WEnd Func _Algorithm($a, $b, $c) If $a = 0 Then If $b <> 0 Then Return "x = " & - 1 * $c / $b If $c = 0 Then Return "all real numbers" Return "none" EndIf $d = $b * $b - 4 * $a * $c If $d < 0 Then Return "none" If $d = 0 Then Return "x = " & - 1 * $b / (2 * $a) Return "x1 = " & (-1 * $b + Sqrt($d)) / (2 * $a) & @CRLF & "x2 = " & (-1 * $b - Sqrt($d)) / (2 * $a) EndFunc ;==>_Algorithm easy to adapt to _BigNum. cheers j. Spoiler I actively support Wikileaks | Freedom for Julian Assange ! | Defend freedom of speech ! | Fight censorship ! | I will not silence.Don't forget this IP: Â
jennico Posted December 8, 2009 Posted December 8, 2009 @ czardas: it's a shame that the romans and moreover the christian church destroyed everything. it was not before Galileo and Columbus when the science recovered from the burning piles. 1000 lost years... j. Spoiler I actively support Wikileaks | Freedom for Julian Assange ! | Defend freedom of speech ! | Fight censorship ! | I will not silence.Don't forget this IP: Â
jennico Posted December 8, 2009 Posted December 8, 2009 @mat: newton only serves for even two-based roots: 2nd root, 4th root, 8th root 16th root you just apply the algorithm twice or three times. j. Spoiler I actively support Wikileaks | Freedom for Julian Assange ! | Defend freedom of speech ! | Fight censorship ! | I will not silence.Don't forget this IP: Â
jennico Posted December 9, 2009 Posted December 9, 2009 (edited) ok, derived from Newton's method : n-root algorithm expandcollapse popup; #FUNCTION# ;==================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _n_Root ; Description ...: nth Root ; Syntax.........: _n_Root($n [, $e=2]) ; Parameters ....: $n - Number to be rooted ; $e - [optional] Multiplicity of root (power, exponent) ; Default: $e = 2 (=SQRT) ; Return values .: Success - Result $e-root($n) ; @extended = Number of Iterations ; Failure - -1 and sets @error to 1 if $e = 0 ; Author ........: jennicoattminusonlinedotde ; Date ..........: 9.12.09 ; References ....: derived from "Newton's Method" ; ;=============================================================================================== Func _n_Root($n, $e = 2) If $e = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) Local $g = 10 ^ (Ceiling(StringLen(Int($n)) / $e) - 1) Local $i = 0, $last While 1 $i += 1 $last = $g $g = (($n / $g ^ ($e - 1)) + $g * ($e - 1)) / $e If $last = $g Then Return SetExtended($i, $g) WEnd EndFunc ;==>_n_Root _Example() ;# Example Func _Example() While 1 $n = InputBox("Raw nth-root", "Enter any Number to calculate the nth Root") If @error Then Return $e = InputBox("Raw nth-root", "Enter 'n' (the multiplicity of the nth Root)") If @error Then Return $timer = TimerInit() $g = _n_Root($n, $e) $i = @extended MsgBox(0, "Raw nth-root Result:", $e & "th root of " & $n & " = " & $g & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Time: " & Round(TimerDiff($timer) / 1000, 10) & " sec" & @CRLF & "Error: " & $g ^ $e - $n & @CRLF & @TAB & "(" & Round(($g ^ $e - $n) * 100 / $n, 6) & " %)" & @CRLF & "Iterations: " & $i) WEnd EndFunc ;==>_Example the algo is: $g = (($n / $g ^ ($e - 1)) + $g * ($e - 1)) / $e when you choose $e=2 then you get Newton again: $g = (($n / $g ) + $g) / 2 it's really fast. doesn't AutoIt need that ? j. edit: improved first guess Edited December 9, 2009 by jennico Spoiler I actively support Wikileaks | Freedom for Julian Assange ! | Defend freedom of speech ! | Fight censorship ! | I will not silence.Don't forget this IP: Â
Mat Posted December 9, 2009 Posted December 9, 2009 (edited) I knew it was possible. As to speed: Func _n_Root_Au3($n, $e) Return $n ^ (1 / $e) EndFunc ; ==> _n_Root_Au3 That runs faster on my computer. I don't know if thats true for big numbers though. Mat Edited December 9, 2009 by Mat AutoIt Project Listing
jennico Posted December 9, 2009 Posted December 9, 2009 That runs faster on my computergood to see that AutoIt beats the Babylonians - 4000 years later ! Spoiler I actively support Wikileaks | Freedom for Julian Assange ! | Defend freedom of speech ! | Fight censorship ! | I will not silence.Don't forget this IP: Â
Mat Posted December 9, 2009 Posted December 9, 2009 Imagine if the greeks had autoit! They say that if the greeks had been very close to inventing electricity, and had already created the first "steam engine". I don't have a clue how you are supposed to work out on paper x^(1/y)... Mat AutoIt Project Listing
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