BrettF Posted November 10, 2008 Author Posted November 10, 2008 Dude I love your work. Soon we will have all of them ported into AutoIt! Vist my blog!UDFs: Opens The Default Mail Client | _LoginBox | Convert Reg to AU3 | BASS.au3 (BASS.dll) (Includes various BASS Libraries) | MultiLang.au3 (Multi-Language GUIs!)Example Scripts: Computer Info Telnet Server | "Secure" HTTP Server (Based on Manadar's Server)Software: AAMP- Advanced AutoIt Media Player | WorldCam | AYTU - Youtube Uploader Tutorials: Learning to Script with AutoIt V3Projects (Hardware + AutoIt): ArduinoUseful Links: AutoIt 1-2-3 | The AutoIt Downloads Section: | SciTE4AutoIt3 Full Version!
Hofi Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 i have problems with _BASS_StreamCreateURL >"C:\Programme\AutoIt3\SciTE\..\autoit3.exe" /ErrorStdOut "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Sven\Desktop\client\examples\Example 1.au3" C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Sven\Desktop\client\Bass.au3 (2362) : ==> Badly formatted "Func" statement.: $dcProc = DllCallbackRegister ($proc, "ptr", "char[255];dword;char[255];")
ludocus Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 Ok this is cool!!... but.. It when I click pause then it never plays again.. So I can't use it in my player
BrettF Posted November 11, 2008 Author Posted November 11, 2008 i have problems with _BASS_StreamCreateURL >"C:\Programme\AutoIt3\SciTE\..\autoit3.exe" /ErrorStdOut "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Sven\Desktop\client\examples\Example 1.au3" C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Sven\Desktop\client\Bass.au3 (2362) : ==> Badly formatted "Func" statement.: $dcProc = DllCallbackRegister ($proc, "ptr", "char[255];dword;char[255];")Post your full code. I have been running into some problems with the streams... Ok this is cool!!... but.. It when I click pause then it never plays again.. So I can't use it in my player Which example?? Vist my blog!UDFs: Opens The Default Mail Client | _LoginBox | Convert Reg to AU3 | BASS.au3 (BASS.dll) (Includes various BASS Libraries) | MultiLang.au3 (Multi-Language GUIs!)Example Scripts: Computer Info Telnet Server | "Secure" HTTP Server (Based on Manadar's Server)Software: AAMP- Advanced AutoIt Media Player | WorldCam | AYTU - Youtube Uploader Tutorials: Learning to Script with AutoIt V3Projects (Hardware + AutoIt): ArduinoUseful Links: AutoIt 1-2-3 | The AutoIt Downloads Section: | SciTE4AutoIt3 Full Version!
Hofi Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 i have problems with _BASS_StreamCreateURL >"C:\Programme\AutoIt3\SciTE\..\autoit3.exe" /ErrorStdOut "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Sven\Desktop\client\examples\Example 1.au3" C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Sven\Desktop\client\Bass.au3 (2362) : ==> Badly formatted "Func" statement.: $dcProc = DllCallbackRegister ($proc, "ptr", "char[255];dword;char[255];") im noob in AutoIt but i solved it myself. i only forgot $proc, it works now but i found another error Line 2362 in Bass.au3 $dcProc = DllCallbackRegister ($proc, "ptr", "char[255];dword;char[255];") AutoItExe will crash But after i changed that line to $dcProc = DllCallbackRegister ($proc, "ptr", "ptr;dword;ptr") it works.
BrettF Posted November 11, 2008 Author Posted November 11, 2008 That should be right. Thanks Vist my blog!UDFs: Opens The Default Mail Client | _LoginBox | Convert Reg to AU3 | BASS.au3 (BASS.dll) (Includes various BASS Libraries) | MultiLang.au3 (Multi-Language GUIs!)Example Scripts: Computer Info Telnet Server | "Secure" HTTP Server (Based on Manadar's Server)Software: AAMP- Advanced AutoIt Media Player | WorldCam | AYTU - Youtube Uploader Tutorials: Learning to Script with AutoIt V3Projects (Hardware + AutoIt): ArduinoUseful Links: AutoIt 1-2-3 | The AutoIt Downloads Section: | SciTE4AutoIt3 Full Version!
Hofi Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 but i have new problem with _BASS_StreamCreateURL after a while it crashes with no error, how can i solve this? expandcollapse popup#include <..\Bass.au3> #include <..\BassConstants.au3> ;~ ProcessSetPriority(@AutoItExe, 4) Global $playing_state = -1 ;Open Bass.DLL. Required for all function calls. Dim $bass_dll = DllOpen("..\BASS.dll") ;Initalize bass. Required for most functions. _BASS_Init($bass_dll, 0, -1, 44100, 0, "") ;Check if bass iniated. If not, we cannot continue. If @error Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Could not initialize audio") Exit EndIf ;Prompt the user to select a MP3 file ;~ $file = FileOpenDialog("Open...", "", "MP3 Files (*.mp3)") $file = "" ;Create a stream from that file. Dim $MusicHandle = _BASS_StreamCreateURL($bass_dll, $file,0,0,"TestFunc",0) ;Check if we opened the file correctly. If @error Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Could not load audio file" & @CR & "Error = " & @error) Exit EndIf ;Iniate playback _BASS_ChannelPlay($bass_dll, $MusicHandle, 1) ;Get the length of the song in bytes. ;~ $song_length = _BASS_ChannelGetLength($bass_dll, $MusicHandle, $BASS_POS_BYTE) While 1 Sleep(20) ;~ ;Get the current position in bytes ;~ $current = _BASS_ChannelGetPosition($bass_dll, $MusicHandle, $BASS_POS_BYTE) ;~ ;Calculate the percentage ;~ $percent = Round(($current / $song_length) * 100, 0) ;~ ;Display that to the user ;~ ToolTip("Completed " & $percent & "%", 0, 0) ;~ ;If the song is complete, then exit. ;~ If $current >= $song_length Then ExitLoop WEnd ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & _BASS_ErrorGetCode($bass_dll)) Func OnAutoItExit() ;Free Resources _BASS_Free($bass_dll) EndFunc ;==>OnAutoItExit Func TestFunc($buffer, $length, $user) EndFunc
BrettF Posted November 12, 2008 Author Posted November 12, 2008 expandcollapse popup#include <Bass.au3> #include <BassConstants.au3> ;Open Bass.DLL $bass_dll = DllOpen("bass.dll") ;Init Bass.DLL functions _BASS_Init ($bass_dll, 0, -1, 44100, 0, "") If @error Then MsgBox(0, "Error", 'Error initializing audio!' & @LF & "@ERROR = " & @error); Exit EndIf $URL = "" $music_handle = _BASS_StreamCreateURL($bass_dll, $url, 0, $BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT, "TestFunc") $error_e = @error ;Check error with dllcall. If Not @error Then _BASS_ChannelPlay ($bass_dll, $music_handle, 1) Sleep(10000) Else GetRadioError ($error_e) EndIf Func GetRadioError ($ecode) ; 0 = everything is A-OKAY ; 8 = BASS_ERROR_INIT BASS_Init has not been successfully called. ; 37 = BASS_ERROR_NOTAVAIL Only decoding channels (BASS_STREAM_DECODE) are allowed when using the "no sound" device. The BASS_STREAM_AUTOFREE flag is also unavailable to decoding channels. ; 32 = BASS_ERROR_NONET No internet connection could be opened. Can be caused by a bad proxy setting. ; 20 = BASS_ERROR_ILLPARAM url is not a valid URL. ; 40 = BASS_ERROR_TIMEOUT The server did not respond to the request within the timeout period, as set with the BASS_CONFIG_NET_TIMEOUT config option. ; 2 = BASS_ERROR_FILEOPEN The file could not be opened. ; 41 = BASS_ERROR_FILEFORM The file's format is not recognised/supported. ; 44 = BASS_ERROR_CODEC The file uses a codec that's not available/supported. This can apply to WAV and AIFF files, and also MP3 files when using the "MP3-free" BASS version. ; 6 = BASS_ERROR_FORMAT The sample format is not supported by the device/drivers. If the stream is more than stereo or the BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT flag is used, it could be that they are not supported. ; 42 = BASS_ERROR_SPEAKER The specified SPEAKER flags are invalid. The device/drivers do not support them, they are attempting to assign a stereo stream to a mono speaker or 3D functionality is enabled. ; 1 = BASS_ERROR_MEM There is insufficient memory. ; 21 = BASS_ERROR_NO3D Could not initialize 3D support. ; -1 = BASS_ERROR_UNKNOWN Some other mystery problem! $emsg = "" Switch $ecode Case 0 $emsg = "everything is A-OKAY" Case 8 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_INIT BASS_Init has not been successfully called." Case 37 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_NOTAVAIL Only decoding channels (BASS_STREAM_DECODE) are allowed when using the " & _ "'no sound' device. The BASS_STREAM_AUTOFREE flag is also unavailable to decoding channels." Case 32 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_NONET No internet connection could be opened. Can be caused by a bad proxy setting." Case 20 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_ILLPARAM url is not a valid URL." Case 40 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_TIMEOUT The server did not respond to the request within the timeout period, as set with the BASS_CONFIG_NET_TIMEOUT config option." Case 2 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_FILEOPEN The file could not be opened." Case 41 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_FILEFORM The file's format is not recognised/supported." Case 44 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_CODEC The file uses a codec that's not available/supported. This can apply" & _ "to WAV and AIFF files, and also MP3 files when using the 'MP3-free' BASS version." Case 6 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_FORMAT The sample format is not supported by the device/drivers. " & _ "If the stream is more than stereo or the BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT flag is used, it could be that they are not supported." Case 42 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_SPEAKER The specified SPEAKER flags are invalid. The device/drivers do not support them, they are" & _ "attempting to assign a stereo stream to a mono speaker or 3D functionality is enabled." Case 1 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_MEM There is insufficient memory." Case 21 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_NO3D Could not initialize 3D support." Case -1 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_UNKNOWN Some other mystery problem!" EndSwitch MsgBox (0, "Error Message", $emsg) EndFunc Func TestFunc($hWnd, $lParam,$cbuser) ; MsgBox (0,$hWnd, $lParam) ConsoleWrite(Hex($hwnd) & ', ' & Hex($lparam) & @CRLF) return 0 EndFuncHope that works for you. As I'm at school I'm unable to test. Thanks go to Martin for getting it working in this thread. Vist my blog!UDFs: Opens The Default Mail Client | _LoginBox | Convert Reg to AU3 | BASS.au3 (BASS.dll) (Includes various BASS Libraries) | MultiLang.au3 (Multi-Language GUIs!)Example Scripts: Computer Info Telnet Server | "Secure" HTTP Server (Based on Manadar's Server)Software: AAMP- Advanced AutoIt Media Player | WorldCam | AYTU - Youtube Uploader Tutorials: Learning to Script with AutoIt V3Projects (Hardware + AutoIt): ArduinoUseful Links: AutoIt 1-2-3 | The AutoIt Downloads Section: | SciTE4AutoIt3 Full Version!
BrettF Posted November 12, 2008 Author Posted November 12, 2008 Forgot a few bits. Mixed martins and ProgAndy's examples to get this.... expandcollapse popup#include <Bass.au3> #include <BassConstants.au3> ;Open Bass.DLL $bass_dll = DllOpen("bass.dll") Global $S_DOWNLOAD = False; Download = True, Just Play = False Global $o_file = @DesktopDir & "\download.mp3"; Download Location Global $FILEHANDLE Global $STREAMISDOWNLOADING = 0 ;Open Bass.DLL $bass_dll = DllOpen("bass.dll") ;Init Bass.DLL functions _BASS_Init($bass_dll, 0, -1, 44100, 0, "") If @error Then MsgBox(0, "Error", 'Error initializing audio!' & @LF & "@ERROR = " & @error); Exit EndIf $URL = "" $music_handle = _BASS_StreamCreateURL($bass_dll, $URL, 0, $BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT, "TestFunc") $error_e = @error ;Check error with dllcall. If Not @error Then _BASS_ChannelPlay($bass_dll, $music_handle, 1) While $STREAMISDOWNLOADING Sleep(100) WEnd While 1 $state = _BASS_ChannelIsActive($bass_dll, $music_handle) If $state = 0 Then Sleep(200) $ret = _BASS_ChannelUpdate($bass_dll, $music_handle, 0) If $ret = 0 Then ExitLoop EndIf Sleep(200) WEnd Else GetRadioError($error_e) EndIf Func GetRadioError($ecode) $emsg = "" Switch $ecode Case 0 $emsg = "everything is A-OKAY" Case 8 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_INIT BASS_Init has not been successfully called." Case 37 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_NOTAVAIL Only decoding channels (BASS_STREAM_DECODE) are allowed when using the " & _ "'no sound' device. The BASS_STREAM_AUTOFREE flag is also unavailable to decoding channels." Case 32 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_NONET No internet connection could be opened. Can be caused by a bad proxy setting." Case 20 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_ILLPARAM url is not a valid URL." Case 40 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_TIMEOUT The server did not respond to the request within the timeout period, as set with the BASS_CONFIG_NET_TIMEOUT config option." Case 2 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_FILEOPEN The file could not be opened." Case 41 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_FILEFORM The file's format is not recognised/supported." Case 44 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_CODEC The file uses a codec that's not available/supported. This can apply" & _ "to WAV and AIFF files, and also MP3 files when using the 'MP3-free' BASS version." Case 6 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_FORMAT The sample format is not supported by the device/drivers. " & _ "If the stream is more than stereo or the BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT flag is used, it could be that they are not supported." Case 42 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_SPEAKER The specified SPEAKER flags are invalid. The device/drivers do not support them, they are" & _ "attempting to assign a stereo stream to a mono speaker or 3D functionality is enabled." Case 1 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_MEM There is insufficient memory." Case 21 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_NO3D Could not initialize 3D support." Case - 1 $emsg = "BASS_ERROR_UNKNOWN Some other mystery problem!" EndSwitch MsgBox(0, "Error Message", $emsg) EndFunc ;==>GetRadioError Func TestFunc($buffer, $length, $user) If Not $S_DOWNLOAD Then $STREAMISDOWNLOADING = 1 If Not $buffer Then $STREAMISDOWNLOADING = 0 EndIf Else $STREAMISDOWNLOADING = 1 If Not $FILEHANDLE Then $FILEHANDLE = FileOpen($o_file, 18) If Not $buffer Then $STREAMISDOWNLOADING = 0 FileClose($FILEHANDLE) $FILEHANDLE = 0 Else DllStructCreate("byte[" & $length & "]", $buffer) FileWrite($FILEHANDLE, DllStructGetData(DllStructCreate("byte[" & $length & "]", $buffer), 1)) EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>TestFunc Func OnAutoItExit () _Bass_StreamFree ($bass_dll, $music_handle) _Bass_Free($bass_dll) EndFunc Vist my blog!UDFs: Opens The Default Mail Client | _LoginBox | Convert Reg to AU3 | BASS.au3 (BASS.dll) (Includes various BASS Libraries) | MultiLang.au3 (Multi-Language GUIs!)Example Scripts: Computer Info Telnet Server | "Secure" HTTP Server (Based on Manadar's Server)Software: AAMP- Advanced AutoIt Media Player | WorldCam | AYTU - Youtube Uploader Tutorials: Learning to Script with AutoIt V3Projects (Hardware + AutoIt): ArduinoUseful Links: AutoIt 1-2-3 | The AutoIt Downloads Section: | SciTE4AutoIt3 Full Version!
AzKay Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 Forgot a few bits. Mixed martins and ProgAndy's examples to get this.... #include <Bass.au3> #include <BassConstants.au3> ;Open Bass.DLL $bass_dll = DllOpen("bass.dll") Global $S_DOWNLOAD = False; Download = True, Just Play = False Global $o_file = @DesktopDir & "\download.mp3"; Download Location Global $FILEHANDLE Global $STREAMISDOWNLOADING = 0 ;Open Bass.DLL $bass_dll = DllOpen("bass.dll") ;Init Bass.DLL functions _BASS_Init($bass_dll, 0, -1, 44100, 0, "") If @error Then MsgBox(0, "Error", 'Error initializing audio!' & @LF & "@ERROR = " & @error); Exit EndIf $URL = "" $music_handle = _BASS_StreamCreateURL($bass_dll, $URL, 0, $BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT, "TestFunc") $error_e = @error Errors for me too. I get the whole, autoit3.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. Happens at the $music_handle = _BASS_StreamCreateURL($bass_dll, $URL, 0, $BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT, "TestFunc") line. Errors out with; AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:-1073741819 # MY LOVE FOR YOU... IS LIKE A TRUCK- #
Hofi Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 (edited) same ... after a while music hangs a few seconds and then autoIt exe exit with no error Edit: Errors for me too. I get the whole, autoit3.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. Happens at the $music_handle = _BASS_StreamCreateURL($bass_dll, $URL, 0, $BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT, "TestFunc") line. Errors out with; AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:-1073741819 jou have to add Func TestFunc() EndFunc Edit2: and you have to change Line 2362 in Bass.au3 $dcProc = DllCallbackRegister ($proc, "ptr", "char[255];dword;char[255];") to $dcProc = DllCallbackRegister ($proc, "ptr", "ptr;dword;ptr") Edited November 12, 2008 by Hofi
AzKay Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 Thanks for that, Works fine now. # MY LOVE FOR YOU... IS LIKE A TRUCK- #
Hofi Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 (edited) i played a little bit with this, i found how to use it stable for some hours (or more, i have to test this ...) This script is optimal to use _BASS_StreamCreateURL, i had no crash for 1 hour now if it crash i will post here here is script that working perfectly for me: expandcollapse popup#include <Bass.au3> #include <BassConstants.au3> ;~ ProcessSetPriority(@AutoItExe, 4) ;Open Bass.DLL. Required for all function calls. Dim $bass_dll = DllOpen("BASS.dll") ;Initalize bass. Required for most functions. _BASS_Init($bass_dll, 0, -1, 44100, 0, "") ;Check if bass iniated. If not, we cannot continue. If @error Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Could not initialize audio") Exit EndIf ;Set the Stream URL to listen to $file = "" ;Create a stream from that URL. Dim $MusicHandle = _BASS_StreamCreateURL($bass_dll, $file,0,0,"TestFunc",0) ;Check if we opened the URL correctly. If @error Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Could not load audio file" & @CR & "Error = " & @error) Exit EndIf ;Iniate playback _BASS_ChannelPlay($bass_dll, $MusicHandle, 1) ;endless loop While 1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sleep(10);adjusting this to reduce AutoItExe crashs, 10 is optimal on my pc, i think ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WEnd ;Functions Func OnAutoItExit() ;Free Resources MsgBox(0,"Exit",'"OnAutoItExit()" was called' & @CRLF & "Error Code: " & _BASS_ErrorGetCode($bass_dll)) _BASS_Free($bass_dll) EndFunc;==>OnAutoItExit Func TestFunc($buffer, $length, $user) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;!!! DO NOT PUT/CHANGE/REMOVE ANYTHING IN HERE OR IT WILL BE UNSTABLE !!!! ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- EndFunc EDIT: after 75 min it crashed OnAutoItExit was called, but the music was still playing until i hit ok button on the message box. I think its an bug in AutoIT Edited November 12, 2008 by Hofi
Valik Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 I can't believe (I can, really) you'd waste of our time with this. How would this be a bug in AutoIt? Did you think about it or was it too convenient to have a knee-jerk reaction that it must be AutoIt's fault? Where's this bass.dll from? Did you read the documentation on it to make sure you're using the library right? The fact that AutoIt itself is doing nothing in your test script when the crash happens should be your first clue that AutoIt's probably not at fault here.Here's a quick guess. It looks like a DllCallback is being used (I haven't looked at the code beyond the test script). If that's so, is the right calling convention being used? Is the callback supposed to respond to anything by returning a certain value?
BrettF Posted November 12, 2008 Author Posted November 12, 2008 (edited) i played a little bit with this, i found how to use it stable for some hours (or more, i have to test this ...) This script is optimal to use _BASS_StreamCreateURL, i had no crash for 1 hour now if it crash i will post here here is script that working perfectly for me: expandcollapse popup#include <Bass.au3> #include <BassConstants.au3> ;~ ProcessSetPriority(@AutoItExe, 4) ;Open Bass.DLL. Required for all function calls. Dim $bass_dll = DllOpen("BASS.dll") ;Initalize bass. Required for most functions. _BASS_Init($bass_dll, 0, -1, 44100, 0, "") ;Check if bass iniated. If not, we cannot continue. If @error Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Could not initialize audio") Exit EndIf ;Set the Stream URL to listen to $file = "" ;Create a stream from that URL. Dim $MusicHandle = _BASS_StreamCreateURL($bass_dll, $file,0,0,"TestFunc",0) ;Check if we opened the URL correctly. If @error Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Could not load audio file" & @CR & "Error = " & @error) Exit EndIf ;Iniate playback _BASS_ChannelPlay($bass_dll, $MusicHandle, 1) ;endless loop While 1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sleep(10);adjusting this to reduce AutoItExe crashs, 10 is optimal on my pc, i think ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WEnd ;Functions Func OnAutoItExit() ;Free Resources MsgBox(0,"Exit",'"OnAutoItExit()" was called' & @CRLF & "Error Code: " & _BASS_ErrorGetCode($bass_dll)) _BASS_Free($bass_dll) EndFunc;==>OnAutoItExit Func TestFunc($buffer, $length, $user) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;!!! DO NOT PUT/CHANGE/REMOVE ANYTHING IN HERE OR IT WILL BE UNSTABLE !!!! ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- EndFunc EDIT: after 75 min it crashed OnAutoItExit was called, but the music was still playing until i hit ok button on the message box. I think its an bug in AutoITYou have to use the correct While Loops. See my example. I agree with Valik... EDIT: Oh and I updated it to the latest version... Edited November 12, 2008 by BrettF Vist my blog!UDFs: Opens The Default Mail Client | _LoginBox | Convert Reg to AU3 | BASS.au3 (BASS.dll) (Includes various BASS Libraries) | MultiLang.au3 (Multi-Language GUIs!)Example Scripts: Computer Info Telnet Server | "Secure" HTTP Server (Based on Manadar's Server)Software: AAMP- Advanced AutoIt Media Player | WorldCam | AYTU - Youtube Uploader Tutorials: Learning to Script with AutoIt V3Projects (Hardware + AutoIt): ArduinoUseful Links: AutoIt 1-2-3 | The AutoIt Downloads Section: | SciTE4AutoIt3 Full Version!
Hofi Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 I tried your example its every time the same !!!! or tell me what im doing wrong
BrettF Posted November 13, 2008 Author Posted November 13, 2008 My example may not be correct, but I believe it is, due to who wrote it... I trust them. Vist my blog!UDFs: Opens The Default Mail Client | _LoginBox | Convert Reg to AU3 | BASS.au3 (BASS.dll) (Includes various BASS Libraries) | MultiLang.au3 (Multi-Language GUIs!)Example Scripts: Computer Info Telnet Server | "Secure" HTTP Server (Based on Manadar's Server)Software: AAMP- Advanced AutoIt Media Player | WorldCam | AYTU - Youtube Uploader Tutorials: Learning to Script with AutoIt V3Projects (Hardware + AutoIt): ArduinoUseful Links: AutoIt 1-2-3 | The AutoIt Downloads Section: | SciTE4AutoIt3 Full Version!
Hofi Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 just try it yourself ... i have tried it with every example i found on the www it's still the same, music will stop after a while and script is exiting.
BrettF Posted November 13, 2008 Author Posted November 13, 2008 (edited) I see now, I will have a look at the example, and see what I can come up with Cheers, Brett EDIT: Wowah! Still crashing like a blind man driving a car.... No matter what I try, it's not doing much difference... But I have to do assignments now, so don't expect anything for a while Edited November 13, 2008 by BrettF Vist my blog!UDFs: Opens The Default Mail Client | _LoginBox | Convert Reg to AU3 | BASS.au3 (BASS.dll) (Includes various BASS Libraries) | MultiLang.au3 (Multi-Language GUIs!)Example Scripts: Computer Info Telnet Server | "Secure" HTTP Server (Based on Manadar's Server)Software: AAMP- Advanced AutoIt Media Player | WorldCam | AYTU - Youtube Uploader Tutorials: Learning to Script with AutoIt V3Projects (Hardware + AutoIt): ArduinoUseful Links: AutoIt 1-2-3 | The AutoIt Downloads Section: | SciTE4AutoIt3 Full Version!
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