a440hz Posted May 17, 2010 Posted May 17, 2010 GOT IT!!! Here it is, I forgot to make the mixer mono! Thank You Guys!!! expandcollapse popup#include <Bass.au3> #include <BassMix.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <Math.au3> Global $left, $right OnAutoItExitRegister("ExitFunctions") _BASS_Startup() _BASS_MIX_Startup() _BASS_Init($BASS_DEVICE_SPEAKERS, -1, 44100, 0, "") ;Check if bass iniated. If not, we cannot continue. If @error Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Could not initialize audio") Exit EndIf _BASS_SetConfig($BASS_CONFIG_MIXER_BUFFER, 5) $source = _BASS_StreamCreateFile(False, @ScriptDir & "\Stereo.wav", 0, 0, $BASS_STREAM_DECODE + $BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT + $BASS_SAMPLE_LOOP) $si = _BASS_ChannelGetInfo($source) ;check for stereo input If $si[1] <> 2 Then MsgBox(0,"Error","This is not a stereo file!") Exit EndIf $di = _BASS_GetInfo() ;check for 5.1 audio support If $di[12] < 8 Then MsgBox(0,"Error","It appears you do not have a 5.1 or higher system!") Exit EndIf $mixer1 = _BASS_Mixer_StreamCreate($si[0], 1, $BASS_SPEAKER_FRONTLEFT) $MixChannel1 = _BASS_Mixer_StreamAddChannel($mixer1, $source, $BASS_MIXER_MATRIX) SetMatrix(0.5,-0.5) _BASS_ChannelPlay($mixer1, False) While 1 Sleep(50) WEnd ;~ Func SetMatrix($left, $right) ;~ Local $matrix[3] ;~ $matrix[1] = $left ;~ $matrix[2] = $right ;~ local $mstruct = DllStructCreate("float[2]") ;~ DllStructSetData($mstruct, 1, $matrix[1][1],1) ;~ DllStructSetData($mstruct, 1, $matrix[1][2],2) ;~ $StreamMatrix1 = _BASS_Mixer_ChannelSetMatrix($source, DllStructGetPtr($mstruct)) ;~ EndFunc ;==>SetMatrix ;As suggested by Func SetMatrix($left, $right) local $mstruct = DllStructCreate("float;float") DllStructSetData($mstruct, 1, $left,1) DllStructSetData($mstruct, 1, $right,2) $StreamMatrix1 = _BASS_Mixer_ChannelSetMatrix($source, DllStructGetPtr($mstruct)) EndFunc ;==>SetMatrix Func ExitFunctions () _BASS_Stop() _BASS_Free() EndFunc Are you experienced?
BrettF Posted May 18, 2010 Author Posted May 18, 2010 (edited) Nice one Cheers, Brett Edited May 18, 2010 by BrettF Vist my blog!UDFs: Opens The Default Mail Client | _LoginBox | Convert Reg to AU3 | BASS.au3 (BASS.dll) (Includes various BASS Libraries) | MultiLang.au3 (Multi-Language GUIs!)Example Scripts: Computer Info Telnet Server | "Secure" HTTP Server (Based on Manadar's Server)Software: AAMP- Advanced AutoIt Media Player | WorldCam | AYTU - Youtube Uploader Tutorials: Learning to Script with AutoIt V3Projects (Hardware + AutoIt): ArduinoUseful Links: AutoIt 1-2-3 | The AutoIt Downloads Section: | SciTE4AutoIt3 Full Version!
eukalyptus Posted May 18, 2010 Posted May 18, 2010 I don´t think that it´s possible to create a stereo->5.1 upmix by only use phase reversing. To do phaseshifting, STFT or whatever formular you use, you have to set up a DSP-callback and this can´t be done in pure autoit! But you can create a DLL to do this. DirectSound UDF Direct2D UDF
a440hz Posted May 18, 2010 Posted May 18, 2010 (edited) E, It can be done. Using just BASS, BASSMIX and SoX I have created a working application. I can't give the formula away because I've been sworn to secrecy. I will have a demo app ready soon and if you have a 5.1 system I'll send you a wma so you can hear it. I wouldn't need Sox if I could figure out how to make _BASS_ChannelSetFX work the parametric EQ as I could create the LFE with it. My code: expandcollapse popup#include <Bass.au3> #include <BassMix.au3> Global $fCenter, $fBandwidth,$fGain ; PARAMETRIC EQ Global $LFEFX ; LFE Effect Handle Global $mstructLFE,$mstruct Global $channel4 OnAutoItExitRegister("ExitFunctions") _BASS_Startup() _BASS_MIX_Startup() _BASS_Init($BASS_DEVICE_SPEAKERS, -1, 44100, 0, "") ;Check if bass iniated. If not, we cannot continue. If @error Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Could not initialize audio") Exit EndIf ; LFE $channel4 = _BASS_StreamCreateFile(False, @ScriptDir & "\mono.wav", 0, 0, $BASS_SPEAKER_LFE); I've used other speaker assignments to test $LFEFX = _BASS_ChannelSetFX($channel4, $BASS_FX_DX8_PARAMEQ, 1) _SetLFE($channel4,80,1,Default) _BASS_ChannelPlay($channel4, False) While 1 Sleep(50) WEnd ;create a single band eq to lowpass everthing below 80hz (will be variable to 120hz eventually) Func _SetLFE($LFEFX,$fCenter, $fBandwidth,$fGain) $mstructLFE = DllStructCreate("float[3]") ; Neither this nor the remmed out line works ;Local $mstructLFE = DllStructCreate("float;float;float") DllStructSetData($mstructLFE, 1, $fCenter,1) DllStructSetData($mstructLFE, 1, $fBandwidth,2) DllStructSetData($mstructLFE, 1, $fGain,3) _BASS_FXSetParameters($channel4, DllStructGetPtr($mstructLFE)) EndFunc Func ExitFunctions () _BASS_Stop() _BASS_Free() EndFunc Thanks, Joe I don´t think that it´s possible to create a stereo->5.1 upmix by only use phase reversing. To do phaseshifting, STFT or whatever formular you use, you have to set up a DSP-callback and this can´t be done in pure autoit! But you can create a DLL to do this. Edited May 18, 2010 by a440hz Are you experienced?
eukalyptus Posted May 18, 2010 Posted May 18, 2010 (edited) Hi I found a few bugs! Bassfx.au3: Line 60: Func _BASS_FX_Startup($sBassFXDll = "bassfx.dll") ===> Func _BASS_FX_Startup($sBassFXDll = "bass_fx.dll") Bass.au3: Line 3937: Assign("_gtBASS_FX_" & $BASS_ret_[0], Eval(StringReplace($type, "_FX", "")), 2) ===> Assign("BASS_FX_" & $BASS_ret_[0], Eval(StringReplace($type, "_FX", "")), 2) Line 3985: $struct = DllStructCreate(Eval("_gtBASS_FX_" & $fxhandle)) ===> $struct = DllStructCreate(Eval("BASS_FX_" & $fxhandle)) Line 4015: Local $sRet = DllStructCreate(Eval("_gtBASS_FX_" & $fxhandle)) ===> Local $sRet = DllStructCreate(Eval("BASS_FX_" & $fxhandle)) The EQ should work now: $LFEFX = _BASS_ChannelSetFX($channel4, $BASS_FX_DX8_PARAMEQ, 1) _BASS_FXSetParameters($LFEFX, "80|1|-15") BUT: this will setup only a small band at 80Hz; to create a lowpass you have to set more bands to cover the whole spectrum above 80Hz! maybe it´s easier to use $BASS_BFX_LPF (see bass_fx.chm) (and don´t forget to call _BASS_FX_Startup in this case) c.u.E Edited May 19, 2010 by eukalyptus DirectSound UDF Direct2D UDF
BrettF Posted May 18, 2010 Author Posted May 18, 2010 (edited) Fixed in my copy. I'll probably just upload another patch as I want to have the next version released with a help file... I'm automating it and even though its easier, it's sooo much work! To fix errors noted by Eukalyptus, install Patch_9_2. Cheers, Brett Edited May 18, 2010 by BrettF Vist my blog!UDFs: Opens The Default Mail Client | _LoginBox | Convert Reg to AU3 | BASS.au3 (BASS.dll) (Includes various BASS Libraries) | MultiLang.au3 (Multi-Language GUIs!)Example Scripts: Computer Info Telnet Server | "Secure" HTTP Server (Based on Manadar's Server)Software: AAMP- Advanced AutoIt Media Player | WorldCam | AYTU - Youtube Uploader Tutorials: Learning to Script with AutoIt V3Projects (Hardware + AutoIt): ArduinoUseful Links: AutoIt 1-2-3 | The AutoIt Downloads Section: | SciTE4AutoIt3 Full Version!
a440hz Posted May 18, 2010 Posted May 18, 2010 Thanks E!! Easily tested with _BASS_FXSetParameters($LFEFX, "14000|32|-15") If you don't mind my asking, how would I create additional bands? I'm really bad at understanding DllStructCreate, I just learned about it the other day and have only cobbled together whatever I have from feedback I've gotten off the forum and shear luck. The help file actually did help solve a mystery for me but for the most part was too technical on the subject. I'll see what I can come up with for $BASS_BFX_PEAKEQ and BASS.Fx. All the best, Joe Are you experienced?
BrettF Posted May 19, 2010 Author Posted May 19, 2010 Thanks E!! Easily tested with _BASS_FXSetParameters($LFEFX, "14000|32|-15")If you don't mind my asking, how would I create additional bands?I'm really bad at understanding DllStructCreate, I just learned about it the other day and have only cobbled together whatever I have from feedback I've gotten off the forum and shear luck. The help file actually did help solve a mystery for me but for the most part was too technical on the subject. I'll see what I can come up with for $BASS_BFX_PEAKEQ and BASS.Fx.All the best,JoeThere is a tutorial on using dlls in AutoIt... Have a search for that. Vist my blog!UDFs: Opens The Default Mail Client | _LoginBox | Convert Reg to AU3 | BASS.au3 (BASS.dll) (Includes various BASS Libraries) | MultiLang.au3 (Multi-Language GUIs!)Example Scripts: Computer Info Telnet Server | "Secure" HTTP Server (Based on Manadar's Server)Software: AAMP- Advanced AutoIt Media Player | WorldCam | AYTU - Youtube Uploader Tutorials: Learning to Script with AutoIt V3Projects (Hardware + AutoIt): ArduinoUseful Links: AutoIt 1-2-3 | The AutoIt Downloads Section: | SciTE4AutoIt3 Full Version!
eukalyptus Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 Added BiQuad filters to BassFXConstants.au3 @a440hz: update your BassFXConstants.au3 and you can use the lopassfilter _BASS_FX_Startup() $LFEFX = _BASS_ChannelSetFX($channel4, $BASS_FX_BFX_BQF, 1) _BASS_FXSetParameters($LFEFX, $BASS_BFX_BQF_LOWPASS & "|120|0|3|0|0|" & $BASS_BFX_CHANALL) BassFXConstants.au3 expandcollapse popup#include-once ; ========================================================================================================================================================== ; Error codes returned by BASS_ErrorGetCode() ; ========================================================================================================================================================== Global Const $BASS_ERROR_FX_NODECODE = 4000; // Not a decoding channel Global Const $BASS_ERROR_FX_BPMINUSE = 4001; // BPM/Beat detection is in use ; ========================================================================================================================================================== ; Tempo / Reverse / BPM / Beat flag ; ========================================================================================================================================================== Global Const $BASS_FX_FREESOURCE = 0x10000; // Free the source handle as well? ; ========================================================================================================================================================== ; DSP channels flags ; ========================================================================================================================================================== Global Const $BASS_BFX_CHANALL = -1; // all channels at once (as by default) Global Const $BASS_BFX_CHANNONE = 0; // disable an effect for all channels Global Const $BASS_BFX_CHAN1 = 1; // left-front channel Global Const $BASS_BFX_CHAN2 = 2; // right-front channel Global Const $BASS_BFX_CHAN3 = 4; // see above info Global Const $BASS_BFX_CHAN4 = 8; // see above info Global Const $BASS_BFX_CHAN5 = 16; // see above info Global Const $BASS_BFX_CHAN6 = 32; // see above info Global Const $BASS_BFX_CHAN7 = 64; // see above info Global Const $BASS_BFX_CHAN8 = 128; // see above info ; ========================================================================================================================================================== ; BiQuad filters ; ========================================================================================================================================================== Global Const $BASS_BFX_BQF_LOWPASS = 0; Global Const $BASS_BFX_BQF_HIGHPASS = 1; Global Const $BASS_BFX_BQF_BANDPASS = 2; // constant 0 dB peak gain Global Const $BASS_BFX_BQF_BANDPASS_Q = 3; // constant skirt gain, peak gain = Q Global Const $BASS_BFX_BQF_NOTCH = 4; Global Const $BASS_BFX_BQF_ALLPASS = 5; Global Const $BASS_BFX_BQF_PEAKINGEQ = 6; Global Const $BASS_BFX_BQF_LOWSHELF = 7; Global Const $BASS_BFX_BQF_HIGHSHELF = 8; ; ========================================================================================================================================================== ; DSP effects ; ========================================================================================================================================================== Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_ROTATE = "BASS_FX_BFX_ROTATE" Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_ROTATE_VALUE = 0x10000 Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_ECHO = "BASS_FX_BFX_ECHO" Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_ECHO_VALUE = 0x10001 Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_FLANGER = "BASS_FX_BFX_FLANGER" Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_FLANGER_VALUE = 0x10002 Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_VOLUME = "BASS_FX_BFX_VOLUME" Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_VOLUME_VALUE = 0x10003 Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_PEAKEQ = "BASS_FX_BFX_PEAKEQ" Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_PEAKEQ_VALUE = 0x10004 Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_REVERB = "BASS_FX_BFX_REVERB" Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_REVERB_VALUE = 0x10005 Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_LPF = "BASS_FX_BFX_LPF" Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_LPF_VALUE = 0x10006 Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_MIX = "BASS_FX_BFX_MIX" Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_MIX_VALUE = 0x10007 Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_DAMP = "BASS_FX_BFX_DAMP" Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_DAMP_VALUE = 0x10008 Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_AUTOWAH = "BASS_FX_BFX_AUTOWAH" Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_AUTOWAH_VALUE = 0x10009 Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_ECHO2 = "BASS_FX_BFX_ECHO2" Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_ECHO2_VALUE = 0x1000A Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_PHASER = "BASS_FX_BFX_PHASER" Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_PHASER_VALUE = 0x1000B Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_ECHO3 = "BASS_FX_BFX_ECHO3" Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_ECHO3_VALUE = 0x1000C Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_CHORUS = "BASS_FX_BFX_CHORUS" Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_CHORUS_VALUE = 0x1000D Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_APF = "BASS_FX_BFX_APF" Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_APF_VALUE = 0x1000E Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_COMPRESSOR = "BASS_FX_BFX_COMPRESSOR" Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_COMPRESSOR_VALUE = 0x1000F Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_DISTORTION = "BASS_FX_BFX_DISTORTION" Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_DISTORTION_VALUE = 0x10010 Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_COMPRESSOR2 = "BASS_FX_BFX_COMPRESSOR2" Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_COMPRESSOR2_VALUE = 0x10011 Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_VOLUME_ENV = "BASS_FX_BFX_VOLUME_ENV" Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_VOLUME_ENV_Value = 0x10012 Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_BQF = "BASS_FX_BFX_BQF" Global Const $BASS_FX_BFX_BQF_Value = 0x10013 Global Const $BASS_BFX_ECHO = 'float;' & _ ;fLevel [0....1....n] linear 'Int;' ;lDelay : [1200..30000] Global Const $BASS_BFX_FLANGER = 'float;' & _ ;fWetDry [0....1....n] linear 'float;' & _ ;fSpeed [0......0.09] 'Int;' ;lChannel BASS_BFX_CHANxxx flag/s Global Const $BASS_BFX_VOLUME = 'Int;' & _ ;lChannel BASS_BFX_CHANxxx flag/s or 0 for global volume control 'float;' ;fVolume [0....1....n] linear Global Const $BASS_BFX_PEAKEQ = 'Int;' & _ ;lBand [0...............n] more bands means more memory & cpu usage 'float;' & _ ;fBandwidth [0.1.....4.......n] in octaves - Q is not in use (BW has a priority over Q) 'float;' & _ ;fQ [0.......1.......n] the EE kinda definition (linear) (if Bandwidth is not in use) 'float;' & _ ;fCenter [1Hz..<info.freq/2] in Hz 'float;' & _ ;fGain [-15dB...0...+15dB] in dB 'Int;' ;lChannel BASS_BFX_CHANxxx flag/s Global Const $BASS_BFX_REVERB = 'float;' & _ ;fLevel [0....1....n] linear 'Int;' ;lDelay [1200..10000] Global Const $BASS_BFX_LPF = 'float;' & _ ;fResonance [0.01............10] 'float;' & _ ;fCutOffFreq [1Hz....info.freq/2] cutoff frequency 'Int;' ;lChannel BASS_BFX_CHANxxx flag/s Global Const $BASS_BFX_DAMP = 'float;' & _ ;fTarget target volume level [0<......1] linear 'float;' & _ ;fQuiet quiet volume level [0.......1] linear 'float;' & _ ;fRate amp adjustment rate [0.......1] linear 'float;' & _ ;fGain amplification level [0...1...n] linear 'float;' & _ ;fDelay delay in seconds before increasing level [0.......n] linear 'Int;' ;lChannel BASS_BFX_CHANxxx flag/s Global Const $BASS_BFX_AUTOWAH = 'float;' & _ ;fDryMix dry (unaffected) signal mix [-2......2] 'float;' & _ ;fWetMix wet (affected) signal mix [-2......2] 'float;' & _ ;fFeedback feedback [-1......1] 'float;' & _ ;fRate rate of sweep in cycles per second [0<....<10] 'float;' & _ ;fRange sweep range in octaves [0<....<10] 'float;' & _ ;fFreq base frequency of sweep Hz [0<...1000] 'Int;' ;lChannel BASS_BFX_CHANxxx flag/s Global Const $BASS_BFX_ECHO2 = 'float;' & _ ;fDryMix dry (unaffected) signal mix [-2......2] 'float;' & _ ;fWetMix wet (affected) signal mix [-2......2] 'float;' & _ ;fFeedback feedback [-1......1] 'float;' & _ ;fDelay delay sec [0<......6] 'Int;' ;lChannel BASS_BFX_CHANxxx flag/s Global Const $BASS_BFX_PHASER = 'float;' & _ ;fDryMix dry (unaffected) signal mix [-2......2] 'float;' & _ ;fWetMix wet (affected) signal mix [-2......2] 'float;' & _ ;fFeedback feedback [-1......1] 'float;' & _ ;fRate rate of sweep in cycles per second [0<....<10] 'float;' & _ ;fRange sweep range in octaves [0<....<10] 'float;' & _ ;fFreq base frequency of sweep [0<...1000] 'Int;' ;lChannel BASS_BFX_CHANxxx flag/s Global Const $BASS_BFX_ECHO3 = 'float;' & _ ;fDryMix dry (unaffected) signal mix [-2......2] 'float;' & _ ;fWetMix wet (affected) signal mix [-2......2] 'float;' & _ ;fDelay delay sec [0<......6] 'Int;' ;lChannel BASS_BFX_CHANxxx flag/s Global Const $BASS_BFX_CHORUS = 'float;' & _ ;fDryMix dry (unaffected) signal mix [-2......2] 'float;' & _ ;fWetMix wet (affected) signal mix [-2......2] 'float;' & _ ;fFeedback feedback [-1......1] 'float;' & _ ;fMinSweep minimal delay ms [0<..<6000] 'float;' & _ ;fMaxSweep maximum delay ms [0<..<6000] 'float;' & _ ;fRate rate ms/s [0<...1000] 'Int;' ;lChannel BASS_BFX_CHANxxx flag/s Global Const $BASS_BFX_APF = 'float;' & _ ;fGain reverberation time [-1=<..<=1] 'float;' & _ ;fDelay delay sec [0<....<=6] 'Int;' ;lChannel BASS_BFX_CHANxxx flag/s Global Const $BASS_BFX_COMPRESSOR = 'float;' & _ ;fThreshold compressor threshold [0<=...<=1] 'float;' & _ ;fAttacktime attack time ms [0<.<=1000] 'float;' & _ ;fReleasetime release time ms [0<.<=5000] 'Int;' ;lChannel BASS_BFX_CHANxxx flag/s Global Const $BASS_BFX_DISTORTION = 'float;' & _ ;fDrive distortion drive [0<=...<=5] 'float;' & _ ;fDryMix dry (unaffected) signal mix [-5<=..<=5] 'float;' & _ ;fWetMix wet (affected) signal mix [-5<=..<=5] 'float;' & _ ;fFeedback feedback [-1<=..<=1] 'float;' & _ ;fVolume distortion volume [0=<...<=2] 'Int;' ;lChannel BASS_BFX_CHANxxx flag/s Global Const $BASS_BFX_COMPRESSOR2 = 'float;' & _ ;fGain output gain of signal after compression [-60....60] in dB 'float;' & _ ;fThreshold point at which compression begins [-60.....0] in dB 'float;' & _ ;fRatio compression ratio [1.......n] 'float;' & _ ;fAttack attack time in ms [0.01.1000] 'float;' & _ ;fRelease release time in ms [0.01.5000] 'Int;' ;lChannel BASS_BFX_CHANxxx flag/s Global Const $BASS_BFX_ENV_NODE = 'double;' & _ ; node position in seconds (1st envelope node must be at position 0) 'float' ; node value Global Const $BASS_BFX_VOLUME_ENV = 'int;' & _ ;lChannel: Integer; // BASS_BFX_CHANxxx flag/s 'int;' & _;lNodeCount: Integer; // number of nodes 'ptr;' & _;pNodes: PBASS_BFX_ENV_NODES; // the nodes 'bool' ;bFollow: BOOL; // follow source position Global Const $BASS_BFX_BQF = 'int;' & _;lFilter: Integer; // BASS_BFX_BQF_xxx filter types 'float;' & _;fCenter: FLOAT; // [1Hz..<info.freq/2] Cutoff (central) frequency in Hz 'float;' & _;fGain: FLOAT; // [-15dB...0...+15dB] Used only for PEAKINGEQ and Shelving filters in dB 'float;' & _;fBandwidth: FLOAT; // [0.1...........<10] Bandwidth in octaves (fQ is not in use (fBandwidth has a priority over fQ))(between -3 dB frequencies for BANDPASS and NOTCH or between midpoint(fGgain/2) gain frequencies for PEAKINGEQ) 'float;' & _;fQ: FLOAT; // [0.1.............1] The EE kinda definition (linear) (if fBandwidth is not in use) 'float;' & _;fS: FLOAT; // [0.1.............1] A "shelf slope" parameter (linear) (used only with Shelving filters)when fS = 1, the shelf slope is as steep as you can get it and remain monotonicallyincreasing or decreasing gain with frequency. 'int';lChannel: Integer; // BASS_BFX_CHANxxx flag/s ; ========================================================================================================================================================== ; tempo attributes (BASS_ChannelSet/GetAttribute) ; ========================================================================================================================================================== Global Const $BASS_ATTRIB_TEMPO = 0x10000; Global Const $BASS_ATTRIB_TEMPO_PITCH = 0x10001; Global Const $BASS_ATTRIB_TEMPO_FREQ = 0x10002; ; ========================================================================================================================================================== ; tempo attributes options ; ========================================================================================================================================================== Global Const $BASS_ATTRIB_TEMPO_OPTION_USE_AA_FILTER = 0x10010; // TRUE / FALSE Global Const $BASS_ATTRIB_TEMPO_OPTION_AA_FILTER_LENGTH = 0x10011; // 32 default (8 .. 128 taps) Global Const $BASS_ATTRIB_TEMPO_OPTION_USE_QUICKALGO = 0x10012; // TRUE / FALSE Global Const $BASS_ATTRIB_TEMPO_OPTION_SEQUENCE_MS = 0x10013; // 82 default Global Const $BASS_ATTRIB_TEMPO_OPTION_SEEKWINDOW_MS = 0x10014; // 14 default Global Const $BASS_ATTRIB_TEMPO_OPTION_OVERLAP_MS = 0x10015; // 12 default ; ========================================================================================================================================================== ; reverse attribute (BASS_ChannelSet/GetAttribute) ; ========================================================================================================================================================== Global Const $BASS_ATTRIB_REVERSE_DIR = 0x11000; ; ========================================================================================================================================================== ; playback directions ; ========================================================================================================================================================== Global Const $BASS_FX_RVS_REVERSE = -1; Global Const $BASS_FX_RVS_FORWARD = 1; ; ========================================================================================================================================================== ; bpm flags ; ========================================================================================================================================================== Global Const $BASS_FX_BPM_BKGRND = 1; // if in use, then you can do other processing while detection's in progress. (BPM/Beat) Global Const $BASS_FX_BPM_MULT2 = 2; // if in use, then will auto multiply bpm by 2 (if BPM < MinBPM*2) ; ========================================================================================================================================================== ; translation options ; ========================================================================================================================================================== Global Const $BASS_FX_BPM_TRAN_X2 = 0; // multiply the original BPM value by 2 (may be called only once & will change the original BPM as well!) Global Const $BASS_FX_BPM_TRAN_2FREQ = 1; // BPM value to Frequency Global Const $BASS_FX_BPM_TRAN_FREQ2 = 2; // Frequency to BPM value Global Const $BASS_FX_BPM_TRAN_2PERCENT = 3; // BPM value to Percents Global Const $BASS_FX_BPM_TRAN_PERCENT2 = 4; // Percents to BPM value DirectSound UDF Direct2D UDF
a440hz Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 Wow!! Thank you kind soul. I'll look carefully at your code to learn as much as possible. I appreciate yours and Brett's help with this!! Maybe I can sneak in a little time during work today... Are you experienced?
a440hz Posted May 21, 2010 Posted May 21, 2010 E, I haven't been able to hear any difference. I updated the au3 files - do I have the code right? Thanks, Joe #include <Bass.au3> #include <BassMix.au3> #include <BassFx.au3> Global $LFEFX ; LFE Effect Handle Global $mstructLFE,$mstruct Global $channel4 OnAutoItExitRegister("ExitFunctions") _BASS_Startup() _BASS_MIX_Startup() _BASS_FX_Startup() _BASS_Init($BASS_DEVICE_SPEAKERS, -1, 44100, 0, "") ;Check if bass iniated. If not, we cannot continue. If @error Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Could not initialize audio") Exit EndIf ; LFE $channel4 = _BASS_StreamCreateFile(False, @ScriptDir & "\mono.wav", 0, 0, $BASS_SPEAKER_CENTER); I've used other speaker assignments to test _BASS_ChannelPlay($channel4, False) $LFEFX = _BASS_ChannelSetFX($channel4, $BASS_FX_BFX_BQF, 1) _BASS_FXSetParameters($LFEFX, $BASS_BFX_BQF_LOWPASS & "|120|0|3|0|0|" & $BASS_BFX_CHANALL) While 1 Sleep(50) WEnd Func ExitFunctions () _BASS_Stop() _BASS_Free() EndFunc Are you experienced?
BrettF Posted May 23, 2010 Author Posted May 23, 2010 (edited) Easier to use if you just load it as a plugin. That way you just use normal Bass functions. Cheers, Brett Edited May 23, 2010 by BrettF Vist my blog!UDFs: Opens The Default Mail Client | _LoginBox | Convert Reg to AU3 | BASS.au3 (BASS.dll) (Includes various BASS Libraries) | MultiLang.au3 (Multi-Language GUIs!)Example Scripts: Computer Info Telnet Server | "Secure" HTTP Server (Based on Manadar's Server)Software: AAMP- Advanced AutoIt Media Player | WorldCam | AYTU - Youtube Uploader Tutorials: Learning to Script with AutoIt V3Projects (Hardware + AutoIt): ArduinoUseful Links: AutoIt 1-2-3 | The AutoIt Downloads Section: | SciTE4AutoIt3 Full Version!
a440hz Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 (edited) Well that was a lot of work for nothing, but I learned quite a bit! _BASS_PluginLoad("bassflac.dll") sure is easier! Thanks [Previous post deleted] Edited May 24, 2010 by a440hz Are you experienced?
a440hz Posted May 27, 2010 Posted May 27, 2010 Please see my post in general help. It involves the use of BASS but the question pertains to another program and topic. Are you experienced?
nico18n Posted May 28, 2010 Posted May 28, 2010 hello, i use bass_asio examples, but not go. there are wrongs: example_playfile.au3(13,48) : WARNING: $bass_asio_dll: possibly used before declaration. $Samplerate = _BASS_ASIO_GetRate($bass_asio_dll) i ask for example: i want convert sampling rate of a wav file using bass.dll ... is it possible? tank.
eukalyptus Posted May 28, 2010 Posted May 28, 2010 The bugs will be fixed in the next version of bass.au3 - thx to resample a wav-file I would use BassMix.au3 and BassEnc to write the wav to disk: #include "Bass.au3" #include "BassMix.au3" #include "BassEnc.au3" _BASS_Startup() _BASS_ENCODE_Startup() _BASS_MIX_Startup() _BASS_Init(0, -1, 44100, 0, "") Global $tBuffer = DllStructCreate("byte[20000]") Global $pBuffer = DllStructGetPtr($tBuffer) Global $iBuffer = DllStructGetSize($tBuffer) $sFile = FileOpenDialog("Open...", "", "Wav Files (*.wav)") $hMusicHandle = _BASS_StreamCreateFile(False, $sFile, 0, 0, $BASS_STREAM_DECODE) $aInfo = _BASS_ChannelGetInfo($hMusicHandle) $hMixer = _BASS_Mixer_StreamCreate(32000, $aInfo[1], BitOR($BASS_MIXER_END, $BASS_STREAM_DECODE)) _BASS_Mixer_StreamAddChannel($hMixer, $hMusicHandle, 0) $hEncoder = _BASS_Encode_Start($hMixer, @ScriptDir & "\Resampled.wav", $BASS_ENCODE_PCM) While _BASS_ChannelIsActive($hMixer) $iLength = _BASS_ChannelGetData($hMixer, $pBuffer, $iBuffer) _BASS_Encode_Write($hEncoder, $pBuffer, $iLength) ConsoleWrite($iLength & @CRLF) WEnd _BASS_Encode_Stop($hEncoder) _BASS_StreamFree($hMixer) _BASS_Free() DirectSound UDF Direct2D UDF
nico18n Posted May 28, 2010 Posted May 28, 2010 many tanks. but i receive this error: Include\BassEnc.au3 (159) : ==> Subscript used with non-Array variable.: Return SetError(0, "", $BASSENC_ret_[0]) Return SetError(0, "", $BASSENC_ret_^ ERROR ->17:45:17 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:1 have you an idea?
eukalyptus Posted May 29, 2010 Posted May 29, 2010 Make sure that you have bass.dll, bassenc.dll and bassmix.dll in the script directory expandcollapse popup#include "Bass.au3" #include "BassMix.au3" #include "BassEnc.au3" Global $iOutputFreq = 32000 _BASS_Startup() ___Debug(@error, "load bass.dll") _BASS_ENCODE_Startup() ___Debug(@error, "load bassenc.dll") _BASS_MIX_Startup() ___Debug(@error, "load bassmix.dll") _BASS_Init(0, -1, 44100, 0, "") ___Debug(@error, "initialize bass") Global $tBuffer = DllStructCreate("byte[20000]") Global $pBuffer = DllStructGetPtr($tBuffer) Global $iBuffer = DllStructGetSize($tBuffer) $sFile = FileOpenDialog("Open...", "", "Wav Files (*.wav)") ___Debug($sFile = "", $sFile) $hMusicHandle = _BASS_StreamCreateFile(False, $sFile, 0, 0, $BASS_STREAM_DECODE) ___Debug(@error, "create stream from file") $aInfo = _BASS_ChannelGetInfo($hMusicHandle) ___Debug(@error, "get channel infos") $hMixer = _BASS_Mixer_StreamCreate($iOutputFreq, $aInfo[1], BitOR($BASS_MIXER_END, $BASS_STREAM_DECODE)) ___Debug(@error, "create mixer stream") _BASS_Mixer_StreamAddChannel($hMixer, $hMusicHandle, 0) ___Debug(@error, "add channel to mixer") $hEncoder = _BASS_Encode_Start($hMixer, @ScriptDir & "\Resampled.wav", $BASS_ENCODE_PCM) ___Debug(@error, "set up encoder") $iBytes = _BASS_ChannelGetLength($hMusicHandle, $BASS_POS_BYTE) ___Debug(@error, "get filesize: " & $iBytes) $iBytes=$iBytes * $iOutputFreq / $aInfo[0] $iDone = 0 While _BASS_ChannelIsActive($hMixer) $iLength = _BASS_ChannelGetData($hMixer, $pBuffer, $iBuffer) ___Debug(@error, "read data: " & $iLength & " bytes") $iDone+=$iLength ___Debug(-1, Round($iDone * 100 / $iBytes) & "% done") WEnd _BASS_Encode_Stop($hEncoder) ___Debug(@error, "stop encoder") _BASS_StreamFree($hMixer) ___Debug(@error, "free stream") _BASS_Free() ___Debug(@error, "free bass") Func ___DeBug($iError, $sAction) Switch $iError Case -1 ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "-" & $sAction & @CRLF) Case 0 ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "+" & $sAction & " - OK" & @CRLF) Case Else ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "!" & $sAction & " - FAILED" & @CRLF) Exit EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>___DeBug DirectSound UDF Direct2D UDF
BrettF Posted May 31, 2010 Author Posted May 31, 2010 Started creating BASS WASAPI. Cheers, Brett Vist my blog!UDFs: Opens The Default Mail Client | _LoginBox | Convert Reg to AU3 | BASS.au3 (BASS.dll) (Includes various BASS Libraries) | MultiLang.au3 (Multi-Language GUIs!)Example Scripts: Computer Info Telnet Server | "Secure" HTTP Server (Based on Manadar's Server)Software: AAMP- Advanced AutoIt Media Player | WorldCam | AYTU - Youtube Uploader Tutorials: Learning to Script with AutoIt V3Projects (Hardware + AutoIt): ArduinoUseful Links: AutoIt 1-2-3 | The AutoIt Downloads Section: | SciTE4AutoIt3 Full Version!
nico18n Posted May 31, 2010 Posted May 31, 2010 (edited) Hello. It's OK. Thanks. Edited May 31, 2010 by nico18n
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