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I have been trying forever to make a script that will automatically log into a telnet device send a few commands and record the output.

I got one script that uses Putty and a configuration that is saved in Putty. It works great, but since it uses the GUI it can only be run when I am logged in and my comp is not locked.

My goal is to create a script that can do this:

1) Log into a Cisco device via telnet

2) Pull a bunch of show commands

3) Clear the counters

4) log all input and output in a file that is named with the device name, time, and date.

5) Has the ability to run as a service or run as a scheduled task when I am not around.


Thank you very much with your help in putting this script together. This morning was the first day I ran this script in production and I noticed an odd problem.

When I run this script manually on my desktop or on the server the output is completely fine. Even when I was testing this script earlier the output was fine.

User Access Verification

Username: ********


ILWCRTR01#show clock

08:35:35.521 CDT Tue Oct 14 2008


ILWCRTR01#show int s0/0/0:0

But last night when I let this run automatically it put out this for each one of my T-1s connected. For some odd reason it changed the colon at the end on int s0/0/0:0 to a semi-colon.

User Access Verification

Username: eanderson


ILWCRTR01#show clock

00:00:02.008 CDT Tue Oct 14 2008


ILWCRTR01#show int s0/0/0;0


% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

Anyone have any ideas on why this would happen?

This is part of my code:

$Telnetserver = ""
$Telnetport = "" ; "" for default

; next #include is not nessecary. You may comment it out.
;#include "_SingleScript.au3" ; http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=72070
If Not HotKeySet("{ESC}", "OnAutoItExit") Then MsgBox(48 + 262144, "Warning", "Termination hotkey {ESC} not set for " & @ScriptName & " ", 10)
Func OnAutoItStart()
    ;MsgBox(64, "Start", @ScriptName & " started.", 3)
EndFunc   ;==>OnAutoItStart

Global $Filename = "c:\Logs\ILWCRTR01\" & "Telnet." & $Telnetserver & "[" & @HOUR & "." & @MIN & "." & @SEC & "]" &".log"
$Cmd = "telnet -f " & $Filename & " " & $Telnetserver & " " & $Telnetport
$pid = Run($Cmd, "", @SW_HIDE)
If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error PID", $pid)
Sleep(1000) ; allow process to start
Global $handle = WinGetHandle("Telnet " & $Telnetserver)

ControlSend($handle, "", "", "******{enter}")
ControlSend($handle, "", "", "******{enter}")
ControlSend($handle, "", "", "show clock{enter}{enter}")

ControlSend($handle, "", "", "show int s0/0/0:0{enter}{enter}")
ControlSend($handle, "", "", "show int s0/0/1:0{enter}{enter}")
ControlSend($handle, "", "", "show int s0/1/0:0{enter}{enter}")
ControlSend($handle, "", "", "show int s0/1/1:0{enter}{enter}")
ControlSend($handle, "", "", "show int s0/2/0:0{enter}{enter}")
ControlSend($handle, "", "", "show int s0/2/1:0{enter}{enter}")

ControlSend($handle, "", "", "show int MFR0{enter}{space}{enter}{enter}")
ControlSend($handle, "", "", "show int MFR0.501{enter}{enter}")
ControlSend($handle, "", "", "show int MFR0.502{enter}{enter}")

ControlSend($handle, "", "", "show controllers T1{enter}{space}{space}{space}{space}{space}{space}{enter}{enter}")

ControlSend($handle, "", "", "show policy-map interface{enter}{space}{space}{space}{space}{space}{space}{enter}{enter}")

ControlSend($handle, "", "", "show ip int brief{enter}{space}{enter}{enter}")
ControlSend($handle, "", "", "show log{enter}{space}{space}{space}{space}{space}{enter}")

ControlSend($handle, "", "", "show clock{enter}{enter}")

ControlSend($handle, "", "", "clear counters{enter}{enter}{enter}")

ControlSend($handle, "", "", "exit{enter}")

Func OnAutoItExit()
    If Not IsDeclared("@exitMethod") Then Exit ;  Exit by Hotkey
    ;MsgBox(64, "", @ScriptName & " ended.", 3)
EndFunc   ;==>OnAutoItExit

Why not using native socket connections like following example.

I am using this algorithm to communicate with my router (Linux machine) for sending commands and receiving info from it.

Be sure to replace specific information.

;BEGIN SCRIPT----------------------------------------------

;simulates a TELNET connection

Global $host, $port, $delay, $user, $pass, $sk, $ack

$host = ""

$port = 23

; miliseconds to wait before sending/receiving something

$delay = 300 ; compensates network/internet delays

$user = ""

$pass = ""


$sk = TCPConnect($host, $port)

;if invalid socket

If $sk = -1 Then

MsgBox(0, "", "Cannot connect")



; message from device


$ack = TCPRecv($sk, 150)

TrayTip("", $ack, 10)

; verifying the correct answer

If StringInStr($ack, "wl500gp login") >= 1 Then

; if the string is correct then we send user


TCPSend($sk, $user & @CRLF)


$ack = TCPRecv($sk, 80)

TrayTip("", $ack, 10)

; and password


TCPSend($sk, $pass & @CRLF)


$ack = TCPRecv($sk, 80)

TrayTip("", $ack, 10)


MsgBox(0, "", "Cannot connect")



; verifying the answer of the device (the prompt that it returns after receiving user and password)

If StringInStr($ack, "root]$") = 0 Then ; attention, this string is specific

MsgBox(0, "Error", "Access denied")



; now you can send some commands


TCPSend($sk, "ps" & @CRLF)


$ack = TCPRecv($sk, 2000)

MsgBox(0,"Running processes", $ack)




;END SCRIPT----------------------------------------------


Hubertus thank you very much for pointing the obvious that I had missed. A good laugh is always worth while.

Are you suggesting that I will be able to send a shift command with the ; to make sure that a : is put into the command?

Once again thank you for school this newb :P

  • 4 months later...

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