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Posted (edited)

Current functions:

































All functions are Windows API based.

Download here -> Services.au3

Requires -> SecurityEx.au3

Edited by engine

My contributions:Local account UDF Registry UDFs DriverSigning UDF Windows Services UDF [url="http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=81880"][/url]

Posted (edited)

Current functions:



















All functions are Windows API based.

Download here ->

Requires -> Privilege.au3


Ahh! This has been done so many times! But good work! Edited by SwiftBurns


Already knew about them.

This UDF is more close to the first. It was my intention to do a complete Service Manager for AutoIt. As you might see, you can do more with the UDF published on this topic!

About the second. That was the one I was using on my scripts before doing my own. I encountered some disadvantages with it. Since it uses WMI, it can't be used on an earlier stage of Windows XP unattended setup, where the SYSTEM account is running and WMI isn't completely installed yet. Also using DllCalls is a lot faster!


My contributions:Local account UDF Registry UDFs DriverSigning UDF Windows Services UDF [url="http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=81880"][/url]


Could add..



Off the top of my head, They are implemented in the service examples from MSDN. (which is basically just using ControlService().. )

I don't know what you mean. As I understand you can do that with _Service_SetStartType

If I am wrong, please show me those examples.

Also some UDFs to get the current configuration of a service are missing. I plan to add those in the near future.


My contributions:Local account UDF Registry UDFs DriverSigning UDF Windows Services UDF [url="http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=81880"][/url]

Posted (edited)

You are right..


_Service_SetStartType("service name", $SERVICE_DISABLED, "")

I mean't 'ChangeServiceConfig' :P

Here's the code I was talking about, it's in 'SvcConfig.cpp', called DoDisableSvc() and DoDisableSvc()


I suppose it would be something like this..

Func _Service_Enable($sServiceName, $sComputerName = "")
    Local $iSSM = _Service_SetStartType($sServiceName, $SERVICE_DEMAND_START, $sComputerName)
    Return SetError(@error, 0, $iSSM)
EndFunc ;==> _Service_Enable

Func _Service_Disable($sServiceName, $sComputerName = "")
    Local $iSSM = _Service_SetStartType($sServiceName, $SERVICE_DISABLED, $sComputerName)
    Return SetError(@error, 0, $iSSM)
EndFunc ;==> _Service_Disable
Edited by mrRevoked
Don't bother, It's inside your monitor!------GUISetOnEvent should behave more like HotKeySet()



_Service_Change and _Service_Create now with all parameters.

_Service_Enum and _Service_EnumDependent fixed an infinite loop when 0 services are retuned.

_Service_QueryStatus removed the flag. Now returns an array.

_Service_SetFailureActions reviewed.

Old _Service_SetType split into a new version of _Service_SetType and a new function _Service_SetErrorControl

Added the following functions:









My contributions:Local account UDF Registry UDFs DriverSigning UDF Windows Services UDF [url="http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=81880"][/url]

Posted (edited)

I don't plan to merge "Privilege.au3" with "Services.au3"

I need to include "Privilege.au3" on other UDFs. So it's better this way.

I did some modifications of my own to AutoIt's "Security.au3" include file. I suggested them to the main author PaulIA, and also to Jon and GaryFrost. This was before I published the UDF on this topic. I haven't received any answer from any of them yet.


Edited by engine

My contributions:Local account UDF Registry UDFs DriverSigning UDF Windows Services UDF [url="http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=81880"][/url]

  • 2 weeks later...

Many thank for this excellent UDF

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  • 2 weeks later...

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