enaiman Posted November 18, 2012 Author Posted November 18, 2012 @RichE Glad you found it useful SNMP_UDF ... for SNMPv1 and v2c so far, GetBulk and a new example script wannabe "Unbeatable" Tic-Tac-Toe Paper-Scissor-Rock ... try to beat it anyway :)
jcpetu Posted February 15, 2013 Posted February 15, 2013 Hello Enaiman, first of all, thanks for the UDF and congratulations for the work.I´m trying to get a value from a network device and I managed to get what I want in the $result array, but when I want to pass the array value to a variable I get the error:Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded.:Here is the code in case you can help me:Func _StartListener() If $Start = 1 Then $i = 0 While (1) $srcv = UDPRecv($Socket, 2048) Local $value If ($srcv <> "") Then $result = _ShowSNMPReceived($srcv) _ArrayDisplay($result) $value=$result[1] ;<===== ExitLoop EndIf sleep(100) WEnd EndIf EndFuncThanks a lot.
tvro Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 (edited) Seek help ! Using examples, $SNMP_OID = "" . iso.org.dod.internet.mgmt.mib-2.ip.ipNetToMediaTable.ipNetToMediaEntry.ipNetToMediaPhysAddress 0x308205800201010409796E63636272656164A282056E020101020100020100308205613019060F2B06010201041601021 E4610817E2904060025847C5EC03019060F2B06010201041601021F461081792904060025847C60403019060F2B0601020 10416010221461022810704060019D19E60903019060F2B06010201041601022146102281080406008087EECEC83019060 F2B06010201041601022146102281110406000C6EE451DE3019060F2B06010201041601022146102281190406000B00168 9653019060F2B060102010416010221461034810104060080874E43523019060F2B06010201041601022146103481160406 003138402D463019060F2B060102010416010221461034811C0406000B000630603019060F2B0601020104160102214610 34811D0406000B000748F43019060F2B060102010416010221461034811E0406000B000743093019060F2B060102010416 01022146103481200406000B001A87CE3019060F2B06010201041601022146103481210406000B001757D33019060F2B06 010201041601022146103481240406000B001ADDEE3019060F2B06010201041601022146103481520406000B001A87C130 19060F2B06010201041601022146103481530406000B001A87BC3019060F2B06010201041601022146103481550406001AA 920037D3019060F2B06010201041601022146103481560406001AA950EF453019060F2B0601020104160102214610348159 0406000B001A878D3019060F2B060102010416010221461034815A040600E0B40326DC3019060F2B060102010416010221461034815B04064487FCC32C213019060F2B060102010416010221461034815C040600D0F81F0DB03019060F2B060102010416010221461034815E040620CF30B9CCE2301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B8102040600226431E1F8301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B810404066C626D7C7980301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B810604060017A4F8FAD8301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B81070406004551E36CF8301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B81080406000B001A87E0301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B810E0406000BCD072CD8301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B811104066C626D0B686B301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B811204066C626D0B689C301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B811504060017A4F922D1301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B812004060019DB2FF12D301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B8121040618A9052A3092301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B812604060017A4F8F88C301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B812A04064437E639A634301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B813D04060017A4F8FC57301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B814804060019DB30FE13301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B81490406000FFE1E486B301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B814B04060019BB43CD20301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B814C0406000BCDB98946301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B814D04060019DB2FF076301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B815C0406D4856498FAB3301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B816504064437E620A47A301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B816E04060019DB30741C301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B81700406080037867756301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B817104066C626D7B003B301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B8172040600237D4A3CD9301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B8179040600E00000509D301A06102B0601020104160102224610813B817B0406E839354FC7E6 Back to MAC address, the result is garbled Edited March 27, 2013 by tvro
enaiman Posted May 13, 2013 Author Posted May 13, 2013 @tvro This is what you get back from the device you are interogating so you'll need to do something about that. The type of data returned is "04" which is interpreted as text and the "garbled text" is what the data is translated to from Hex to ASCII. The very last OID returned is in this section at the end of the output: 04 06 E839354FC7E6 04 = type of data returned = String 06 = length of data sequence E839354FC7E6 = data returned In this case, the data returned is a MAC address and it should be: E8:39:35:4F:C7:E6 In this case, what you need to do is: get the "garbled" text returned and transform it back in hex code (each character will have a Hex value) then split the string in groups of two by ":" and you have your MAC addresses. @jcpetu The array returned is multi dimensional and you are trying to use an uni-dimensional array. You need to use $result [1][1] or whatever you need - look closely at the _ArrayDisplay result. SNMP_UDF ... for SNMPv1 and v2c so far, GetBulk and a new example script wannabe "Unbeatable" Tic-Tac-Toe Paper-Scissor-Rock ... try to beat it anyway :)
tvro Posted May 20, 2013 Posted May 20, 2013 @ enaimanThank you for your guidance, I have been successfully applied to the function _ExtractDataAdd:If StringLen ($ tmpOUT) = 12 Then Return StringRegExpReplace (BinaryToString ($ tmpOUT), '( S {2}) ( S {2}) ( S {2}) ( S {2}) ( S {2}) ( S {2}) ',' $ 1: $ 2: $ 3: $ 4: $ 5: $ 6 ')Only for the MAC address
hannes08 Posted June 26, 2013 Posted June 26, 2013 Hi enaiman,in version 1.6.2 you added the feature that the script exits on an occured error.Yet in the function _ShowSNMPReceived you are using a Return SetError(1) after throwing the error.Maybe this is by design in version 1.7.4. ;-)I would prefer that the pachet yout be output to any place set by user and that the _ThrowError function did not exit the whole script. Regards,Hannes[spoiler]If you can't convince them, confuse them![/spoiler]
nobur Posted July 19, 2013 Posted July 19, 2013 @hannes08: hi, It may be a bit late to answer, but in my opinion what you can try is to comment out the last "Exit" command of the UDF ( line : 465 ). This will normally resume the script. Concerning the packet, it will be stored in the clipboard. so a simple "clipget" call should let you retrieve it. best regards. @enaiman: that's truly something odd in the code: _ThowError is only used once in the UDF and it is followed by a "return seterror(1)". Is that not some remains of a debug session ?
Processor Posted December 18, 2013 Posted December 18, 2013 Hi Einaman and Nobur, first of all thx for your work. Then I got a little problem but for sure it's because of my noobness in Autoit. I'm trying to get some oid values on a Cisco Switch. A start I just tried this: #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: myName Script Function: Template AutoIt script. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Script Start - Add your code below here #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <SNMPWALK.au3> ;~ $snmp = _SNMPBuildPacket("","public", 1, 1, "A1") $walk = _SnmpWalk("","","public",1,161) $array = _ArrayDisplay($walk,'SNMP') So of course I got an SNMPWALK.au3 file in the includes folder as a SNMP-UDF.au3 file (Renamed also in nobur SNMPWALK.au3) The upper script just return a table with a 0 for the first col in the fisrt row, which basically means : "No Data". I'm sure of the OID i'm using as I can get the searched data with snmpwalk.exe. Many thx by advance for your help. regards Processor
nobur Posted March 11, 2014 Posted March 11, 2014 (edited) Hi Processor! sorry for the late answer but i don't come here so often now. The problem you face is not really a problem. I did the test on my side with a cisco switch. You can't walk thru a single value like The snmpwalk command handle this case by executing a simple "get" query instead of a "getnext" If you want handle this as the snmpwalk command does, you will have to : 1/ edit the snmp_udf.au3 to remove following lines If $_sErr_ <> "00" Then _ThrowError($_sErr_, $_sPacketRecv_) Return SetError(1) EndIf 2/ use this modified snmpwalk function expandcollapse popup#include-once #include 'SNMP_UDF.au3' Func _SnmpWalk($S_srvIP,$S_OID,$S_COM,$S_Ver=2,$S_Port=161) ;~ Init variables Dim $S_ReqID = Random(10000,20000,1) Dim $S_socket,$SNMP_Command,$OIDwalk,$OIDwalk_len,$rslt Dim $resultTab[1][2] $resultTab[0][0]=0 ;~ open Udp socket to target UDPStartUp() $S_socket = UDPopen($S_srvIP, $S_Port) $OIDwalk=$S_OID $OIDwalk_len=StringLen ( $OIDwalk ) ; try to query as a single value if the query oid is a leaf $SNMP_Command = _SNMPBuildPacket($S_OID, $S_COM,$S_Ver, $S_ReqID, "A0") UDPSend($S_socket, $SNMP_Command) $rslt= _StartListener($S_socket) ;~ Timeout ? if $rslt=-1 Then $resultab=-1 ElseIf $rslt[0][1]="02" Then ;not a leaf start walk ;~ Cycle through Child OID's While (StringLeft($S_OID,$OIDwalk_len)=$OIDwalk) $SNMP_Command = _SNMPBuildPacket($S_OID, $S_COM,$S_Ver, $S_ReqID, "A1") UDPSend($S_socket, $SNMP_Command) $rslt= _StartListener($S_socket) ;~ if answer didn't come before timeout then exit and return -1 if $rslt=-1 and @error=-1 Then $resultab=-1 ExitLoop EndIf if StringLeft($rslt [1][0],$OIDwalk_len)<>$OIDwalk Then ExitLoop $resultTab[0][0] += 1 ReDim $resultTab[$resultTab[0][0]+1][2] ;~ $resultTab[$resultTab[0][0]][0] = StringRight($rslt[1][0],StringLen($rslt[1][0]) - StringInStr($rslt[1][0], ".", 2, -2) + 1) $resultTab[$resultTab[0][0]][0] = $rslt[1][0] $resultTab[$resultTab[0][0]][1]=$rslt[1][1] $S_OID = $rslt [1][0] $S_ReqID+=1 WEnd Else ; should be a leaf so get the value $resultTab[0][0] += 1 ReDim $resultTab[$resultTab[0][0]+1][2] $resultTab[$resultTab[0][0]][0] = $rslt[1][0] $resultTab[$resultTab[0][0]][1]=$rslt[1][1] EndIf ;~ close connection and return results UDPCloseSocket($S_socket) UDPShutdown() Return $resultTab EndFunc Func _StartListener($sock,$timeOut=500) dim $sleepDelay=30 ; millisecond Dim $TOCycles=$timeOut/$sleepDelay $i = 0 While ($i<=$TOCycles) $srcv = UDPRecv($sock, 2048) If ($srcv <> "") Then $result = _ShowSNMPReceived ($srcv) ;~ ConsoleWrite($result) Return $result Exit EndIf Sleep(30) $i+=1 WEnd ;~ fallback condition on timeout return -1 EndFunc Be aware that this disable the error message boxes so you have to handle them by yourself in your code (see the end of snmp_udf.au3 for list of error codes) regards Edited March 24, 2014 by nobur
mLipok Posted July 22, 2014 Posted July 22, 2014 some CleanUp expandcollapse popup#AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w- 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7 #Tidy_Parameters=/reel #include-once #include <String.au3> #include <Array.au3> ;----------------------------------------------------- ;Credit for idea of this UDF and alot of work on it: @ptrex ;Credit for fixing the version 1.7.3: @nobur ;version 1.7.3-nobur - (12.09.2012) ;OID Arrays are no longer supported: they didn't add anything to UDF's value and were only complicating the scripts ;----------------------------------------------------- Global Const $__SNMP_DATA_INT = "02" Global Const $__SNMP_DATA_STR = "04" Global Const $__SNMP_DATA_NULL = "05" Global Const $__SNMP_DATA_OID = "06" Global Const $__SNMP_DATA_SEQ = "30" Global Const $__SNMP_DATA_IP = "40" Global Const $__SNMP_DATA_COUNTER = "41" Global Const $__SNMP_DATA_GAUGE = "42" Global Const $__SNMP_DATA_TIME = "43" Global Const $__SNMP_DATA_COUNTER64 = "46" Global $__SNMP_Received[1500][3] Global $__VarBindContent[1000] Global $__SNMP_Util[1000][3] #Region ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUILD SNMP Packet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;=============================================================================== ; Description: Build SNMP Message ; Syntax: _SNMP_BuildPacket($snmpOID, $snmpCOMM, $snmpVER, $snmpReqID, $PDUType = "A1") ; Parameter(s): $snmpOID - Object ID (OID) ex: "" ; $snmpCOMM - Community String -> the default values are "public" for read-only and "private" for read-write ; $snmpVER - SNMP Version (3 versions available, 1, 2 and 3 - this UDF handles only SNMP v1 and v2c) ; 1 = SNMP v1 ; 2 = SNMP v2c ; 3 = SNMP v3 -> NOT WORKING ; $snmpReqID - Request ID - an Integer that identifies a particular SNMP request. ; $PDUType - PDU type ("A0"= GetRequest, "A1"= GetNext, "A2"= GetResponse, "A3"= SetRequest, "A5"= Get Bulk)) ; $GetBulk - (hex) how many OIDs to return (50 MAXIMUM recommended) - if you request too many OIDs you will get an error. ; $dataTYPE - data TYPE to be written (for SetRequest) - refer to "const" values at the top ; $dataVALUE - data VALUE to be written (for SetRequest) ; Requirement(s): Must be used from withing this UDF (calls other functions) ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns a hex string which is to be send ; Error Code: 1 = SNMP version error (GetBulk request used with SNMP v1) ; 2 = wrong data type for SetRequest ; 3 = $snmpOID is an array (arrays are no longer supported) ; Author(s): enaiman <naimane at yahoo dot com> ; Note(s): None ;=============================================================================== Func _SNMP_BuildPacket($snmpOID, $snmpCOMM = "public", $snmpVER = 1, $snmpReqID = 1, $PDUType = "A1", $GetBulk = "32", $dataTYPE = "05", $dataVALUE = "00") ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ building the packet backwards ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _SNMP_Init() ;resets global variables ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If IsArray($snmpOID) Then MsgBox(16, "OID Array", "OID Arrays are no longer supported.") Return SetError(3) EndIf Local $_SNMP_Req_Varbind, $_SNMP_Req_Message, $_SNMP_Req_PDU Switch $snmpVER Case 1, 2 $_SNMP_Req_Varbind = _SNMP_Build_Varbind($snmpOID, $dataTYPE, $dataVALUE) If @error Then MsgBox(16, "Unknown Data Type", "Unknown Data Type: " & $dataTYPE) Return SetError(2) EndIf If $PDUType = "A5" And $snmpVER = 1 Then MsgBox(16, "Wrong SNMP Version", "GetBulk request cannot be used with SNMP v1.") Return SetError(1) EndIf $_SNMP_Req_PDU = _SNMP_Build_PDU($snmpReqID, $PDUType, $GetBulk, $_SNMP_Req_Varbind) $_SNMP_Req_Message = _SNMP_Build_Message($snmpVER, $snmpCOMM, $_SNMP_Req_PDU) _SNMP_WriteArrayValues($__SNMP_Received, 1, "SNMP Command", $_SNMP_Req_Message) Return $_SNMP_Req_Message Case 3 MsgBox(16, "SNMP v3 Not Supported", "SNMP v3 is not supported yet.") Return SetError(1) Case Else MsgBox(16, "Wrong SNMP Version", "Unknown SNMP Version: " & $snmpVER) Return SetError(1) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_SNMP_BuildPacket #EndRegion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUILD SNMP Packet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Region ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXTRACT SNMP Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;Returned Data in is 2 Arrays ;$__SNMP_Received = Contains a more detailed range of data (educational purpose) ; << NEW >> - now $__SNMP_Received has an extra row, showing raw data for each PDU (delimited string) ;$__SNMP_Util = Util information received: ; $__SNMP_Util[0][0] = "Error Code" ; $__SNMP_Util[0][1] = error value ; $__SNMP_Util[1][0] = OID ; $__SNMP_Util[1][1] = Value read from OID ; If more that 1x OID were requested then the next results will be added ; $__SNMP_Util[2][0] = OID ; $__SNMP_Util[2][1] = Value read from OID ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Func _SNMP_ShowReceived($rcvDATA) Global $__SNMP_Util[1000][3] Local $_sPacketRecv_ = $rcvDATA Local $_PDUcontent = "" Local $_ExtractedDATA Local $_IsError = 0 #forceref $_PDUcontent, $_ExtractedDATA, $_IsError Local $_PDU_content = "" Local $_delimSTR_ = "" _SNMP_WriteArrayValues($__SNMP_Received, 1, "SNMP Answer", $rcvDATA) $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, 4) ;strip 0x30 Local $_l_pl = _SNMP_GetPacLen(StringLeft($rcvDATA, 6)) Local $_pacLen_ = StringLeft($rcvDATA, $_l_pl) $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, $_l_pl) ;strip packet length _SNMP_WriteArrayValues($__SNMP_Received, 2, "(Total) PDU Length", $_pacLen_) ;------------- SNMP Version Block ------------------------------------------------- _SNMP_WriteArrayValues($__SNMP_Received, 3, "SNMP Version Block", StringLeft($rcvDATA, 6)) $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, 4) ;strip 0201 from SNMP ver block Local $_SNMP_Version = StringLeft($rcvDATA, 2) + 1 ;SNMP Version #forceref $_SNMP_Version $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, 2) ;strip SNMP Version ;------------- Community String --------------------------------------------------- $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, 2) ;strip 04 from community block Local $_commLen_ = Dec(StringLeft($rcvDATA, 2)) * 2 ;Length of community string $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, 2) ;strip community length Local $_commHex_ = StringLeft($rcvDATA, $_commLen_) ;community string (hex) Local $_commTex_ = _HexToString($_commHex_) $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, $_commLen_) _SNMP_WriteArrayValues($__SNMP_Received, 4, "Community String", $_commTex_) ;------------- PDU Type ----------------------------------------------------------- Local $_pduT_ = StringLeft($rcvDATA, 2) _SNMP_WriteArrayValues($__SNMP_Received, 5, "PDU Type", $_pduT_) $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, 2) $rcvDATA = _SNMP_StripPacket($rcvDATA) ;------------- Request ID --------------------------------------------------------- $rcvDATA = _SNMP_StripBlocks($rcvDATA, 6, "Request ID Block") ;------------- Error Block -------------------------------------------------------- Local $_sErr_ = StringMid($rcvDATA, 5, 2) If $_sErr_ <> "00" Then _SNMP_ThrowError($_sErr_, $_sPacketRecv_) Return SetError(1) EndIf _SNMP_WriteArrayValues($__SNMP_Util, 0, "SNMP Error Value:", $_sErr_) $rcvDATA = _SNMP_StripBlocks($rcvDATA, 7, "Error Block") ;------------- Error Index -------------------------------------------------------- $rcvDATA = _SNMP_StripBlocks($rcvDATA, 8, "Error Index Block") ;------------- PDU Total Len ------------------------------------------------------ $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, 2) $_l_pl = _SNMP_GetPacLen(StringLeft($rcvDATA, 6)) Local $_pacTotLen_ = StringLeft($rcvDATA, $_l_pl) #forceref $_pacTotLen_ $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, $_l_pl) ;strip packet length ;------------- PDU Data ----------------------------------------------------------- Local $_snmpR_idx = 9, $_snmpA_idx = 1 Do $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, 2) ;cut "30" (data type: SEQ) $_l_pl = _SNMP_GetPacLen(StringLeft($rcvDATA, 6)) ;length of Data PDU $_pacLen_ = StringLeft($rcvDATA, $_l_pl) $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, $_l_pl) ;cut length $_PDU_content = StringLeft($rcvDATA, Dec($_pacLen_) * 2) ;get what is left from PDU $rcvDATA = StringTrimLeft($rcvDATA, Dec($_pacLen_) * 2) ;remove that from message $_delimSTR_ = "30|" & $_pacLen_ & "|" ;build delimited string If StringLeft($_PDU_content, 2) = "06" Then $_delimSTR_ &= "06|" $_PDU_content = StringTrimLeft($_PDU_content, 2) ;cut "06" (data type: OID) $_l_pl = _SNMP_GetPacLen(StringLeft($_PDU_content, 6)) ;Length of OID sequence $_pacLen_ = StringLeft($_PDU_content, $_l_pl) $_PDU_content = StringTrimLeft($_PDU_content, $_l_pl) ;cut length Local $_OID_val = StringLeft($_PDU_content, Dec($_pacLen_) * 2) ;OID (hex) $_delimSTR_ &= $_pacLen_ & "|" & $_OID_val & "|" Local $_SNMP_Decoded_OID = _SNMP_TranslateOID($_OID_val, "2d") ;OID (dec) $_PDU_content = StringTrimLeft($_PDU_content, Dec($_pacLen_) * 2) Local $_data_type = StringLeft($_PDU_content, 2) ;returned data type $_PDU_content = StringTrimLeft($_PDU_content, 2) If StringLen($_PDU_content) >= 6 Then $_l_pl = _SNMP_GetPacLen(StringLeft($_PDU_content, 6)) ;Length of data sequence Else $_l_pl = _SNMP_GetPacLen(StringLeft($_PDU_content, 4)) ;Length of data sequence EndIf Local $_raw_data = StringTrimLeft($_PDU_content, $_l_pl) Local $_RealData = _SNMP_ExtractData($_data_type, $_raw_data) _SNMP_WriteArrayValues($__SNMP_Received, $_snmpR_idx, $_SNMP_Decoded_OID, $_RealData) $_snmpR_idx += 1 $_delimSTR_ &= $_data_type & "|" & StringLeft($_PDU_content, $_l_pl) & "|" & $_raw_data _SNMP_WriteArrayValues($__SNMP_Received, $_snmpR_idx, "Raw PDU (delimited string)", $_delimSTR_) $_snmpR_idx += 1 _SNMP_WriteArrayValues($__SNMP_Util, $_snmpA_idx, $_SNMP_Decoded_OID, $_RealData) $_snmpA_idx += 1 $_delimSTR_ = "" Else Return SetError(2) ;bad SNMP Packet EndIf Until Int(StringLen($rcvDATA)) = 0 ReDim $__SNMP_Received[$_snmpR_idx][3] ReDim $__SNMP_Util[$_snmpA_idx][3] Return $__SNMP_Util EndFunc ;==>_SNMP_ShowReceived #EndRegion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXTRACT SNMP Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Region ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add Packet Layers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Func _SNMP_Build_Varbind($p_OID, $p_dTYPE, $p_dVALUE) Local $_result_ Local $oidarr Switch $p_dTYPE Case $__SNMP_DATA_INT, $__SNMP_DATA_COUNTER, $__SNMP_DATA_GAUGE, $__SNMP_DATA_TIME $p_dVALUE = Hex($p_dVALUE, 8) For $_j = 1 To 3 If StringLeft($p_dVALUE, 2) = "00" Then $p_dVALUE = StringTrimLeft($p_dVALUE, 2) EndIf Next Case $__SNMP_DATA_STR ;STR $p_dVALUE = _StringToHex($p_dVALUE) Case $__SNMP_DATA_NULL ;NULL $p_dVALUE = "00" Case $__SNMP_DATA_OID ;OID $p_dVALUE = _SNMP_TranslateOID($p_dVALUE, "2h") Case $__SNMP_DATA_IP ;IP $p_dVALUE = _SNMP_EncodeIP($p_dVALUE) Case Else Return SetError(1) EndSwitch Local $_sl_ = Int(StringLen($p_dVALUE) / 2) Local $_p_dLen = Hex($_sl_, 2) If Number($p_dTYPE) = 05 Then $_result_ = $p_dTYPE & "00" ;if null send null data type and null data value Else $_result_ = $p_dTYPE & $_p_dLen & $p_dVALUE ;if not null, send data type, data lenght and data value EndIf $oidarr = _SNMP_TranslateOID($p_OID, "2h") $_result_ = $oidarr & $_result_ $_result_ = Hex(Int(StringLen($_result_) / 2), 2) & $_result_ $_result_ = $__SNMP_DATA_SEQ & $_result_ $_result_ = Hex(Int(StringLen($_result_) / 2), 2) & $_result_ $_result_ = $__SNMP_DATA_SEQ & $_result_ Return $_result_ EndFunc ;==>_SNMP_Build_Varbind Func _SNMP_Build_PDU($p_ReqID, $p_PDUType, $p_bulk, $p_varbind) Local $_result_ $_result_ = $p_varbind If $p_PDUType = "A5" Then ;error Index $_result_ = "0201" & $p_bulk & $_result_ Else $_result_ = "020100" & $_result_ EndIf $_result_ = "020100" & $_result_ ;error $_result_ = "020200" & Hex($p_ReqID, 2) & $_result_ ;request ID $_result_ = Hex(Int(StringLen($_result_) / 2), 2) & $_result_ $_result_ = $p_PDUType & $_result_ Return $_result_ EndFunc ;==>_SNMP_Build_PDU Func _SNMP_Build_Message($p_VER, $p_COMM, $p_PDU) Local $_result_ $_result_ = $p_PDU $_result_ = _SNMP_Build_COM($p_COMM) & $_result_ $_result_ = "0201" & Hex($p_VER - 1, 2) & $_result_ $_result_ = Hex(Int(StringLen($_result_) / 2), 2) & $_result_ $_result_ = "0x" & $__SNMP_DATA_SEQ & $_result_ Return $_result_ EndFunc ;==>_SNMP_Build_Message Func _SNMP_TranslateOID($input, $dir) Local $l_OID = "" Switch $dir Case "2d" Local $_dex_OID = _SNMP_ExtractOID($input) Return $_dex_OID Case "2h" Local $hex_OID = _SysObjIDToHexString($input) ;transform the OID in a hex value $hex_OID = "2B" & $hex_OID ;add "2B" in front of the string Local $len_OID = Hex(Int(StringLen($hex_OID) / 2), 2) ;calculate the length $l_OID = $__SNMP_DATA_OID ;1st element Object ID = ASN.1 type "06" $l_OID &= $len_OID ;2nd element = length $l_OID &= $hex_OID Return $l_OID EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_SNMP_TranslateOID Func _SNMP_Build_COM($comm) Local $hex_COMM = _StringToHex($comm) ;transform the community string in a hex value Local $len_COMM = Hex(Int(StringLen($hex_COMM) / 2), 2) ;calculate the length Local $_comm_ = "04" & $len_COMM & $hex_COMM Return $_comm_ EndFunc ;==>_SNMP_Build_COM Func _SNMP_GetPacLen($sPkt) Local $pacl = 0 Switch StringLeft($sPkt, 2) Case "81" $pacl = 4 Case "82" $pacl = 6 Case Else $pacl = 2 EndSwitch Return $pacl EndFunc ;==>_SNMP_GetPacLen Func _SNMP_StripPacket($sPkt) Local $_l_pl = _SNMP_GetPacLen(StringLeft($sPkt, 6)) Local $_pacLen_ = StringLeft($sPkt, $_l_pl) #forceref $_pacLen_ $sPkt = StringTrimLeft($sPkt, $_l_pl) ;strip packet length Return $sPkt EndFunc ;==>_SNMP_StripPacket Func _SNMP_StripBlocks($sPkt, $_el, $_eltxt) Select Case StringLeft($sPkt, 4) = "0202" _SNMP_WriteArrayValues($__SNMP_Received, $_el, $_eltxt, StringLeft($sPkt, 8)) $sPkt = StringTrimLeft($sPkt, 8) Case StringLeft($sPkt, 4) = "0201" _SNMP_WriteArrayValues($__SNMP_Received, $_el, $_eltxt, StringLeft($sPkt, 6)) $sPkt = StringTrimLeft($sPkt, 6) EndSelect Return $sPkt EndFunc ;==>_SNMP_StripBlocks #EndRegion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add Packet Layers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Region ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Encode IP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Func _SNMP_EncodeIP($strIP) Local $encoded_IP = "" Local $encoded_IParr $encoded_IParr = StringSplit($strIP, ".") If $encoded_IParr[0] <> 4 Then ConsoleWrite("ERROR: Wrong IP Format " & $strIP & @CRLF) Return SetError(1) EndIf $encoded_IP = Hex($encoded_IParr[1], 2) & Hex($encoded_IParr[2], 2) & Hex($encoded_IParr[3], 2) & Hex($encoded_IParr[4], 2) Return $encoded_IP EndFunc ;==>_SNMP_EncodeIP #EndRegion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Encode IP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Region ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Encode OID ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Func _SNMP_BuildOID($oid) Local $hex_OID = _SysObjIDToHexString($oid) ;transform the OID in a hex value Local $SNMP_hexOID = $hex_OID #forceref $SNMP_hexOID $hex_OID = "2B" & $hex_OID ;add "2B" in front of the string Local $len_OID = Hex(Int(StringLen($hex_OID) / 2), 2) ;calculate the length Local $OID_Arr[Dec($len_OID) + 2] ;build array to store values $OID_Arr[0] = $__SNMP_DATA_OID ;1st element Object ID = ASN.1 type "06" $OID_Arr[1] = $len_OID ;2nd element = length For $i = 2 To Dec($len_OID) + 1 ;2digit OID parts $OID_Arr[$i] = StringMid($hex_OID, 2 * $i - 3, 2) Next Return $OID_Arr EndFunc ;==>_SNMP_BuildOID Func _SysObjIDToHexString($input) ;convert OID to hex form Local $Output If StringLeft($input, 4) = "1.3." Then $input = StringTrimLeft($input, 4) Local $aInput = StringSplit($input, ".") For $x = 1 To $aInput[0] If Number($aInput[$x]) > 127 Then $Output &= _SNMP_Encode(Number($aInput[$x])) Else $Output &= Hex(Number($aInput[$x]), 2) EndIf Next Return $Output EndFunc ;==>_SysObjIDToHexString Func _SNMP_Encode($d, $r = 0) Local $Op_Result = "" Local $t1 = Int($d / 128) Local $t2 = Int($d - $t1 * 128) If $t1 Then $Op_Result &= _SNMP_Encode($t1, 1) If $r Then $t2 += 128 $Op_Result &= Hex($t2, 2) Return $Op_Result EndFunc ;==>_SNMP_Encode #EndRegion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Encode OID ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Region ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Initialize Variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Func _SNMP_Init() Dim $__SNMP_Received[1500][3] Dim $__VarBindContent[1000] Dim $__SNMP_Util[1000][3] EndFunc ;==>_SNMP_Init #EndRegion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Initialize Variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Region ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MISC Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;memo: improve _DeleteIndexes - it takes too long to delete/redim the array everytime !!! Func _SNMP_ExtractData($dtype, $tmpOUT) ;Extract clear data Switch $dtype Case "04" ;string Return BinaryToString("0x" & $tmpOUT) Case "02" ;number Return _SNMP_HexToDec($tmpOUT) Case "06" ;OID Return _SNMP_ExtractOID($tmpOUT) Case "40" ;IP Address Return _SNMP_ExtractIP($tmpOUT) Case "41" ;Counter Return _SNMP_HexToDec($tmpOUT) Case "42" ;Gauge Return _SNMP_HexToDec($tmpOUT) Case "43" Return _SNMP_HexToDec($tmpOUT) / 100 & " sec." Case "46" ;Counter64 Return _SNMP_HexToDec($tmpOUT) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_SNMP_ExtractData Func _SNMP_ExtractIP($strIP) Local $extractedIParray[5] Local $extractedIP = "" For $i = 1 To 4 $extractedIParray[$i] = Dec(StringMid($strIP, 2 * $i - 1, 2)) If $i = 4 Then $extractedIP &= $extractedIParray[$i] Else $extractedIP &= $extractedIParray[$i] & "." EndIf Next Return $extractedIP EndFunc ;==>_SNMP_ExtractIP Func _SNMP_ExtractOID($strOID) Local $extractedOIDarray[StringLen($strOID) / 2 + 1] Local $extractedOID = "1.3." Local $aA For $i = 2 To StringLen($strOID) / 2 Local $OIDtoDecode = "" $extractedOIDarray[$i] = StringMid($strOID, 2 * $i - 1, 2) If Dec($extractedOIDarray[$i]) > 128 Then $OIDtoDecode &= $extractedOIDarray[$i] $aA = 0 While Dec(StringMid($strOID, 2 * ($i + $aA) - 1, 2)) > 128 $OIDtoDecode &= " + " & StringMid($strOID, 2 * ($i + $aA) + 1, 2) $aA += 1 WEnd $extractedOID &= _SNMP_Decode($OIDtoDecode) $i += $aA Else $extractedOID &= Dec($extractedOIDarray[$i]) EndIf If $i < StringLen($strOID) / 2 Then $extractedOID &= "." EndIf Next Return $extractedOID EndFunc ;==>_SNMP_ExtractOID Func _SNMP_HexToDec($nbr) Local $extractedHEXarray[StringLen($nbr) + 1] Local $extractedNBR = 0 For $i = 1 To StringLen($nbr) $extractedHEXarray[$i] = StringMid($nbr, $i, 1) $extractedNBR += 16 ^ (StringLen($nbr) - $i) * Dec($extractedHEXarray[$i]) Next Return $extractedNBR EndFunc ;==>_SNMP_HexToDec Func _SNMP_Decode($s, $d = 0) Local $a = StringSplit($s, " + ", 1) Local $d1 For $j = 1 To $a[0] $d1 = Dec($a[$j]) If $d1 > 127 Then $d1 = $d1 - 128 $d = ($d * 128) + $d1 Next Return $d EndFunc ;==>_SNMP_Decode Func _SNMP_WriteArrayValues(ByRef $ArrRet, $idx, $val0, $val1, $val2 = "") ;write entries in returned arrays ;_ArrayDisplay($ArrRet) $ArrRet[$idx][0] = $val0 $ArrRet[$idx][1] = $val1 If $val2 <> "" Then $ArrRet[$idx][2] = $val2 EndFunc ;==>_SNMP_WriteArrayValues Func _SNMP_ThrowError($sErr, $sPkt) Switch $sErr Case "00" Return Case "01" ClipPut($sPkt) MsgBox(16, "SNMP Error Code: 1", "Error Message: Response message too large to transport." & @CRLF & @CRLF & " (packet received placed in clipboard)") Case "02" ClipPut($sPkt) MsgBox(16, "SNMP Error Code: 2", "Error Message: The name of the requested object was not found." & @CRLF & @CRLF & " (packet received placed in clipboard)") Case "03" ClipPut($sPkt) MsgBox(16, "SNMP Error Code: 3", "Error Message: A data type in the request did not match the data type in the SNMP agent." & @CRLF & @CRLF & " (packet received placed in clipboard)") Case "04" ClipPut($sPkt) MsgBox(16, "SNMP Error Code: 4", "Error Message: The SNMP manager attempted to set a read-only parameter." & @CRLF & @CRLF & " (packet received placed in clipboard)") Case "05" ClipPut($sPkt) MsgBox(16, "SNMP Error Code: 5", "Error Message: General Error (some error other than the ones listed above)." & @CRLF & @CRLF & " (packet received placed in clipboard)") Case Else ClipPut($sPkt) MsgBox(16, "SNMP Error Code: " & $sPkt, "Error Message: No Error message for this one." & @CRLF & @CRLF & " (packet received placed in clipboard)") EndSwitch Exit EndFunc ;==>_SNMP_ThrowError #EndRegion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MISC Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #cs 0 noError No error occurred. This code is also used in all request PDUs, since they have no error status to report. 1 tooBig The size of the Response-PDU would be too large to transport. 2 noSuchName The name of a requested object was not found. 3 badValue A value in the request didn't match the structure that the recipient of the request had for the object. For example, an object in the request was specified with an incorrect length or type. 4 readOnly An attempt was made to set a variable that has an Access value indicating that it is read-only. 5 genErr An error occurred other than one indicated by a more specific error code in this table. 6 noAccess Access was denied to the object for security reasons. 7 wrongType The object type in a variable binding is incorrect for the object. 8 wrongLength A variable binding specifies a length incorrect for the object. 9 wrongEncoding A variable binding specifies an encoding incorrect for the object. 10 wrongValue The value given in a variable binding is not possible for the object. 11 noCreation A specified variable does not exist and cannot be created. 12 inconsistentValue A variable binding specifies a value that could be held by the variable but cannot be assigned to it at this time. 13 resourceUnavailable An attempt to set a variable required a resource that is not available. 14 commitFailed An attempt to set a particular variable failed. 15 undoFailed An attempt to set a particular variable as part of a group of variables failed, and the attempt to then undo the setting of other variables was not successful. 16 authorizationError A problem occurred in authorization. 17 notWritable The variable cannot be written or created. 18 inconsistentName The name in a variable binding specifies a variable that does not exist #ce Signature beginning:* Please remember: "AutoIt"..... * Wondering who uses AutoIt and what it can be used for ? * Forum Rules ** ADO.au3 UDF * POP3.au3 UDF * XML.au3 UDF * IE on Windows 11 * How to ask ChatGPT for AutoIt Code * for other useful stuff click the following button: Spoiler Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind. My contribution (my own projects): * Debenu Quick PDF Library - UDF * Debenu PDF Viewer SDK - UDF * Acrobat Reader - ActiveX Viewer * UDF for PDFCreator v1.x.x * XZip - UDF * AppCompatFlags UDF * CrowdinAPI UDF * _WinMergeCompare2Files() * _JavaExceptionAdd() * _IsBeta() * Writing DPI Awareness App - workaround * _AutoIt_RequiredVersion() * Chilkatsoft.au3 UDF * TeamViewer.au3 UDF * JavaManagement UDF * VIES over SOAP * WinSCP UDF * GHAPI UDF - modest begining - comunication with GitHub REST API * ErrorLog.au3 UDF - A logging Library * Include Dependency Tree (Tool for analyzing script relations) * Show_Macro_Values.au3 * My contribution to others projects or UDF based on others projects: * _sql.au3 UDF * POP3.au3 UDF * RTF Printer - UDF * XML.au3 UDF * ADO.au3 UDF * SMTP Mailer UDF * Dual Monitor resolution detection * * 2GUI on Dual Monitor System * _SciLexer.au3 UDF * SciTE - Lexer for console pane * Useful links: * Forum Rules * Forum etiquette * Forum Information and FAQs * How to post code on the forum * AutoIt Online Documentation * AutoIt Online Beta Documentation * SciTE4AutoIt3 getting started * Convert text blocks to AutoIt code * Games made in Autoit * Programming related sites * Polish AutoIt Tutorial * DllCall Code Generator * Wiki: * Expand your knowledge - AutoIt Wiki * Collection of User Defined Functions * How to use HelpFile * Good coding practices in AutoIt * OpenOffice/LibreOffice/XLS Related: WriterDemo.au3 * XLS/MDB from scratch with ADOX IE Related: * How to use IE.au3 UDF with AutoIt v3.3.14.x * Why isn't Autoit able to click a Javascript Dialog? * Clicking javascript button with no ID * IE document >> save as MHT file * IETab Switcher (by LarsJ ) * HTML Entities * _IEquerySelectorAll() (by uncommon) * IE in TaskScheduler * IE Embedded Control Versioning (use IE9+ and HTML5 in a GUI) * PDF Related: * How to get reference to PDF object embeded in IE * IE on Windows 11 * I encourage you to read: * Global Vars * Best Coding Practices * Please explain code used in Help file for several File functions * OOP-like approach in AutoIt * UDF-Spec Questions * EXAMPLE: How To Catch ConsoleWrite() output to a file or to CMD *I also encourage you to check awesome @trancexx code: * Create COM objects from modules without any demand on user to register anything. * Another COM object registering stuff * OnHungApp handler * Avoid "AutoIt Error" message box in unknown errors * HTML editor * winhttp.au3 related : * https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/206771-winhttpau3-download-problem-youre-speaking-plain-http-to-an-ssl-enabled-server-port/ "Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum puto" - Publius Terentius Afer"Program are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers and execute" - Donald Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming" , be and \\//_. Anticipating Errors : "Any program that accepts data from a user must include code to validate that data before sending it to the data store. You cannot rely on the data store, ...., or even your programming language to notify you of problems. You must check every byte entered by your users, making sure that data is the correct type for its field and that required fields are not empty." Signature last update: 2023-04-24
Kyan Posted March 30, 2015 Posted March 30, 2015 (edited) I was trying to get the all the ipAdEntAddr using bulk but it only returned the first one...to fix this, you need to first GetRequest (A0) and then repeat GetNext (A1) Took me a bit to understand how this works but here is an example #include "snmp_UDF-v1.7.4.au3" Global $Port = 161 ; UDP 161 = SNMP port Global $SNMP_Version = 2 ; SNMP v2c (1 for SNMP v1) Global $SNMP_Community = "public" ; SNMPString(Community) (change it) Global $SNMP_ReqID = 1 Global $SNMP_Command Global $result Global $Timeout_msec = 900 Global $oid = "" Global $oidLength = StringLen($oid) Global $_first = $oid&'.' UDPStartup() $Socket = UDPOpen('', $Port) While 1 If $SNMP_ReqID > 0 Then $_first = $result[1][0] $SNMP_ReqID +=1 $SNMP_Command = _SNMPBuildPacket($_first, $SNMP_Community, $SNMP_Version, $SNMP_ReqID, "A1") UDPSend($Socket, $SNMP_Command) _StartListener() If StringMid($result[1][0],1,$oidLength) <> $oid Then ExitLoop ;checkin if you're out of your desired MIB SubTree ConsoleWrite("Iteration:"&$SNMP_ReqID&@TAB&$result[1][0] &@TAB&$result[1][1]&@LF) WEnd UDPCloseSocket($Socket) UDPShutdown() Exit Func _StartListener() $Timeout = TimerInit() While 1 $srcv = UDPRecv($Socket, 100) If $srcv <> "" Then $result = _ShowSNMPReceived($srcv) If @error Or TimerDiff($Timeout) > $Timeout_msec Then ExitLoop Sleep(50) WEnd EndFunc ;==>_StartListener EDIT: Speed boost. EDIT2: Need to find a way to read this value, avoiding the last unnecessary query (it would speedup 170ms this function) EDIT3: Can somebody help me interpret the outputs? There're some strings I don't know what they mean nvm EDIT4: Still didn't decode those hex values, RFC docs are a mess... Found another problem, it cannot retrieve mac addresses properly, output: Row|Col 0|Col 1 [0]|| [1]|| [2]||ÿÿÿÿÿÿ Edited April 8, 2015 by Kyan Heroes, there is no such thing One day I'll discover what IE.au3 has of special for so many users using it.C'mon there's InetRead and WinHTTP, way better
Kyan Posted April 8, 2015 Posted April 8, 2015 (edited) What's in a mac address packet (sorry I used wordpad for this): There are some values I don't know what they are. *sigh* 0x8140=192=(Dec(0x81)+Dec(40))-1, same goes to 168, don't know why they made it like that looks stupid, if someone already saw this way of coding ip addresses please tell EDIT: 0x04 = OCTET STRING 0x06 = OID (with ber encodings https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb540809(v=vs.85).aspx ) 0x2B =>First OID byte, represents .1.3 (see msdn doc above) 0x10 =>Still blank about what kind of length is that.. Edited April 10, 2015 by Kyan Heroes, there is no such thing One day I'll discover what IE.au3 has of special for so many users using it.C'mon there's InetRead and WinHTTP, way better
Irios Posted September 19, 2016 Posted September 19, 2016 Just recently came across this clever UDF, and I quickly managed to get it working for get and bulk. But how do you specify multiple OID for a single run? (as opposed to having to run it once for each OID) I do realize it doesn't support arrays anymore like mentioned in the comments... but does that mean multiple OID support is gone as well? I've spent a few hours sifting through the script code, trying to see if there are any functions/features for combining several OID in one packet (does the protocol even support that?), but still no luck figuring out how or if it can do that. And no clues in this thread either, so I hope someone here might have an answer, or maybe give a quick example of how to do it if it's possible. FYI I'm not looking for a way to do bulk/walk, but a way to specify two or more OIDs to retrieve. discord.me/autoit (unofficial)
crackdonalds Posted October 8, 2019 Posted October 8, 2019 (edited) this function is wrong: Func _SNMPExtractOID($strOID) Local $extractedOIDarray [StringLen($strOID)/2 + 1] Local $extractedOID = "1.3." For $i = 2 To StringLen($strOID)/2 Local $OIDtoDecode="" $extractedOIDarray[$i] = StringMid($strOID, 2*$i - 1, 2) If Dec($extractedOIDarray[$i]) > 128 Then $OIDtoDecode &=$extractedOIDarray[$i] $aA=0 While dec(StringMid($strOID, 2*($i + $aA)-1, 2))>128 $OIDtoDecode &=" + "&StringMid($strOID, 2*($i + $aA)+1, 2) $aA+=1 WEnd $extractedOID &= _decode($OIDtoDecode) $i += $aA Else $extractedOID &= Dec($extractedOIDarray[$i]) EndIf If $i < StringLen($strOID)/2 Then $extractedOID &="." EndIf Next Return $extractedOID It works fine with an OID walk like: It doesn't work when there's a big number behind the dot: For some reason it turns into apparently it turns A8808000 into 5120.128.0 instead of 83886080 Edited October 9, 2019 by crackdonalds
crackdonalds Posted October 11, 2019 Posted October 11, 2019 (edited) I've changed the function to this to make it work with big numbers: expandcollapse popupFunc _SNMPExtractOID($strOID) Local $extractedOIDarray [StringLen($strOID)/2 + 1] Local $extractedOID = "1.3." For $i = 2 To StringLen($strOID)/2 Local $OIDtoDecode="" $extractedOIDarray[$i] = StringMid($strOID, 2*$i - 1, 2) If Dec($extractedOIDarray[$i]) > 128 Then $OIDtoDecode &=$extractedOIDarray[$i] $aA=0 While dec(StringMid($strOID, 2*($i + $aA)-1, 2))>128 $bytecount = StringLen($strOID) - 2*($i) ;If $bytecount > 2 AND Mod(($bytecount - 2) / 2, 2) = 1 Then ; $bytecount = $bytecount - 1 ; EndIf $counter = 0 If $bytecount > 2 Then While $bytecount > 1 $OIDtoDecode &=" + "&StringMid($strOID, 2*($i + $counter)+1, 2) If Dec(StringMid($strOID, 2*($i + $counter)+1, 2)) < 128 Then $counter = $counter + 1 ExitLoop EndIf $counter = $counter + 1 $bytecount = $bytecount - 1 WEnd $i = $i + $counter ExitLoop Else $OIDtoDecode &=" + "&StringMid($strOID, 2*($i + $aA)+1, 2) $aA+=1 EndIf WEnd $extractedOID &= _decode($OIDtoDecode) $i += $aA Else $extractedOID &= Dec($extractedOIDarray[$i]) EndIf If $i < StringLen($strOID)/2 Then $extractedOID &="." EndIf Next Return $extractedOID EndFunc ;==>_SNMPExtractOID I've also changed the _ExtractData function. Case 02 was causing problems. Func _ExtractData($dtype, $tmpOUT) ;Extract clear data Switch $dtype Case "04" ;string Return BinaryToString("0x"&$tmpOUT) Case "02" ;number Return Dec ($tmpOUT) Case "06" ;OID Return _SNMPExtractOID($tmpOUT) Case "40" ;IP Address Return _SNMPExtractIP ($tmpOUT) Case "41" ;Counter Return _SNMPHexToDec ($tmpOUT) Case "42" ;Gauge Return _SNMPHexToDec ($tmpOUT) Case "43" Return _SNMPHexToDec($tmpOUT)/100 &" sec." Case "46" ;Counter64 Return _SNMPHexToDec ($tmpOUT) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_ExtractData Edited October 24, 2019 by crackdonalds Changed the _SNMPExtractOID function and added the modified _ExtractData function
A-Team Posted March 22, 2024 Posted March 22, 2024 How's it going, Looking for help working with this UDF, with Negative numbers I am making an SNMP request to my agent for fiber tx and rx values in a loop, although some of these results should be negative although the udf is not interpreting these correctly, For example the values would be like "341" "- 62", "-400" and they would be reported as "341", "192", "65136" I know the values are correct as I am sniffing the packets with Wireshark and can see the response is -400 I cannot provide running code as there is far to much extra setup and without an agent it wouldn't be easily tested but its just a standard snmp packet i have tried converting to a signed INT, Number and checking hex, all report the same 65136 number, wireshark shows its a Integer32 Any information or ideas would be great, Thanks and have a great weekend! I Love It When a *Autoit Script* Comes Together
A-Team Posted April 3, 2024 Posted April 3, 2024 On 3/22/2024 at 12:00 PM, A-Team said: although some of these results should be negative although the udf is not interpreting these correctly, of course it is!, it interprets the values with Two complement here I don't know the time I spent trying to troubleshoot this, I am learning data structures in college, but I learned more trying to figure this out.. argumentum 1 I Love It When a *Autoit Script* Comes Together
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