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Posted (edited)

Hi guys am new and i decided to make my own both. I read the tutorials and everything i needed to go for but their is one problem that i will need help on...

i need to get the left mouse button stay as pushed down when i put the code and let go when i want to.

also when i get the mouse button stay down i need it to move about 1 inch up from the screen and stay like that....

i am confuse on doing this so...i already finish my script but i need help on this...

Here is my script incase some1 is generous on helping me.

HotKeySet( "{Home}", "StartMainScript")

HotKeySet( "{End}", "StopMainScript")

HotKeySet( "{ESC}", "Terminate"

While 1

Sleep( 10000 );Idle


Run( "Dragracing.exe");Run "Drag Racing"

WinActive( "Drag Racing" );Wait for title: "DragRacing"

Func StartMainScript( "{Home}" )

While 1

MouseClick( "left" [, x, y [, 1 [, 10 ]]]);Wait until clicks on bottom gas pedal.

Sleep( 5000 )

Send( "up" );Staging car at the green area.

Sleep( 2000 )

Send( "down" );Stoping at green area.

MouseDown( "left" [, x, y [, 1 [, 10]]]);Keep left mouse holding, until end of race.

MouseClickDrag( "left", x1, y1, x2, y2 [, 10];After mouse is hold down; mouse should move 1 inch north of window.

Sleep( 9000 )

Send( "up" );Shifting to 1st gear.

Sleep( 5500 )

Send( "up" );Shifting to 2nd gear.

Sleep( 10000 )

;Need a code to release Mousedown left.

WEnd;At this point should stop and terminate.

EndFunc ;==>StartMainScript

Func StopMainScript( "{END}" )

While 1

Sleep( 10000 );Idle


EndFunc ;==>StopMainScript

Func Terminate( "{ESC}" )


EndFunc ;==>Terminate

;Not sure if this will work lets hope so.

i havent tried it yet because i also need to get the mouse coordinates where i want it to click in the first place which i dont even know how to get, its really fustrating doing this but atleast am trying my best plus its my first time doing somethning like this never intended to make a program until now.

...can anybody help me on coordinates and well if i did something wrong correct me on my script?

when i run the script i get this error...


Edited by Destruktive

Hi Destruktive,

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Correction i got my mouse coordinates this is the code with coordinates

MouseClick( "left", 664, 496 )

those are original coordinates that i needed but i need help with the rest of script.

Posted (edited)

HotKeySet( "{Home}", "StartMainScript")
HotKeySet( "{End}", "StopMainScript")
HotKeySet( "{ESC}", "Terminate")

While 1
    Sleep( 10000 );Idle

Run( "Dragracing.exe");Run "Drag Racing"

WinActive( "Drag Racing" );Wait for title: "DragRacing"

Func StartMainScript(  )
    While 1
        MouseClick( "left" , 664, 496 , 1, 10);Wait until clicks on bottom gas pedal.
        Sleep( 5000 )

        Send( "up" );Staging car at the green area.
        Sleep( 2000 )
        Send( "down" );Stoping at green area.
        MouseDown( "left" , 664, 496 , 1 , 10);Keep left mouse holding, until end of race.
        MouseClickDrag( "left", 664, 496, 664, 496-96 , 10);After mouse is hold down; mouse should move 1 inch north of window.
        Sleep( 9000 )

        Send( "up" );Shifting to 1st gear.
        Sleep( 5500 )
        Send( "up" );Shifting to 2nd gear.
        Sleep( 10000 )

        ;Need a code to release Mousedown left.

    WEnd;At this point should stop and terminate.
EndFunc ;==>StartMainScript

Func StopMainScript(  )
    While 1
        Sleep( 10000 );Idle
EndFunc ;==>StopMainScript

Func Terminate(  )
EndFunc ;==>Terminate

;Not sure if this will work lets hope so.

I played a little bit "debugger" and added the coordinates...

If you are asking yourself where the 96 comes from... this is the 1 inch in pixels

I used this Convertor

Edited by bluelamp
Posted (edited)

Thank you ill will try this. if i have any other questions could i feel free to ask?

by the way are those correct terms ( "up" ) to use the up button on the keypad?

Edited by Destruktive

Thank you ill will try this. if i have any other questions could i feel free to ask?

by the way are those correct terms ( "up" ) to use the up button on the keypad?

aahm... no ^^

You should use {UP} and {DOWN}

Posted (edited)

okay i did all the changes from the previous script and i added the the {} to the up and down's this is what my script looks like now i edited a few tweaks and took away somethings i didnt need...

HotKeySet( "{Home}", "StartMainScript")

HotKeySet( "{End}", "StopMainScript")

HotKeySet( "{ESC}", "Terminate")

While 1

Sleep( 10000 );Idle


Func StartMainScript( "{Home}" )

While 1

MouseClick( "{left}" , 669, 498 , 1, 10);Wait until clicks on bottom gas pedal.

Sleep( 5000 )

Send( "{up}" );Staging car at the green area.

Sleep( 2000 )

Send( "{down}" );Stoping at green area.

MouseDown( "left" , 669, 498 , 1 , 10);Keep left mouse holding, until end of race.

MouseClickDrag( "left", 669, 498, 669, 498-96 , 10);After mouse is hold down; mouse should move 1 inch north of window.

Sleep( 9000 )

Send( "{up}" );Shifting to 1st gear.

Sleep( 5500 )

Send( "{up}" );Shifting to 2nd gear.

Sleep( 10000 )

;Need a code to release Mousedown left.

WEnd;At this point should stop and terminate.

EndFunc ;==>StartMainScript

Func StopMainScript( "{END}" )

While 1

Sleep( 10000 );Idle


EndFunc ;==>StopMainScript

Func Terminate( "{ESC}" )


EndFunc ;==>Terminate

;Not sure if this will work lets hope so.

now i get this error..this is a bit fustrating when I myself dont know much about it...

ok it works okay now but the thing is when it trys to hold down the mouse on the coordinates and not let go an error cmoes out

Edited by Destruktive

ok guys thast my script but i would like to have a config. file just so i can change the time variebles/

Can anybody help me on what to do to convert the bot and have a config file for the times of my bot to be changeable.??

Posted (edited)

ok this is what ive tried to do here is the script and the .ini file see if am atleast a little right...

but i cant get it to work i want to be able to change the values from the config.ini file and for the bot is able to read and change the value cant get it to workk,


HotKeySet( "{Home}", "StartMainScript")

HotKeySet( "{End}", "StopMainScript")

HotKeySet( "{ESC}", "Terminate")

While 1

Sleep( 10000 );Idle


Run( "Nitto 1320 Legends.exe" )

WinActive( "C:\Program Files\Nitto 1320 Legends\NittoLegendsBeta.exe" );Wait for title: "Nitto 1320 Legends"

Func StartMainScript( )

While 1

MouseClick( "left" , 679, 500 , 1, 10 );Clicking on Nitto window.

Sleep( 100 );Moving car.

Send( "{up}" )

$var = IniRead( "C:\this is not the file i just took it off.........\DEMON\DemonBot.ini", "Section1", "Staging", "1785" )

Sleep( 1785 );Staging at green & Stoping at perfect.

MsgBox(4096, "Result", $var)

Send( "{down}" )

$var = IniWrite( "C:\blah blah................................................\DEMON\DemonBot.ini", "Section2", "R/T", "5668" )

Sleep( 5668 );Reaction time, shifting to 1st gear.

MsgBox(4096, "Result", $var)

Send( "{up}" )

MouseClick( "left" , 679, 445, 1, 10 )

MouseDown( "left" );Pressing gas pedal at full from mouseclick position.

$var = IniWrite( "C:\blah blah blah.....................................\DEMON\DemonBot.ini", "Section3", "Shift2", "9950" )

Sleep( 9950 );Shifting to 2nd gear.

MsgBox(4096, "Result", $var)

Send( "{up}" )

Sleep( 20000 );idle off ending bot.

;Need a code to release Mousedown left.

WEnd;At this point should stop and terminate.

EndFunc ;==>StartMainScript

Func StopMainScript( )

While 1

Sleep( 10000 );Idle


EndFunc ;==>StopMainScript

Func Terminate( )


EndFunc ;==>Terminate

;Not sure if this will work lets hope so.

my config.ini file


;Staging perfect to green area.




;Reaction Time and Shifting to 1st Gear




;Shifting to 2nd Gear




Edited by Destruktive
Posted (edited)

at a quick glance...

you have var$=iniread ....... 3 times ...you need 3 different vars


$var1=IniRead( "C:\this is not the file i just took it off.........\DEMON\DemonBot.ini", "Section1", "Staging", "1785" )

$var2=IniWrite( "C:\blah blah................................................\DEMON\DemonBot.ini", "Section2", "R/T", "5668" )

$var3=IniWrite( "C:\blah blah blah.....................................\DEMON\DemonBot.ini", "Section3", "Shift2", "9950" )

then the config







hope it helps

Edited by bluerein
Posted (edited)

i cant seem to get a working config.ini here is a part of the script...

this is what that specific part as is...

$var1=IniRead( \"C:\\Documents and Settings\\DemonBot.ini\", \"Section1\", \"Staging\", \"1785\" )      
        Sleep( 1783, [\"Section1\"] );Staging at green & Stoping at perfect.     

        Send( \"{down}\" )

$var2=IniRead( \"C:\\Documents and Settings\\DEMON\\DemonBot.ini\", \"Section2\", \"R/T\", \"5668\" )       
        Sleep( 6035, [\"Section2\"] );Reaction time, shifting to 1st gear.

        Send( \"{up}\" ) 
        MouseClick( \"left\" , 679, 445, 1, 10 )
        MouseDown( \"left\" );Pressing gas pedal at full from mouseclick position.

$var3=IniRead( \"C:\\Documents and Settings\\DEMON\\DemonBot.ini\", \"Section3\", \"Shift2\", \"9950\" )    
        Sleep( 10000, [\"Section3\"] );Shifting to 2nd gear.
Edited by Destruktive

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