Ese Posted September 27, 2008 Posted September 27, 2008 Hey Is it possible to write a script that gets an arg as ip address. and then check if the first 3 octates match the first 3 in a file that looks like this: - more more more i need to know if the ip matches that range. is it possible? Thanks
Andreik Posted September 27, 2008 Posted September 27, 2008 Hey Is it possible to write a script that gets an arg as ip address. and then check if the first 3 octates match the first 3 in a file that looks like this: - more more more i need to know if the ip matches that range. is it possible? Thanks Try this: #include <File.au3> #include <Array.au3> $OPEN = FileOpenDialog("OPEN",@ScriptDir,"Text File (*.txt)",1) $FILE = FileOpen($OPEN,0) For $INDEX = 1 To _FileCountLines($OPEN) $LINE = FileReadLine($FILE,$INDEX) $SPLIT = StringSplit($LINE,"-") $IP1 = StringSplit($SPLIT[1],".") $IP2 = StringSplit($SPLIT[2],".") If StringStripWS($IP1[1],8) = StringStripWS($IP2[1],8) Then MsgBox(0,"MATCH","Same Range") EndIf Next FileClose($FILE)
Ese Posted September 27, 2008 Author Posted September 27, 2008 Hey Thanks, Thats what i needed in the end expandcollapse popup#include <File.au3> #include <Array.au3> If $CmdLine[0] <> 2 Then MsgBox(0,"ERROR","Invalid Number Of Arguments, Please Enter 2 Arguments Correct SYNTAX: ScriptName.exe [ip] [textfile.txt]") Exit EndIf $checkIpStr = $CmdLine[1] $fileToCheck = $CmdLine[2] $checkIpArray = StringSplit($checkIpStr,".") if $checkIpArray[0] <> 4 Then MsgBox(0,"ERROR","Invalid First Argument, Must Be A Valid IP! SYNTAX: ScriptName.exe [ip] [textfile.txt]") Exit EndIf For $Octet = 1 To 4 $ifnum = StringIsInt(StringStripWS($checkIpArray[$Octet],8)) If $ifnum = 0 Then MsgBox(0,"ERROR","Invalid First Argument, Must Be A Valid IP! SYNTAX: ScriptName.exe [ip] [textfile.txt]") Exit EndIf if not (StringStripWS($checkIpArray[$Octet],8) >= 0 and StringStripWS($checkIpArray[$Octet],8) <= 255) then MsgBox(0,"ERROR","Invalid First Argument, Must Be A Valid IP! SYNTAX: ScriptName.exe [ip] [textfile.txt]") Exit EndIf Next $FILE = FileOpen($fileToCheck,0) If $FILE = -1 Then MsgBox(0,"ERROR","Can't Open File: " & $fileToCheck) Exit EndIf $foundMatch = False For $INDEX = 1 To _FileCountLines($fileToCheck) $LINE = FileReadLine($FILE,$INDEX) $SPLIT = StringSplit($LINE,"-") $IP1 = StringSplit($SPLIT[1],".") $IP2 = StringSplit($SPLIT[2],".") For $Octet = 1 To 4 If StringStripWS($IP1[$Octet],8) <> StringStripWS($IP2[$Octet],8) Then If Not (StringStripWS($IP1[$Octet],8) <= StringStripWS($checkIpArray[$Octet],8) And StringStripWS($checkIpArray[$Octet],8) <= StringStripWS($IP2[$Octet],8)) Then ExitLoop EndIf ElseIf StringStripWS($IP1[$Octet],8) <> StringStripWS($checkIpArray[$Octet],8) Then ExitLoop EndIf If $Octet = 4 Then ;MsgBox(0,"MATCH","Found match in line #" & $INDEX & " , Line: " & $LINE ) Run("Eventcreate /T ERROR /ID 155 /D Found") $foundMatch = True ExitLoop 2 EndIf Next Next if $foundMatch = False Then MsgBox(0,"No MATCH","No match found") EndIf FileClose($FILE)
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