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How to read progress from a progressbar


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I am automating some chore. The chore would show a progressbar that was not there before it started, and will make the progressbar vanish when it is done. I need to know what is happening in my autoit script, so I found the handle of that progressbar after the first time it appears. However I could not find a way to check if it is visible or not, and could not find a way to check the actual progress value. Any ideas on how to do this ? Thanks !!

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I am automating some chore. The chore would show a progressbar that was not there before it started, and will make the progressbar vanish when it is done. I need to know what is happening in my autoit script, so I found the handle of that progressbar after the first time it appears. However I could not find a way to check if it is visible or not, and could not find a way to check the actual progress value. Any ideas on how to do this ? Thanks !!

You can read a progress with GUICtrlRead().

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I tried that, all I get is 0's

Here is my code, perhaps anyone can help out here

$i = 0          
          $tmp1 = ControlGetHandle( "Export","","[CLASS:ProgressBarWndClass; INSTANCE:1]")
          $tmp = $tmp & " " & GUICtrlRead("[CLASS:ProgressBarWndClass; INSTANCE:1]")
          $i = $i + 1
    until GUICtrlRead("[CLASS:ProgressBarWndClass; INSTANCE:1]") == 100 or $i > 20
    msgbox(1,"done ! ", $wlarray[$wlindex] & " to " & $mspath & " tmp = " & $tmp & " handle = " & $tmp1 &" i = " & $i)

The progress bar handle is identified correctly ($tmp1). However GUICtrlRead returns 0 all the time.

I suspected that GUICtrlRead does not identify the progress bar.

I tried to identify the progress bar with ClassNN and it gave the same results. When I run Autoit Window Information it does not give me anything for ID.

Any idea ? Thanks !

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I tried GUICtrlGetHandle and this one also failed to recognize the progress bar. However as I said, ControlGetHandle recogized it correctly (and got its handle). Both used the same ControlID string.

Any idea why is that ? It seems that the GUIxxx functions fail to identify controls that the ControlXXX functions do identify.

Any help will be appreciated, all my hair turned white by now, could find nothing relevant in the forum or documentation

Thanks !

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