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I already said in the other post.

Look in the help files at '@'



Here are SOME.

@AppDataCommonDir path to Application Data 
@DesktopCommonDir path to Desktop 
@DocumentsCommonDir path to Documents 
@FavoritesCommonDir path to Favorites 
@ProgramsCommonDir path to Start Menu's Programs folder 
@StartMenuCommonDir path to Start Menu folder 
@StartupCommonDir path to Startup folder 
@AppDataDir path to current user's Application Data 
@DesktopDir path to current user's  Desktop 
@MyDocumentsDir path to My Documents target 
@FavoritesDir path to current user's Favorites 
@ProgramsDir path to current user's Programs (folder on Start Menu) 
@StartMenuDir path to current user's Start Menu  
@StartupDir current user's Startup folder 
@UserProfileDir Path to current user's Profile folder. 
@HomeDrive Drive letter of drive containing current user's home directory. 
@HomePath Directory part of current user's home directory. To get the full path, use in conjunction with @HomeDrive. 
@HomeShare Server and share name containing current user's home directory. 
@LogonDNSDomain Logon DNS Domain. 
@LogonDomain Logon Domain. 
@LogonServer Logon server. 
@ProgramFilesDir path to Program Files folder 
@CommonFilesDir path to Common Files folder 
@WindowsDir path to Windows folder 
@SystemDir path to Windows' System (or System32) folder 
@TempDir path to the temporary files folder 
@ComSpec value of %comspec%, the SPECified secondary COMmand interpreter;
@ScriptName Filename of the running script.
@ScriptDir Directory containing the running script.  (Result does not contain a trailing backslash)  
@ScriptFullPath Equivalent to @ScriptDir & "\" & @ScriptName
@ScriptLineNumber Line number currently being executed. Useful for debug statements specially when a function is call you can pass the caller line number. (Not significant in compiled script) 
@WorkingDir Current/active working directory.  (Result does not contain a trailing backslash)
Edited by AlmarM


A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available.


An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit.

2D Hitbox Editor

A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.

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Oh abd btw, are you looking for this?

#include <GuiConstants.au3>

GuiCreate("Computer Information - By : Para", 469, 639,(@DesktopWidth-469)/2, (@DesktopHeight-639)/2)

$VOL = DriveGetLabel("C:\")
$SERIAL = DriveGetSerial("C:\")
$TOTAL = DriveSpaceTotal("C:\")
$FREE = DriveSpaceFree("C:\")

$ComputerName = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Computer Name", 10, 10, 150, 20)
$CurrentUserName = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Current User Name", 10, 40, 150, 20)
$Operatingsystem = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Operating System", 10, 70, 150, 20)
$ServicePack = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Service Pack", 10, 100, 150, 20)
$VolumeLabel = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("C: Volume Label", 10, 130, 150, 20)
$SerialNumber = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("C: Serial Number", 10, 160, 150, 20)
$TotalSpace = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("C: Total Space", 10, 190, 150, 20)
$FreeSpace = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("C: Free Space", 10, 220, 150, 20)
$IpAddress = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Ip Address", 10, 250, 150, 20)
$StartupDirectory = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Startup Directory", 10, 280, 150, 20)
$WindowsDirectory = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Windows Directory", 10, 310, 150, 20)
$SystemFolderDirectory = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("System Folder Directory", 10, 340, 150, 20)
$DesktopDirectory = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Desktop Directory", 10, 370, 150, 20)
$MyDocumentsDirectory = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("My Documents Directory", 10, 400, 150, 20)
$ProgramFileDirectory = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Program File Directory", 10, 430, 150, 20)
$StartMenuDirectory = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Start Menu Directory", 10, 460, 150, 20)
$DesktopWidth = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Desktop Width (Pixels)", 10, 520, 150, 20)
$TemporaryFileDirectory = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Temporary File Directory", 10, 490, 150, 20)
$DesktopHeight = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Desktop Height (Pixels)", 10, 550, 150, 20)
$Date = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Date", 10, 580, 150, 20)
$Time = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Time", 10, 610, 150, 20)
$Input_ComputerName = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @ComputerName, 180, 10, 280, 20)
$Input_CurrentUserName = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @UserName, 180, 40, 280, 20)
$Input_OperatingSystem = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @OSTYPE, 180, 70, 280, 20)
$Input_ServicePack = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @OSServicePack, 180, 100, 280, 20)
$Input_VolumeLabel = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & $VOL, 180, 130, 280, 20)
$Input_SerialNumber = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & $SERIAL, 180, 160, 280, 20)
$Input_TotalSpace = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & $TOTAL, 180, 190, 280, 20)
$Input_FreeSpace = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & $FREE, 180, 220, 280, 20)
$Input_IpAddress = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @IPAddress1, 180, 250, 280, 20)
$Input_StartupDirectory = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @StartupDir, 180, 280, 280, 20)
$Input_WindowsDirectory = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @WindowsDir, 180, 310, 280, 20)
$Input_SystemFolderDirectory = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @SystemDir, 180, 340, 280, 20)
$Input_DesktopDirectory = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @DesktopDir, 180, 370, 280, 20)
$Input_MyDocumentsDirectory = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @MyDocumentsDir, 180, 400, 280, 20)
$Input_ProgramFilesDirectory = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @ProgramFilesDir, 180, 430, 280, 20)
$Input_StartMenuDirectory = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @StartMenuDir, 180, 460, 280, 20)
$Input_TemporaryFileDirectory = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @TempDir, 180, 490, 280, 20)
$Input_DesktopWidth = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @DesktopWidth, 180, 520, 280, 20)
$Input_DesktopHeight = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @DesktopHeight, 180, 550, 280, 20)
$Input_Date = GuiCtrlCreateInput("(MONTH)(DAY)(YEAR) " & @MON & "-" & @MDAY & "-" & @YEAR, 180, 580, 280, 20)
$Input_Time = GuiCtrlCreateInput("(HOUR)(MIN)(SEC) " & @HOUR &  ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC, 180, 610, 280, 20)

While 1
    $msg = GuiGetMsg()
    Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
    Case Else


A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available.


An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit.

2D Hitbox Editor

A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.

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