dbzfanatic Posted September 13, 2008 Posted September 13, 2008 (edited) Here's a translator for Al Bhed from FFX. It's written completely in autoit and it's pretty bare-bones but it works and includes spaces and special characters like ! and ~. Supports unicode (as far as I know anyway) and capitalizes the beginning of each word. Suggestions for improvements on looks or added features or anything else are welcome, as well as helpful criticism.Edit: oops,wrong file version...twice even><. Sorry guys, It's about 3:30 am here so I'm a bit out of it...Update 1: Fixed bug. You can now use ctrl+a when not in the window. Update 2: Sharing code since it's been years. It's been cleaned up a bit but it's not commented but can be if asked. Update 3: Posting new code, I was going through old source to see if anything could help me at work and found this. It was fun to retweak it and add some quality-of-life improvements with all I've learned since then. Al Bhed: Rarara, Caa E Dumt Oui Kioc Ed Fungc. Zicd Ica Dra Dnyhcmydun Du Dnyhcmyda Drec (Oui Upjeuicmo Tet Ed Cusaruf ) Yht Pehk-Pyty-Puus Oy Kud Dra Saccyka. expandcollapse popup#Region #AutoIt3Wrapper_OutFile=al_bhed_translator.exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression=4 #EndRegion #include <guiconstants.au3> #include <misc.au3> #include <string.au3> #include <guiedit.au3> #include <array.au3> #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\frmAlBhed.kxf $frmalbhed = GUICreate("Al Bhed Translator", 459, 268, 193, 125) $edtenglish = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 8, 8, 193, 185, BitOR($es_autovscroll, $ws_vscroll)) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 65535, 0) $edtalbhed = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 249, 8, 193, 185, BitOR($es_autovscroll, $ws_vscroll)) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 65535, 0) $btntranslate = GUICtrlCreateButton("Translate!", 32, 200, 121, 25, 0) $btndnyhcmyda = GUICtrlCreateButton("Dnyhcmyda!", 291, 200, 121, 25, 0) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### Dim $aAlBhed[26] = ["y","p","l","t","a","v","k","r","e","z","g","m","s","h","u","b","x","n","c","d","i","j","f","q","o","w"], $aEnglish[26] = ["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"] While 1 If WinGetState("Al Bhed Translator") = 15 AND _ispressed("11") AND _ispressed("41") Then msgselectall() EndIf $nmsg = GUIGetMsg() If _IsPressed("0D") = True Then ;~ ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Enter pressed!" & @CRLF) $CurrCtrl = ControlGetFocus($frmalbhed) if $CurrCtrl = "Edit1" And WinActive($frmalbhed) Then eng2al(GUICtrlRead($edtenglish)) ElseIf $CurrCtrl = "Edit2" and winactive($frmalbhed) Then GUICtrlSetState($btndnyhcmyda, $gui_disable) GUICtrlSetState($btntranslate, $gui_disable) al2eng(GUICtrlRead($edtalbhed)) EndIf EndIf Switch $nmsg Case $gui_event_close Exit Case $btntranslate eng2al(GUICtrlRead($edtenglish)) Case $btndnyhcmyda GUICtrlSetState($btndnyhcmyda, $gui_disable) GUICtrlSetState($btntranslate, $gui_disable) al2eng(GUICtrlRead($edtalbhed)) EndSwitch WEnd Func al2eng($sstring) Local $output, $char, $input = StringSplit($sstring, "") For $i = 1 To UBound($input) - 1 ;~ If $input[$i] = " " Then ;~ $output &= " " ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "y" Then ;~ $output &= "a" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "p" Then ;~ $output &= "b" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "l" Then ;~ $output &= "c" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "t" Then ;~ $output &= "d" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "a" Then ;~ $output &= "e" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "v" Then ;~ $output &= "f" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "k" Then ;~ $output &= "g" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "r" Then ;~ $output &= "h" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "e" Then ;~ $output &= "i" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "z" Then ;~ $output &= "j" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "g" Then ;~ $output &= "k" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "m" Then ;~ $output &= "l" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "s" Then ;~ $output &= "m" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "h" Then ;~ $output &= "n" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "u" Then ;~ $output &= "o" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "b" Then ;~ $output &= "p" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "x" Then ;~ $output &= "q" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "n" Then ;~ $output &= "r" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "c" Then ;~ $output &= "s" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "d" Then ;~ $output &= "t" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "i" Then ;~ $output &= "u" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "j" Then ;~ $output &= "v" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "f" Then ;~ $output &= "w" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "q" Then ;~ $output &= "x" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "o" Then ;~ $output &= "y" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "w" Then ;~ $output &= "z" $iIndex = _ArraySearch($aAlBhed,$input[$i]) if $iIndex > -1 Then $output &= $aenglish[$iIndex] Else $char = AscW($input[$i]) $output &= ChrW($char) EndIf Next GUICtrlSetData($edtenglish, _stringproper($output)) GUICtrlSetState($btndnyhcmyda, $gui_enable) GUICtrlSetState($btntranslate, $gui_enable) EndFunc Func eng2al($sstring) Local $output, $char, $input = StringSplit($sstring, "") For $i = 1 To UBound($input) - 1 ;~ If $input[$i] = " " Then ;~ $output &= " " ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "a" Then ;~ $output &= "y" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "b" Then ;~ $output &= "p" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "c" Then ;~ $output &= "l" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "d" Then ;~ $output &= "t" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "e" Then ;~ $output &= "a" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "f" Then ;~ $output &= "v" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "g" Then ;~ $output &= "k" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "h" Then ;~ $output &= "r" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "i" Then ;~ $output &= "e" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "j" Then ;~ $output &= "z" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "k" Then ;~ $output &= "g" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "l" Then ;~ $output &= "m" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "m" Then ;~ $output &= "s" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "n" Then ;~ $output &= "h" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "o" Then ;~ $output &= "u" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "p" Then ;~ $output &= "b" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "q" Then ;~ $output &= "x" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "r" Then ;~ $output &= "n" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "s" Then ;~ $output &= "c" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "t" Then ;~ $output &= "d" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "u" Then ;~ $output &= "i" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "v" Then ;~ $output &= "j" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "w" Then ;~ $output &= "f" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "x" Then ;~ $output &= "q" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "y" Then ;~ $output &= "o" ;~ ElseIf $input[$i] = "z" Then ;~ $output &= "w" $iIndex = _ArraySearch($aenglish,$input[$i]) if $iIndex > -1 Then $output &= $aAlBhed[$iIndex] Else $char = AscW($input[$i]) $output &= ChrW($char) EndIf Next GUICtrlSetData($edtalbhed, _stringproper($output)) GUICtrlSetState($btndnyhcmyda, $gui_enable) GUICtrlSetState($btntranslate, $gui_enable) EndFunc Func msgselectall() ;~ MsgBox(48, "Error", 'Please right click and choose "select all" or highlight the text with your cursor to select this control.') _GUICtrlEdit_SetSel(ControlGetHandle($frmalbhed,"",ControlGetFocus($frmalbhed)),0,-1) EndFunc al_bhed_translator.exe Edited February 17, 2019 by dbzfanatic sharing code, typo Go to my website. | My Zazzle Page (custom products)Al Bhed Translator | Direct linkScreenRec ProSimple Text Editor (STE) [TUTORIAL]Task Scheduler UDF <--- First ever UDF!_ControlPaste() UDF[quote name='renanzin' post='584064' date='Sep 26 2008, 07:00 AM']whats help ?[/quote]
dandymcgee Posted September 15, 2008 Posted September 15, 2008 (edited) Lol, interesting script. Random Comment: Your website knows my IP, ISP, and OS, but for some reason thinks i'm using IE7.. lol. Edited September 15, 2008 by dandymcgee - Dan [Website]
dbzfanatic Posted September 23, 2008 Author Posted September 23, 2008 Lol, interesting script.Random Comment: Your website knows my IP, ISP, and OS, but for some reason thinks i'm using IE7.. lol.Well blame danasoft for that:P I got that lil pic from then, I only wrote the counter on the front page and a few of the interior pages (only 3 that are actually viewed in the forums). Thanks for the comment btw, and yeah it's interesting but I was bored and playing FFX so I thought "there are a lot of web translators, why not a program?" Go to my website. | My Zazzle Page (custom products)Al Bhed Translator | Direct linkScreenRec ProSimple Text Editor (STE) [TUTORIAL]Task Scheduler UDF <--- First ever UDF!_ControlPaste() UDF[quote name='renanzin' post='584064' date='Sep 26 2008, 07:00 AM']whats help ?[/quote]
AlmarM Posted September 23, 2008 Posted September 23, 2008 (edited) Wow, cool Never tought it could be this cool ^^, If I can share my tought, its the same as this? expandcollapse popup#RequireAdmin #AutoIt3Wrapper_Version = 6.2 $GUI = GUICreate("iSass v6.2 - Updates at 'i' >>", 420, 290, -1, -1) $TextToSassLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Text -> Sass", 10, 10, 150, 30) $TextInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 10, 50, 400, 20) $CalcTextToSassButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Calculate!", 10, 79) $SassedTextInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 10, 115, 400, 20, BitOR("", 2048)) $CopySassedText = GUICtrlCreateButton("Copy", 70, 79) $ShowSassedText = GUICtrlCreateButton("Show", 107, 79) $ClearSassed = GUICtrlCreateButton("Clear", 147, 79) $SassToTextLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Text <- Sass", 10, 150, 150, 30) $SassInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 10, 190, 400, 20) $CalcSassToTextButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Calculate!", 10, 220) $TextFromSassInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 10, 259, 400, 20, BitOR("", 2048)) $CopyTextFromSass = GUICtrlCreateButton("Copy", 70, 220) $ShowTextFromSass = GUICtrlCreateButton("Show", 107, 220) $ClearText = GUICtrlCreateButton("Clear", 147, 220) $xx = GUICtrlCreateButton("?", 390, 10, 20, 20) $xxx = GUICtrlCreateButton("i", 370, 10, 20, 20) GUICtrlSetFont($TextToSassLabel, 20, "", "", "Impact") GUICtrlSetFont($SassToTextLabel, 20, "", "", "Impact") GUISetState() While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $nMsg = -3 Exit Case $nMsg = $CalcTextToSassButton $Read_Text = GUICtrlRead($TextInput) $SASS = _TextToSass($Read_Text) GUICtrlSetData($SassedTextInput, $SASS) Case $nMsg = $CalcSassToTextButton $Read_Sass = GUICtrlRead($SassInput) $TEXT = _SassToText($Read_SASS) GUICtrlSetData($TextFromSassInput, $TEXT) Case $nMsg = $CopySassedText $Read_Sassed_Text = GUICtrlRead($SassedTextInput) ClipPut($Read_Sassed_Text) Case $nMsg = $CopyTextFromSass $Read_Text_From_Sass = GUICtrlRead($TextFromSassInput) ClipPut($Read_Text_From_Sass) Case $nMsg = $ShowSassedText $Read_Sassed_Text_2 = GUICtrlRead($SassedTextInput) MsgBox(64, "iSass", $Read_Sassed_Text_2) Case $nMsg = $ShowTextFromSass $Read_Text_From_Sass_2 = GUICtrlRead($TextFromSassInput) MsgBox(64, "iSass", $Read_Text_From_Sass_2) Case $nMsg = $ClearSassed GUICtrlSetData($TextInput, "") GUICtrlSetState($TextInput, 256) Case $nMsg = $ClearText GUICtrlSetData($SassInput, "") GUICtrlSetState($SassInput, 256) Case $nMsg = $xx _About() Case $nMsg = $xxx _Updates() EndSelect WEnd Func _TextToSass($nText) $n_Text = GUICtrlRead($TextInput) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "a", "001", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "A", "107", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "b", "013", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "B", "114", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "c", "025", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "C", "126", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "d", "037", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "D", "138", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "e", "049", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "E", "104", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "f", "051", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "F", "152", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "g", "063", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "G", "164", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "h", "075", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "H", "176", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "i", "087", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "I", "188", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "j", "099", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "J", "19", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "k", "202", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "K", "302", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "l", "213", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "L", "314", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "m", "225", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "M", "326", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "n", "237", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "N", "338", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "o", "249", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "O", "34", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "p", "251", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "P", "352", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "q", "26", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "Q", "364", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "r", "275", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "R", "376", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "s", "287", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "S", "388", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "t", "299", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "T", "39", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "u", "401", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "U", "502", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "v", "413", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "V", "514", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "w", "425", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "W", "526", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "x", "437", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "X", "538", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "y", "449", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "Y", "541", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "z", "451", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "Z", "552", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, " ", "975", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "!", "574", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "@", "585", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "#", "596", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "$", "607", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "%", "618", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "^", "629", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "&", "63", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "*", "64", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "(", "652", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, ")", "663", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "-", "674", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "_", "685", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "=", "696", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "+", "707", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "[", "718", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "{", "729", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "]", "73", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "}", "741", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, ";", "752", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, ":", "763", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "'", "774", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, '"', "785", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "\", "796", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "|", "807", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, ",", "818", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "<", "829", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, ".", "838", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, ">", "845", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "/", "852", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "?", "863", "", 1) Return $n_Text EndFunc Func _SassToText($nSass) $n_Sass = GUICtrlRead($SassInput) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "001", "a", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "107", "A", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "013", "b", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "114", "B", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "025", "c", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "126", "C", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "037", "d", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "138", "D", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "049", "e", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "104", "E", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "051", "f", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "152", "F", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "063", "g", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "164", "G", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "075", "h", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "176", "H", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "087", "i", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "188", "I", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "099", "j", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "19", "J", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "202", "k", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "302", "K", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "213", "l", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "314", "L", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "225", "m", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "326", "M", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "237", "n", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "338", "N", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "249", "o", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "342", "O", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "251", "p", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "352", "P", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "26", "q", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "364", "Q", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "275", "r", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "376", "R", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "287", "s", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "388", "S", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "299", "t", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "39", "T", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "401", "u", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "502", "U", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "413", "v", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "514", "V", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "425", "w", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "526", "W", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "437", "x", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "538", "X", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "449", "y", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "541", "Y", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "451", "z", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "552", "Z", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "975", " ", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "574", "!", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "585", "@", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "596", "#", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "607", "$", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "618", "%", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "629", "^", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "63", "&", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "64", "*", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "652", "(", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "663", ")", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "674", "-", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "685", "_", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "696", "=", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "707", "+", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "718", "[", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "729", "{", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "73", "]", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "741", "}", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "752", ";", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "763", ":", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "774", "'", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "785", '"', "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "796", "\", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "807", "|", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "818", ",", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "829", "<", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "83", ".", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "845", ">", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "852", "/", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "863", "?", "", 1) Return $n_Sass EndFunc Func _About() GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $GUI) $GUI2 = GUICreate("About", 200, 125) $Edit = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 10, 0, 0, BitOR(16777216, 2048)) GUICtrlSetData($Edit, "Credits to:" & @CRLF & "Almar Mulder" & @CRLF & "almar_mulder@live.nl" & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "If you find any bugs or wrong ReSassed words please let me know @ almar_mulder@live.nl" & _ @CRLF & @CRLF & "Have Fun!") GUISetState() While 2 $nMsg2 = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $nMsg2 = -3 ExitLoop EndSelect WEnd GUIDelete($GUI2) GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $GUI) GUISetState(@SW_RESTORE, $GUI) EndFunc Func _Updates() $Version = "1.0: First builds and tests" & @CRLF $Version &= "2.0: Added Copy Button" & @CRLF $Version &= "3.0: Added Automatic Scroll for too long words. (DELETED)" & @CRLF $Version &= "4.0: Added Show Button" & @CRLF $Version &= "5.0: Added Clear Button + Focus when Clear is pressed" & @CRLF $Version &= "5.5: Added ? Button" & @CRLF $Version &= "5.6: Added more characters" & @CRLF $Version &= "5.7: Fixed 'uu'" & @CRLF $Version &= "5.8: Fixed '*c'" & @CRLF $Version &= "5.9: Fixed ' z'" & @CRLF $Version &= "6.0: Added i Button" & @CRLF $Version &= "6.1: Fixed ' w'" & @CRLF $Version &= "6.2: Fixed whole ' '" & @CRLF GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $GUI) MsgBox(64, "iSass v6.2", "Updates:" & @CRLF & $Version) If @error = 0 Then GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $GUI) GUISetState(@SW_RESTORE, $GUI) EndIf EndFunc There are a lot bugs in there, so I gave up. But pretty nice work here ^^, AlmarM Edited September 23, 2008 by AlmarM Minesweeper A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available. _Mouse_UDF An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit. 2D Hitbox Editor A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.
dbzfanatic Posted September 24, 2008 Author Posted September 24, 2008 Wow, cool Never tought it could be this cool ^^, If I can share my tought, its the same as this? expandcollapse popup#RequireAdmin #AutoIt3Wrapper_Version = 6.2 $GUI = GUICreate("iSass v6.2 - Updates at 'i' >>", 420, 290, -1, -1) $TextToSassLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Text -> Sass", 10, 10, 150, 30) $TextInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 10, 50, 400, 20) $CalcTextToSassButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Calculate!", 10, 79) $SassedTextInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 10, 115, 400, 20, BitOR("", 2048)) $CopySassedText = GUICtrlCreateButton("Copy", 70, 79) $ShowSassedText = GUICtrlCreateButton("Show", 107, 79) $ClearSassed = GUICtrlCreateButton("Clear", 147, 79) $SassToTextLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Text <- Sass", 10, 150, 150, 30) $SassInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 10, 190, 400, 20) $CalcSassToTextButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Calculate!", 10, 220) $TextFromSassInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 10, 259, 400, 20, BitOR("", 2048)) $CopyTextFromSass = GUICtrlCreateButton("Copy", 70, 220) $ShowTextFromSass = GUICtrlCreateButton("Show", 107, 220) $ClearText = GUICtrlCreateButton("Clear", 147, 220) $xx = GUICtrlCreateButton("?", 390, 10, 20, 20) $xxx = GUICtrlCreateButton("i", 370, 10, 20, 20) GUICtrlSetFont($TextToSassLabel, 20, "", "", "Impact") GUICtrlSetFont($SassToTextLabel, 20, "", "", "Impact") GUISetState() While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $nMsg = -3 Exit Case $nMsg = $CalcTextToSassButton $Read_Text = GUICtrlRead($TextInput) $SASS = _TextToSass($Read_Text) GUICtrlSetData($SassedTextInput, $SASS) Case $nMsg = $CalcSassToTextButton $Read_Sass = GUICtrlRead($SassInput) $TEXT = _SassToText($Read_SASS) GUICtrlSetData($TextFromSassInput, $TEXT) Case $nMsg = $CopySassedText $Read_Sassed_Text = GUICtrlRead($SassedTextInput) ClipPut($Read_Sassed_Text) Case $nMsg = $CopyTextFromSass $Read_Text_From_Sass = GUICtrlRead($TextFromSassInput) ClipPut($Read_Text_From_Sass) Case $nMsg = $ShowSassedText $Read_Sassed_Text_2 = GUICtrlRead($SassedTextInput) MsgBox(64, "iSass", $Read_Sassed_Text_2) Case $nMsg = $ShowTextFromSass $Read_Text_From_Sass_2 = GUICtrlRead($TextFromSassInput) MsgBox(64, "iSass", $Read_Text_From_Sass_2) Case $nMsg = $ClearSassed GUICtrlSetData($TextInput, "") GUICtrlSetState($TextInput, 256) Case $nMsg = $ClearText GUICtrlSetData($SassInput, "") GUICtrlSetState($SassInput, 256) Case $nMsg = $xx _About() Case $nMsg = $xxx _Updates() EndSelect WEnd Func _TextToSass($nText) $n_Text = GUICtrlRead($TextInput) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "a", "001", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "A", "107", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "b", "013", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "B", "114", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "c", "025", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "C", "126", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "d", "037", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "D", "138", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "e", "049", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "E", "104", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "f", "051", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "F", "152", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "g", "063", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "G", "164", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "h", "075", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "H", "176", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "i", "087", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "I", "188", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "j", "099", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "J", "19", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "k", "202", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "K", "302", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "l", "213", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "L", "314", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "m", "225", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "M", "326", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "n", "237", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "N", "338", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "o", "249", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "O", "34", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "p", "251", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "P", "352", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "q", "26", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "Q", "364", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "r", "275", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "R", "376", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "s", "287", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "S", "388", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "t", "299", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "T", "39", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "u", "401", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "U", "502", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "v", "413", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "V", "514", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "w", "425", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "W", "526", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "x", "437", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "X", "538", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "y", "449", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "Y", "541", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "z", "451", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "Z", "552", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, " ", "975", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "!", "574", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "@", "585", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "#", "596", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "$", "607", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "%", "618", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "^", "629", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "&", "63", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "*", "64", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "(", "652", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, ")", "663", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "-", "674", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "_", "685", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "=", "696", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "+", "707", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "[", "718", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "{", "729", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "]", "73", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "}", "741", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, ";", "752", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, ":", "763", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "'", "774", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, '"', "785", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "\", "796", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "|", "807", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, ",", "818", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "<", "829", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, ".", "838", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, ">", "845", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "/", "852", "", 1) $n_Text = StringReplace($n_Text, "?", "863", "", 1) Return $n_Text EndFunc Func _SassToText($nSass) $n_Sass = GUICtrlRead($SassInput) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "001", "a", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "107", "A", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "013", "b", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "114", "B", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "025", "c", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "126", "C", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "037", "d", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "138", "D", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "049", "e", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "104", "E", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "051", "f", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "152", "F", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "063", "g", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "164", "G", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "075", "h", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "176", "H", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "087", "i", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "188", "I", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "099", "j", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "19", "J", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "202", "k", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "302", "K", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "213", "l", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "314", "L", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "225", "m", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "326", "M", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "237", "n", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "338", "N", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "249", "o", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "342", "O", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "251", "p", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "352", "P", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "26", "q", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "364", "Q", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "275", "r", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "376", "R", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "287", "s", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "388", "S", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "299", "t", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "39", "T", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "401", "u", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "502", "U", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "413", "v", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "514", "V", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "425", "w", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "526", "W", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "437", "x", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "538", "X", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "449", "y", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "541", "Y", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "451", "z", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "552", "Z", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "975", " ", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "574", "!", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "585", "@", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "596", "#", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "607", "$", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "618", "%", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "629", "^", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "63", "&", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "64", "*", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "652", "(", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "663", ")", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "674", "-", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "685", "_", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "696", "=", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "707", "+", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "718", "[", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "729", "{", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "73", "]", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "741", "}", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "752", ";", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "763", ":", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "774", "'", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "785", '"', "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "796", "\", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "807", "|", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "818", ",", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "829", "<", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "83", ".", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "845", ">", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "852", "/", "", 1) $n_Sass = StringReplace($n_Sass, "863", "?", "", 1) Return $n_Sass EndFunc Func _About() GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $GUI) $GUI2 = GUICreate("About", 200, 125) $Edit = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 10, 10, 0, 0, BitOR(16777216, 2048)) GUICtrlSetData($Edit, "Credits to:" & @CRLF & "Almar Mulder" & @CRLF & "almar_mulder@live.nl" & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "If you find any bugs or wrong ReSassed words please let me know @ almar_mulder@live.nl" & _ @CRLF & @CRLF & "Have Fun!") GUISetState() While 2 $nMsg2 = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $nMsg2 = -3 ExitLoop EndSelect WEnd GUIDelete($GUI2) GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $GUI) GUISetState(@SW_RESTORE, $GUI) EndFunc Func _Updates() $Version = "1.0: First builds and tests" & @CRLF $Version &= "2.0: Added Copy Button" & @CRLF $Version &= "3.0: Added Automatic Scroll for too long words. (DELETED)" & @CRLF $Version &= "4.0: Added Show Button" & @CRLF $Version &= "5.0: Added Clear Button + Focus when Clear is pressed" & @CRLF $Version &= "5.5: Added ? Button" & @CRLF $Version &= "5.6: Added more characters" & @CRLF $Version &= "5.7: Fixed 'uu'" & @CRLF $Version &= "5.8: Fixed '*c'" & @CRLF $Version &= "5.9: Fixed ' z'" & @CRLF $Version &= "6.0: Added i Button" & @CRLF $Version &= "6.1: Fixed ' w'" & @CRLF $Version &= "6.2: Fixed whole ' '" & @CRLF GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $GUI) MsgBox(64, "iSass v6.2", "Updates:" & @CRLF & $Version) If @error = 0 Then GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $GUI) GUISetState(@SW_RESTORE, $GUI) EndIf EndFunc There are a lot bugs in there, so I gave up. But pretty nice work here ^^, AlmarM Yours looks fairly similar but I used a bunch of If statements and I only translated letters. Everything else I stuck in the Else part and just copied the unicode codes for it,added it to the translated text in the proper place, and there you go. Thanks for the compliment, I'm thinking of adding pronunciation coaching (when I have an idea how to do that >.>;; ) Go to my website. | My Zazzle Page (custom products)Al Bhed Translator | Direct linkScreenRec ProSimple Text Editor (STE) [TUTORIAL]Task Scheduler UDF <--- First ever UDF!_ControlPaste() UDF[quote name='renanzin' post='584064' date='Sep 26 2008, 07:00 AM']whats help ?[/quote]
AlmarM Posted September 24, 2008 Posted September 24, 2008 Haha, np. But im Dutch, so could you explain me what "pronunciation coaching" is ? AlmarM Minesweeper A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available. _Mouse_UDF An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit. 2D Hitbox Editor A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.
dbzfanatic Posted September 24, 2008 Author Posted September 24, 2008 (edited) Sure, I just mean I plan to add something to the program so when it's translated it also shows you how to say it. Like "E moja oui" (I use that a lot with my girlfriend so I've memorized it) would have under it "ee-mow-ha-wee" or something similar. Sorry to say but this is going to be postponed considerably. I'm running vista and it decided to delete every file off my desktop without asking to do so and the source was saved there. Also I just wrote a tutorial (just today) so it might be a bit before I get this working. However, writing that tutorial gave me some ideas on improvements I could make to this.Edit: I found a backup that was only a few days old so I have my source again! With the source and the new ideas I gained from writing my tutorial I should be able to make an enhanced version fairly soon. Did I mention I got my source back? (Sorry I'm excited, the backup contained 7.54GB of source,exes,pictures,etc I had created that would have been gone) Edited September 24, 2008 by dbzfanatic Go to my website. | My Zazzle Page (custom products)Al Bhed Translator | Direct linkScreenRec ProSimple Text Editor (STE) [TUTORIAL]Task Scheduler UDF <--- First ever UDF!_ControlPaste() UDF[quote name='renanzin' post='584064' date='Sep 26 2008, 07:00 AM']whats help ?[/quote]
AlmarM Posted September 24, 2008 Posted September 24, 2008 Haha ok >_< If I could help you with something, just let me know AlmarM P.S. Im going to create a similiar script too . Just with other replacements Minesweeper A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available. _Mouse_UDF An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit. 2D Hitbox Editor A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.
dbzfanatic Posted September 25, 2008 Author Posted September 25, 2008 Sounds good, I might ask you to test or just give me some ideas on things to make it work a bit better. The reason I used the replacements I did is because it's an actual game language. It's the Al Bhed language from FFX (Final Fantasy X) but if you want my help on suggestions for the replacements I'll help you out. Go to my website. | My Zazzle Page (custom products)Al Bhed Translator | Direct linkScreenRec ProSimple Text Editor (STE) [TUTORIAL]Task Scheduler UDF <--- First ever UDF!_ControlPaste() UDF[quote name='renanzin' post='584064' date='Sep 26 2008, 07:00 AM']whats help ?[/quote]
AlmarM Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 Oh well, I tought about something. If you use my script. It sould replace 'a' with 't'. But when you want to replace it. 'a' is being replaced with 'm' because 't' needs to be replaced by 'm'. So I quit my program AlmarM Minesweeper A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available. _Mouse_UDF An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit. 2D Hitbox Editor A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.
dbzfanatic Posted September 25, 2008 Author Posted September 25, 2008 That is where mine is superior *evil laugh* just kidding. What I did is I used StringSplit() to get each character from the edit, cycled through them to see what they were then did the replacements that way and saved the replaced characters to a different string. If you do it this way there's no cross-translation so you don't try to translate something that's already translated. Go to my website. | My Zazzle Page (custom products)Al Bhed Translator | Direct linkScreenRec ProSimple Text Editor (STE) [TUTORIAL]Task Scheduler UDF <--- First ever UDF!_ControlPaste() UDF[quote name='renanzin' post='584064' date='Sep 26 2008, 07:00 AM']whats help ?[/quote]
AlmarM Posted September 25, 2008 Posted September 25, 2008 That is where mine is superior *evil laugh* just kidding. What I did is I used StringSplit() to get each character from the edit, cycled through them to see what they were then did the replacements that way and saved the replaced characters to a different string. If you do it this way there's no cross-translation so you don't try to translate something that's already translated. Hmmm, I tried StringReplace... If you look at my code above. And you replace StringReplace with StringSplit what would my Func _TextToSass($n_Text) Return $n_Text EndFunc Func _SassToText($n_Sass) Return $n_Sass EndFunc Look like? Could you give my a small example? Example: A = T B = U C = V Can you do that? AlmarM Minesweeper A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available. _Mouse_UDF An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit. 2D Hitbox Editor A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.
dbzfanatic Posted September 26, 2008 Author Posted September 26, 2008 Sure. $letters = StringSplit(GUICtrlRead($edtEdit),"") For $i = 0 To UBound($letters) - 1 If $letters[$i] = "a" Then $replaced &= "t" Elseif $letters[$i] = "b" Then $replaced &= "u" Elseif $letters[$i] = "c" Then $replaced &= "v" Endif Really primitive example but it works. Go to my website. | My Zazzle Page (custom products)Al Bhed Translator | Direct linkScreenRec ProSimple Text Editor (STE) [TUTORIAL]Task Scheduler UDF <--- First ever UDF!_ControlPaste() UDF[quote name='renanzin' post='584064' date='Sep 26 2008, 07:00 AM']whats help ?[/quote]
dbzfanatic Posted October 21, 2017 Author Posted October 21, 2017 Sorry for the necro but I've been going through old code and updating it since I have more experience and have some time now. Sharing the full code for this in the OP since I've been able to clean it up a bit (read: a LOT) Go to my website. | My Zazzle Page (custom products)Al Bhed Translator | Direct linkScreenRec ProSimple Text Editor (STE) [TUTORIAL]Task Scheduler UDF <--- First ever UDF!_ControlPaste() UDF[quote name='renanzin' post='584064' date='Sep 26 2008, 07:00 AM']whats help ?[/quote]
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