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Posted (edited)

My script will read a subdirectory for files 200*.DAT, and store into array.

Useful data start after 691280 bytes of every files.

For each array data, it will extract a series JPEG data streams and 8-bytes of every 34 bytes header before every JPEG header.

This first 8 bytes contain numeric value of epoch-seconds (seconds since 01-01-1970 00:00:00) in GMT +0 timezone.

This script was developed on a Windows 2000 workstation, and work perfectly fine.

But when run on a WinXP, it produced different results (incorrect data extracted, due to wrong value obtained in $jpegstart and $jpegend, $jpegstart keep returning null value).

I believe it has to be some unicode issue. But I can't proof it as the system setting was alright.

I had checked my Region settings on both PC, they are using 0409, same region settings.

Same AutoIt3 compiler version (AutoIt v3.2.12.1), same AutoIt Script Editor (14-8-2008).

Anyone know the cause of the erratic results?

Thank you.

; ====================

; My script start here

; ====================

#include <File.au3>

#include <string.au3>

#include <Date.au3>

$gmt = 8 ;GMT Timezone for Singapore +8

$sourcedir = "C:\SCREEN\"

$targetdir = "C:\JPEG\"

$filelist = _FileListToArray($sourcedir, "200*.DAT", 0)

$listcount = 0

For $fc = 1 To $filelist[0]


$listcount += 1

$binfile = $sourcedir & $filelist[$fc]


$file = FileOpen($binfile, 4)

If $file = -1 Then

MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.")


$size = FileGetSize($binfile)

$usefuldata=FileRead($file, $size)

FileClose ($file)


While $size <> $jpegend + 1

; Search for JPEG Stream Header (0xFFD8FF)

$jpegstart = StringInStr(BinaryToString($usefuldata),BinaryToString("0xFFD8FF"),1,$count,691280)

if @Error = 1 Then

MsgBox (0,"Status","EOF Reached",2)



; Search for JPEG Stream End of File (0xFFD9)

$jpegend = StringInStr(BinaryToString($usefuldata),BinaryToString("0xFFD9"),1,$count,691280)

;MsgBox(0,"Debug", "$count: "& $count &" [ $jpegstart : " & $jpegstart & "] [ $jpegend : " & $jpegend & " ] " & $size,3)

if $jpegend = 0 Then

MsgBox (0,"Status","EOF Reached",2)



;Every file creation date in epoch second data stored first 8 of the 34 bytes offset before the JPEG header 0xFFD8FF

$epochraw = BinaryMid ( BinaryToString($usefuldata),$jpegstart-34,8)

$hex1 = StringMid($epochraw, 3, 2)

$hex2 = StringMid($epochraw, 5, 2)

$hex3 = StringMid($epochraw, 7, 2)

$hex4 = StringMid($epochraw, 9, 2)

$epochhex = "0x" & $hex4 & $hex3 & $hex2 & $hex1

$epochsec = Number($epochhex)

$creationdate = _DateAdd("s", $epochsec, "1970/01/01 00:00:00")

$creationdate2 = _DateAdd("h", $gmt, $creationdate)

;MsgBox(0,"Debug", "[ $jpegstart : " & $jpegstart & "] [ $jpegend : " & $jpegend & " ]" & @CRLF & "$epochraw : " & $epochraw & @CRLF & "[ $epochhex = " & $epochhex & " ] " & " [ $epochsec = "& $epochsec & " ]",3)

$fyear = StringMid($creationdate2, 1, 4)

$fmonth = StringMid($creationdate2, 6, 2)

$fday = StringMid($creationdate2, 9, 2)

$fhour = StringMid($creationdate2, 12, 2)

$fmin = StringMid($creationdate2, 15, 2)

$fsec = StringMid($creationdate2, 18, 2)

$newdir = $targetdir & $fyear & $fmonth & $fday

If Not FileExists($newdir) Then



$filename = $newdir & "\" & $fyear & $fmonth & $fday & "_" & $fhour & $fmin & $fsec & ".jpg"

;TrayTip("Status",$listcount & " [Raw Files: " & $binfile & "]" & @CRLF & "Bytes Processed: " & $jpegend + 1 & "/" & $size & @CRLF & "[" & $count & "] " & $filename & @CRLF,1,16)






MsgBox(0,"File Deletion","Deleting " & $binfile,2)



; ===================

; My script ends here

; ===================

Edited by kevinlaikf

My script will read a subdirectory for files 200*.DAT, and store into array.

Useful data start after 691280 bytes of every files.

For each array data, it will extract a series JPEG data streams and 8-bytes of every 34 bytes header before every JPEG header.

This first 8 bytes contain numeric value of epoch-seconds (seconds since 01-01-1970 00:00:00) in GMT +0 timezone.

This script was developed on a Windows 2000 workstation, and work perfectly fine.

But when run on a WinXP, it produced different results (incorrect data extracted, due to wrong value obtained in $jpegstart and $jpegend, $jpegstart keep returning null value).

I believe it has to be some unicode issue. But I can't proof it as the system setting was alright.

I had checked my Region settings on both PC, they are using 0409, same region settings.

Same AutoIt3 compiler version (AutoIt v3.2.12.1), same AutoIt Script Editor (14-8-2008).

Anyone know the cause of the erratic results?


I did not noticed that there is option to compile my script as ANSI version.

I believe my Win2K script was defaulted as ANSI using standard compile, whereas WinXP was default to unicode version.

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