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As the title says, I am attempting to create an array from a ComboListBox (specifically SysListView321 within the Dfrg.msc MMC in XP) and then check which array item contains the specific information.

Essentially, I want to select the row containing the C: drive within that list and then defragment it.

I have most areas of the code working (at the moment it will defrag the first item in the list) but am having problems trying to select the drive I would like it to defragment.

The code I have so far is:

Local $drivecheckarray [40]
    Local $searchstring = "C:"
    WinWaitActive("Disk Defragmenter"); Waits for Program to become active
    WinActivate ( "Disk Defragmenter"); Makes sure that Defrag is the active process

    $drivecheck = ControlGetHandle("Disk Defragmenter", "", "SysListView321"); gets handle for the combobox
    $drivecheckarray = _GUICtrlComboBox_GetListArray($drivecheck); gets array from combobox using control handle
    For $X = 0 To UBound($drivecheckarray) - 1
        If NOT StringInStr ( $drivecheckarray[$X], $searchstring ) = 0 Then MsgBox(0, "Array Details", $drivecheckarray[$X])
    Next  ; Checks for $searchstring in each section of the array and, if found, display the contents of that array item in a msgbox

The $drivecheck variable correctly gets the handle of the window and the checking routine appears to work when checked with other data but the array seems as though it isn't populated correctly.

When checking the data in the $drivecheckarray (which should consist of a minimum of an index and 6 items) the index shows only one item read (which turns out to be empty).

I am obviously doing something wrong and would appreciate any help or advice that could be given as my concentration is somewhat diminished by my teething 5-month old son.

Cheers in advance. ;)


As the title says, I am attempting to create an array from a ComboListBox (specifically SysListView321 within the Dfrg.msc MMC in XP) and then check which array item contains the specific information.

Essentially, I want to select the row containing the C: drive within that list and then defragment it.

I have most areas of the code working (at the moment it will defrag the first item in the list) but am having problems trying to select the drive I would like it to defragment.

The code I have so far is:

Local $drivecheckarray [40]
    Local $searchstring = "C:"
    WinWaitActive("Disk Defragmenter"); Waits for Program to become active
    WinActivate ( "Disk Defragmenter"); Makes sure that Defrag is the active process

    $drivecheck = ControlGetHandle("Disk Defragmenter", "", "SysListView321"); gets handle for the combobox
    $drivecheckarray = _GUICtrlComboBox_GetListArray($drivecheck); gets array from combobox using control handle
    For $X = 0 To UBound($drivecheckarray) - 1
        If NOT StringInStr ( $drivecheckarray[$X], $searchstring ) = 0 Then MsgBox(0, "Array Details", $drivecheckarray[$X])
    Next ; Checks for $searchstring in each section of the array and, if found, display the contents of that array item in a msgbox

The $drivecheck variable correctly gets the handle of the window and the checking routine appears to work when checked with other data but the array seems as though it isn't populated correctly.

When checking the data in the $drivecheckarray (which should consist of a minimum of an index and 6 items) the index shows only one item read (which turns out to be empty).

I am obviously doing something wrong and would appreciate any help or advice that could be given as my concentration is somewhat diminished by my teething 5-month old son.

Cheers in advance. ;)

I think _GUICtrlComboBox_GetListArray is intended for controls created in the same script not in an external application. Control handles are unique in a window but not unique in Windows, ie two windows could have controls with the same control handles. I don't know how to get the items from a combo in another application.
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I think _GUICtrlComboBox_GetListArray is intended for controls created in the same script not in an external application. Control handles are unique in a window but not unique in Windows, ie two windows could have controls with the same control handles. I don't know how to get the items from a combo in another application.

That would certainly explain why it wouldn't work and also highlights a need for further learning on my part.

Thanks a lot for your explanation, I shall seek out other options.


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