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so... lets say you're an admin on a machine and you runas cmd.exe so you get a command shell that's running with admin rights. if you run a SET command from that window, you'll see all the env variables propoated with your "admin account's" information. if you could NOT get out of that newly spanwed admin shell, is there a way to tell what account is the normal account actually logged into that machine? like maybe some parameter in the registry or wmi query or the like?? TIA.

My Additions:- RunAs AdminDeviant Fun:- Variable Sound Volume


so... lets say you're an admin on a machine and you runas cmd.exe so you get a command shell that's running with admin rights. if you run a SET command from that window, you'll see all the env variables propoated with your "admin account's" information. if you could NOT get out of that newly spanwed admin shell, is there a way to tell what account is the normal account actually logged into that machine? like maybe some parameter in the registry or wmi query or the like?? TIA.

Here's a WMI query process I use to differentiate between the logged in user and the account that actually "owns" my script's process:

$sLoggedInUser = ""
$sLoggedInDomain = ""
$sResults = ""
$strComputer = "."
$objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & $strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
If IsObj($objWMIService) Then
    $colComputer = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")

    For $objComputer In $colComputer
        $sLoggedInUser = $objComputer.UserName
    If StringInStr($sLoggedInUser,"\") Then
        $iSplit = StringInStr($sLoggedInUser,"\")
        $sLoggedInDomain = StringTrimRight($sLoggedInUser,(StringLen($sLoggedInUser) - $iSplit)+1)
        $sLoggedInUser = StringTrimLeft($sLoggedInUser,$iSplit)

    If $sLoggedInDomain <> "" Then $sResults &= "Logged in domain: " &$sLoggedInDomain &@CRLF
    If $sLoggedInUser <> "" Then $sResults &= "Logged in user: " &$sLoggedInUser & @CRLF
    $sResults &= "@UserName value: " &@UserName &@CRLF
    ConsoleWrite("Unable to connect to WMI Service" & @CRLF)

- MoChr(77)& Chr(97)& Chr(100)& Chr(101)& Chr(32)& Chr(121)& Chr(97)& Chr(32)& Chr(108)& Chr(111)& Chr(111)& Chr(107)-------I've told you 100,000 times not to exaggerate!-------Don't make me hit you with my cigarette hand...-------My scripts:Random Episode Selector, Keyboard MouseMover, CopyPath v2.1, SmartRename for XP,Window Tracer[sup]New![/sup]

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