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Posted (edited)

Which is the simple way I can check if a file matches a specified mask?

That is, I'm looking a function that works as follows:

Match("zomp.au3","*.*") -> True

Match("zomp.au3","zo*.*") -> True

Match("zomp.au3","zo*.txt") -> False

I recognize that I can write a UDF function using StringRegExp, but I wonder if there is something easier.


Edited by Zomp

The key point here is that the AutoIt regexp uses unix logic, which is not the same as DOS logic. I too got caught out by this because I didn't read the instructions. ;)

* in unix regexps has a very different meaning from * in dos.


The key point here is that the AutoIt regexp uses unix logic, which is not the same as DOS logic. I too got caught out by this because I didn't read the instructions. ;)

* in unix regexps has a very different meaning from * in dos.

Yes I know. To have a function like the one I have described one can use StringInstr or StringRegExp to "translate" wildcards ? and *. Which is the easier way to do? Is there any other alternative? This is my questions.


Is there any other alternative?

I don't think so. I wrote a function that does this a while ago.

Func _FileMatch($sFile, $sFilter)
    Local $sChar, $sChars = '\.+[^]$(){}=!<>|:'
    For $i = 1 to StringLen($sChars)
        $sChar = StringMid($sChars, $i, 1)
        $sFilter = StringReplace($sFilter, $sChar, '\' & $sChar)
    $sFilter = StringReplace($sFilter, '?', '.{1}')
    $sFilter = StringReplace($sFilter, '*', '.*')
    Return StringRegExp($sFile, $sFilter)

; Examples
consolewrite(_FileMatch('file.txt', '*.txt') & @CRLF)
consolewrite(_FileMatch('file.txt', 'file.*') & @CRLF)
consolewrite(_FileMatch('file.txt', 'file.t??') & @CRLF)
consolewrite(_FileMatch('file.txt', 'file.t?x') & @CRLF)
; This is the only one I'm having a problem with that I've tested.
; ComSpec will match this, but I'm not sure the best way to get this
; function to match it.
consolewrite(_FileMatch('file.txt', 'file.txt?') & @CRLF)
; Here's your examples:
consolewrite(_FileMatch("zomp.au3","*.*") & @CRLF)
consolewrite(_FileMatch("zomp.au3","zo*.*") & @CRLF)
consolewrite(_FileMatch("zomp.au3","zo*.txt") & @CRLF)

I don't think so. I wrote a function that does this a while ago.

Func _FileMatch($sFile, $sFilter)

Local $sChar, $sChars = '\.+[^]$(){}=!<>|:'

For $i = 1 to StringLen($sChars)

$sChar = StringMid($sChars, $i, 1)

$sFilter = StringReplace($sFilter, $sChar, '\' & $sChar)


$sFilter = StringReplace($sFilter, '?', '.{1}')

$sFilter = StringReplace($sFilter, '*', '.*')

Return StringRegExp($sFile, $sFilter)


Good work, thanks.

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