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Hi All

sifted through 5 pages of search with no results.

is there a timeout on _INetGetSource?

currently i am opening a new IE window, reading the source, and closing it again (or recycling it for the next function that needs to read a page source)

i know _INetGetSource will be a better option, but i have not found any info on a timeout. Currently set the timeout in ie.au3 to just 10 seconds as i dont want it to stall my script (all web pages are on internal network so load fast)


a) is there a timeout?

:P if so, how long is it?

c) if so, can it be changed?

Thanks for all help



a) No _INetGetSource doesn't have a timeout by looking in the actual source INet.au3 and that also answers :P and c)

However I believe you are trying to just get the source, so without getting anything that loads pictures/sound/animation (can be found in Internet Explorer's perference bar) you could accomplish this task and have it just dump the text right there.

Contact via MSN: [email=terarink_msn@hotmail.com]terarink_msn@hotmail.com[/email], yahoo: terarink_yah


You could setup another script working with this one but your checking it every 1/4 second or whatever you decide so anything can be added with the timeout function inside those DLLCalls

Contact via MSN: [email=terarink_msn@hotmail.com]terarink_msn@hotmail.com[/email], yahoo: terarink_yah

  • 11 months later...
Posted (edited)

Sorry to bring up an old topic, but does anyone have a good way to add a timeout to this function(_INetGetSource).

I am working on something for my vistumbler program that may be used over a flakey internet connection. I was testing today and it took 12 seconds before timing out, which is way to long. I would like to set the timeout to something like 800ms. anybody have any suggestions?

This is what I am working on --> http://forum.techidiots.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=352

Edited by ACalcutt

Andrew Calcutt



Its not an error, its a undocumented feature


There's a problem with _INetGetSource is that it doesn't verify if the file exist or not, but it acts like IE. Like when i try to open a webpage using a browser, if the web page doesn't exist, the browser redirect me to the home page of the webhost, and _INetGetSource get the source of the redirection page -.-


So just check the return, you should read text in <title>...</title> tab to trap your own errors.

Yes, but it shouldn't be like that. It should return error if the page doesn't exist.

Now, here is a question for you. If I use a direct link of rapidshare, would INetGet return: the file to download, the page redirection to premium page or an error?

  • 6 months later...
Posted (edited)

I have mixed feelings with the Opt("TCPTimeout") usefulness. Also Trancexx recently answered she thought the option abandonned long ago.

Here's why I have problem with the Inet functions. I use them routinely (several times a day) to update my local database with new tracking events for the parcels we ship worldwide. One of the tracking site I use can be _very_ slow to produce an answer: I'seen response time > 60s. I guess the transaction I'm using is buried deep in their server forest and given lowest priority. I'm anyway extremelly happy it answers at all.

I have tried InetGetSource, InetGet and InetRead with about the same results for this particular site. The issue is that sometimes the site simply won't answer nor reset the connection. In this case, all three functions just hang, hanging the entire script as well.

I tried AutoItSetOption('TCPTimeout', $value) with various values to absolutely no avail. Therefore I suspect Trancexx is right: this "option" seems to be no-op.

Another point closely related to the topic: the only way to get back from the hung condition exposed above is to use a background InetGet() followed by a timing loop.

Of course you never know when a site may cause a hung Inet connection. You have to protect against such and adopt the "monitored backgroud" version.

But then since this is the only way to invoke Inet* without risk, why isn't such code included in the native functions?

How do _you_ protect against hung condition and do you think an integrated timeout with optional value would be useful?

Edited by jchd

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  • 3 years later...

func inetread_timeout()
    dim $Timer,$PID,$initread_server,$chars,$timer_result,$timeout_server=10 ;second
    $Timer = TimerInit()
    $PID = Run(@AutoItexe & ' /AutoIt3ExecuteLine "filewrite(@tempdir&''\initread.txt'',inetread( ''http://www.google.com'',1))"',"",@SW_HIDE)  
    While 1
        If $pid=0 or TimerDiff($Timer)/1000 >= $timeout_server Then
            msgbox(48,"Error","timeout = "&$timer_result)
        ElseIf FileExists(@tempdir&"\initread.txt") and not ProcessExists($PID) then
            msgbox(64,"timeout = "&$timer_result,$chars)

To community goes all my regards and thanks

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