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Script hangs after application pops up modal dialog

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I've been searching a bit the forums but I haven't seen any topic related.

I am trying to automate an application, and when I send a ControlCommand to change the value of a ComboBox the application pops up a modal dialog that I want to close. However after doing the ControlCommand the script seems to hang and start using around 10% of CPU.

The piece of code that is having problems is something like:

AutoItSetOption ("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)


    ControlCommand("program", "", 1000, "SetCurrentSelection", 1); this is executed
; AutoIt hangs here
    If WinWait("Error", "Error Message", 0.5) = 1 Then

I am on latest version (

I've discovered that if I manually close the dialog the script stays in memory and further executions work fine. However leaving a zombie process eating 10% of CPU is not an option. muttley

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WinWait's timeout will not work with a timeout of .5 seconds, you must use a whole number here.

Also maybe try using controlclick() or controlsend() instead of send()

The problem is that the script hangs before reaching the WinWait(), if I write there any code like MsgBox(0, "test", "test") nothing is displayed.

My guess is that the script never returns from the ControlCommand because the application spawns the modal dialog and the control and window it was addressing is not the current active one.

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I've made around it adding other entry point to my script and calling myself using that other entry point to close the new modal dialog (I do not want to have 2 scripts around).

It is dirty and obscure but it is the only way around it that I've been able to make work.

Or does anyone know if AutoIT has any multi-thread/multi-process support?

Thanks to all who replied.


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  • 3 years later...

That's unfortunate. I came across the same issue in my application...

ControlCommand ( $sWebDomHandle, "", $otbActions, "SendCommandID", 36604 )

When the script performs the above action (a logout action), the window closes, and a new window opens (logout)...until I manually close the new window, the script stalls.

I saw other posts where a developer stated:

...oh, the $otbActions handle is for a class = ToolbarWindow32

Edited by jdelaney
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