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Problem Running Adobe Reader

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Hey ppl,

I have a weird problem with running an external app (Adobe Reader).

I search with the "dir" command (dir /b /s /a) for the Adobe Reader and want to use the path to run the application.

See my code for details...


While 1
    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $nMsg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $sourceBtn
            If GUICtrlRead($srcFileTypePDF) = $GUI_CHECKED Then
                $_theFile = FileOpenDialog("Please select the source file", @ScriptDir, "PDF files (*.pdf)")
                $AdobePath = isAdobe()
                If $AdobePath <> False Then; Check if Adobe Reader is installed
                    Run($AdobePath, @SystemDir) <---- This does _NOT_ work ($AdobePath contains: C:\Programme\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe)
                    Run("C:\Programme\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe", @SystemDir) <---- This works fine
                    MsgBox(48, "Error", "Adobe Reader cannot be found!")
            ElseIf GUICtrlRead($srcFileTypeTxt) = $GUI_CHECKED Then
                $_theFile = FileOpenDialog("Please select the source file", @ScriptDir, "Textfiles (*.txt)")
        Case $srcFileTypePDF; If the user clicks on "Source is orig. PDF", inform him that Adobe Reader is required
            If GUICtrlRead($srcFileTypePDF) = $GUI_CHECKED Then MsgBox(64, "Info", "Note: To use the original PDF as source, Adobe Reader has to be installed on your system!")


Func isAdobe()
    RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c dir /b /s /a AcroRd32.exe > " & @TempDir & "\_tmpFindAcroRd.txt", @ProgramFilesDir & "\Adobe", @SW_HIDE)
    If StringInStr(FileRead(@TempDir & "\_tmpFindAcroRd.txt"), "AcroRd32.exe") Then 
        Return FileRead(@TempDir & "\_tmpFindAcroRd.txt")
        Return False
    FileDelete(@TempDir & "\_tmpFindAcroRd.txt")

So when I use the Run command to execute the program, nothing happens. Not even an error message!!

I have no idea anymore... Maybe I am too blind to see the error. muttley

I hope someone here can help me!



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Hey ppl,

I have a weird problem with running an external app (Adobe Reader).

I search with the "dir" command (dir /b /s /a) for the Adobe Reader and want to use the path to run the application.

See my code for details...


While 1

$nMsg = GUIGetMsg()

Switch $nMsg



Case $sourceBtn

If GUICtrlRead($srcFileTypePDF) = $GUI_CHECKED Then

$_theFile = FileOpenDialog("Please select the source file", @ScriptDir, "PDF files (*.pdf)")

$AdobePath = isAdobe()

If $AdobePath <> False Then; Check if Adobe Reader is installed

Run($AdobePath, @SystemDir) <---- This does _NOT_ work ($AdobePath contains: C:\Programme\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe)

Run("C:\Programme\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe", @SystemDir) <---- This works fine


MsgBox(48, "Error", "Adobe Reader cannot be found!")


ElseIf GUICtrlRead($srcFileTypeTxt) = $GUI_CHECKED Then

$_theFile = FileOpenDialog("Please select the source file", @ScriptDir, "Textfiles (*.txt)")


Case $srcFileTypePDF; If the user clicks on "Source is orig. PDF", inform him that Adobe Reader is required

If GUICtrlRead($srcFileTypePDF) = $GUI_CHECKED Then MsgBox(64, "Info", "Note: To use the original PDF as source, Adobe Reader has to be installed on your system!")



Func isAdobe()

RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c dir /b /s /a AcroRd32.exe > " & @TempDir & "\_tmpFindAcroRd.txt", @ProgramFilesDir & "\Adobe", @SW_HIDE)

If StringInStr(FileRead(@TempDir & "\_tmpFindAcroRd.txt"), "AcroRd32.exe") Then

Return FileRead(@TempDir & "\_tmpFindAcroRd.txt")


Return False


FileDelete(@TempDir & "\_tmpFindAcroRd.txt")


So when I use the Run command to execute the program, nothing happens. Not even an error message!!

I have no idea anymore... Maybe I am too blind to see the error. muttley

I hope someone here can help me!



Just for reference, with Adobe Reader 8.x, you can do a RegRead() for the default value of the key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\InstallPath

That will give you the root directory for "AcroRd32.exe"

Edited by Monamo

- MoChr(77)& Chr(97)& Chr(100)& Chr(101)& Chr(32)& Chr(121)& Chr(97)& Chr(32)& Chr(108)& Chr(111)& Chr(111)& Chr(107)-------I've told you 100,000 times not to exaggerate!-------Don't make me hit you with my cigarette hand...-------My scripts:Random Episode Selector, Keyboard MouseMover, CopyPath v2.1, SmartRename for XP,Window Tracer[sup]New![/sup]

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Wouldn't this make more sense to get the path to the Reader EXE?

$result = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AcroRd32.exe", "")
MsgBox(0,"Adobe Reader Path", $result)
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Wouldn't this make more sense to get the path to the Reader EXE?

$result = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AcroRd32.exe", "")
MsgBox(0,"Adobe Reader Path", $result)
Thanks!! That worked fine...

Sometimes it is too bad... :( The easiest way and I tried it the difficult way... :)


That would not work because of the version number... muttley

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