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Posted (edited)

Hi all,

With lots of thanks to weaponx who showed me, StructureConstants.au3 and realised that I had my DllCall mixed up and monoceres for showing me how to create a structure, I present to you AutoIt3 and Aero Glass! Komalo for the original DWMEnableBlurBehind and BrettF for another structure issue.

Posted ImagePosted Image

Four functions:

  • _Vista_ApplyGlass($hWnd) - Applies the glass effect to the whole GUI
  • _Vista_ApplyGlassArea($hWnd, $Area) - Applies glass to an area (array) on the GUI
  • _Vista_EnableBlurBehind - Blurs the background of a GUI (still effects controls, need to fix)
  • _Vista_ICE - Returns 1 if DWM is enabled, otherwise 0
#include <GUIConstants.au3>
 $Struct = DllStructCreate("int cxLeftWidth;int cxRightWidth;int cyTopHeight;int cyBottomHeight;")
 $sStruct = DllStructCreate("dword;int;ptr;int")
 Global $MyArea[4] = [50, 50, 50, 50]
 $GUI = GUICreate("Windows Vista DWM", 243, 243)
 $Apply = GUICtrlCreateButton("Apply", 80, 104, 83, 25, 0)
 $ICE = GUICtrlCreateButton("DWM Check", 80, 134, 83, 25, 0)
 While 1
     $iMsg = GUIGetMsg()
     Switch $iMsg
         Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
         Case $Apply
         Case $ICE
             If _Vista_ICE() Then
                 MsgBox(0, "_Vista_ICE", "DWM is enabled!")
                 MsgBox(0, "_Vista_ICE", "DWM is NOT enabled!")
; #FUNCTION#;===============================================================================
; Name...........: _Vista_ApplyGlass
; Description ...: Applys glass effect to a window
; Syntax.........: _Vista_ApplyGlass($hWnd, [$bColor)
; Parameters ....: $hWnd - Window handle:
;                 $bColor  - Background color
; Return values .: Success - No return
;                 Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: James Brooks
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: Thanks to weaponx!
; Related .......:
; Link ..........;
; Example .......; Yes
 Func _Vista_ApplyGlass($hWnd, $bColor = 0x000000)
     If @OSVersion <> "WIN_VISTA" Then
         MsgBox(16, "_Vista_ApplyGlass", "You are not running Vista!")
         GUISetBkColor($bColor); Must be here!
         $Ret = DllCall("dwmapi.dll", "long", "DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea", "hwnd", $hWnd, "long*", DllStructGetPtr($Struct))
         If @error Then
             Return 0
             Return $Ret
 EndFunc ;==>_Vista_ApplyGlass
; #FUNCTION#;===============================================================================
; Name...........: _Vista_ApplyGlassArea
; Description ...: Applys glass effect to a window area
; Syntax.........: _Vista_ApplyGlassArea($hWnd, $Area, [$bColor)
; Parameters ....: $hWnd - Window handle:
;                  $Area - Array containing area points
;                 $bColor  - Background color
; Return values .: Success - No return
;                 Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: James Brooks
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: Thanks to monoceres!
; Related .......:
; Link ..........;
; Example .......; Yes
 Func _Vista_ApplyGlassArea($hWnd, $Area, $bColor = 0x000000)
     If @OSVersion <> "WIN_VISTA" Then
         MsgBox(16, "_Vista_ApplyGlass", "You are not running Vista!")
         If IsArray($Area) Then
             DllStructSetData($Struct, "cxLeftWidth", $Area[0])
             DllStructSetData($Struct, "cxRightWidth", $Area[1])
             DllStructSetData($Struct, "cyTopHeight", $Area[2])
             DllStructSetData($Struct, "cyBottomHeight", $Area[3])
             GUISetBkColor($bColor); Must be here!
             $Ret = DllCall("dwmapi.dll", "long*", "DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea", "hwnd", $hWnd, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($Struct))
             If @error Then
                 Return 0
                 Return $Ret
             MsgBox(16, "_Vista_ApplyGlassArea", "Area specified is not an array!")
 EndFunc ;==>_Vista_ApplyGlassArea
; #FUNCTION#;===============================================================================
; Name...........: _Vista_EnableBlurBehind
; Description ...: Enables the blur effect on the provided window handle.
; Syntax.........: _Vista_EnableBlurBehind($hWnd)
; Parameters ....: $hWnd - Window handle:
; Return values .: Success - No return
;                 Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: James Brooks
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: Thanks to komalo
; Related .......:
; Link ..........;
; Example .......; Yes
 Func _Vista_EnableBlurBehind($hWnd, $bColor = 0x000000)
     If @OSVersion <> "WIN_VISTA" Then
         MsgBox(16, "_Vista_ApplyGlass", "You are not running Vista!")
         Const $DWM_BB_ENABLE = 0x00000001
         DllStructSetData($sStruct, 1, $DWM_BB_ENABLE)
         DllStructSetData($sStruct, 2, "1")
         DllStructSetData($sStruct, 4, "1")
         GUISetBkColor($bColor); Must be here!
         $Ret = DllCall("dwmapi.dll", "int", "DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow", "hwnd", $hWnd, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($sStruct))
         If @error Then
             Return 0
             Return $Ret
 EndFunc ;==>_Vista_EnableBlurBehind
; #FUNCTION#;===============================================================================
; Name...........: _Vista_ICE
; Description ...: Returns 1 if DWM is enabled or 0 if not
; Syntax.........: _Vista_ICE()
; Parameters ....: 
; Return values .: Success - Returns 1
;                 Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: James Brooks
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: Thanks to BrettF
; Related .......:
; Link ..........;
; Example .......; Yes
 Func _Vista_ICE()
     $ICEStruct = DllStructCreate("int;")
     $Ret = DllCall("dwmapi.dll", "int", "DwmIsCompositionEnabled", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($ICEStruct))
     If @error Then
         Return 0
         Return DllStructGetData($ICEStruct, 1)
 EndFunc ;==>_Vista_ICE


Edited by JamesBrooks
Posted (edited)

this line


should be


not a big deal but i figured i would let you know muttley

Edited by MerkurAlex

[quote name='PsaltyDS' post='635433' date='Jan 27 2009, 07:04 AM']Larry is a mass murderer?! It's always the quiet, clean cut, bald guys... [/quote]


I am on XP so this will not work..can we get a higher quality image preview, please?

[left][sub]We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine.[/sub][sup]And the machine is bleeding to death...[/sup][sup][/sup][/left]


this line


should be


not a big deal but i figured i would let you know :P

When I originally had that it wouldn't work full stop.

Very nice muttley

I had no idea that this was possible :)

Heh, I have had the idea for a while, I just found how to do it :(

I am on XP so this will not work..can we get a higher quality image preview, please?

I only have Paint at the moment, the button comes out like that either way.

I have never used Vista, but how is this different from the default look of your gui? Is it just plain by default?


I have never used Vista, but how is this different from the default look of your gui? Is it just plain by default?

If you look at his DllCall it should be obvious

Return DllCall($dll, "long", "DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea", "hwnd",$hWnd , "long*", DllStructGetPtr($tMargins))


do you guys know this doesnt work on vista home basic?

i think it needs premium or ultimate for that guys, but on my pc it looks cool muttley


and proud of it!!!
Posted (edited)

do you guys know this doesnt work on vista home basic?

i think it needs premium or ultimate for that guys, but on my pc it looks cool muttley


Ofcourse it DOESN'T work, whoever told you otherwise is either ignorant or stupid. (or both)

Edit: And it's Home Premium that is the minimum requirement. Link1, Link2

Edited by AdmiralAlkex

Did you bother to think about this line of code?


@OSTYPE returns a string which you force to bool with the Not keyword. Since it was a non-empty string it's converted to boolean True which is then inverted producing boolean False. You then compare boolean False to the string "WIN_VISTA".

As was mentioned, the correct operator is <>. Or if you're going to use Not then you need to use parenthesis to group it, although using Not is just extra code that doesn't need to exist.


Did you bother to think about this line of code?


@OSTYPE returns a string which you force to bool with the Not keyword. Since it was a non-empty string it's converted to boolean True which is then inverted producing boolean False. You then compare boolean False to the string "WIN_VISTA".

As was mentioned, the correct operator is <>. Or if you're going to use Not then you need to use parenthesis to group it, although using Not is just extra code that doesn't need to exist.

OK, well I can change the way it checks in a snap, I just didn't think about doing it before.

Can you make only a portion to be glass and the rest to be normal, like in the picture below ? (the portion marked with red)

Posted Image




I just found that for me @OS_TYPE returns WIN32_NT, I am running Vista Home Premium.

That is because @OS_TYPE returns the windows family the user is running, not the current version of windows.

Try @OS_Version instead muttley

Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!

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