ProgAndy Posted June 26, 2008 Posted June 26, 2008 (edited) This is a port of the example Script in How about a progressbar like this? to an UDF.These are the functions:expandcollapse popup#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Prog@ndy after Script from nobbe ( 2008 in ) Script Function: A UDF for colored Progressbars with GDIPlus Remarks: Theres an example from Line 22 to line 112 ( between the first #Region - #Endregion Tags #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _ProgressCreate ; Description:: Creates a GDIplus Progressbar ; Parameter(s): $x : left ; $y : top ; $w : width ; $h : height ; $Col : [Optional] Top color of the foreground gradient ; $GradCol : [Optional] Bottom color of the foreground gradient ; $BG : [Optional] Top color of the background gradient ; $GradBG : [Optional] Bottom color of the background gradient ; Requirement(s): GDIplus ; Return Value(s): Success: ID of Progressbar, Error: 0 ; Author(s): Prog@ndy ; ;=============================================================================== ; ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _ProgressDelete ; Description:: Deletes a GDI+ Progressbar ; Parameter(s): $ID : ID of Progressbar ; Requirement(s): GDIplus ; Return Value(s): Sucess: 1, Error: 0 ; Author(s): Prog@ndy ; ;=============================================================================== ; ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _ProgressSetColors( ; Description:: Sets gradients as foreground and background ; Parameter(s): $ID : ID of Progressbar ; $Col : Top color of the foreground gradient ; $GradCol : Bottom color of the foreground gradient ; $BG : Top color of the background gradient ; $GradBG : Bottom color of the background gradient ; If $Col or $GradCol is -1, the foreground gradient isn't changed ; If $BG or $GradBG is -1, the background gradient isn't changed ; Requirement(s): Winapi.au3, GDIplus ; Return Value(s): Success: 1, Error: 0 ; Author(s): Prog@ndy ; ;=============================================================================== ; ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _ProgressSetImages( ; Description:: Sets images as foreground and background by Path ; Parameter(s): $ID : ID of Progressbar ; $ForeBmp : Path to image , empty String "" To leave the old ; The foreground image ; $BackBmp : [Optional] Path to image , empty String "" To leave the old ; The background image ; Requirement(s): Winapi.au3, GDIplus ; Return Value(s): Success: 1, Error: 0 ; Author(s): Prog@ndy ; ;=============================================================================== ; ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _ProgressSetHBitmaps( ; Description:: Sets previously loaded GDIplus Images / bitmaps as foreground and background ; Parameter(s): $ID : ID of Progressbar ; $ForeBmp : Handle to GDIplus -image or -bitmap , -1 To leave the old ; The foreground image ; $BackBmp : [Optional] Handle to GDIplus -image or -bitmap , -1 To leave the old ; The background image ; Requirement(s): Winapi.au3, GDIplus ; Return Value(s): Success: 1, Error: 0 ; Author(s): Prog@ndy ; ;=============================================================================== ; ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _ProgressSetText( ; Description:: Sets the text to be shown ; Parameter(s): $ID : ID of Progressbar ; $text: -> TRUE : Show percent ; -> A string to be shown, %P% is replaced with Percentage ; Requirement(s): This UDf ; Return Value(s): Success: 1, Error: 0 ; Author(s): Prog@ndy ; ;=============================================================================== ; ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _ProgressSetFont() ; Description:: Sets the Font and Color of the Text of the Progressbar ; Parameter(s): $ID : ID of Progressbar ; $Font : Name of the font (empty String "" to do not change) ; $size : [Optional] size of the font ( 0 or negative to leave the old) ; $Styles : [Optional] The style of the typeface. Can be a combination of the following: ; 0 - Normal weight or thickness of the typeface ; 1 - Bold typeface ; 2 - Italic typeface ; 4 - Underline ; 8 - Strikethrough ; ( -1, negative to leave the old) ; $ARGBcolor : [Optional] the color of the font, can be RGB or ARGB (depending on $isARGB) ; (empty String "" to do not change) ; $isARGB : [Optional] Sets, whether $ARGBcolor is RGB (False, default) or ARGB (True) ; Requirement(s): This UDF ; Return Value(s): Success: 1, Error: 0 ; Author(s): Prog@ndy ; ;=============================================================================== ; ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _ProgressSet() ; Description:: Sets the percentage of the Progressbar ; Parameter(s): $ID : ID of Progressbar ; $prc The percentage to set ; Requirement(s): This UDF :) ; Return Value(s): If Progressbar odes not Exist: @error is set to 1 ; Author(s): Prog@ndy ; ;=============================================================================== ; ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _ProgressMarquee() ; Description:: Sets the ; Parameter(s): $ID : ID of Progressbar ; $speed : The speed of the Marquee: 1 to 10, smaller as 1 turns it off ; $makeSmallFront : Crop the Front image to 1/10 of its former width ; If it was created by _ProgressSetColors, this is 1/10 of Progress Width :) ; If this is set to -1 and $speed is set to < 0 then the Front image size is ; set to the width of the Progressbar ; Requirement(s): WinAPI ; Return Value(s): If Progressbar does not Exist: @error is set to 1 ; Author(s): Prog@ndy ; ;=============================================================================== ;And an example:expandcollapse popup#include <GDIpProgress.au3> ;################################## ; EXAMPLE #Region EXAMPLE $Gui = GUICreate("Gradient ProgressBar", 400, 350) ;Progress 1 + Controls $slid = GUICtrlCreateSlider(5, 20, 310, 30) ;; check only for first bar $Status_Label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("0%", 330, 30, 30, 20) $btn_0 = GUICtrlCreateButton("0", 2, 100, 15, 25, 0) $btn_25 = GUICtrlCreateButton("25", 20, 100, 75, 25, 0) $btn_50 = GUICtrlCreateButton("50", 120, 100, 75, 25, 0) $btn_75 = GUICtrlCreateButton("75", 220, 100, 75, 25, 0) $btn_cl1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Colors 1", 20, 140, 75, 25, 0) $btn_cl2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Colors 2", 220, 140, 75, 25, 0) $btn_vistOK = GUICtrlCreateButton("Vista OK", 220, 180, 75, 25, 0) $btn_vistError = GUICtrlCreateButton("Vista Error", 220, 210, 75, 25, 0) $btn_vistPause = GUICtrlCreateButton("Vista Pause", 220, 240, 75, 25, 0) $btn_txt = GUICtrlCreateButton("Set Text", 100, 180, 75, 25, 0) $in_txt = GUICtrlCreateInput("%P%", 20, 180, 75, 25, 0) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Use %P% to show Percentage" & @CRLF & "Leave empty to show no text") $sID = _ProgressCreate(10, 60, 300, 40) _ProgressSetText($sID, "Install %P%%") ; End Progress 1 + Controls ;Progress 2 + Controls $Progress2 = _ProgressCreate(10, 280, 300, 20) _ProgressSet($Progress2, 43) $input = GUICtrlCreateInput("43", 320, 280, 50, 20, $ES_NUMBER) GUICtrlSetLimit($input, 3, 1) $updown = GUICtrlCreateUpdown($input) GUICtrlSetLimit($updown, 100, 0) ;End Progress 2 + Controls ;Progress Marquee + Controls $PMarquee = _ProgressCreate(10, 310, 300, 30) _ProgressSetImages($PMarquee, @ScriptDir & "\prgimgs\marquee.jpg", @ScriptDir & "\prgimgs\bg.jpg") _ProgressMarquee($PMarquee, 2, 0) $marVist = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Vista Style",315,315,100,20) GUICtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_CHECKED) ;End Progress Marquee + Controls GUISetState() While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $btn_0 _ProgressSet($sID, 0) GUICtrlSetData($slid, 0) Case $btn_25 _ProgressSet($sID, 25) GUICtrlSetData($slid, 25) Case $btn_50 _ProgressSet($sID, 50) GUICtrlSetData($slid, 50) Case $btn_75 _ProgressSet($sID, 75) GUICtrlSetData($slid, 75) Case $btn_cl1 _ProgressSetColors($sID, 0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0xA1B0BB, 0x4455FF) _ProgressSetFont($sID, "", -1, -1, 0xFFBBBBFF, True) Case $btn_cl2 _ProgressSetColors($sID, 0x89A49B, 0xF0D6C7, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF) _ProgressSetFont($sID, "", -1, -1, 0x000000) Case $btn_vistOK _ProgressSetImages($sID, @ScriptDir & "\prgimgs\green.jpg", @ScriptDir & "\prgimgs\bg.jpg") _ProgressSetFont($sID, "", -1, -1, 0x0000FF) Case $btn_vistPause _ProgressSetImages($sID, @ScriptDir & "\prgimgs\yellow.jpg", @ScriptDir & "\prgimgs\bg.jpg") _ProgressSetFont($sID, "", -1, -1, 0xFF0000) Case $btn_vistError _ProgressSetImages($sID, @ScriptDir & "\prgimgs\red.jpg", @ScriptDir & "\prgimgs\bg.jpg") _ProgressSetFont($sID, "", -1, -1, 0x000000) Case $btn_txt _ProgressSetText($sID, GUICtrlRead($in_txt)) Case $input, $updown _ProgressSet($Progress2, GUICtrlRead($input)) Case $marVist If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($marVist),$GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED Then _ProgressSetImages($PMarquee, @ScriptDir & "\prgimgs\marquee.jpg", @ScriptDir & "\prgimgs\bg.jpg") Else _ProgressSetColors($PMarquee, 0xFFFF00, 0x00FF00, 0xAAAA00, 0xFF0000) _ProgressMarquee($PMarquee, 2, 1) EndIf Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE _ProgressDelete($sID) ; MUST BE DONE ON EXIT _Progress_CallBack_Free(1) ; Force Killing Timer _GDIPlus_Shutdown() Exit EndSwitch If $iPercent <> GUICtrlRead($slid) Then $iPercent = GUICtrlRead($slid) GUICtrlSetData($Status_Label, $iPercent & "%") _ProgressSet($sID, $iPercent) EndIf WEndDownload-Link Downloads: Edited May 3, 2011 by ProgAndy *GERMAN* [note: you are not allowed to remove author / modified info from my UDFs]My UDFs:[_SetImageBinaryToCtrl] [_TaskDialog] [AutoItObject] [Animated GIF (GDI+)] [ClipPut for Image] [FreeImage] [GDI32 UDFs] [GDIPlus Progressbar] [Hotkey-Selector] [Multiline Inputbox] [MySQL without ODBC] [RichEdit UDFs] [SpeechAPI Example] [WinHTTP]UDFs included in AutoIt: FTP_Ex (as FTPEx), _WinAPI_SetLayeredWindowAttributes
Uriziel01 Posted June 26, 2008 Posted June 26, 2008 WoW ! I like it very much ! I'll better delete thread with my "pseudo" ProgressBar UDF Very impressive Thx for Sharing
ProgAndy Posted June 26, 2008 Author Posted June 26, 2008 Why delete you thread? For Scripts that have to work with older Windows without GDIplus, you can't use these UDFs *GERMAN* [note: you are not allowed to remove author / modified info from my UDFs]My UDFs:[_SetImageBinaryToCtrl] [_TaskDialog] [AutoItObject] [Animated GIF (GDI+)] [ClipPut for Image] [FreeImage] [GDI32 UDFs] [GDIPlus Progressbar] [Hotkey-Selector] [Multiline Inputbox] [MySQL without ODBC] [RichEdit UDFs] [SpeechAPI Example] [WinHTTP]UDFs included in AutoIt: FTP_Ex (as FTPEx), _WinAPI_SetLayeredWindowAttributes
ludocus Posted June 26, 2008 Posted June 26, 2008 I got rid off some stuff and got this: #include <GDIpProgress.au3> ;################################## ; EXAMPLE #Region EXAMPLE $Gui = GUICreate("Gradient ProgressBar", 400, 350) $sID = _ProgressCreate(10, 60, 300, 20) _ProgressSetText($sID, "%P%%") _ProgressSetImages($sID, @ScriptDir & "\prgimgs\green.jpg", @ScriptDir & "\prgimgs\bg.jpg") _ProgressSetFont($sID, "", -1, -1, 0x0000FF) _ProgressSet($sID, 10) GUISetState() While 1 Tooltip($iPercent) $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE _ProgressDelete($sID); MUST BE DONE ON EXIT _Progress_CallBack_Free(1); Force Killing Timer _GDIPlus_Shutdown() Exit EndSwitch WEnd I thought that $iPercent whas the percent.. but it isn't how do I get the percent?? (like: GUICtrlRead($ProgressBar))
ProgAndy Posted June 26, 2008 Author Posted June 26, 2008 (edited) To REad the Percent of a progressbar, use: Func _ProgressGet(ByRef $ID) If Not IsArray($_Progress_Bars) Or UBound($_Progress_Bars, 2) <> 15 Or UBound($_Progress_Bars) < ($ID - 1) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If _WinAPI_HiWord($_Progress_Bars[$ID][8]) > 0 Then Return -1; Marquee Return _WinAPI_LoWord($_Progress_Bars[$ID][8]) EndFunc //Edit: The $iPercent is just a temporary variable to save the value of the slider and check it for changes Edited June 26, 2008 by ProgAndy *GERMAN* [note: you are not allowed to remove author / modified info from my UDFs]My UDFs:[_SetImageBinaryToCtrl] [_TaskDialog] [AutoItObject] [Animated GIF (GDI+)] [ClipPut for Image] [FreeImage] [GDI32 UDFs] [GDIPlus Progressbar] [Hotkey-Selector] [Multiline Inputbox] [MySQL without ODBC] [RichEdit UDFs] [SpeechAPI Example] [WinHTTP]UDFs included in AutoIt: FTP_Ex (as FTPEx), _WinAPI_SetLayeredWindowAttributes
JustinMeyer Posted July 4, 2008 Posted July 4, 2008 This is very very cool! Does anyone know of a well documented resource on GDI+, I have not had much luck with MSDN. Mostly have had to rely on the forums (so helpful, thanks everyone) and trial and error.
MerkurAlex Posted July 5, 2008 Posted July 5, 2008 Very nice. P.S if you set the bar to 0 then 1 a couple of times you will notice the end of the bar gets longer and shorter. Why is that? [quote name='PsaltyDS' post='635433' date='Jan 27 2009, 07:04 AM']Larry is a mass murderer?! It's always the quiet, clean cut, bald guys... [/quote]
DK12000 Posted July 19, 2008 Posted July 19, 2008 This is awsome and perfect for a script i'm working on, but unfortunately it causes autoit to hang badly when OnEventMode is used and you try to close the window, exiting by using the tray icon works ok tho. From what I can see the _ProgressDelete function isnt working, unless of course i'm just doing something dumb, any help appreciated muttley This is not the actual script but a test representation that has the same result. CODE#include <GDIpProgress.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1) #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Debug_Mode=Y AutoItSetOption ( "TrayAutoPause", 0 ) $mainwindow = GUICreate("GDI test", 300, 300, -1, -1,$WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_Exit") $Prog =_ProgressCreate(220,2, 70, 18) _ProgressSetColors($Prog, 0xFFFF00, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF, 0x000099) _ProgressSetText ( $Prog, "") _ProgressMarquee($Prog, 8, 0) _ProgressMarquee($Prog, 8, 1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 Sleep(1000) ; Idle around WEnd Func _Exit() _ProgressDelete($Prog) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() ConsoleWrite (@error) Exit EndFunc
ProgAndy Posted July 19, 2008 Author Posted July 19, 2008 Error in error checking The Progressbar was never deleted and somehow, it got stuck then muttley I reuploaded it, now it should work again. *GERMAN* [note: you are not allowed to remove author / modified info from my UDFs]My UDFs:[_SetImageBinaryToCtrl] [_TaskDialog] [AutoItObject] [Animated GIF (GDI+)] [ClipPut for Image] [FreeImage] [GDI32 UDFs] [GDIPlus Progressbar] [Hotkey-Selector] [Multiline Inputbox] [MySQL without ODBC] [RichEdit UDFs] [SpeechAPI Example] [WinHTTP]UDFs included in AutoIt: FTP_Ex (as FTPEx), _WinAPI_SetLayeredWindowAttributes
DK12000 Posted July 20, 2008 Posted July 20, 2008 Awsome, that fixed it. Thanks for this, it is now my progress bar of choice muttley jmon 1
ProgAndy Posted July 20, 2008 Author Posted July 20, 2008 FIXED: Error in previous Fix. Variable used twice ... *GERMAN* [note: you are not allowed to remove author / modified info from my UDFs]My UDFs:[_SetImageBinaryToCtrl] [_TaskDialog] [AutoItObject] [Animated GIF (GDI+)] [ClipPut for Image] [FreeImage] [GDI32 UDFs] [GDIPlus Progressbar] [Hotkey-Selector] [Multiline Inputbox] [MySQL without ODBC] [RichEdit UDFs] [SpeechAPI Example] [WinHTTP]UDFs included in AutoIt: FTP_Ex (as FTPEx), _WinAPI_SetLayeredWindowAttributes
Achilles Posted July 21, 2008 Posted July 21, 2008 Wow! Very nice work on this. I might change a few up my scripts to use it just so they look better.. My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
DK12000 Posted July 23, 2008 Posted July 23, 2008 Yeah, I was going to mention the error on exit but got side tracked with work, sorry. One little thing, would it be possible to get it to obey the GUICtrlSetResizing (-1, $GUI_DOCKAUTO) command so it doesn't streeeetch with the window when it rezised ? Just a thought.
Darth Posted July 23, 2008 Posted July 23, 2008 thanks this'll be great for my battle system once I get around to recoding it
dmoniac Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 Bug for me.I have make progress bar with example based.When I click to my close button my Interface freeze.In function _Progress_CallBack_Free, before the call If $_Progress_ahCallBack[0] <> -1 Then DllCallbackFree($_Progress_ahCallBack[0])I put a Msgbox(0,"test", "hello")I run again my program and it close normaly.When I comment these lines:If $_Progress_ahCallBack[0] <> -1 Then DllCallbackFree($_Progress_ahCallBack[0]) If $_Progress_ahCallBack[1] <> -1 Then DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "KillTimer", "hwnd", 0*ConsoleWrite("KILL" & @CRLF) , "uint", $_Progress_ahCallBack[1])Sometimes my App close normaly, sometimes it freeze.If I call _GDIPlus_Shutdown() it's OK.trace$_Progress_ahCallBack[0]=1An idea ?
dmoniac Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 Bug for me.I have make progress bar with example based.When I click to my close button my Interface freeze.In function _Progress_CallBack_Free, before the call If $_Progress_ahCallBack[0] <> -1 Then DllCallbackFree($_Progress_ahCallBack[0])I put a Msgbox(0,"test", "hello")I run again my program and it close normaly.When I comment these lines:If $_Progress_ahCallBack[0] <> -1 Then DllCallbackFree($_Progress_ahCallBack[0]) If $_Progress_ahCallBack[1] <> -1 Then DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "KillTimer", "hwnd", 0*ConsoleWrite("KILL" & @CRLF) , "uint", $_Progress_ahCallBack[1])Sometimes my App close normaly, sometimes it freeze.If I call _GDIPlus_Shutdown() it's OK.trace$_Progress_ahCallBack[0]=1An idea ?
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