ttleser Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 Greeting all,Kip, this UDF looks pretty cool. I'm hoping to put it to good use.I've got a few questions if anyone would be willing to help me out here. Please keep in mind I'm new to programming, so the code may appear "spagetti like", I'll try to refine it later.I'm writing 2 scripts...Script "A" (Server script) will run on my file server and will:1. Detect when a thumb drive is inserted in a USB port (on the server) then2. Ping "key" systems and those that are successfully pinged, launch client script on those systems using PSEXEC then3. Make sure one "specific" client has established a connection to the server, wait at most 10min for it to connect, and if after 10min it hasn't connected make sure least one other remote client has a connection to the server then4. Send message to client(s) letting them know the thumb drive was inserted on date/time and that backup has begun then5. Begin backing up data from a server hard drive to the thumb drive then6. Store various backup events into a variable and export those on the fly to connected clients (or the entire "log of events" to newly connected clients) then7. Finish backup, using Microsoft's devcon utility "disconnect" the thumb drive then8. Send message to clients it's safe to remove the thumb drive.9. Once thumb drive has been removed, send message to all clients telling them the thumb drive was removed, ok to close client program.Script "B" (Client(s) script) will run possible multiple clients.1. Establish connection to server.2. Send it's computername to server for it to evaluate if the connecting client is the "specific" client it really wants.3. Receive event messages from the serverI've gotten the thumb drive detection/backup portion working good, just need help on the following.I need the server and clients to talk back and forth to each other (clients to server, server to clients, not clients to clients). I basically want that "specific" client to send it's computername to the server, that way the server will know its connected so it can either proceed with the backup OR wait 10min and take whatever other clients are connected before proceeding with the backup. Basically I've got 1 person that is responsible for backups, but a few "key" others would like to make sure the server is backed up (receiving status updates from the server). If that 1 "specific" person is off on that day, one of those "key" others would be responsible for performing the backup, hence the message would need to be sent to them.I'd need help understanding how the _TCP_Server_ClientList() function works, can someone provide an example of it's usage? Here are the example scripts, that I've modified, in an attempt to understand how to make the client and server talk BACK AND FORTH. I've only setup the client script (unsuccessfully) to be able to send text back to the server via a GUI-Input and using a send button. I think the script isn't working because of the "Select - Case" function for detecting if the button was pushed. I played around with various ideas, none of which has made it work.Can someone tell me/correct what I'm doing wrong?Don't forget that I'd also like an example on the _TCP_Server_ClientList() function.. Thanks much!!!!Server Script#include "TCP.au3" #include "array.au3" $hGui = GUICreate("Client Messages",300,200,100,100) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) $Edit = GuiCtrlCreateEdit("",5,5,290,190) $hClient = _TCP_Client_Create(@IPAddress2, 89); Create a client to allow the server to act as a client for receiving messages from actual clients, used a different port hoping that would allow it to work. $hServer = _TCP_Server_Create(88); A server. Tadaa! _TCP_RegisterEvent($hServer, $TCP_NEWCLIENT, "NewClient"); Whooooo! Now, this function (NewClient) get's called when a new client connects to the server. _TCP_RegisterEvent($hServer, $TCP_DISCONNECT, "Disconnect"); And this,... this will get called when a client disconnects. _TCP_RegisterEvent($hServer, $TCP_RECEIVE, "Received") $msg = GUIGetMsg() While 1 sleep(5) WEnd Func Received($hSocket, $sReceived, $iError); And we also registered this! Our homemade do-it-yourself function gets called when something is received. GUICtrlSetData($Edit, $sReceived) EndFunc Func NewClient($hSocket, $iError); Yo, check this out! It's a $iError parameter! (In case you didn't noticed: It's in every function) GUICtrlSetData($Edit,"New client connected."&@CRLF&"Sending Greeting to Client") _TCP_Send($hSocket, "Hello New Client"&@CRLF) _TCP_Send($hSocket, "This is the 2nd Message"&@CRLF) EndFunc Func Disconnect($hSocket, $iError); Damn, we lost a client. Time of death: @Hour & @Min & @Sec :P GUICtrlSetData($Edit,"Client disconnected.") EndFuncClient Scriptexpandcollapse popup#include "TCP.au3" #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> $hGui = GUICreate("Server Messages",300,225,100,305) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) $Edit = GuiCtrlCreateEdit("",5,5,290,190) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Message",5,202,50,20) $Message = GUICtrlCreateInput("",55,200,180,20) $SendButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Send",240,200,50,20) $hClient = _TCP_Client_Create(@IPAddress1, 88); Create the client. Which will connect to the local ip address on port 88 $hServer = _TCP_Server_Create(89) _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_RECEIVE, "Received"); Function "Received" will get called when something is received _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_CONNECT, "Connected"); And func "Connected" will get called when the client is connected. _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_DISCONNECT, "Disconnected"); And "Disconnected" will get called when the server disconnects us, or when the connection is lost. $msg = GUIGetMsg() ;Try to do a "select - case" to recognize if the button was pushed, read the data and send it to the server. Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $msg = $SendButton _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_Send, "SendMessage") EndSelect While 1 Sleep(5); just to keep the program running WEnd Func SendMessage($hSocket, $iError); Yo, check this out! It's a $iError parameter! (In case you didn't noticed: It's in every function) _TCP_Send($hSocket, GuiCtrlRead($Message)&@CRLF) EndFunc Func Connected($hSocket, $iError); We registered this (you see?), When we're connected (or not) this function will be called. If not $iError Then; If there is no error... GUICtrlSetData($Edit, "Connected!") Else; ,else... GUICtrlSetData($Edit, "Could not connect. Are you sure the server is running?") EndIf EndFunc Func Received($hSocket, $sReceived, $iError); And we also registered this! Our homemade do-it-yourself function gets called when something is received. GUICtrlSetData($Edit, $sReceived) Func Disconnected($hSocket, $iError); Our disconnect function. Notice that all functions should have an $iError parameter. GUICtrlSetData($Edit, "Connection closed or lost.") EndFunc
Kip Posted April 1, 2010 Author Posted April 1, 2010 (edited) When are people going to learn to read?My first post clearly states, in a very nice underlined font, that:You can't create a server and a client in the same script.(I added the bold style here to make it more clear.) Edited April 1, 2010 by Kip MailSpons: Fake SMTP server for safe email testing Dutch postcode & address API.
grandim Posted April 16, 2010 Posted April 16, 2010 Hello, I am having some problems with a client script that send logs to a server script. Its inconsistent, sometimes the data just doesn't get sent. If I telnet to the server it always receive the data. Multiple clients can be connected to server and work fine for while. Sometime a client will connect and never send anything until its restarted. Sometimes a client that worked fine for a few logs over a few hours will fail to send just one log. The main script is a gui that send logs to the server when other functions are called. The client expandcollapse popup#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: myName Script Function: Template AutoIt script. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Script Start - Add your code below here ;ToolTip("CLIENT: Connecting...",10,10) $hClient = _TCP_Client_Create("", 88); Create the client. Which will connect to the local ip address on port 88 _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_RECEIVE, "Received"); Function "Received" will get called when something is received _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_CONNECT, "Connected"); And func "Connected" will get called when the client is connected. _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_DISCONNECT, "Disconnected"); And "Disconnected" will get called when the server disconnects us, or when the connection is lost. Func Connected($hSocket, $iError); We registered this (you see?), When we're connected (or not) this function will be called. If Not $iError Then; If there is no error... ; ToolTip("CLIENT: Connected!",10,10); ... we're connected. Else; ,else... ; ToolTip("CLIENT: Could not connect. Are you sure the server is running?",10,10); ... we aren't. EndIf EndFunc ;==>Connected #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SendToServer Send the received strings to the server along with a timestamp and the username $FuncName should be the name of the function calling SendToServer $StringToSend1 to 4 are the optional strings sent by the calling function to log #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func SendToServer($FuncName, $StringToSend1 = "", $StringToSend2 = "", $StringToSend3 = "", $StringToSend4 = "") If $StringToSend2 <> "" Then $StringToSend1 = $StringToSend1 & """,""" & $StringToSend2 If $StringToSend3 <> "" Then $StringToSend1 = $StringToSend1 & """,""" & $StringToSend3 If $StringToSend4 <> "" Then $StringToSend1 = $StringToSend1 & """,""" & $StringToSend4 If $StringToSend1 <> "" Then sleep(50) _TCP_Send($hClient, """" & _Now() & """,""" & @UserName & """,""" & $FuncName & """,""" & $StringToSend1 & """" & @CRLF) Else sleep(50) _TCP_Send($hClient, """" & _Now() & """,""" & @UserName & """,""" & $FuncName & """" & @CRLF) EndIf EndFunc ;==>SendToServer Func Received($hSocket, $sReceived, $iError); And we also registered this! Our homemade do-it-yourself function gets called when something is received. ; ToolTip("CLIENT: We received this: "& $sReceived, 10,10); (and we'll display it) EndFunc ;==>Received Func Disconnected($hSocket, $iError); Our disconnect function. Notice that all functions should have an $iError parameter. ;ToolTip("CLIENT: Connection closed or lost.", 10,10) EndFunc ;==>Disconnected The server expandcollapse popup#include "TCP.au3" #include <Date.au3> #include <File.au3> ;ToolTip("SERVER: Creating server...", 10, 30) $hServer = _TCP_Server_Create(88); A server. Tadaa! _TCP_RegisterEvent($hServer, $TCP_NEWCLIENT, "NewClient"); Whooooo! Now, this function (NewClient) get's called when a new client connects to the server. _TCP_RegisterEvent($hServer, $TCP_DISCONNECT, "Disconnect"); And this,... this will get called when a client disconnects. _TCP_RegisterEvent($hServer, $TCP_RECEIVE, "ReceivedServer") While 1 sleep(10) WEnd Func NewClient($hSocket, $iError); Yo, check this out! It's a $iError parameter! (In case you didn't noticed: It's in every function) ;ToolTip("SERVER: New client connected.", 10, 30) ;_TCP_Send($hSocket, "Bleh!"); Sending: "Bleh!" to the new client. (Yes, that's right: $hSocket is the socket of the new client.) EndFunc ;==>NewClient Func Disconnect($hSocket, $iError); Damn, we lost a client. Time of death: @Hour & @Min & @Sec :P ;ToolTip("SERVER: Client disconnected.", 10, 30); Placing a tooltip right under the tooltips of the client. EndFunc ;==>Disconnect Func ReceivedServer($hSocket, $sReceived, $iError); And we also registered this! Our homemade do-it-yourself function gets called when something is received. $file = _DateToMonth(@MON)&" "&@YEAR&".csv" FileWriteLine($file,$sReceived) sleep(5) EndFunc ;==>ReceivedServer #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: myName Script Function: Template AutoIt script. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Script Start - Add your code below here Any help would be appreciated
storme Posted April 17, 2010 Posted April 17, 2010 Hello,I am having some problems with a client script that send logs to a server script. Its inconsistent, sometimes the data just doesn't get sent. If I telnet to the server it always receive the data. Multiple clients can be connected to server and work fine for while. Sometime a client will connect and never send anything until its restarted. Sometimes a client that worked fine for a few logs over a few hours will fail to send just one log.I'm doing something similar to yours but not in production yet. As my connection will be over te net I've adding "reconnect" code so if it drops out the conneciton will be remade.With the example code you've sent there is no local log file created of the conneciton. I'd suggest that be your first thing to try. Check if the connection is dropping outCheck that the SEND function is being calledCheck that the original connection is being madeThere are many things that could be causing your problem and "local" log files are the best place to start.Good Luck Some of my small contributions to AutoIt Browse for Folder Dialog - Automation SysTreeView32 | FileHippo Download and/or retrieve program information | Get installedpath from uninstall key in registry | RoboCopy function John Morrison aka Storm-E
Kip Posted April 17, 2010 Author Posted April 17, 2010 Your client doesn't loop anything. It starts up, and before the server can respond back, it shuts down again. I guess you're just lucky it works some times. MailSpons: Fake SMTP server for safe email testing Dutch postcode & address API.
lsakizada Posted April 17, 2010 Posted April 17, 2010 grandim, Please try to set delay of an about 500 milisecond before you send data. let me know if data will always be sent. I think that I have same situation. The delay works for me but I did not tested it yet deeply. Be Green Now or Never (BGNN)!
grandim Posted April 17, 2010 Posted April 17, 2010 (edited) I'm doing something similar to yours but not in production yet. As my connection will be over te net I've adding "reconnect" code so if it drops out the conneciton will be remade.With the example code you've sent there is no local log file created of the conneciton. I'd suggest that be your first thing to try. Check if the connection is dropping outCheck that the SEND function is being calledCheck that the original connection is being madeThere are many things that could be causing your problem and "local" log files are the best place to start.Good LuckI will try to remove the comments on the tooltips of the client to get some troubleshooting data.Your client doesn't loop anything. It starts up, and before the server can respond back, it shuts down again. I guess you're just lucky it works some times.TCP.au3 and TCPclient.au3 are included in a GUI based script that has its own loop.grandim, Please try to set delay of an about 500 milisecond before you send data. let me know if data will always be sent.I think that I have same situation.The delay works for me but I did not tested it yet deeply.I'll give this a try and let you know. Edited April 17, 2010 by grandim
grandim Posted April 19, 2010 Posted April 19, 2010 (edited) I resolved this by changing the port to 40123, I am on a domain so Kerberos(Well-known port 88) was fighting my script for the packets. Edited April 21, 2010 by grandim
Inny Posted April 27, 2010 Posted April 27, 2010 What method do you suggest for detecting if the connection is active, and if not, reconnecting? I'm pretty sure someone already asked this question in broken English and didn't receive an answer. I implemented the following and ran into an error:TCP.au3 (453) : ==> "ReDim" used without an array variable.: ReDim $__TCP_SOCKETS[UBound($__TCP_SOCKETS)+1][7] ReDim ^ ERRORRelevant client code:expandcollapse popup;Variables Global $server_ip = '' Global $hClient, $connected, $zzz ;Functions Func DebugMessage($message) ConsoleWrite(_Date_Time_SystemTimeToDateTimeStr(_Date_Time_GetLocalTime()) & ' - ' & $message & @LF) EndFunc Func Connected($hSocket, $iError) If not $iError Then DebugMessage("CLIENT: Connected!") $connected = True Else DebugMessage("CLIENT: Could not connect. Are you sure the server is running?") _TCP_Client_Stop($hSocket) $connected = False EndIf EndFunc Func Received($hSocket, $sReceived, $iError) DebugMessage("CLIENT:" & $hSocket & ": We received this: "& $sReceived) EndFunc Func Disconnected($hSocket, $iError) DebugMessage("CLIENT: Connection closed or lost." & $hSocket) _TCP_Client_Stop($hSocket) $connected = False EndFunc $hClient = _TCP_Client_Create($server_ip, 42981) DebugMessage("CLIENT: Connecting...") _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_RECEIVE, "Received") _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_CONNECT, "Connected") _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_DISCONNECT, "Disconnected") ;Loop While 1 Sleep(10) ; Loop 100 times per second, bar the process time any triggered event takes $zzz += 10 If $zzz = 5000 Then ; Do something every 5 seconds If $connected = True Then DebugMessage("CLIENT (" & $hClient & '): Sending something...') DebugMessage('TCPSend result: ' & _TCP_Send($hClient, 'Keep-Alive')) Else $hClient = _TCP_Client_Create($server_ip, 42981) DebugMessage("CLIENT: Connecting...") _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_CONNECT, "Connected") EndIf $zzz = 0 EndIf WEndAm I correct in understanding that I need to _TCP_RegisterEvent every after every _TCP_Client_Create?
lsakizada Posted May 25, 2010 Posted May 25, 2010 (edited) Hi Kip,I think I found a bug, but I do not know how to fix it.But, first lets agree that its a bug The bug is about the _TCP_Send() function that send data to the wrong socket in certain condition as it is described bellow.Steps to reproduce:Environment:1) Set the IP string in the _TCP_Client_Create() function of the client script.2) Compile as a console the server and client scripts(Please utilize the Aut2Exe app.).Use case:Note: In order to test it you will need two clients and one server, better to try on different machine but not must.1) Launch the server2) Launch Client A.Note: The output on the Server console to be expected is:New Client=516Server message sent to socket:516Sockets list(SendMessage):1|5163) Launch Client B.Note: The output on the Server console to be expected is:New Client=516Server message sent to socket:516Sockets list(SendMessage):1|516New Client=504Server message sent to socket:504Sockets list(SendMessage):2|516|5044) Shout down client A:Note: The output on the Server console to be expected is:New Client=516Server message sent to socket:516Sockets list(SendMessage):1|516New Client=504Server message sent to socket:504Sockets list(SendMessage):2|516|504Disconnect=5165) Launch Client A:Note: The output on the Server console to be expected is:New Client=516Server message sent to socket:516Sockets list(SendMessage):1|516New Client=504Server message sent to socket:504Sockets list(SendMessage):2|516|504Disconnect=516New Client=516Server message sent to socket:504Sockets list(SendMessage):2|504|516The problem: As you can see from the last output, the new client socket is 516 but the message was sent to socket 504.The client script:expandcollapse popup#include "TCP.au3" #include <Array.au3> $hClient = _TCP_Client_Create("", 48123) _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_RECEIVE, "Received") _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_CONNECT, "Connected") _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_DISCONNECT, "Disconnected") _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_SEND, "SendMessage") While 1 Sleep(15) WEnd Func Connected($hSocket, $iError) If Not $iError Then _TCP_Send($hSocket, "ClientConnected" ) Else ToolTip("CLIENT: Could not connect. Are you sure the server is running?",10,10); ... we aren't. EndIf EndFunc ;==>Connected Func Received($hSocket, $sReceived, $iError) If $sReceived = "ServerReply" Then _TCP_Send($hSocket, "ClientResponse" ) EndIf EndFunc ;==>Received Func Disconnected($hSocket, $iError) EndFunc ;==>Disconnected Func SendMessage($hSocket, $iError) ConsoleWrite("SendMessage: Message sent to Socket=" & $hSocket & @CRLF) EndFunc ;==>SendMessage Func _PrintSocketsList($FunctionName) Local $ssArray $ssArray = _TCP_Server_ClientList() Consolewrite( "Sockets list("&$FunctionName&"):" & _ArrayToString($ssArray) & @CRLF) EndFuncThe Server script is:expandcollapse popup#include "TCP.au3" #include <Array.au3> $hServer = _TCP_Server_Create(48123) _TCP_RegisterEvent($hServer, $TCP_NEWCLIENT, "NewClient") _TCP_RegisterEvent($hServer, $TCP_DISCONNECT, "Disconnect") _TCP_RegisterEvent($hServer, $TCP_RECEIVE, "Received") _TCP_RegisterEvent($hServer, $TCP_SEND, "SendMessage") While 1 Sleep(15) WEnd Func NewClient($hSocket, $iError) ConsoleWrite ("New Client=" & $hSocket & @CRLF ) EndFunc Func Disconnect($hSocket, $iError) ConsoleWrite ("Disconnect=" & $hSocket & @CRLF ) EndFunc Func Received($hSocket, $sReceived, $iError) If $sReceived="ClientConnected" Then _TCP_Send($hSocket, "ServerReply" ) EndIf EndFunc Func SendMessage($hSocket, $iError) ConsoleWrite("Server message sent to socket:" & $hSocket & @CRLF) _PrintSocketsList("SendMessage") EndFunc Func _PrintSocketsList($FunctionName) Local $ssArray $ssArray = _TCP_Server_ClientList() Consolewrite( "Sockets list("&$FunctionName&"):" & _ArrayToString($ssArray) & @CRLF) EndFunc Edited May 25, 2010 by lsakizada Be Green Now or Never (BGNN)!
Kip Posted May 25, 2010 Author Posted May 25, 2010 (edited) Hi Kip, I think I found a bug, but I do not know how to fix it. But, first lets agree that its a bug The bug is about the _TCP_Send() function that send data to the wrong socket in certain condition as it is described bellow. Everybody: Please don't say you have found a bug in my script whenever something isn't working as expected. Everytime someone said that, it turned out to be their own fault. --- You're saying that _TCP_Send() has a bug. Funny... very funny. If you look at the source you see this: Func _TCP_Send($hSocket, $sText) Return TCPSend($hSocket, $sText) EndFunc ;==>_TCP_Send It is just a synonym for TCPSend(). Unless the author of that function made a mistake, I'm pretty sure it's you. Edit: You are interpreting the callbacks wrong: the $TCP_SEND callback gets called whenever the other side of the connection is ready to receive data, not when a call to TCPSend() has been completed succesfully. Edited May 25, 2010 by Kip MailSpons: Fake SMTP server for safe email testing Dutch postcode & address API.
lsakizada Posted May 26, 2010 Posted May 26, 2010 (edited) I didn't say that the _TCP_Send() function has a bug, obviously.But, I said that I suspect that the wrong socket got the data after calling _TCP_Send() in the scenario that I provided. hence thats why I said that we need to agree about it.Now, to be practical, what's wrong with the scripts? Did you run it at all?I totally did not understand your answer in the "Edit:" part.If you think the scripts are wrong then what is wrong there? Edited May 26, 2010 by lsakizada Be Green Now or Never (BGNN)!
Kip Posted May 26, 2010 Author Posted May 26, 2010 (edited) I didn't say that the _TCP_Send() function has a bug, obviously.But, I said that I suspect that the wrong socket got the data after calling _TCP_Send():The bug is about the _TCP_Send() function that send data to the wrong socket in certain condition as it is described bellow.Everything works fine... obviously.(1) Now, to be practical, what's wrong with the scripts? (2) Did you run it at all?(3) I totally did not understand your answer in the "Edit:" part.(4) If you think the scripts are wrong then what is wrong there?1: Nothing2: Nope, don't need to.3: Too bad... that's where the answer is.4: The scripts are fine, you're just interpreting the $TCP_SEND callbacks wrong. They don't get called when something has been send, but when the other side of the connection is ready for more data. (The "other side of the connection" is the server for client scripts, and a client for a server script.) Edited May 26, 2010 by Kip MailSpons: Fake SMTP server for safe email testing Dutch postcode & address API.
darkjohn20 Posted June 13, 2010 Posted June 13, 2010 If I wanted a client to keep trying to connect until it was successful, where would I put the _TCP_RegisterEvent() functions? Would I only need to call them once in the script? For example: $hClient = _TCP_Client_Create($sIP, $iPort) _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_RECEIVE, "_InfoReceived") _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_CONNECT, "_ClientConnected") _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_DISCONNECT, "_ClientDisconnected") Func _ClientConnected($hSocket, $iError) If Not $iError Then ;ConsoleWrite("Client Connected!" & @CRLF) Else Do $hClient = _TCP_Client_Create($sIP, $iPort) _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_RECEIVE, "_InfoReceived") _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_CONNECT, "_ClientConnected") _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_DISCONNECT, "_ClientDisconnected") Sleep(1000) Until ;Until what? EndIf EndFunc Should I check the value of $hClient BEFORE Registering Events, and register them only if it equals a certain value? If so, what value would that be?
Igzter Posted June 13, 2010 Posted June 13, 2010 If I wanted a client to keep trying to connect until it was successful, where would I put the _TCP_RegisterEvent() functions? Would I only need to call them once in the script? For example: $hClient = _TCP_Client_Create($sIP, $iPort) _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_RECEIVE, "_InfoReceived") _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_CONNECT, "_ClientConnected") _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_DISCONNECT, "_ClientDisconnected") Func _ClientConnected($hSocket, $iError) If Not $iError Then ;ConsoleWrite("Client Connected!" & @CRLF) Else Do $hClient = _TCP_Client_Create($sIP, $iPort) _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_RECEIVE, "_InfoReceived") _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_CONNECT, "_ClientConnected") _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_DISCONNECT, "_ClientDisconnected") Sleep(1000) Until ;Until what? EndIf EndFunc Should I check the value of $hClient BEFORE Registering Events, and register them only if it equals a certain value? If so, what value would that be? Since there is no point of registring the events without a valid socket you should wait to register them until you recieve a successful message registring your client. Your re-try timer needs to be implemented in a way that suits your applications (guitimers, dlltimers or a simple sleep event) - And yes you need only to register them once (you could however reregister them if you want to change the behaviour of your application during execution). Quick and dirty: $hClient = False While $hClient = False $hClient = _TCP_Client_Create($sIP, $iPort) Sleep(5000) Wend _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_RECEIVE, "_InfoReceived") _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_CONNECT, "_ClientConnected") _TCP_RegisterEvent($hClient, $TCP_DISCONNECT, "_ClientDisconnected") Ig
Zibit Posted June 13, 2010 Posted June 13, 2010 really like this 5 stars Creator Of Xtreme DevelopersPixel Pattern UDFTray GUI UDFMathssend & recive register scriptMouse Control via Webcam
twitchyliquid64 Posted July 1, 2010 Posted July 1, 2010 First off, great UDF, 6 stars at least.I'm trying to make a P2P program. Before you say: YOU CANNOT CREATE A CLIENT AND A SERVER IN THE SAME SCRIPT,I'm going to say that is not my intention.I intend to use your UDF as the server side of the program (managing incoming connection requests), then initiate connections (as P2P programs do as well) using raw TCP functions embedded in Autoit.Is this possible?And secondly, Is it possible to 'inject' the sockets and connection variables that have been created from the Raw TCP functions, into the functions in your UDF, so I can just use the server functions to manage recieving and sending data?And if so, How?I will post the code so far upon request. It's long.Thanks for any help,Hypoz. ongoing projects:-firestorm: Largescale P2P Social NetworkCompleted Autoit Programs/Scripts: Variable Pickler | Networked Streaming Audio (in pure autoIT) | firenet p2p web messenger | Proxy Checker | Dynamic Execute() Code Generator | P2P UDF | Graph Theory Proof of Concept - Breadth First search
Kip Posted July 1, 2010 Author Posted July 1, 2010 First off, great UDF, 6 stars at least.I'm trying to make a P2P program. Before you say: YOU CANNOT CREATE A CLIENT AND A SERVER IN THE SAME SCRIPT,I'm going to say that is not my intention.I intend to use your UDF as the server side of the program (managing incoming connection requests), then initiate connections (as P2P programs do as well) using raw TCP functions embedded in Autoit.1) Is this possible?2) And secondly, Is it possible to 'inject' the sockets and connection variables that have been created from the Raw TCP functions, into the functions in your UDF, so I can just use the server functions to manage recieving and sending data?And if so, How?I will post the code so far upon request. It's long.Thanks for any help,Hypoz.1. Should be possible.2. Are those 'sockets and connection variables' from a client or a server? MailSpons: Fake SMTP server for safe email testing Dutch postcode & address API.
twitchyliquid64 Posted July 2, 2010 Posted July 2, 2010 1. Should be possible. 2. Are those 'sockets and connection variables' from a client or a server? Answering your question: The sockets and connection variables are just an array storing the handles, IP's, and other info of connected Nodes in the P2P network. I want to pass this information into your UDF variables, so I can use the Event driven UDF functions to manage these connections. Ok. Here is a small segment of the code so far to connect to another node using Raw TCP functions. Notice it does: 1. Reads a random node IP from an ini file that was stored on the internet, which has been downloaded previously. This file is constantly being updated with the current IP of a node (Damn Dynamic Ip's), which are all numbered. 2. Checks to see if it is already connected to that node,if it is in LAN, or if it is it's self. 3. Attempts to Connect to it. 4. Checks to see if connection was successful, and if so, stores it in an array. Here is the code: expandcollapse popupFunc Connectsupernode() ;pick a supernode $IPcon = "" $nodeid = Random( 0 , $registercountsupernode, 1) global $connectnode = IniRead( "registry.ini", "supernoderegister", $nodeid, ""); Public IP global $nodelocal = IniRead( "registry.ini", "supernodelocalregister", $nodeid, "");local IP For $f = 0 to $maxconnections step 1 ;checks to see if already connected, in LAN, or is it'self if $connectnode = $clientslotIP[$f] then return 2 ;this is array holding Ip's of connections if $connectnode = $globalip then if $connectnode = @IPAddress1 then return 3 if $nodelocal <> @IPAddress1 then $IPcon = $nodelocal Else $IPcon = $connectnode ; Stores public IP ready to attempt a connection. EndIf Next ; Find an empty connection slot in array Sleep(200) $newConnNum = -1 For $x = 0 To $maxconnections If $clientslothandle[$x] = -1 Then $newConnNum = $x ExitLoop EndIf Next If $newConnNum = -1 Then Return 0 $newConn = TCPConnect($IPcon, $MessengerPort) Sleep(200) If $newConn = -1 Then Return 0 ; Connection failed $clientslothandle[$newConnNum] = $newconn $clientslottype[$newConnNum] = 1 $clientslotencrypt[$newConnNum] = 1 $clientslotID[$newConnNum] = -1 $clientslotIP[$newConnNum] = $ipcon $clientslotname[$newConnNum] = -1 global $supernodesconnected1 = $supernodesconnected + 1 global $supernodesconnected = $supernodesconnected1 Return 1 EndFunc My question is: What variables will I have to declare to add this new connection into your TCP variables, so that you Event driven UDF will manage this connection as well? Thanks in Advance: Hypoz. ongoing projects:-firestorm: Largescale P2P Social NetworkCompleted Autoit Programs/Scripts: Variable Pickler | Networked Streaming Audio (in pure autoIT) | firenet p2p web messenger | Proxy Checker | Dynamic Execute() Code Generator | P2P UDF | Graph Theory Proof of Concept - Breadth First search
Kip Posted July 2, 2010 Author Posted July 2, 2010 Ok, you call TCPConnect() and you want to use that socket handle with my UDF. Besides TCPConnect, do you want to use _TCP_Server_Create or _TCP_Client_Create as well? MailSpons: Fake SMTP server for safe email testing Dutch postcode & address API.
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