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Posted (edited)


I have a question: "Is it possible to make a script to get something like when im pressing F12 it will automaticly fill in the text/numbers 0123456789?"

Some sort of thing with hotkeys. Im kinda new here so dont really know how it has to work.

Greetings Stefan

EDIT: Got this working now, just need to know how to press a button in a other window :)

Edited by Stefan22

HotKeySet() and Send() :)

[center][font="Arial"]If practise makes perfect and no-ones perfect whats the point of practise?[/font]Sorry for my rude attitude when I started here.[/center]


EDIT: Got this working now, just need to know how to press a button in a other window :)

ControlClick ( "title", "text", controlID)

My Projects - WindowDarken (Darken except the active window) Yahsmosis Chat Client (Discontinued) StarShooter Game (Red alert! All hands to battlestations!) YMSG Protocol Support (Discontinued) Circular Keyboard and OSK example. (aka Iris KB) Target Screensaver Drive Toolbar Thingy Rollup Pro (Minimize-to-Titlebar & More!) 2D Launcher physics example Ascii Screenshot AutoIt3 Quine Example ("Is a Quine" is a Quine.) USB Lock (Another system keydrive - with a toast.)

Posted (edited)

Thanks alot, got it almost working now :)

EDIT: Only thing I need to know is where to find the ControlID of the button

Edited by Stefan22
Posted (edited)

Hmmm let me tell u what i have to do ^^

I got a program called Phone Dialer Pro. In this program u can press buttons and call people etc.

Now I need to make a script which automaticly starts the program, uses a hotkey to fill in the number 0123456789 and after that press the Dial button.

Maybe anyone can help me with this?

Greetings Stefan.

Edited by Stefan22

This should do the job.

Just edit the title of the window and the two control IDs:


While 1

Func call()
    ControlSend("title of window","","Control ID for the control with the number","0123456789") ; number to call
    ControlClick("Title of window","","Control ID of the dial button") ; press the dial button


Posted (edited)

Yes I think I found that. This is what I have now:

Run("C:\Program Files\Phone Dialer Pro2\phonepro.exe")


While 1

Func call()
    ControlSend("Phone Dialer Pro - "one"","","23","0123456789"); number to call
    ControlClick("Phone Dialer Pro - "one"","","7"); press the dial button

But when im trying to run this it gives an error the one that autoit3.exe cant be runned and has to close. So for some reason I cant run the script :/

EDIT: 'I think' that my program cant run the ControlClick and Controlsend dont know why this is, but its annoying :)

EDIT2: This is how the program looks like


And this is the error I get ps: sorry its in dutch :P


Edited by Stefan22

The problem could be the lines that have extra quotes in them, like this part:

ControlSend("Phone Dialer Pro - "one"","","23","0123456789"); number to calloÝ÷ Ù'-è¨ïâÆåiÉ"Ë^iÚrhº·N­ßÛyÆ®±ëaz«¨µ«b¢y®FÞ~ÞÞþ'%¢Ç¬¶¬¶¸§'ò¢ìÛh«Þªê-jبf«È§²'^jËkx2¢èZ½ëhv'zíÂax,+az·h¹¹^¶ªºZ¶*'ªä²X¤zØb°Ú-Ç¡£­«*ºjºhꮢڮ¢Ø§²×vêºhꮢ֮¶­sd6öçG&öÅ6VæBgV÷CµöæRFÆW"&òÒgV÷C²gV÷C¶öæRgV÷C²gV÷C²gV÷C²ÂgV÷C²gV÷C²ÂgV÷C³#2gV÷C²ÂgV÷C³#3CScsgV÷C²²çVÖ&W"Fò6Æ
Posted (edited)

Ok thanks :) I got rid of the errors, but still the F12 button doesnt work :s no idea why this is..

Edited by Stefan22
Posted (edited)

Does anyone know why the script doesn't press the buttons on the program?

hmm is there maybe another hotkey set to F12 from the dial program

and what you mean by buttons aren't pressed?

i guess the ControlSend sends only characters to the window

and you controlclick does not seem to specify on a button

your like:

ControlClick('Phone Dialer Pro - "one"',"","7")

But there you dont defined a button that is to be clicked?

look for the right command vvv

ControlClick ( "title", "text", controlID [, button [, clicks [, x [, y ]]]] )

after the 3rd " , " comes the button to press

but you dont got something for that part..

i never made a gui but i guess thats it :)

Edited by Verox743

Started with AutoIt on 12th June, 2008.

Posted (edited)

Hmm well, the program doesn't use F12 for anything else. And I can try to make the controlclick like you give it :)

Run("C:\Program Files\Phone Dialer Pro2\phonepro.exe")


While 1

Func bellen()
    MouseClick("left", 754, 307)
    ControlClick ('Phone Dialer Pro - "one"', "", 7 , "left" , 1 , 806 , 572)

Got this now, but when starting the program it gives in the number wich I have to dial, and it looks like its pressing the button... But it does not dial :s

Edited by Stefan22
Posted (edited)

>>>> Window <<<<

Title: Phone Dialer Pro - "Untitled"

Class: ThunderRT5Form

Position: 615, 394

Size: 320, 388

Style: 0x16CA0000

ExStyle: 0x00040100

Handle: 0x001D02A6

>>>> Control <<<<

Class: ThunderRT5CommandButton

Instance: 4

ClassnameNN: ThunderRT5CommandButton4

Advanced (Class): [CLASS:ThunderRT5CommandButton; INSTANCE:4]

ID: 7


Position: 12, 274

Size: 111, 57

ControlClick Coords: 56, 22

Style: 0x5C01000B

ExStyle: 0x00000004

Handle: 0x001C016E

>>>> Mouse <<<<

Position: 686, 739

Cursor ID: 0

Color: 0xECE9D8

>>>> StatusBar <<<<

>>>> Visible Text <<<<






>>>> Hidden Text <<<<

Edit1: Okay this is it, dont mind the title of it ^^ its Untitled now, should be one but that isn't a problem can change that whenever I want.

Edited by Stefan22

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