savain Posted December 11, 2009 Posted December 11, 2009 Hi Torels, sorry this was a fals statement from me. This files was in use, so the OS is'nt able to copy this. It works great!
MattyD Posted April 13, 2010 Posted April 13, 2010 Hi torels, May I pursuade you to give this UDF a bit more attention... you have a download count closing in on 3000 (congrats!) but there are still some major issues with the code that were raised in 2008 by trancexx that havn't been addressed. For example: Func _Zip_SearchInFile($hZipFile, $sSearchString) local $aArray $list = _Zip_List($hZipFile) for $i = 1 to UBound($list) - 1 _Zip_Unzip($hZipFile, $list[$i], @TempDir & "\tmp_zip.file") $read = FileRead(@TempDir & "\tmp_zip.file") if StringInStr($read,$sSearchstring) > 0 Then _ArrayAdd($aArray, $list[$i]) EndIf Next if UBound($aArray) - 1 = 0 Then Return SetError(1,0,1) Else Return $aArray EndIf EndFunc I'm guessing you meant something like: (I havn't looked too closely at error checking) Func _Zip_SearchInFile($hZipFile, $sSearchString) local $aArray[1] $list = _Zip_List($hZipFile) for $i = 1 to UBound($list) - 1 _Zip_Unzip($hZipFile, $list[$i], @TempDir & "\tmp_zip.file") $read = FileRead(@TempDir & "\tmp_zip.file\" & $list[$i]) If StringInStr($read,$sSearchstring) Then _ArrayAdd($aArray, $list[$i]) EndIf Next If UBound($aArray) = 1 Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Else _ArrayPush($aArray, "") ReDim $aArray[UBound($aArray) - 1] Return $aArray EndIf EndFunc This still doesn't address the build up of files in the temp folder, or the annoying prompt to replace files in %tmp%\tmp_zip.file... Just would like to see the bugs ironed out... Thanks, Matt
oXidFoX Posted May 15, 2010 Posted May 15, 2010 About _Zip_UnzipAll($hZipFile, $hDestPath, $flag = 1)$flag set to 0 or 1 doesn't change anything, in both cases I see the system copy progress bar : "Copying xx items (xx MB)"then, Return values doesn't match the descriptive text on top of this function: ; Return Value(s): On Success - 0 ; On Failure - sets @error 1~3 ; @error = 1 no Zip file ; @error = 2 no dll ; @error = 3 dll isn't registered whereas in reality : - on success, it returns 1 (and so on error it returns 0) - on error (no zip file), @error is set to 2_Zip_CountAll($hZipFile) doesn't work, it returns a 3-lines string which contains :-Type of file-Size-Modification dateI don't use other functions I run on a french Vista 64bits, AutoIt & the latest Zip.au3 available in the first post.
slandau Posted May 19, 2010 Posted May 19, 2010 So I have used your Zip UDF in my script to zip files with certain file extensions in a directory, and then recursively going through its sub-directories, but I cannot see any .zip files after the script runs. Can anyone tell me if I'm using this wrong? Here is my script: expandcollapse popup#include <File.au3> #include <Zip.au3> ; bad file extensions Local $extData="ade|adp|app|asa|ashx|asp|bas|bat|cdx|cer|chm|class|cmd|com|cpl|crt|csh|der|exe|fxp|gadget|hlp|hta|htr|htw|ida|idc|idq|ins|isp|its|jse|ksh|lnk|mad|maf|mag|mam|maq|mar|mas|mat|mau|mav|maw|mda|mdb|mde|mdt|mdw|mdz|msc|msh|msh1|msh1xml|msh2|msh2xml|mshxml|msi|msp|mst|ops|pcd|pif|prf|prg|printer|pst|reg|rem|scf|scr|sct|shb|shs|shtm|shtml|soap|stm|url|vb|vbe|vbs|ws|wsc|wsf|wsh" Local $extensions = StringSplit($extData, "|") ; What is the root directory? $rootDirectory = InputBox("Root Directory", "Please enter the root directory...") archiveDir($rootDirectory) Func archiveDir($dir) $goDirs = True $goFiles = True ; Get all the files under the current dir $allOfDir = _FileListToArray($dir) Local $countDirs = 0 Local $countFiles = 0 $imax = UBound($allOfDir) For $i = 0 to $imax - 1 If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($dir & "\" & $allOfDir[$i]),"D") Then $countDirs = $countDirs + 1 ElseIf StringInStr(($allOfDir[$i]),".") Then $countFiles = $countFiles + 1 EndIf Next MsgBox(0, "Value of $countDirs in " & $dir, $countDirs) MsgBox(0, "Value of $countFiles in " & $dir, $countFiles) If ($countDirs > 0) Then Local $allDirs[$countDirs] $goDirs = True Else $goDirs = False EndIf If ($countFiles > 0) Then Local $allFiles[$countFiles] $goFiles = True Else $goFiles = False EndIf $dirCount = 0 $fileCount = 0 For $i = 0 to $imax - 1 If (StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($dir & "\" & $allOfDir[$i]),"D")) And ($goDirs == True) Then $allDirs[$dirCount] = $allOfDir[$i] $dirCount = $dirCount + 1 ElseIf (StringInStr(($allOfDir[$i]),".")) And ($goFiles == True) Then $allFiles[$fileCount] = $allOfDir[$i] $fileCount = $fileCount + 1 EndIf Next ; Zip them if need be in current spot using '' as file name, loop through each file ext. If ($goFiles == True) Then $emax = UBound($extensions) $fmax = UBound($allFiles) For $e = 0 to $emax - 1 For $f = 0 to $fmax - 1 $currentExt = getExt($allFiles[$f]) If ($currentExt == $extensions[$e]) Then $zip = _Zip_Create($dir & "\" & $currentExt & "") _Zip_AddFile($zip, $allFiles[$f]) EndIf Next Next EndIf ; Get all dirs under current DirCopy ; For each dir, recursive call from step 2 If ($goDirs == True) Then $dmax = UBound($allDirs) $rootDirectory = $rootDirectory & "\" For $d = 0 to $dmax - 1 archiveDir($rootDirectory & $allDirs[$d]) Next EndIf EndFunc Func getExt($filename) $pos = StringInStr($filename, ".") $retval = StringTrimLeft($filename, $pos + 1) Return $retval EndFunc
Medic84 Posted June 7, 2010 Posted June 7, 2010 Hi. How to set automaticly overwrite in this UDF? No good in English :( If I write with errors, excuse me...
hench Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 Thank you Torels, your UDF is great I could prepare an effective backup system in few minutes!!!! Have a good one !!! Hench
BobMaX Posted July 1, 2010 Posted July 1, 2010 Hi Torels, I have problems using your "Zip.au3", when I need to read a command line parameter. Please, test this code, using: TestMeZip.exe AnyString ;--------------------------------------------------START ; TestMeZip.au3 ; --------------- #include <Zip.au3> Dim $Directory $Directory = "" If $CmdLine[0] <> 0 Then $Directory = $CmdLine[1] MsgBox(0, "Directory: ", $Directory) Exit ;---------------------------------------------------END Executing this, I obtain the following error message: "AutoIt3\Include\Zip.au3 (456) : ==> Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded" Could you, please, tell me what i wrong ? It's a bug ? Regards BobMaX
wraithdu Posted July 1, 2010 Posted July 1, 2010 (edited) I needed this for a project of mine recently. Concerned about the state of this UDF, I've pretty much completely rewritten it. It has much more robust error checking and fixes many of the bugs and omissions in the original UDF. I've removed the virtual functions and made many changes / enhancements.That said, I will never get back 3 days of my life. I hate the zipfldr library and Shell.Application object with a vengeance.I'm going to put this in a new thread to avoid hijacking this one.Please go HERE Edited July 1, 2010 by wraithdu
ikaros Posted July 11, 2010 Posted July 11, 2010 First, great UDF, thanks, it does the work on local machines like magic. However, i have a server im uploading zip files into it and i would like to unzip them on the remote server. Can you help with that? Thanks, Ofer Ofer,WWW Home baseArticles for allOnline statistics toolThe online mass mailerWorld of bicycles
Skysnake Posted September 6, 2010 Posted September 6, 2010 (edited) good sugestion I didn't notice thatI'll change it in the next release!HiIf I may be so bold, how much longer before the next release? ;-)Skysnake Edited September 6, 2010 by Skysnake Skysnake Why is the snake in the sky?
Dryden Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 Hi m8!Let me start to congratulate you on a job well done: Congrats! Having said that, your au3 has a bug:If I include your script in mine, i can't pass any command line parameters: $CmdLine because I get an error on yours.Can you please take a look at this? I've tried fixing it myself and almost could, but sometimes I get another error, so I think I'm just gona wait for your next release.Thx on advance. "Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life." - Terry Pratchett.
meisandy Posted October 19, 2010 Posted October 19, 2010 hiya I'm a bit puzzled; I wondered if anyone could help me (asap)? You see, I wrote a script for my memory stick using this UDF, but I wrote it on my computer! It worked fine on the computer but not on my memory stick! Here's a snippet of the script: expandcollapse popup$Zip = _Zip_Create($ScriptDir & "\") ;~ MsgBox(0, $Zip, $ScriptDir & "\") ;~ If StringIsAlpha($Zip) > 2 Then MsgBox(0, "Congratulations", "You have achieved the impossible! Please contact Andrew Green @ Lyke ASAP!") $Error = "" $l_Files = _FileListToArray($ScriptDir, "*", 1) For $i = 1 To $l_Files[0] MsgBox(0, $Zip, $ScriptDir & "\" & $l_Files[$i]) If $l_Files[$i] = $AppName Or $l_Files[$i] = "autorun.inf" Or $l_Files[$i] = "Zip.au3" Or $l_Files[$i] = "" Then ContinueLoop _Zip_AddFile($Zip, $ScriptDir & "\" & $l_Files[$i]) ;~ TrayTip("Files", "Added", 1) If @error Then $Error = "Some of the files could not be encrypted though." ContinueLoop ;~ ElseIf NOT 0 Or @error Then ;~ MsgBox(0, "Error", "Something really wierd is happening with the compression, please contact Andrew Green @ Lyke Ltd!") EndIf FileDelete($ScriptDir & "\" & $l_Files[$i]) Next $l_Folders = _FileListToArray($ScriptDir, "*", 2) For $i = 1 To $l_Folders[0] $ErrorMsg = "some of the directory's could not be encypted" MsgBox(0, $Zip, $ScriptDir & "\" & $l_Folders[$i]) _Zip_AddFolder($Zip, $ScriptDir & "\" & $l_Folders[$i]) If @error Then If $Error = "" Then $Error = $ErrorMsg & "." Else $Error = $Error & " And " & $ErrorMsg & " either." EndIf ContinueLoop ;~ ElseIf NOT 0 Or @error Then ;~ MsgBox(0, "Error", "Something really wierd is happening with the compression, please contact Andrew Green @ Lyke Ltd!") EndIf If DirRemove($ScriptDir & "\" & $l_Folders[$i], 1) = 0 Then $D_ERROR = 1 Next IF $D_ERROR = 1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "The foler: " & $ScriptDir & "\" & $l_Folders[$i] & " could not be deleted, but has still been added to the encrypted contents!") ;~ MsgBox(0, "Where are we", "We are here") It is supposed to put all the drive contents into a zip, by scanning loose files and adding them and then scanning for directories and adding them (as you can see)! But for some reason, it crashes on the _Zip_AddFile function. You can probably see that I've experiemented a little; the only thing that seems to work is when I add MsgBox's in places! But, I don't want MsgBox's in this function - so does anyone know how to get around this? Thanks in advance... PS... I cut this a bit short because I've got critical battery! :|
TheSaint Posted October 20, 2010 Posted October 20, 2010 (edited) hiya I'm a bit puzzled; I wondered if anyone could help me (asap)? You see, I wrote a script for my memory stick using this UDF, but I wrote it on my computer! It worked fine on the computer but not on my memory stick! Here's a snippet of the script: expandcollapse popup$Zip = _Zip_Create($ScriptDir & "\") ;~ MsgBox(0, $Zip, $ScriptDir & "\") ;~ If StringIsAlpha($Zip) > 2 Then MsgBox(0, "Congratulations", "You have achieved the impossible! Please contact Andrew Green @ Lyke ASAP!") $Error = "" $l_Files = _FileListToArray($ScriptDir, "*", 1) For $i = 1 To $l_Files[0] MsgBox(0, $Zip, $ScriptDir & "\" & $l_Files[$i]) If $l_Files[$i] = $AppName Or $l_Files[$i] = "autorun.inf" Or $l_Files[$i] = "Zip.au3" Or $l_Files[$i] = "" Then ContinueLoop _Zip_AddFile($Zip, $ScriptDir & "\" & $l_Files[$i]) ;~ TrayTip("Files", "Added", 1) If @error Then $Error = "Some of the files could not be encrypted though." ContinueLoop ;~ ElseIf NOT 0 Or @error Then ;~ MsgBox(0, "Error", "Something really wierd is happening with the compression, please contact Andrew Green @ Lyke Ltd!") EndIf FileDelete($ScriptDir & "\" & $l_Files[$i]) Next $l_Folders = _FileListToArray($ScriptDir, "*", 2) For $i = 1 To $l_Folders[0] $ErrorMsg = "some of the directory's could not be encypted" MsgBox(0, $Zip, $ScriptDir & "\" & $l_Folders[$i]) _Zip_AddFolder($Zip, $ScriptDir & "\" & $l_Folders[$i]) If @error Then If $Error = "" Then $Error = $ErrorMsg & "." Else $Error = $Error & " And " & $ErrorMsg & " either." EndIf ContinueLoop ;~ ElseIf NOT 0 Or @error Then ;~ MsgBox(0, "Error", "Something really wierd is happening with the compression, please contact Andrew Green @ Lyke Ltd!") EndIf If DirRemove($ScriptDir & "\" & $l_Folders[$i], 1) = 0 Then $D_ERROR = 1 Next IF $D_ERROR = 1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "The foler: " & $ScriptDir & "\" & $l_Folders[$i] & " could not be deleted, but has still been added to the encrypted contents!") ;~ MsgBox(0, "Where are we", "We are here") It is supposed to put all the drive contents into a zip, by scanning loose files and adding them and then scanning for directories and adding them (as you can see)! But for some reason, it crashes on the _Zip_AddFile function. You can probably see that I've experiemented a little; the only thing that seems to work is when I add MsgBox's in places! But, I don't want MsgBox's in this function - so does anyone know how to get around this? Thanks in advance... PS... I cut this a bit short because I've got critical battery! :| Being a memory stick, the first thing I thought of was free space ... which needs to be about twice that of what you are zipping. However, with the mention of success with a Msgbox, it must be related to timing (i.e. one process must finish before the next starts), which can be a little tricky with zipping. Essentially you need to allow enough time or make suitable calls to determine one AddFile process has finished before you add another file. I haven't actually looked at your code, but I remember having similar issues myself in the past. A judiciously placed Sleep or three may be enough, or you may need to do File Attribute calls, etc if moving files around. Also ... If I remember rightly, there have been several discussions about this through the forum ... related to running threads and so forth. Hope this points you in the right direction! I know I succeeded in conquering this ... even for large files/folders ... as can be exampled with my Create Zip Within program available through my sig (Toolbox) ... especially in my later versions, which I've not yet uploaded ... and used similar functions to those listed here (but from an older topic). Edited October 20, 2010 by TheSaint Make sure brain is in gear before opening mouth! Remember, what is not said, can be just as important as what is said. Spoiler What is the Secret Key? Life is like a Donut If I put effort into communication, I expect you to read properly & fully, or just not comment. Ignoring those who try to divert conversation with irrelevancies. If I'm intent on insulting you or being rude, I will be obvious, not ambiguous about it. I'm only big and bad, to those who have an over-active imagination. I may have the Artistic Liesense to disagree with you. TheSaint's Toolbox (be advised many downloads are not working due to ISP screwup with my storage)
meisandy Posted October 20, 2010 Posted October 20, 2010 OMG Thank you TheSaint,I've been trying to figure that out for ages, and I looked at your post; added Sleep(500) at the end of the loop (Before Next) - And what do you know - IT WORKS!!!!!Amazing. Amazing picky but amazing!Great UDF TheSaintThanks
wraithdu Posted October 20, 2010 Posted October 20, 2010 I've seriously updated this UDF, so you might want to check out my version.
Truong Posted November 25, 2010 Posted November 25, 2010 Hi, this script does not work for me: First I have 2 file: bg.jpg and transparent.gif Then I use this code to make a .ZIP file: ;REQUIRE: _ZIP.au3 #include <_zip.au3> #Include <Crypt.au3> $zipPath=@ScriptDir&"\"; $desPath=@ScriptDir&"\data"; ;MsgBox(0,"", "Extract "&$zipPath&" to folder "&$desPath); $ss=_Zip_Unzip($zipPath, "bg.jpg", $desPath, 1); ;MsgBox(0,"",$ss); ;MsgBox(0,"",@error); Then I use this code to extract the file. Just try it about 2 times, it appears "Error copy file or folder-The file exists" and then the script is paused automatically and does not exit! ;REQUIRE: _ZIP.au3 #include <_zip.au3> #Include <Crypt.au3> $zipPath=@ScriptDir&"\"; $desPath=@ScriptDir&"\data"; ;MsgBox(0,"", "Extract "&$zipPath&" to folder "&$desPath); $ss=_Zip_Unzip($zipPath, "bg.jpg", $desPath, 1); It's just weird! Thanks for help in advance !
Jeff987 Posted January 14, 2011 Posted January 14, 2011 I hope that someone can help figure out why this breaks.... I am running multiple _unzipall functions in a script and it consistantly fails at the 100'th operation.... so I tried a test script with just creating and adding a file. this errors out at the 25to 30th loop.... 73, error1:0, error2:0 F:\scripts\Zip.au3 (333) : ==> Object referenced outside a "With" statement.: $hList = $oApp.Namespace($hZipFile).Items $hList = $oApp.Namespace($hZipFile)^ ERROR If I don't get this error, it just hangs in a loop..... Any ideas?
Jeff987 Posted January 14, 2011 Posted January 14, 2011 (edited) This is the script I was using with the zip.au3 at ; Description: ZIP Functions ; Author: wraithdu ; Date: 2011-01-13 ; Credits: PsaltyDS for the original idea on which this UDF is based. ; torels for the basic framework on which this UDF is based. ; #include "Zip.au3" Dim $Zip, $myfile $myfile = @DesktopDir & "\foo.au3" For $i = 1 To 200 $Zip = _Zip_Create(@DesktopDir & "\temp" & "\") ;Create The Zip File. Returns a Handle to the zip File $e1 = @error _Zip_AddFile($Zip, $myfile, "") ;add $myfile to the zip archive $e2 = @error ConsoleWrite($i & ", error1:" & $e1 & ", error2:" & $e2 & @CRLF) Next Edited January 14, 2011 by Jeff987
Gorby7 Posted February 17, 2011 Posted February 17, 2011 Hi everyone! I was using _Zip_AddFile() within a loop to add multiple (i.e. hundreds) of files to a single archive. Since I was not retaining folder structure, all files were being placed in the root of the archive. Eventually I canme across a file that, although containing different data, had the same file name as a file that had already been placed in the archive. Windows prompted if I wanted to overwrite, etc., but unfortunately it breaks the scripts no matter what you choose. So, I edited the _Zip_AddFile() function so that if it comes across a file that is already in the archive, it renames the file from "filename.ext" to "filename(2).ext". Works like a charm Enjoy! Func _Zip_AddFile($hZipFile, $hFile2Add, $flag = 1) Local $DLLChk = _Zip_DllChk() Local $files = _Zip_Count($hZipFile) If $DLLChk <> 0 Then Return SetError($DLLChk, 0, 0);no dll If not _IsFullPath($hZipFile) then Return SetError(4,0) ;zip file isn't a full path If Not FileExists($hZipFile) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ;no zip file $list=_Zip_List($hZipFile) For $fn In $list $cutp=StringInStr($hFile2Add,"\",0,-1) $fname=StringTrimLeft($hFile2Add,$cutp) If $fname=$fn Then $path=StringTrimRight($hFile2Add,StringLen($hFile2Add)-$cutp) $fname1=StringTrimRight($fname,(StringLen($fname)-StringInStr($fname,".",0))+1) $fname2=StringTrimLeft($fname,StringInStr($fname,".",0)-1) FileMove($hFile2Add,$path & $fname1 & "(2)" & $fname2) $hFile2Add=$path & $fname1 & "(2)" & $fname2 EndIf Next $oApp = ObjCreate("Shell.Application") $copy = $oApp.NameSpace($hZipFile).CopyHere($hFile2Add) While 1 If $flag = 1 then _Hide() ;If WinExists("Confirm File Replace") Then ControlClick("Confirm File Replace","","Button1") If _Zip_Count($hZipFile) = ($files+1) Then ExitLoop Sleep(10) WEnd Return SetError(0,0,1) EndFunc ;==>_Zip_AddFile
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