trancexx Posted September 24, 2008 Posted September 24, 2008 Hi there,I Just posted the New Zip file with the new functionsI removed _Zip_IsCompressed()(see previous post) and integrated it in _Zip_AddFile & _Zip_AddFolderHope you like the new versionChange Log is in the first Post I can understand some mistakes that could happend while you were writting these functions the first time you did, but this is ... (actually, cannot find words).I would not recommend using these functions till new update.This is very, very, very bad job. Sorry torels. ♡♡♡ . eMyvnE
torels Posted September 24, 2008 Author Posted September 24, 2008 (edited) Why ? Anyway The only things I actually changed (not including bugs) are the _Zip_Add functions and a minor thing in _Zip_Count and btw the _Zip_Add funcs needed those changes so to let users wait to get there files zipped (thing that was very messy before)... And the UDF now works fine (completely) Edited September 24, 2008 by torels Some Projects:[list][*]ZIP UDF using no external files[*]iPod Music Transfer [*]iTunes UDF - fully integrate iTunes with au3[*]iTunes info (taskbar player hover)[*]Instant Run - run scripts without saving them before :)[*]Get Tube - YouTube Downloader[*]Lyric Finder 2 - Find Lyrics to any of your song[*]DeskBox - A Desktop Extension Tool[/list]indifference will ruin the world, but in the end... WHO CARES :P---------------
trancexx Posted September 24, 2008 Posted September 24, 2008 (edited) Why ? Anyway The only things I actually changed (not including bugs) are the _Zip_Add functions and a minor thing in _Zip_Count and btw the _Zip_Add funcs needed those changes so to let users wait to get there files zipped (thing that was very messy before)... And the UDF now works fine (completely)This why: 1. _Zip_Create() Func _Zip_Create($hFilename) $hFp = FileOpen($hFilename, 26) $sString = Chr(80) & Chr(75) & Chr(5) & Chr(6) & Chr(0) & Chr(0) & Chr(0) & Chr(0) & Chr(0) & Chr(0) & Chr(0) & Chr(0) & Chr(0) & Chr(0) & Chr(0) & Chr(0) & Chr(0) & Chr(0) & Chr(0) & Chr(0) & Chr(0) & Chr(0) FileWrite($hFp, $sString) FileClose($hFp) If Not FileExists($hFilename) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Else Return $hFilename EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Zip_Create - you are not checking if zip file already exist before creating one - if it's open in mode 26 then there is no need calling Chr() 2. _Zip_AddFile() Func _Zip_AddFile($hZipFile, $hFile2Add, $flag = 4) Local $DLLChk = _Zip_DllChk() Local $files = _Zip_Count($hZipFile) If $DLLChk <> 0 Then Return SetError($DLLChk, 0, 0);no dll If Not FileExists($hZipFile) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0);no zip file $oApp = ObjCreate("Shell.Application") $copy = $oApp.NameSpace($hZipFile).CopyHere($hFile2Add, $flag) While 1 If _Zip_Count($hZipFile) = ($files+1) Then ExitLoop WEnd Return SetError(0,0,1) EndFunc ;==>_Zip_AddFile - you are not checking if file with the same name that you are adding already exists inside archive - While... WEnd is too tight and in combination with line above will ride CPU up to 100% - flags are not working with autoit? 3. _Zip_AddFolder() Func _Zip_AddFolder($hZipFile, $hFolder, $flag = 4) Local $DLLChk = _Zip_DllChk() If $DLLChk <> 0 Then Return SetError($DLLChk, 0, 0);no dll If Not FileExists($hZipFile) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0);no zip file If StringRight($hFolder, 1) <> "\" Then $hFolder &= "\" $files = _Zip_Count($hZipFile) $oApp = ObjCreate("Shell.Application") $oFolder = $oApp.NameSpace($hFolder) $oCopy = $oApp.NameSpace($hZipFile).CopyHere($oFolder.Items, $flag) $oFC = $oApp.NameSpace($hFolder).items.count While 1 If _Zip_Count($hZipFile) = ($files+$oFC) Then ExitLoop WEnd Return SetError(0,0,1) EndFunc ;==>_Zip_AddFolder - this is adding folder's content, not folder - same as for _Zip_AddFile() 4. _Zip_UnzipAll() Func _Zip_UnzipAll($hZipFile, $hDestPath, $flag = 4) Local $DLLChk = _Zip_DllChk() If $DLLChk <> 0 Then Return SetError($DLLChk, 0, 0);no dll If Not FileExists($hZipFile) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0);no zip file If Not FileExists($hDestPath) Then DirCreate($hDestPath) Local $aArray[1] $oApp = ObjCreate("Shell.Application") $oApp.Namespace($hDestPath).CopyHere($oApp.Namespace($hZipFile).Items, $flag) For $item In $oApp.Namespace($hZipFile).Items _ArrayAdd($aArray, $item) Next While 1 Sleep(500) If FileExists($hDestPath & "\" & $aArray[UBound($aArray) - 1]) Then Return SetError(0, 0, 1) ExitLoop WEnd EndFunc ;==>_Zip_UnzipAll - you are leaving garbage in @TempDir - not cheking if folder/file already exists - unzipping is done by zipfldr.dll and that process is not asynchronous as zipping, therefore you don't need While.. WEnd and Sleep(500) to verify if extracted exists. - If FileExists($hDestPath & "\" & $aArray[uBound($aArray) - 1]) means what??? 5. _Zip_Unzip() Func _Zip_Unzip($hZipFile, $hFilename, $hDestPath, $flag = 4) Local $DLLChk = _Zip_DllChk() If $DLLChk <> 0 Then Return SetError($DLLChk, 0, 0);no dll If Not FileExists($hZipFile) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0);no zip file If Not FileExists($hDestPath) Then DirCreate($hDestPath) $oApp = ObjCreate("Shell.Application") $hFolderitem = $oApp.NameSpace($hZipFile).Parsename($hFilename) $oApp.NameSpace($hDestPath).Copyhere($hFolderitem, $flag) While 1 Sleep(500) If FileExists($hDestPath & "\" & $hFilename) Then return SetError(0, 0, 1) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd EndFunc ;==>_Zip_Unzip - not checking if file to extrace exists - not asynchronous. sleeping 500 not needed - garbage in @TempDir 6. _Zip_Count() - ok, but take look to the Zip.au3 and you say what is wrong 7. _Zip_List() - same as above 8. _Zip_Search() Func _Zip_Search($hZipFile, $sSearchString) local $aArray $list = _Zip_List($hZipFile) for $i = 0 to UBound($list) - 1 if StringInStr($list[$i],$sSearchstring) > 0 Then _ArrayAdd($aArray, $list[$i]) EndIf Next if UBound($aArray) - 1 = 0 Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Else Return $aArray EndIf EndFunc;==> _Zip_Search - not checking if archive exists - no way this will work anyway (local $aArray is not the way to create an array) 9. _Zip_SearchInFile() Func _Zip_SearchInFile($hZipFile, $sSearchString) local $aArray $list = _Zip_List($hZipFile) for $i = 1 to UBound($list) - 1 _Zip_Unzip($hZipFile, $list[$i], @TempDir & "\tmp_zip.file") $file = FileOpen (@TempDir & "\tmp_zip.file", 0) $read = FileRead($file) if StringInStr($read,$sSearchstring) > 0 Then _ArrayAdd($aArray, $list[$i]) EndIf Next if UBound($aArray) - 1 = 0 Then Return SetError(1,0,1) Else Return $aArray EndIf EndFunc;==> _Zip_Search - same as above - omg (this represents everything else) And you ask "why?" Edited September 24, 2008 by trancexx ♡♡♡ . eMyvnE
torels Posted September 24, 2008 Author Posted September 24, 2008 - you are not checking if zip file already exist before creating one (what do I do if I want to replace a file ?) - if it's open in mode 26 then there is no need calling Chr() (It's the only way I know to add nul chars... XD) - While... WEnd is too tight and in combination with line above will ride CPU up to 100% (it doesn't on a Pc with 256 MB of RAM... Should be working) - flags are not working with autoit? (nope... Don't know why) - this is adding folder's content, not folder (It's done intetionally) - you are leaving garbage in @TempDir (depends from the shell) - not cheking if folder/file already exists (can't care less... Eventually returns an error) - If FileExists($hDestPath & "\" & $aArray[uBound($aArray) - 1]) means what??? (means check if the last file has been copied... meaning: have all files been copied in the folder ?) Some Projects:[list][*]ZIP UDF using no external files[*]iPod Music Transfer [*]iTunes UDF - fully integrate iTunes with au3[*]iTunes info (taskbar player hover)[*]Instant Run - run scripts without saving them before :)[*]Get Tube - YouTube Downloader[*]Lyric Finder 2 - Find Lyrics to any of your song[*]DeskBox - A Desktop Extension Tool[/list]indifference will ruin the world, but in the end... WHO CARES :P---------------
torels Posted September 28, 2008 Author Posted September 28, 2008 anyway... any other comments/suggestions are welcome hope you enjoy the new version Some Projects:[list][*]ZIP UDF using no external files[*]iPod Music Transfer [*]iTunes UDF - fully integrate iTunes with au3[*]iTunes info (taskbar player hover)[*]Instant Run - run scripts without saving them before :)[*]Get Tube - YouTube Downloader[*]Lyric Finder 2 - Find Lyrics to any of your song[*]DeskBox - A Desktop Extension Tool[/list]indifference will ruin the world, but in the end... WHO CARES :P---------------
MasterX Posted October 1, 2008 Posted October 1, 2008 I get the error 3, but the reg entry "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{E88DCCE0-B7B3-11d1-A9F0-00AA0060FA31}" exists.
DVHRLD Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 Looks like a great UDF and hope it makes it into the official release But I get this error D:\AutoIt v3.2.12.1\Include\Zip.au3 (239) : ==> Object referenced outside a "With" statement.: return $oApp.Namespace($hZipFile).Items.count return $oApp.Namespace($hZipFile)^ ERROR AutoViewer first public AutoIt script
cyanidemonkey Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 Looks like a great UDF and hope it makes it into the official releaseBut I get this errorD:\AutoIt v3.2.12.1\Include\Zip.au3 (239) : ==> Object referenced outside a "With" statement.:return $oApp.Namespace($hZipFile).Items.countreturn $oApp.Namespace($hZipFile)^ ERRORDVHRLD, i had the same issue, try this suggestion here, it worked for me. My AutoIt Scripts.- AutoHost and Password Enabler for Delta Force 2 Demo.| Caffine for Winamp 2.9x and WRS 2.0 | mp3 directory cleaner | CRAP DJ | A:B:J Radio Automation Software | FFMPEG batch conversion automator
zygote Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 I'm having a similar problem with it, I can't get it to add a file to a zip archive. The error I get is: >Running:(\Program Files\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe "\\.host\Shared Folders\My Documents\AutoItScripts\TestZip.au3" C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\Zip.au3 (239) : ==> Object referenced outside a "With" statement.: return $oApp.Namespace($hZipFile).Items.count return $oApp.Namespace($hZipFile)^ ERROR ->12:08:54 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:1 Line 239 of Zip.au3 reads: return $oApp.Namespace($hZipFile).Items.count I'm just testing this with a very basic script: #include <Zip.au3> Dim $Zip, $myfile $myfile = "C:\Test\BigFile.bin" $Zip = _Zip_Create("C:\Test\") _Zip_AddFile($Zip,$myfile) I've copied the newest Zip.au3 from the first page to my include directory so should be using the latest version. Any help would be much appreciated. TIA
zygote Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 Solved it by adding a Sleep(500) after the _Zip_Create
torels Posted October 9, 2008 Author Posted October 9, 2008 solved: For the moment this is the fix: Func _Zip_Count($hZipFile) Local $DLLChk = _Zip_DllChk() If $DLLChk <> 0 Then Return SetError($DLLChk, 0, 0) ;no dll If Not FileExists($hZipFile) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ;no zip file $items = _Zip_List($hZipFile) Return UBound($items) - 1 EndFunc ;==>_Zip_Count a new update will be on the forum on a short time with some new functions and fixes cheers =P Some Projects:[list][*]ZIP UDF using no external files[*]iPod Music Transfer [*]iTunes UDF - fully integrate iTunes with au3[*]iTunes info (taskbar player hover)[*]Instant Run - run scripts without saving them before :)[*]Get Tube - YouTube Downloader[*]Lyric Finder 2 - Find Lyrics to any of your song[*]DeskBox - A Desktop Extension Tool[/list]indifference will ruin the world, but in the end... WHO CARES :P---------------
DVHRLD Posted October 11, 2008 Posted October 11, 2008 solved: For the moment this is the fix: Func _Zip_Count($hZipFile) Local $DLLChk = _Zip_DllChk() If $DLLChk <> 0 Then Return SetError($DLLChk, 0, 0) ;no dll If Not FileExists($hZipFile) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ;no zip file $items = _Zip_List($hZipFile) Return UBound($items) - 1 EndFunc ;==>_Zip_Count a new update will be on the forum on a short time with some new functions and fixes cheers =P Nice, Thanks Torels I look forward to the release. AutoViewer first public AutoIt script
torels Posted October 13, 2008 Author Posted October 13, 2008 New Zip UDF Update uploaded on the forum ! Hope you like it Deatails in the first post! Some Projects:[list][*]ZIP UDF using no external files[*]iPod Music Transfer [*]iTunes UDF - fully integrate iTunes with au3[*]iTunes info (taskbar player hover)[*]Instant Run - run scripts without saving them before :)[*]Get Tube - YouTube Downloader[*]Lyric Finder 2 - Find Lyrics to any of your song[*]DeskBox - A Desktop Extension Tool[/list]indifference will ruin the world, but in the end... WHO CARES :P---------------
RagnaroktA Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 New Zip UDF Update uploaded on the forum ! Hope you like it Deatails in the first post! I've updated Auto It and downloaded the latest UDF, and now I'm getting an error. Line 300 (File "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Beta\Include\Zip.au3"): $hList = $oApp.Namespace($hZipFile).Items $hList = $oApp.Namespace($hZipFile)^ERROR Error: Object referenced outside a "With" statement. Anyone resolve this yet? I tried the suggestion previously in the thread and could not for the life of me get it to work. Current Projects:Remote Administration Suite Updated! 12-20-07Remote User State Migration Tool (Plugin) Updated! 12-20-07Batch Print Wizard Updated! 12-20-07Links:AutoIt Beta | AutoIt Wiki
torels Posted October 21, 2008 Author Posted October 21, 2008 I've updated Auto It and downloaded the latest UDF, and now I'm getting an error. Line 300 (File "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Beta\Include\Zip.au3"): $hList = $oApp.Namespace($hZipFile).Items $hList = $oApp.Namespace($hZipFile)^ERROR Error: Object referenced outside a "With" statement. Anyone resolve this yet? I tried the suggestion previously in the thread and could not for the life of me get it to work. Hi RagnarocktA, can you please post your code ? thanks Some Projects:[list][*]ZIP UDF using no external files[*]iPod Music Transfer [*]iTunes UDF - fully integrate iTunes with au3[*]iTunes info (taskbar player hover)[*]Instant Run - run scripts without saving them before :)[*]Get Tube - YouTube Downloader[*]Lyric Finder 2 - Find Lyrics to any of your song[*]DeskBox - A Desktop Extension Tool[/list]indifference will ruin the world, but in the end... WHO CARES :P---------------
RagnaroktA Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 Hi RagnarocktA, can you please post your code ? thanks Sure thing. It's a pretty massive script, so I'll only post what is needed. #Region --- Includes --- ;----- Standard Includes ----- #include <Constants.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <GUIListView.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <File.au3> ;----- Non-Standard Includes ----- #include <Zip.au3> #include <ModernMenuRaw.au3> #include <String.au3> #EndRegion --- Includes --- Global $sWoWGameDirectory = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\World of Warcraft", "InstallPath") $sDate = @MON & "-" & @MDAY & "-" & @YEAR $sUIArchive = $sWoWGameDirectory & '\WoW UI Backup\WoW UI Backup - ' & $sDate & '.zip' $fUICache = $sWoWGameDirectory & '\Cache' $fUIInterface = $sWoWGameDirectory & '\Interface' $fUIWTF = $sWoWGameDirectory & '\Interface' $zArchive = _Zip_Create($sUIArchive) _Zip_AddFolder($zArchive, $fUICache, 4) _Zip_AddFolder($zArchive, $fUIInterface, 4) _Zip_AddFolder($zArchive, $fUIWTF, 4) Current Projects:Remote Administration Suite Updated! 12-20-07Remote User State Migration Tool (Plugin) Updated! 12-20-07Batch Print Wizard Updated! 12-20-07Links:AutoIt Beta | AutoIt Wiki
torels Posted October 21, 2008 Author Posted October 21, 2008 Don't know why... It's working fine for me... (Using different paths from yours) Anyway... just replace this Func _Zip_List($hZipFile) local $aArray[1] Local $DLLChk = _Zip_DllChk() If $DLLChk <> 0 Then Return SetError($DLLChk, 0, 0) ;no dll If Not FileExists($hZipFile) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ;no zip file $oApp = ObjCreate("Shell.Application") $hList = $oApp.Namespace($hZipFile).Items For $item in $hList _ArrayAdd($aArray,$ Next $aArray[0] = UBound($aArray) - 1 Return $aArray EndFunc ;==>_Zip_ListoÝ÷ ÛØb±«¢+ÙÕ¹}i¥Á}1¥ÍÐ ÀÌØí¡i¥Á¥±¤(%±½°ÀÌØíÉÉålÅt(%1½°ÀÌØí11 ¡¬ô}i¥Á}±± ¡¬ ¤(%%ÀÌØí11 ¡¬±ÐìÐìÀQ¡¸IÑÕɸMÑÉÉ½È ÀÌØí11 ¡¬°À°À¤í¹¼±°(%%9½Ð¥±á¥ÍÑÌ ÀÌØí¡i¥Á¥±¤Q¡¸IÑÕɸMÑÉÉ½È Ä°À°À¤í¹¼é¥À¥±($($ÀÌØí½ÁÀô=© ÉÑ ÅÕ½ÐíM¡±°¹ÁÁ±¥Ñ¥½¸ÅÕ½Ðì¤(]¥Ñ ÀÌØí½ÁÀ($ÀÌØí¡1¥ÍÐô¹9µÍÁ ÀÌØí¡i¥Á¥±¤¹%ѵÌ(¹]¥Ñ ($(%½ÈÀÌØí¥Ñ´¥¸ÀÌØí¡1¥ÍÐ($%}ÉÉå ÀÌØíÉÉä°ÀÌØí¥Ñ´¹¹µ¤(%9áÐ($ÀÌØíÉÉålÁtôU ½Õ¹ ÀÌØíÉÉ䤴Ä(%IÑÕɸÀÌØíÉÉä)¹Õ¹ìôôÐí}i¥Á}1¥ÍÐ should work cheers Some Projects:[list][*]ZIP UDF using no external files[*]iPod Music Transfer [*]iTunes UDF - fully integrate iTunes with au3[*]iTunes info (taskbar player hover)[*]Instant Run - run scripts without saving them before :)[*]Get Tube - YouTube Downloader[*]Lyric Finder 2 - Find Lyrics to any of your song[*]DeskBox - A Desktop Extension Tool[/list]indifference will ruin the world, but in the end... WHO CARES :P---------------
RagnaroktA Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 (edited) Done and done. Now that error has passed, but I'm getting the following error on the same line. Line 301 (File "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Beta\Include\Zip.au3"): $hList = $oApp.Namespace($hZipFile).Items $hList = $oApp.Namespace($hZipFile).Items^ ERROR Error: Error in expression Edited October 21, 2008 by RagnaroktA Current Projects:Remote Administration Suite Updated! 12-20-07Remote User State Migration Tool (Plugin) Updated! 12-20-07Batch Print Wizard Updated! 12-20-07Links:AutoIt Beta | AutoIt Wiki
torels Posted October 21, 2008 Author Posted October 21, 2008 excuse me... what OS are you using ? on XP SP 3 with autoit it works fine in both ways Some Projects:[list][*]ZIP UDF using no external files[*]iPod Music Transfer [*]iTunes UDF - fully integrate iTunes with au3[*]iTunes info (taskbar player hover)[*]Instant Run - run scripts without saving them before :)[*]Get Tube - YouTube Downloader[*]Lyric Finder 2 - Find Lyrics to any of your song[*]DeskBox - A Desktop Extension Tool[/list]indifference will ruin the world, but in the end... WHO CARES :P---------------
RagnaroktA Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 excuse me... what OS are you using ?on XP SP 3 with autoit it works fine in both waysOS: XP SP2AutoIt Stable: v3.2.12.1AutoIt Beta: v3.2.13.9 Current Projects:Remote Administration Suite Updated! 12-20-07Remote User State Migration Tool (Plugin) Updated! 12-20-07Batch Print Wizard Updated! 12-20-07Links:AutoIt Beta | AutoIt Wiki
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