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Kids Learning Game


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Here is something my 4 year old came home with on a piece of paper from daycare. He really liked it, so I came up with this.

;Find the number game
Opt("GUICloseOnESC", 0)
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#Include <Array.au3>
SRandom(Random(0, 254))
Dim $aCorrect[8] = ["Good Job!", "That's Right!", "Way to Go!", "You're so smart!", "Very Good!", "There's no stopping you!", "Yep!", "Excelent!"]

;Populate an array from 1 - 20 2 times
    Dim $aNumbers[40]
    $j = 1
    for $i = 0 to 39
        if $j = 21 Then $j = 1
        $aNumbers[$i] = $j
        $j += 1
;Create the GUI controls
    $iGuiW = 370
    $iGuiH = 360
    $hGUIMain = GUICreate("Number Hunt", $iGuiW, $iGuiH)
    Dim $hNumbBtn[40]
    $iX = 10
    $iY = 10
    For $i = 0 to 39
        $iRand = Random(0, UBound($aNumbers) - 1, 1)
        $hNumbBtn[$i] = GUICtrlCreateButton($aNumbers[$iRand], $iX, $iY, 50, 40)
        GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 16, 600)
        GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE)
        $iX += 60
        if $iX >= $iGuiW - 50 Then 
            $iY += 50
            $iX = 10
        _ArrayDelete($aNumbers, $iRand)
    $hStart = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start", $iGuiW - 100, $iGuiH - 40, 80, 25)
;Re-Populate the array from 1 - 20 2 times
    Dim $aNumbers[40]
    $j = 1
    for $i = 0 to 39
        if $j = 21 Then $j = 1
        $aNumbers[$i] = $j
        $j += 1
Dim $oSp = ObjCreate("SAPI.SpVoice")
While 1
    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $nMsg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $hStart
            ;Lock the gui control.
            GUISetCursor(15, 1, $hGUIMain)
            GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $hGUIMain)
            for $i = 0 to 39
                GUICtrlSetState($hNumbBtn[$i], $GUI_ENABLE)
            $iRand = Random(0, UBound($aNumbers) - 1, 1)
            $oSp.Speak("Can you find the number, " & $aNumbers[$iRand] & "?")
            GUICtrlSetData($hStart, "Next")
            ;unlock the gui control
            GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $hGUIMain)
            GUISetCursor(2, 1, $hGUIMain)
    for $i = 0 to 39
        if $nMsg = $hNumbBtn[$i] Then
            ;Lock the gui control.
            GUISetCursor(15, 1, $hGUIMain)
            for $l = 0 to 39
                GUICtrlSetState($hNumbBtn[$l], $GUI_DISABLE)
            GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $hGUIMain)
            if GUICtrlRead($hNumbBtn[$i]) = $aNumbers[$iRand] Then
                GUICtrlSetState($hNumbBtn[$i], $gui_hide)
                if UBound($aNumbers) = 1 Then
                    $oSp.Speak("You finished the game, Great Job!")
                    GUICtrlSetState($hStart, $GUI_DISABLE)
                $oSp.Speak($aCorrect[Random(0, UBound($aCorrect) - 1, 1)])
                _ArrayDelete($aNumbers, $iRand)
                $oSp.Speak("Sorry, that's the number " & GUICtrlRead($hNumbBtn[$i]))
                $oSp.Speak("Can you find the number, " & $aNumbers[$iRand] & "?")
                for $l = 0 to 39
                    GUICtrlSetState($hNumbBtn[$l], $GUI_ENABLE)
            ;unlock the gui control
            GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $hGUIMain)
            GUISetCursor(2, 1, $hGUIMain)


1. Updated with more success messages

2. Now locks the screen on each click, my Son got click happy which got the previous version stuck while he waited for the messages to finish.

Edited by MikeOsdx
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Good Game, but Microsoft Sam is scarey :)

I also notice on exit it doesn't make a new board to play again, and may be add some more random sayings instead of "Good Job" for everyone you get correct. just some idea's, but pretty neat anyways.

Edited by JellyFish666
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