ProgAndy Posted May 31, 2008 Posted May 31, 2008 I created a window to select HotKeys with the msctls_hotkey32 control. It translates the Codes to AutoIT hotkey syntax, so you can directly use it in HotKeySet Hope, someone will need it.HotKeySelect.au3CODE#include<WinAPI.au3>#include<ButtonConstants.au3>#include<StaticConstants.au3>#include<WindowsConstants.au3>#include<GUIConstantsEx.au3>#include<SendMessage.au3>Global Const $HKM_GETHOTKEY = $WM_USER + 2Global Const $HOTKEYF_ALT = 0x4Global Const $HOTKEYF_CONTROL = 0x2Global Const $HOTKEYF_SHIFT = 0x1Global Const $HOTKEYF_EXT = 0x80Global $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[65][2]_CreateVK();;===============================================================================;; Function Name: _SelectHotkey($OldHotkey = ""); Description:: Opens a window to select a HotKey; Parameter(s): $OldHotKey - The Old Hotkey in HotKey Format; Requirement(s): WinAPI.au3; Return Value(s): New HotKey; Cancel, GUIClose: Hotkey given in OldHotKEy; Author(s): Prog@ndy;;===============================================================================;Func _SelectHotkey($OldHotkey = "") Local $OldEvent = Opt("GUIOnEventMode",0) Local $wKey, $OK, $hHkey, $Cancel, $msg Local $wnd = GUICreate("Set Hotkey", 220, 160) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Old Hotkey:", 2, 3, -1, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel($OldHotkey, 2, 20, 218, 22, $SS_SUNKEN + $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xCCCCCC) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, -1, "Arial") GUICtrlCreateLabel("New Hotkey:", 2, 44, -1, 20) $hHkey = _WinAPI_CreateWindowEx(0, "msctls_hotkey32", "", $WS_CHILD + $WS_VISIBLE, 0, 62, 220, 22, $wnd) $wKey = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("+ WIN-Key", 10, 86) $OK = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 10, 130, 85, -1, $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, Default, 800) $Cancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Abbrechen", 105, 130, 85) _WinAPI_SetFocus($hHkey) GUISetState() Local $Return = $OldHotkey, $Error = 0 While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $OK Local $x = _GetHotKey($hHkey) If $x = "" Then Switch MsgBox(292, 'HotKeySelect', "Do you really want to remove the HotKey?") Case 6 $Return = "" ExitLoop Case Else ContinueLoop EndSwitch EndIf If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($wKey), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $x = "#" & $x $Return = $x ExitLoop Case $Cancel, $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE $Error = 1 ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($wnd) Opt("GUIOnEventMode",$OldEvent) Return SetError($Error,0,$Return)EndFunc ;==>_HotkeyFunc _GetHotKey($hotKeyControl) If Not IsHWnd($hotKeyControl) Then Return -1 Local $Chr = "" Local $hk = _SendMessage($hotKeyControl, $HKM_GETHOTKEY, 0, 0) Local $loByte = BitAND(_WinAPI_LoWord($hk), 0xFF) Local $HiByte = BitShift(_WinAPI_LoWord($hk), 8) $hk = $loByte For $i = 0 To 64 If $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[$i][0] = $hk Then $Chr = $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[$i][1] ExitLoop EndIf Next If $Chr <> "" Then Return $Chr $Chr = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "MapVirtualKey", "int", $hk, "int", 2) $Chr = StringLower(Chr(BitAND($Chr[0], 0xFFFF))) If $Chr = "!" Or $Chr = "^" Or $Chr = "+" Or $Chr = "{" Or $Chr = "}" Or $Chr = "#" Then $Chr = "{" & $Chr & "}" EndIf If BitAND($HiByte, $HOTKEYF_SHIFT) = $HOTKEYF_SHIFT Then $Chr = "+" & $Chr If BitAND($HiByte, $HOTKEYF_ALT) = $HOTKEYF_ALT Then $Chr = "!" & $Chr If BitAND($HiByte, $HOTKEYF_CONTROL) = $HOTKEYF_CONTROL Then $Chr = "^" & $Chr If BitAND($HiByte, $HOTKEYF_EXT) = $HOTKEYF_EXT Then $Chr = "#" & $Chr Return $ChrEndFunc ;==>_GetHotKeyFunc _CreateVK();~ Global Const $VK_CTRL_BREAK = '03' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[0][0] = 0x03 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[0][1] = "{BREAK}";~ Global Const $VK_BACK = '08' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[1][0] = 0x09 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[1][1] = "{TAB}";~ Global Const $VK_TAB = '09';~ Global Const $VK_CLEAR = '0C' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[2][0] = 0x0C $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[2][1] = "{CLEAR}";~ Global Const $VK_ENTER = '0D' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[3][0] = 0x0D $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[3][1] = "{ENTER}";~ Global Const $VK_SHIFT = 10 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[4][0] = 0x10 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[4][1] = "+";~ Global Const $VK_CTRL = 11 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[5][0] = 0x11 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[5][1] = "^";~ Global Const $VK_ALT = 12 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[6][0] = 0x12 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[6][1] = "!";~ Global Const $VK_PAUSE = 13 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[7][0] = 0x13 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[7][1] = "{PAUSE}";~ Global Const $VK_CAPS = 14 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[8][0] = 0x14 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[8][1] = "{CAPSLOCK}";~ Global Const $VK_ESC = '1B' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[9][0] = 0x1B $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[9][1] = "{ESC}";~ Global Const $VK_SPACE = 20 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[10][0] = 0x20 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[10][1] = "{SPACE}";~ Global Const $VK_PAGE_UP = 21 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[11][0] = 0x21 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[11][1] = "{PGUP}";~ Global Const $VK_PADE_DOWN = 22 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[12][0] = 0x22 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[12][1] = "{PGDN}";~ Global Const $VK_END = 23 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[13][0] = 0x23 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[13][1] = "{END}";~ Global Const $VK_HOME = 24 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[14][0] = 0x24 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[14][1] = "{HOME}";~ Global Const $VK_LEFT = 25 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[15][0] = 0x25 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[15][1] = "{LEFT}";~ Global Const $VK_UP = 26 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[16][0] = 0x26 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[16][1] = "{UP}";~ Global Const $VK_RIGHT = 27 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[17][0] = 0x27 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[17][1] = "{RIGHT}";~ Global Const $VK_DOWN = 28 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[18][0] = 0x28 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[18][1] = "{DOWN}";~ Global Const $VK_SELECT = 29 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[19][0] = 0x29 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[19][1] = "{SELECT}";~ Global Const $VK_PRINT = '2A' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[20][0] = 0x2A $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[20][1] = "{PRINTSCREEN}";~ Global Const $VK_EXECUTE = '2B';~ $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[1][0]=0x20;~ $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[1][1]="{SPACE}";~ Global Const $VK_PRINT_SCR = '2C' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[21][0] = 0x2C $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[21][1] = "{PRINTSCREEN}";~ Global Const $VK_INS = '2D' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[22][0] = 0x2D $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[22][1] = "{INS}";~ Global Const $VK_DEL = '2E' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[23][0] = 0x2E $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[23][1] = "{DEL}";~ Global Const $VK_HELP = '2F' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[24][0] = 0x2F $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[24][1] = "{F1}";~ Global Const $VK_L_WIN = '5B' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[25][0] = 0x5B $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[25][1] = "#";~ Global Const $VK_R_WIN = '5C' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[26][0] = 0x5C $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[26][1] = "#";~ Global Const $VK_APP = '5D' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[27][0] = 0x5D $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[27][1] = "{APPSKEY}";~ Global Const $VK_NUMPAD0 = 60 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[28][0] = 0x60 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[28][1] = "{NUMPAD0}";~ Global Const $VK_NUMPAD1 = 61 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[29][0] = 0x61 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[29][1] = "{NUMPAD1}";~ Global Const $VK_NUMPAD2 = 62 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[30][0] = 0x62 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[30][1] = "{NUMPAD2}";~ Global Const $VK_NUMPAD3 = 63 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[31][0] = 0x63 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[31][1] = "{NUMPAD3}";~ Global Const $VK_NUMPAD4 = 64 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[32][0] = 0x64 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[32][1] = "{NUMPAD4}";~ Global Const $VK_NUMPAD5 = 65 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[33][0] = 0x65 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[33][1] = "{NUMPAD5}";~ Global Const $VK_NUMPAD6 = 66 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[34][0] = 0x66 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[34][1] = "{NUMPAD6}";~ Global Const $VK_NUMPAD7 = 67 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[35][0] = 0x67 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[35][1] = "{NUMPAD7}";~ Global Const $VK_NUMPAD8 = 68 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[36][0] = 0x68 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[36][1] = "{NUMPAD8}";~ Global Const $VK_NUMPAD9 = 69 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[37][0] = 0x69 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[37][1] = "{NUMPAD9}";~ Global Const $VK_MULTIPLY = '6A' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[38][0] = 0x6A $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[38][1] = "{NUMPADMULT}";~ Global Const $VK_ADD = '6B' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[39][0] = 0x6B $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[39][1] = "{NUMPADADD}";~ Global Const $VK_SEPERATOR = '6C' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[40][0] = 0x6C $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[40][1] = "{NUMPADENTER}";~ Global Const $VK_SUBSTRACT = '6D' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[41][0] = 0x6D $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[41][1] = "{NUMPADSUB}";~ Global Const $VK_DECIMAL = '6E' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[42][0] = 0x6E $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[42][1] = "{NUMPADDOT}";~ Global Const $VK_DIVIDE = '6F' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[43][0] = 0x6F $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[43][1] = "{NUMPADDIV}";~ Global Const $VK_F1 = 70 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[44][0] = 0x70 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[44][1] = "{F1}";~ Global Const $VK_F2 = 71 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[45][0] = 0x71 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[45][1] = "{F2}";~ Global Const $VK_F3 = 72 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[46][0] = 0x72 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[46][1] = "{F3}";~ Global Const $VK_F4 = 73 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[47][0] = 0x73 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[47][1] = "{F4}";~ Global Const $VK_F5 = 74 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[48][0] = 0x74 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[48][1] = "{F5}";~ Global Const $VK_F6 = 75 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[49][0] = 0x75 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[49][1] = "{F6}";~ Global Const $VK_F7 = 76 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[50][0] = 0x76 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[50][1] = "{F7}";~ Global Const $VK_F8 = 77 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[51][0] = 0x77 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[51][1] = "{F8}";~ Global Const $VK_F9 = 78 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[52][0] = 0x78 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[52][1] = "{F9}";~ Global Const $VK_F10 = 79 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[53][0] = 0x79 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[53][1] = "{F10}";~ Global Const $VK_F11 = '7A' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[54][0] = 0x7A $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[54][1] = "{F11}";~ Global Const $VK_F12 = '7B' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[55][0] = 0x7B $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[55][1] = "{F12}";~ Global Const $VK_F13 = '7C';~ Global Const $VK_F14 = '7D';~ Global Const $VK_F15 = '7E';~ Global Const $VK_F16 = '7F';~ Global Const $VK_F17 = '80H';~ Global Const $VK_F18 = '81H';~ Global Const $VK_F19 = '82H';~ Global Const $VK_F20 = '83H';~ Global Const $VK_F21 = '84H';~ Global Const $VK_F22 = '85H';~ Global Const $VK_F23 = '86H';~ Global Const $VK_F24 = '87H';~ Global Const $VK_NUMLOCK = 90 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[56][0] = 0x90 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[56][1] = "{NUMLOCK}";~ Global Const $VK_SCROLL_LOCK = 91 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[57][0] = 0x91 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[57][1] = "{SCROLLLOCK}";~ Global Const $VK_L_SHIFT = 'A0' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[58][0] = 0xA0 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[58][1] = "+";~ Global Const $VK_R_SHIFT = 'A1' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[59][0] = 0xA1 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[59][1] = "+";~ Global Const $VK_L_CTRL = 'A2' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[60][0] = 0xA2 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[60][1] = "^";~ Global Const $VK_R_CTRL = 'A3' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[61][0] = 0xA3 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[61][1] = "^";~ Global Const $VK_L_MENU = 'A4' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[62][0] = 0xA4 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[62][1] = "{APPSKEY}";~ Global Const $VK_R_MENU = 'A5' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[63][0] = 0xA5 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[63][1] = "{APPSKEY}";~ Global Const $VK_PLAY = 'FA' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[64][0] = 0xFA $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[64][1] = "{MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE}";~ Global Const $VK_ZOOM = 'FB';~ Global Const $VK_OFF = 'DF';~ Global Const $VK_COMMA = 'BC';~ Global Const $VK_POINT = 'BE';~ Global Const $VK_PERIOD = 'BE';~ Global Const $VK_PLUS = 'BB';~ Global Const $VK_MINUS = 'BD' ;other:;~ Global Const $VK_COLON = 'BA' ;==> :;;~ Global Const $VK_SLASH = 'BF' ;==> /?;~ Global Const $VK_TILDE = 'C0' ;==> `~;~ Global Const $VK_OPEN_BRACKET = 'DB' ;==> [{;~ Global Const $VK_CLOSE_BRACKET = 'DD' ;==> ]};~ Global Const $VK_BACK_SLASH = 'DC' ;==> \|;~ Global Const $VK_QUOTATION = 'DE' ;==> '"EndFunc ;==>_CreateVKExample:;#### EXAMPLE #include <HotKeySelect.au3> MsgBox(0, 'Example',"Example for HotKeySelect.au3" & @CRLF & "Result: " & _SelectHotkey("#1")) yahaosoft and FaridAgl 2 *GERMAN* [note: you are not allowed to remove author / modified info from my UDFs]My UDFs:[_SetImageBinaryToCtrl] [_TaskDialog] [AutoItObject] [Animated GIF (GDI+)] [ClipPut for Image] [FreeImage] [GDI32 UDFs] [GDIPlus Progressbar] [Hotkey-Selector] [Multiline Inputbox] [MySQL without ODBC] [RichEdit UDFs] [SpeechAPI Example] [WinHTTP]UDFs included in AutoIt: FTP_Ex (as FTPEx), _WinAPI_SetLayeredWindowAttributes
GaryFrost Posted May 31, 2008 Posted May 31, 2008 something to look at:;#entry427659 SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
martin Posted May 31, 2008 Posted May 31, 2008 I created a window to select HotKeys with the msctls_hotkey32 control. It translates the Codes to AutoIT hotkey syntax, so you can directly use it in HotKeySet Hope, someone will need it. Looks good. Maybe the _CreateVK could be a little shorter if you did something like this Func _CreateVK() $Kodes = "03,{Break},09,{TAB},0d,{ENTER}";just 3 keys to demonstrate $AllKeys = StringSplit($Kodes,',')/2 For $n = 0 To $AllKeys[0] - 2 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[$n][0] = "0x" & $AllKeys[$n + 1] $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[$n][1] = $AllKeys[$n + 2] Next Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script.
Zedna Posted June 5, 2008 Posted June 5, 2008 Very Nice Resources UDF ResourcesEx UDF AutoIt Forum Search
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