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for my personel lazyness I wrote a script using fileinstall() to include the installers for Autoit, Beta, SciTE.

Maybe someone already wrote such a script? Then I missed it. Currently I do this and need to rewrite it to mach the new versions..

What I do is this:

- If the beta is installed, remove it (checked in HKLM\Software\ ...)

- if Autoit is installed, remove it (checked in Registry, too)

- install autoit prod., /S

- install beta, /S

- install SciTE, /S

- set default action for .AU3 to "Edit"

- set some hotkeys (Ctrl+Alt+s -> SciTE, Ctrl+Alt+i -> Autoit Window Info Tool) defined in the startmenu's shortcuts to SciTE and Window Info Tool.

Now the new is out and currently there does not exist a newer beta so far. So I was wondering if there are 3 static URLs that redirect to the latest versions of

1.) Autoit, latest version

2.) Autoit Beta, latest version (as the beta has the version in the installer's name, install can be conditional *ONLY*, if it's newer than the Autoit installed before)

3.) Autoit customized SciTE Editor


Then I'd like to extend my script in a way, that it tries to get the latest files from the web, and then installes Autoit, Beta - if availabe, and SciTE editor as described above. If no Internet Connection is possible, then use the FileInstall() included installers. Or maybe just use the latest versions from the web: When not using FileInstall() it will be faaaaar smaller as well :)

Regards, Rudi.

Earth is flat, pigs can fly, and Nuclear Power is SAFE!

Posted (edited)

Start > Programs > AutoIt v3 > Check for updates

Thanks for you answer, which I missed for some days.

Yes, I do know this program. But I missed :), that it's not compiled, but an AU3, that I can read up myself :)


It's simply this "INI" file "Update.Dat", AutoUpdateIt.au3 is using. It's holding all information I need :)


right now it's presenting this information:



thanks, Rudi.

Edited by rudi

Earth is flat, pigs can fly, and Nuclear Power is SAFE!

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