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I know u can do it by pixelsearch, but is packet possible? (PunkBuster)

No. Stop sucking at games.

If your username means anything you are probably one of those kids that comes on a server and snipes people from 600 yards away with a G36 while simultaneously dropping an infinite number of supply crates. You ruin the game for people that don't suck.


you are probably one of those kids that comes on a server and snipes people from 600 yards away with a G36 while simultaneously dropping an infinite number of supply crates.


But thanks anyway.

Posted (edited)

How do you make packet sniffers? At first i thought u make it with TPC but then i saw someone's WoW packet sniffer and its totally diffrent... something like this

if $packetget = 1 Then
    $oPktX = ObjCreate("PktX.PacketX")
    If Not IsObj($oPktX) Then MsgBox(0, "ERROR", "No Object")
        $EventObject = ObjEvent($oPktX, "PacketX_")
    For $i = 1 To $oPktX.Adapters.Count
$oPktX.Adapter = $oPktX.Adapters ($oPktX.Adapters.Count)

So do i make packet sniffer with TPC or with the WoW style?

Edited by bf2forlife

Hi, can someone convert this packet sending code to read packets?

; Start The TCP Services

; Set Some reusable info

Dim $szIPADDRESS = ""
Dim $nPORT = 30000

; Initialize a variable to represent a connection
Dim $ConnectedSocket = -1

;Attempt to connect to SERVER at its IP and PORT 33891
$ConnectedSocket = TCPConnect($szIPADDRESS,$nPORT)

Dim $szData

; If there is an error... show it
If @error Then
    MsgBox(4112,"Error","Unable to connect to the server")
; If there is no error loop an inputbox for data
;   to send to the SERVER.
;Loop forever asking for data to send to the SERVER
    While 1
; InputBox for data to transmit
        $szData = InputBox("Data for Server",@LF & @LF & "Enter data to transmit to the SERVER:")
; If they cancel the InputBox or leave it blank we exit our forever loop
        If @error Or $szData = "" Then ExitLoop
; We should have data in $szData... lets attempt to send it through our connected socket.
; If the send failed with @error then the socket has disconnected
        If @error Then ExitLoop



Posted (edited)

actually i can succeed in online game without hacking, i just wanna more training in autoit

EDIT: And im sorry for topic duplicating.

Edited by bf2forlife

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