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Ok next step: Try running the client as a script and as a compiled script and see if they both don't work.

Alright. Well, it might be awhile. I'm going somewhere for 1 week without a computer so, when I get back I'll have Vista, and will also reply again.

Thanks for your program Hallman!!


Alright. Well, it might be awhile. I'm going somewhere for 1 week without a computer so, when I get back I'll have Vista, and will also reply again.

Thanks for your program Hallman!!

Ok I'll see if I can find a possible cause anyways.

And your welcome muttley I'm glad to know that my work isn't all to waste :)


Hey guys muttley

Just letting you know that I'm leaving on a road trip (I think my dad is crazy with the price of gas and all) and I won't be back until about the 28th. So, unfortunately the next release will have to wait until then. Happy coding!

~ Hallman

Posted (edited)

It works fantastic on Vista!

Actually, the Delete folder does nothing.

EDIT: Nevermind, it does work, but on Vista that folder is protected I guess?

Edited by JasonB

I really love this program/script. muttley

I have run into a problem though...

Whenever I try to shut down "wow.exe" on a remote computer, it doesn't seem to shut it down.

The server is running WINXP and the client is running Vista.

Other processes seem to shut down just fine.

"A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad." - Theodore Roosevelt

I really love this program/script. muttley

I have run into a problem though...

Whenever I try to shut down "wow.exe" on a remote computer, it doesn't seem to shut it down.

The server is running WINXP and the client is running Vista.

Other processes seem to shut down just fine.

I seem to run into this ocassionally. The client needs permision to shutdown that process, which the Client does not ask for, so it denies it, and it doesn't shut down!
  • 2 weeks later...

hey hallman

just wanted you to know that i have been using your program a lot - its fantastic!

ive been on the forums for a long time but have never posted before =) guess i never had time to do much more than search

i just wanted to suggest a shutdown option (shutdown, restart, logoff, suspend, hibernate, lock, etc.)

i would add it myself but i dont know c#

thank you so much again for your contribution, this program is magnificent



  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Ohh my GOD! :o This script rules! but there is something that is missing :P

why not make a updater that downloads new updates for the client?

im getting a bit tired of having to download all new updates my self and put alle files in different folder :P.

Edited by Chris86
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hey all sorry for the late reply. Iv'e been really busy lately because my dad has decided he hates the big city and he wants to move to Noth Dakota :P It sucks because I don't want to leave all my freinds behind :P

We have been fixing up the house and getting it ready to sell. We still have a lot to do. Don't worry! I'll be back with in update in a few weeks. In my free time, iv'e been learning more of C# so I can fix many of the things I have done wrong, for example I never used the lock{ } keyword on objects shared between threads :o

Anyways take care and wish me luck!

~ Hallman

Edited by Hallman

You all are going to think I'm crazy but ... I have started to rewrite the server for a 4th time! :P


The previous one was fine but because the way it was set up, adding some of the newer features I wanted was next to impossible without fundamentally changing how the core of it works.

What can I expect in the next version?

A few of the things I'm working on right now:

  • I finally figured out how to make the server resizable!
  • Skin Editor to make your own skins for the server
  • A little more organized
  • There will be a File Transfer tab with a queue for downloads/uploads

I should be ready with a release in a few weeks as I'm working on it in my free time between fixing up the house and getting it ready for sale.

~ Hallman


You all are going to think I'm crazy but ... I have started to rewrite the server for a 4th time! :D


The previous one was fine but because the way it was set up, adding some of the newer features I wanted was next to impossible without fundamentally changing how the core of it works.

What can I expect in the next version?

A few of the things I'm working on right now:

  • I finally figured out how to make the server resizable!
  • Skin Editor to make your own skins for the server
  • A little more organized
  • There will be a File Transfer tab with a queue for downloads/uploads

I should be ready with a release in a few weeks as I'm working on it in my free time between fixing up the house and getting it ready for sale.

~ Hallman

Ugh, Hallman, we have a problem. I can't wait that long. ;)


hi hallman. your damn program sucks. its great. better if it has option to execute the client settings on the server side. And additional Tab for remote connection like VNC is absolutely great.


hi hallman. your damn program sucks. its great. better if it has option to execute the client settings on the server side. And additional Tab for remote connection like VNC is absolutely great.

Posted (edited)

hi hallman. your damn program sucks. its great. better if it has option to execute the client settings on the server side. And additional Tab for remote connection like VNC is absolutely great.

lol ...

First of all, don't double post. Especially an inconsiderate post like yours.

Second, if you want someone to get your point, it's proabably best not to contradict yourself in your first few, incomplete sentences.

your damn program sucks. its great

My "damn program sucks", and yet it's great? ;)

Third, before you complain about my FREE open source application, think about how much work it is to create what I have, or just the simple fact that you have not contributed a single thing to this forum.

Fourth, If you could read, you would notice quite clearly the title says BETA, which means it's still in development.

~ Hallman

Edited by Hallman
Posted (edited)

Yeah dude, Hallman took a really long time making this amazing program, and you just say something like this? Not right...

EDIT: @Hallllllllmmmaann!! When do you plan for the next release to be out?

Edited by Alienware
Posted (edited)

EDIT: @Hallllllllmmmaann!! When do you plan for the next release to be out?

It's hard to say since I don't have a regular schedule, I just work on it when I can. ;)

Here's about how much I've done.

Main UI = 70% done
Other forms = 40% done
Network engine = 95% done
Network functions = 15% done

I'll try to keep this updated ...


=== September 11, 2008 ===

Sorry for no update in a while, first two weeks of school has kept me busy!

- Planned out most of the server

- Started working on the "File Transfer Service" which moves all file transfers into the same thread independent from the rest of the server.

=== August 30, 2008 ===

Going up in the mountains with my friend to ride quads, be back on Monday. School starts on Tuesday >.<

=== August 28, 2008

- Began to completely re-design the System Info tab so it's more organized, has more information, and takes less time to load

=== August 27, 2008 ===

- Added more functions for the Client List View Context Menu

- Created a few methods for getting the selected client's info

- Added Log off, hibernate, shut down, etc commands

- Changed the wording of a few console messages

- The IP column in the client list now includes the remote end point in parentheses EX: " ("

=== August 26, 2008 ===

- Split client list view into two lists. One for online users, the other for offline users.

- Added a context menu to the client list view with the "Set User Name" item

- Ran a few stress tests, and fixed some major bugs causing the server to completely lock up if more than one user connected at the same time.

=== August 25, 2008 ===

After playing around with a few different ways to store data, I decided (at least for now) to use the registry to store settings and client information =O

I know many people will complain about this but it works very well, and is less likely to have problems or get manually edited.

=== August 24, 2008 ===

Huge set back today, I just discovered my XML write method has some major problems. I need to rewrite it or find a better storage format.

=== August 23, 2008 ===

Just trying some new things out

- Created template for "clients.xml" I plan on using this file to store client data when they are offline.

- The client list is now "grouped"

- Connected clients are under the "Online" group, disconnected users are under the "Offline" group

- I'm in the process of removing all the message boxes, and replacing them with a "Message Log" tab on the main form.

- Experimenting with a PCID filter

- Experimenting with a "Status" tab that shows the current and total net usage. I'm thinking about adding an individual client net usage monitor.

=== August 22, 2008 ===

- Finished most of the network engine

- Started the "Skin Editor" form

- Added method to invoke functions on the UI thread

~ Hallman Edited by Hallman

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