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Hmm, Recieved an error, while on running the Client on another computer, and accessing the C:\ drive. As the messagebox error stated to take a screenshot, I have. It is attached below. (error.bmp)

EDIT: Found another error while browsing the Client's WINDOWS folder. (error2.bmp)

EDIT: Guess there both the same error.

Yeah thanks :)

Someone PMed me with the same error. It might have something to do with accessing a directory that you don't have proper rights for? I'm looking into it but I haven't been able to reproduce the error myself.

And yes full remote control of mouse and keyboard is planned. ATM though I have other things I need to get out of the way first.

~ Hallman


Thanks Hallman! Also, I was peering at the Client source, and see that you have things like ShellExecute(), BlockInput(), and others. But I don't see in the Server where you have them? Am I missing something, or have you just not had the time to make the controls, and send the packet information?


Thanks Hallman! Also, I was peering at the Client source, and see that you have things like ShellExecute(), BlockInput(), and others. But I don't see in the Server where you have them? Am I missing something, or have you just not had the time to make the controls, and send the packet information?

Yup :)

Remember I said the server was originally wrote in AutoIt? Well, those things are from the old server that I haven't added to the new one yet. It seems like I would have done those first xD but, I wanted to get some of the harder things out of the way like the file explorer.

Oh and thanks for adding it to your sig. That's awesome .... :P


Can you add a "/silent" parameter to the server ? That would be awesome :P

Keep up the good work



Yes I can but I don't quite understand. I take it you want the server to run on startup and be hidden? I already got the tray icon done, so it won't be hard to make :)


Can you add a "/silent" parameter to the server ? That would be awesome :)

Keep up the good work



Why exactly would you want it 'hidden'?

On the client, I have set it to: Client.exe, and added #NoTrayIcon to the top, but I see no reason in having a silent server.

Posted (edited)

Yup :)

Remember I said the server was originally wrote in AutoIt? Well, those things are from the old server that I haven't added to the new one yet. It seems like I would have done those first xD but, I wanted to get some of the harder things out of the way like the file explorer.

Oh and thanks for adding it to your sig. That's awesome .... :P

I will gladly add things to my signature that are down right awesome. I use this program everyday to monitor my employees. I would love to also be able to set the title of a message box, control their computer system, and others that you have in the making. Thank you so much for this awesome program Hallman. Don't mind me asking but, how long have you been working on this?

EDIT: Sorry I double-posted. Didn't even notice I did it.

Another EDIT: Hey Hallman, using your program more and more, I discover getting the same error posted in above posts, when using the file manager just to look at any directory.

EDIT: EDIT: I see when uploading/downloading files to/from clients, it establishes another connection, adds it to the CONSOLE, and then once it is done it says it in the CONSOLE too. In my opinion, I don't think it should be shown in the CONSOLE or the Clients listview.

A Client has connected!

Client logged in with the following information:

User Name: Downloader_Client



Client connection accepted.

File transfer completed.

Client disconnected.

User Name: Downloader_Client



Edited by JasonB
Posted (edited)

I will gladly add things to my signature that are down right awesome. I use this program everyday to monitor my employees. I would love to also be able to set the title of a message box, control their computer system, and others that you have in the making. Thank you so much for this awesome program Hallman. Don't mind me asking but, how long have you been working on this?

If you include all the previous versions (I've completely rewrote the server 3 times now :P ) it's been about 2 years since I first started? But I haven't been working on it continuously.

Another EDIT: Hey Hallman, using your program more and more, I discover getting the same error posted in above posts, when using the file manager just to look at any directory.

Ok I will put it on the top of my list of things to fix.

EDIT: EDIT: I see when uploading/downloading files to/from clients, it establishes another connection, adds it to the CONSOLE, and then once it is done it says it in the CONSOLE too. In my opinion, I don't think it should be shown in the CONSOLE or the Clients listview.

I agree, however that was the quick and dirty way of doing it. I'm still pretty new to C#, so it was easier just to reuse the code. I think the hardest thing so far has been getting the client thread(s) to update information on the UI. C# doesn't allow any control to be updated from a thread other than the one it was created on. So after much :P ... :mad: ... :D ... then finally o:) I figured out how to send a message to the UI and invoke it on the UI thread :)

Anyways thanks for the input :)

~ Hallman

Edited by Hallman

If you include all the previous versions (I've completely rewrote the server 3 times now :) ) it's been about 2 years since I first started? But I haven't been working on it continuously.

Ok I will put it on the top of my list of things to fix.

I agree, however that was the quick and dirty way of doing it. I'm still pretty new to C#, so it was easier just to reuse the code.

Anyways thanks for the input :P

~ Hallman

The server code looks good, doesn't look like your new! :P
Posted (edited)

The server code looks good, doesn't look like your new! :P

Thanks :P

I uploaded a new version that (hopefully) fixes the file explorer bug. If not, you should at least get a slightly different error message :D I will upload the updated server's source code later on a more major update.

~ Hallman

EDIT: Oops uploaded again because I just realized that in the last build the "End Process" button on the process tab had gone missing :)

Edited by Hallman

Yes I can but I don't quite understand. I take it you want the server to run on startup and be hidden? I already got the tray icon done, so it won't be hard to make :)

That's exactly what I want :P ...

If you can add the silent parameter I'll be delighted :P




That's exactly what I want :P ...

If you can add the silent parameter I'll be delighted :P



already done :)

Run the server with the "/silent" command parameter and it should be hidden.

Posted (edited)

Thanks :P

I uploaded a new version that (hopefully) fixes the file explorer bug. If not, you should at least get a slightly different error message :P I will upload the updated server's source code later on a more major update.

~ Hallman

EDIT: Oops uploaded again because I just realized that in the last build the "End Process" button on the process tab had gone missing :)

Thanks so much Hallman! I went tring to cause the same error, but to my luck, it didn't occur! Awesome job Hallman! I'm looking forward to the new features.

Hallman, I have another suggestion for your server. Maybe if you wanted to, in your 'Options' menu item, to have in the options, start with Maximized, Minimized, or Tray.

Thank you again Hallman, for this amazing program!

EDIT: Another idea is to have in the options menu item, allow the port to be written to the registry not an ini file, so the .exe is stand-alone. Thank you once again Hallman for your amazing work! I also love in the new version, when you X it out, it doesn't close, it runs in the background in the tray icon!

EDIT: Maybe it's a bug or maybe you intended to do it, but it kind of looks weird when starting it with /Silent, it flashes the GUI turns the icon gray, and then turns it the yellow/black. Maybe if it didn't do that? :D I feel like I'm asking a lot. But if the server was AutoIt, I would do this myself! But thanks again Hallman, I love your program!

EDIT: Wow, another edit. Hey Hallman, would you mind showing me the signature with your icon and stuff in it. I'm not sure how to make it like that, so if you wanted to show me the code, that would be awesome!

EDIT: Hallman, while using the new version, I take a screenshot, but I cannot scroll to the side, nor can it scroll ALL THE WAY to the bottom.

Edited by JasonB
Posted (edited)

Thanks so much Hallman! I went tring to cause the same error, but to my luck, it didn't occur! Awesome job Hallman! I'm looking forward to the new features.

Hallman, I have another suggestion for your server. Maybe if you wanted to, in your 'Options' menu item, to have in the options, start with Maximized, Minimized, or Tray.

Thank you again Hallman, for this amazing program!

EDIT: Another idea is to have in the options menu item, allow the port to be written to the registry not an ini file, so the .exe is stand-alone. Thank you once again Hallman for your amazing work! I also love in the new version, when you X it out, it doesn't close, it runs in the background in the tray icon!

EDIT: Maybe it's a bug or maybe you intended to do it, but it kind of looks weird when starting it with /Silent, it flashes the GUI turns the icon gray, and then turns it the yellow/black. Maybe if it didn't do that? :P I feel like I'm asking a lot. But if the server was AutoIt, I would do this myself! But thanks again Hallman, I love your program!

EDIT: Wow, another edit. Hey Hallman, would you mind showing me the signature with your icon and stuff in it. I'm not sure how to make it like that, so if you wanted to show me the code, that would be awesome!

EDIT: Hallman, while using the new version, I take a screenshot, but I cannot scroll to the side, nor can it scroll ALL THE WAY to the bottom.

lol ... Yeah I will add those things to the options

My sig is pretty simple. The image is hosted on http://imageshack.us/

[color="#0000FF"][size=2]If you are a System Administrator or just using it for fun, try it out![/size][/color]
[url="http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=72298"][img]http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/5327/yellow12rq4.png[/img][/url] [size=3][url="http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=72298"]Radical 2[/url] [color="#FF0000"][i]Remote Administration over the TCP Protocol[/i][/color][/size]
[size=2]You know you want to click the yellow button;)[/size]

I know the /silent command is kinda wierd. It took me an hour to figure out how to just do that lol ... There is no option in the C# form designer to start a form hidden, so I have to hide it after it apears. And since it's event driven, I have to wait for the WM_PAINT message to fire the event to hide the form. :) I think I have a better way to do it though, so when I figure it out I'll post it.

The icon thing is caused by the same reason. I can't update it until after the form is created. Yes, it's supposed to be gray when it starts up. Gray means no clients are connected. Once a user connects, it will turn yellow.

And finally, about the screenshot thing: I just recently switched to using Visual Studio on Vista because on XP 64 bit some things didn't work right. For example, the find dialog (ctrl + F) crashed Visual Studio everytime I used it. However, the transition didn't go smoothly

EDIT: Oops uploaded again because I just realized that in the last build the "End Process" button on the process tab had gone missing

:D When I opened the project file on vista it moved all the controls around and was a big pain in the arse to fix. I thought I had gotten them all back in place but I guess not. Will update later when I get home.

Thx very much Hallman for this amazing software

Keep up the good work !



Thank you for the input :P

~ Hallman

Edited by Hallman
Posted (edited)

Ok, since alot of peoples suggestions are split up into posts, I decided to do this!

I am not tring to say this is a bad program at ALL Hallman, these are just suggestions to take into play with your magnificent program!

Suggestions for Hallman's project

  • Options menu item (Server)

    • Where to write the Server port (Registry or Ini)
    • Server startup settings (Maximized, Minimized, Hidden, etc. [if Possible])
    • Allow the screenshot to be a .png or others, to transfer faster
  • Fix the flash bug when starting up with: "/Silent"
  • Remove the Uploading/Downloading connection establishment (Where it will flash on the Server side)
  • Add a plugin system
  • Complete control of a Clients system
  • Real-Time video from a Client
  • Set the Client and/or Server to run as a Service
  • Installer for Server and/or Client
  • Fix the small bug with the Screenshot, no bottom scroll bar, and doesn't scroll properly
  • Allow the Client program to write settings to the Registry
  • Add more options to the Client side, like BlockInput() ShellExecute(), etc.
  • Set the Client to have _SingleTon() (_CheckMutex() ), and #NoTrayIcon
  • Allow Server to be a resizable box
  • Remembering last position/size when program started
  • When a Client connects, display a tooltip
  • When a Client disconnects, display a tooltip
  • Shellexecute URL opens URL in user Default Browser in new tab if im not mistaking, Why not to use this instead
  • After you double click on the Blue Drag window bar it will resize gui to Full Desktop size but you cant change its size after you double click the drag window bar again afterwards.
  • The screen Capture option is cool, but since its opening the picture inside the GUI, its really pointless, since it cuts 70% of the picture, so it would be smarter to open it in new GUI. Even cooler would be an option to be able to AUTO screen capture every 3 seconds for example or user can set the time to wait until next auto capture, but I guess new GUI is required to make the optimal use of it.
  • Can only download & upload 1 file at the time? ( Why not to make a Queue option )
  • IT downloads a file from Client Machine auto to my Desktop, let user choose where to save files to.
  • Love this program more and more and Thank Hallman over and over!
Edited by JasonB
Posted (edited)

Pretty interesting, with this you can provide troubleshooting fast & easy, for ppl why may need your counseling, since you can monitor their desktop. Cool proggie man, thanx for sharing. Hire is some feedback:

  • Shellexecute URL opens URL in user Default Browser in new tab if im not mistaking, Why not to use this instead
  • After you double click on the Blue Drag window bar it will resize gui to Full Desktop size but you cant change its size after you double click the drag window bar again afterwards.
  • The screen Capture option is cool, but since its opening the picture inside the GUI, its really pointless, since it cuts 70% of the picture, so it would be smarter to open it in new GUI. Even cooler would be an option to be able to AUTO screen capture every 3 seconds for example or user can set the time to wait until next auto capture, but I guess new GUI is required to make the optimal use of it.
  • Can only download & upload 1 file at the time? ( Why not to make a Queue option )
  • IT downloads a file from Client Machine auto to my Desktop, why not to let let user choose where to save files to.
  • Where is Refresh Client list option?
  • I dont reallt know about sending Commands, but to be able to use users Run would be nice, to launch Clients Device manager etc..
Edited by goldenix
My Projects:[list][*]Guide - ytube step by step tut for reading memory with autoitscript + samples[*]WinHide - tool to show hide windows, Skinned With GDI+[*]Virtualdub batch job list maker - Batch Process all files with same settings[*]Exp calc - Exp calculator for online games[*]Automated Microsoft SQL Server 2000 installer[*]Image sorter helper for IrfanView - 1 click opens img & move ur mouse to close opened img[/list]
Posted (edited)

Goldenix, I have added your Suggestions to the official list! It is as follows!

Suggestions for Hallman's project

  • Options menu item (Server)

    • Where to write the Server port (Registry or Ini)
    • Server startup settings (Maximized, Minimized, Hidden, etc. [if Possible])
    • Allow the screenshot to be a .png or others, to transfer faster
  • Fix the flash bug when starting up with: "/Silent"
  • Remove the Uploading/Downloading connection establishment (Where it will flash on the Server side)
  • Add a plugin system
  • Complete control of a Clients system
  • Real-Time video from a Client
  • Set the Client and/or Server to run as a Service
  • Installer for Server and/or Client
  • Fix the small bug with the Screenshot, no bottom scroll bar, and doesn't scroll properly
  • Allow the Client program to write settings to the Registry
  • Add more options to the Client side, like BlockInput() ShellExecute(), etc.
  • Set the Client to have _SingleTon() (_CheckMutex() ), and #NoTrayIcon
  • Allow Server to be a resizable box
  • Remembering last position/size when program started
  • When a Client connects, display a tooltip
  • When a Client disconnects, display a tooltip
  • Shellexecute URL opens URL in user Default Browser in new tab if im not mistaking, Why not to use this instead
  • After you double click on the Blue Drag window bar it will resize gui to Full Desktop size but you cant change its size after you double click the drag window bar again afterwards.
  • The screen Capture option is cool, but since its opening the picture inside the GUI, its really pointless, since it cuts 70% of the picture, so it would be smarter to open it in new GUI. Even cooler would be an option to be able to AUTO screen capture every 3 seconds for example or user can set the time to wait until next auto capture, but I guess new GUI is required to make the optimal use of it.
  • Can only download & upload 1 file at the time? ( Why not to make a Queue option )
  • IT downloads a file from Client Machine auto to my Desktop, let user choose where to save files to.
  • Watch-Over

    • Possibly a "Keylogger" (Full day, Save)
    • Full day Video record (Full day, Save) I was thinking, record all day, (Unless stopped), have it saved on the Clients computer, and then 'Act' a download, and download it the Server computer to watch.
  • Love this program more and more and Thank Hallman over and over!
Edited by JasonB
Posted (edited)

Minor update

  • Fixed the pic control in the View Screen tab
  • Changed "Open Link in Internet Explorer" to "Shell Execute". The downside: to open a link in the web browser, you now have to type the entire URL. Example: "http://www.google.com" instead of "google.com"
  • Moved the "Refresh" buttons outside of the scroll box for the System Info and View Screen tabs. I don't know why I didn't do this to begin with ...
  • Added baloon tip notifications for connecting and disconnecting

Suggestions for Hallman's project

  • Options menu item (Server)

    • Where to write the Server port (Registry or Ini)
    • Server startup settings (Maximized, Minimized, Hidden, etc. [if Possible])
    • Allow the screenshot to be a .png or others, to transfer faster
    • It shall be done! As soon as I make the options dialog and figure out how to write settings :mad:
  • Fix the flash bug when starting up with: "/Silent"

    • I think I know how to fix this. There is no "Start Hidden" option for the form, but there is a "Start Minimized" and a "Don't show in task bar" option :)
  • Remove the Uploading/Downloading connection establishment (Where it will flash on the Server side)

    • This one will have to wait a bit, since I'm not completely sure how I'm going to make it work yet.
  • Add a plugin system

    • Same as last comment:)
  • Complete control of a Clients system

    • I'm afraid I can't guarantee this one, but I will see what I can do.
  • Real-Time video from a Client

    • Sorry, but most likely this won't happen. Unless someone knows how to capture video using AutoIt?
  • Set the Client and/or Server to run as a Service

    • This will have to wait until I make an installer
  • Installer for Server and/or Client

    • Not sure when I'll get to this, but hopefully soon
  • Fix the small bug with the Screenshot, no bottom scroll bar, and doesn't scroll properly

    • Done.
  • Allow the Client program to write settings to the Registry

    • Later, keep in mind this is still just the beta o:)
  • Add more options to the Client side, like BlockInput() ShellExecute(), etc.

    • Will be done soon (hopefully)
  • Set the Client to have _SingleTon() (_CheckMutex() ), and #NoTrayIcon

    • Will be done soon (hopefully)
  • Allow Server to be a resizable box

    • As you can see, the server in fact does have a sizable border. But, for some reason I can't get to work :P
  • Remembering last position/size when program started

    • Once I get the settings stuff done
  • When a Client connects, display a tooltip

    • Done.
  • When a Client disconnects, display a tooltip

    • Done.
  • Shellexecute URL opens URL in user Default Browser in new tab if im not mistaking, Why not to use this instead

    • Not sure why I did it the way I did. I will change it by the next update
  • After you double click on the Blue Drag window bar it will resize gui to Full Desktop size but you cant change its size after you double click the drag window bar again afterwards.

    • I have no idea why it does this. I will look into it thanks. For now, the Maximize button works like it should.
  • The screen Capture option is cool, but since its opening the picture inside the GUI, its really pointless, since it cuts 70% of the picture, so it would be smarter to open it in new GUI. Even cooler would be an option to be able to AUTO screen capture every 3 seconds for example or user can set the time to wait until next auto capture, but I guess new GUI is required to make the optimal use of it.

    • I understand, and it will be done but later. Right now I'm trying to get everything done simple, then will improve them later. If you maximize the server window, and drag the slider separating the client list and the right panel, the screenshot tab will hopefully be big enough to where you don't have to scroll so much.
  • Can only download & upload 1 file at the time? ( Why not to make a Queue option )

    • You should be able to do multiple downloads and uploads, because each one is on it's own connection, therefore on it's own thread. Do you get a message when trying to do more than one?
  • IT downloads a file from Client Machine auto to my Desktop, let user choose where to save files to.

    • I understand, and it will be done but later. Right now I'm trying to get everything done simple, then will improve them later. But it should be done pretty soon now that Iv'e figured out how to use a File Save Dialog in C#
  • Watch-Over

    • Possibly a "Keylogger" (Full day, Save)

      • Now that AutoIt has removed the limit on hotkeys, it shouldn't be to hard. The question is SHOULD I do it. I don't want my application to be used as a snooping tool for people's passwords.
    • Full day Video record (Full day, Save) I was thinking, record all day, (Unless stopped), have it saved on the Clients computer, and then 'Act' a download, and download it the Server computer to watch.

      • Sorry, but this most likely wont happen. First of all, a 24 hour video at desktop resolution would be HUGE. Not to mention I don't now how to capture a video anyways. But, it did give me an idea. I was thinking an option to have the client capture a screenshot every X amount of seconds and organize them in folders corresponding the the current date and the file name corresponding to the current time
  • Love this program more and more and Thank Hallman over and over!

    • Thank you (and goldenix) for your suggestions and input :P

Where is Refresh Client list option?

It auto-refreshes. Pings auto-refresh every 5 seconds.

I don't really know about sending Commands, but to be able to use users Run would be nice, to launch Clients Device manager etc..

It shall be done! :D (Well actually it's already done. "Open link in internet explorer" is now "shell execute")

~ Hallman

Edited by Hallman

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