dabus Posted May 19, 2008 Posted May 19, 2008 A full exampe:The url is something like this:http://www.shsforums.net/index.php?automod...load&id=141If you load it, the default filename will be fairydragon_WeiDU.zipMostly all browsers can get it, but I don't want to start IE, get a popup an copy the filename.Is it possible? IE Management and INetGet don't seem to fit._INetGetSource is not suitable, since some of the files are big and I don't need the source but the name of it...I searched the forum for an hour, found a nice HTML.udf but I don't know html or php and so the results by testing and failing are ... uuh, bad? I did find out that the other side uses apache by testing another one, but it didn't tell me the name of the file I was going to get.Well, it seems like I'm close, but I don't get it done.Any thoughts?
walle Posted May 19, 2008 Posted May 19, 2008 (edited) EDIT:NVM, Tired, didn't read your question fullyTook a fast look at the site, InetGet should work just fine. Maybe this will work, haven't tried it out yet.$URL = "http://www.shsforums.net/index.php?autocom=downloads&showcat=16" $OIE = _IECREATE($URL, 0, 0) ; Running IE in silence $OLINKS = _IELINKGETCOLLECTION($OIE) $COLLINKS = _IELINKGETCOLLECTION($OIE) For $OLINK In $COLLINKS $SURL = $OLINK.href If StringInStr($SURL, "confirm_download") Then ExitLoop Next If $SURL <> "" Then $SAVE = (@TempDir & "\download.zip") InetGet($SURL, $TORRENTSAVE) Else MsgBox(16, "Error", "No links found.") EndIf Edited May 19, 2008 by walle
torels Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 you could try studying the php code... you dont' have to know it fully just keep in mind that $var = $_GET['id'] is the "id=somevalue" part of the url Some Projects:[list][*]ZIP UDF using no external files[*]iPod Music Transfer [*]iTunes UDF - fully integrate iTunes with au3[*]iTunes info (taskbar player hover)[*]Instant Run - run scripts without saving them before :)[*]Get Tube - YouTube Downloader[*]Lyric Finder 2 - Find Lyrics to any of your song[*]DeskBox - A Desktop Extension Tool[/list]indifference will ruin the world, but in the end... WHO CARES :P---------------http://torels.altervista.org
cppman Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 (edited) Whenever there is a download URL like that, it usually means the server is going to send the "recommended" filename inside a header(forces a download), and it is up to your browser to use that filename. With that said, you can send an HTTP request for that URL and then parse the returned header for the filename. Edited May 21, 2008 by cppman Miva OS Project
Richard Robertson Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 The user already stated not knowing anything about the protocols. I think they need more specific advice.
torels Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 isn't it much simpler just doing: _inetgetsource(thephpfile) and find the php command Header ? anyway... how do you send an http request via autoit and recieve the response ? Some Projects:[list][*]ZIP UDF using no external files[*]iPod Music Transfer [*]iTunes UDF - fully integrate iTunes with au3[*]iTunes info (taskbar player hover)[*]Instant Run - run scripts without saving them before :)[*]Get Tube - YouTube Downloader[*]Lyric Finder 2 - Find Lyrics to any of your song[*]DeskBox - A Desktop Extension Tool[/list]indifference will ruin the world, but in the end... WHO CARES :P---------------http://torels.altervista.org
cppman Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 (edited) isn't it much simpler just doing:_inetgetsource(thephpfile)and find the php command Header ?anyway... how do you send an http request via autoit and recieve the response ?_INetGetSource isn't going to download the source of the PHP file. It will download the source of the generated HTML.#include "HTTP.au3" $socket = _HTTPConnect("shsforums.net", 80) _HTTPGet("shsforums.net", "/index.php?automodule=downloads&req=download&code=confirm_download&id=141", $socket) Do $data = TCPRecv($socket, 2048) Until ($data <> "") MsgBox(0, "", $data)However, it is saying the URL is moved permanently.. so I'm not sure. Edited May 21, 2008 by cppman Miva OS Project
Mubo Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 A full exampe:The url is something like this:http://www.shsforums.net/index.php?automod...load&id=141If you load it, the default filename will be fairydragon_WeiDU.zipMostly all browsers can get it, but I don't want to start IE, get a popup an copy the filename.Is it possible? IE Management and INetGet don't seem to fit._INetGetSource is not suitable, since some of the files are big and I don't need the source but the name of it...I searched the forum for an hour, found a nice HTML.udf but I don't know html or php and so the results by testing and failing are ... uuh, bad? I did find out that the other side uses apache by testing another one, but it didn't tell me the name of the file I was going to get.Well, it seems like I'm close, but I don't get it done.Any thoughts?Isn't very detailed, in the study!
Richard Robertson Posted May 22, 2008 Posted May 22, 2008 If it says it's moved permanently, that would just mean that the server uses that message to indicate the file.
Mojo Posted May 22, 2008 Posted May 22, 2008 I believe it's not possible to get the actual content (or code) of the php file itself - if it was the webserver running it would be misconfigured. That's the purpose of php, to run on the server and generate the html code. I could be wrong however, just about 99% sure!?! You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. Abraham Lincoln - http://www.ae911truth.org/ - http://www.freedocumentaries.org/
aec Posted May 22, 2008 Posted May 22, 2008 Recently MrCreatoR made this post for CheckFileSize. You can find there the link to the download page for the excellent autoit program by G. Sandler (sources available) that does not only resolve the file name for php urls but also provides its filesize.
weaponx Posted May 22, 2008 Posted May 22, 2008 (edited) $oHTTP = ObjCreate('winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1') $oHTTP.Open('POST', 'http://www.shsforums.net/index.php?automodule=downloads&req=download&code=confirm_download&id=141', 1) $oHTTP.SetRequestHeader('Content-Type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded') ;$oHTTP.setTimeouts(5000, 5000, 15000, 15000) $oHTTP.Send() $oHTTP.WaitForResponse $ContentDisposition = $oHTTP.GetResponseHeader("Content-Disposition") $array = StringRegExp($ContentDisposition, 'filename="(.*)"',3) ConsoleWrite($array[0] & @CRLF) ;ConsoleWrite($oHTTP.GetAllResponseHeaders()) Edited May 22, 2008 by weaponx
dabus Posted May 25, 2008 Author Posted May 25, 2008 Maybe it's a little bit late but I had a few days off and just saw this response, so : Thank you all and the solution from weaponx works nicely. You saved me some headaches.
Mojo Posted May 26, 2008 Posted May 26, 2008 $oHTTP = ObjCreate('winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1') $oHTTP.Open('POST', 'http://www.shsforums.net/index.php?automodule=downloads&req=download&code=confirm_download&id=141', 1) $oHTTP.SetRequestHeader('Content-Type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded') ;$oHTTP.setTimeouts(5000, 5000, 15000, 15000) $oHTTP.Send() $oHTTP.WaitForResponse $ContentDisposition = $oHTTP.GetResponseHeader("Content-Disposition") $array = StringRegExp($ContentDisposition, 'filename="(.*)"',3) ConsoleWrite($array[0] & @CRLF) ;ConsoleWrite($oHTTP.GetAllResponseHeaders()) thx for posting this script. Unfortunately it doesn't work with Windows 2000. I'll try MsCreator's solution, or otherwise try to fix/change it to work with W2K. You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. Abraham Lincoln - http://www.ae911truth.org/ - http://www.freedocumentaries.org/
weaponx Posted May 26, 2008 Posted May 26, 2008 thx for posting this script. Unfortunately it doesn't work with Windows 2000.I'll try MsCreator's solution, or otherwise try to fix/change it to work with W2K.It should work with 2000, do you have SP4 installed?
ResNullius Posted May 27, 2008 Posted May 27, 2008 It should work with 2000, do you have SP4 installed?I can verify it works on a Windows 2000 install with Service Pack 4
dabus Posted May 27, 2008 Author Posted May 27, 2008 (edited) Well, here is the code I ripped out of MrCreators GUI, so all credit goes to him. I just removed all the gui-stuff and added some feedback. And I accept a " ' " in my filename, since I got some in the files that I need. I hope I did not make a lot of mistakes, I tested it with 260 files and it works just as I needed. So maybe I did just right. It works fine, although it's a little bit "more" code, but I think I got something worth in return. And I can verify it works under wine. Bonus. expandcollapse popupGlobal $HTTPUserAgent = "Opera/9.27 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)" Global $Limit_TimeOut = 10000 Global $HTTP_TCP_Def_Port = 80 Global $HTTP_TCP_Port = $HTTP_TCP_Def_Port Global $LAST_SOCKET = -1 $check=Check_URL_Size_Proc('http://www.autoitscript.com/cgi-bin/getfile.pl?autoit3/autoit-v3-setup.exe') If $check[0]<>0 Then ConsoleWrite('!Error='&$check[0]&@CR) If $check[0]=0 Then ConsoleWrite('Size By='&$check[1]&@CR) ConsoleWrite('Size MB='&$check[2]&@CR) ConsoleWrite('Filename='&$check[3]&@CR) ConsoleWrite('Resonse Time='&$check[4]&@CR) ConsoleWrite('Resume='&$check[5]&@CR) ConsoleWrite('Real URL='&$check[6]&@CR) EndIf Func Check_URL_Size_Proc($Read_URL_Input) Local $RetString[7] Local $Check_Response = Response_Parser($Read_URL_Input) $GET_RESPONSE = $Check_Response[0] Local $Response_Time = $Check_Response[1] Local $sHost = $Check_Response[2] Local $sPage = $Check_Response[3] If $Check_Response[4] Then $RetString[0]=$Check_Response[4] Return $RetString EndIf If StringInStr($GET_RESPONSE, "HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content") Or _ StringInStr($GET_RESPONSE, "Accept-Ranges:") Then $RetString[5]=1 ; Resume supported Local $FileName = StringRegExpReplace(_HexURLToString($sPage), "^.*/|[\?&;=\^%@#!/;<>].*$", "") If $FileName = "" Then $FileName = "N/A" If StringInStr($GET_RESPONSE, 'filename="') Then $FileName = StringStripWS(_GetMidleString($GET_RESPONSE, 'filename="', '"'), 3) Local $FileSize_Bytes = Number(_GetMidleString($GET_RESPONSE, "Content-Length: ", "(\n|$)")) If $FileSize_Bytes = 0 And StringInStr($GET_RESPONSE, "Location: ") Then $FileSize_Bytes = InetGetSize(StringStripWS(_GetMidleString($GET_RESPONSE, "Location: ", "(\n|$)"), 3)) EndIf Local $FileSize_MBytes = Round($FileSize_Bytes / (1024*1024), 2) $RetString[1]=$FileSize_Bytes $RetString[2]=$FileSize_MBytes $RetString[3]=$FileName $RetString[4]=$Response_Time $RetString[6]=$Check_Response[5]; real url Return $RetString EndFunc ;==>Check_URL_Size_Proc Func Response_Parser($sURL) Local $sURI_Referrer = StringRegExpReplace($sURL, "/[^/]*$", "") Local $sNewLocation = $sURL Local $aHostPage = _GetHostAndPage($sURL) Local $iTimer = TimerInit() Local $iLocationCount = 0 Local $iCheckErr = 0 Local $Response_Time = 0 Local $Check_Response = "" If StringLeft($sURL, 3) = "ftp" Then Local $FileSize_Bytes = InetGetSize($sURL) If $FileSize_Bytes > 0 Then $Error = 0 $Check_Response &= @CRLF & "Content-Length: " & $FileSize_Bytes Else $Error = 1 EndIf Local $aRet[6] = [$Check_Response, TimerDiff($iTimer), $aHostPage[0], $aHostPage[1], $Error, $sURL] Return $aRet EndIf $Check_Response = _HTTPGetResponse($aHostPage[0], $aHostPage[1], "HEAD", $sURI_Referrer) $iCheckErr = @error If StringRegExp($Check_Response, "(?i)Content-Type:(.*?)html") Then $Check_Response = _HTTPGetResponse($aHostPage[0], $aHostPage[1], "GET", $sURI_Referrer) $iCheckErr = @error EndIf If StringInStr($Check_Response, @CRLF & @CRLF) Then Local $sMetaRedirect_URL = "" If StringRegExp($Check_Response, '(?i)(?s).*<meta.*="Refresh" content="\d+; URL=.*"') Then $sMetaRedirect_URL = StringRegExpReplace($Check_Response, _ '(?i)(?s).*<meta.*?="Refresh" content="\d+; URL=(.*)".*', '\1') If $sMetaRedirect_URL <> "" And $sMetaRedirect_URL <> $Check_Response Then $aHostPage = _GetHostAndPage($sMetaRedirect_URL) $Check_Response = _HTTPGetResponse($aHostPage[0], $aHostPage[1], "HEAD", $sURI_Referrer) EndIf EndIf $Check_Response = StringRegExpReplace($Check_Response, "(?i)(?s)" & @CRLF & @CRLF & ".*$", "") EndIf For $i = 1 To 2 If StringInStr($Check_Response, "Location:") Then Local $sNewLocation = StringStripWS(_GetMidleString($Check_Response, "Location: ", "(\n|$)"), 3) If $sNewLocation <> "" Then $sNewLocation = StringReplace($sNewLocation, " ", "%20") If StringLeft($sNewLocation, 1) = "/" Then $sNewLocation = $aHostPage[0] & $sNewLocation $aHostPage = _GetHostAndPage($sNewLocation) If StringRegExp($aHostPage[0], ":\d+$") Then $HTTP_TCP_Port = Number(StringRegExpReplace($aHostPage[0], ".*?:", "")) $aHostPage[0] = StringLeft($aHostPage[0], StringInStr($aHostPage[0], ":")-1) EndIf $Check_Response_Tmp = _HTTPGetResponse($aHostPage[0], $aHostPage[1], "HEAD", $sURI_Referrer) $iCheckErr = @error If StringLeft($Check_Response_Tmp, 6) <> "<html>" And Not $iCheckErr Then $Check_Response = $Check_Response_Tmp EndIf EndIf Next $HTTP_TCP_Port = $HTTP_TCP_Def_Port $Response_Time = TimerDiff($iTimer) If StringInStr($Check_Response, @CRLF & @CRLF) Then _ $Check_Response = StringRegExpReplace($Check_Response, "(?i)(?s)" & @CRLF & @CRLF & ".*", "") If StringRegExp($Check_Response, "(?i)HTTP/[0-9.]+ [0-9]+ (OK|Found)") Then $Error=0 Else If StringInStr($Check_Response, "400 Bad Request") Then $Error='Bad Request' ElseIf StringInStr($Check_Response, "403 Forbidden") Then $Error='Forbidden' ElseIf StringInStr($Check_Response, "404 Not Found") Then $Error='Not Found' ElseIf $iCheckErr Then $Error='No Connection to the Server' Else $Error='Can not find Server' EndIf EndIf $Check_Response = StringStripWS($Check_Response, 3) $aHostPage[0] = StringStripWS($aHostPage[0], 3) $aHostPage[1] = StringStripWS($aHostPage[1], 3) Local $aRet[6] = [$Check_Response, $Response_Time, $aHostPage[0], $aHostPage[1], $Error, $sNewLocation] Return $aRet EndFunc ;==>Response_Parser Func _GetHostAndPage($sURL) Local $aHostPage[2] $aHostPage[0] = StringRegExpReplace($sURL, "\A.*?//", "") $aHostPage[0] = _GetMidleString($aHostPage[0], "\A", "/|.*") $aHostPage[0] = StringRegExpReplace($aHostPage[0], "/+$", "") $aHostPage[1] = _GetMidleString($sURL, $aHostPage[0], "$") If StringLeft($aHostPage[1], 1) <> "/" Then $aHostPage[1] = "/" & $aHostPage[1] $aHostPage[0] = StringStripWS($aHostPage[0], 3) $aHostPage[1] = StringStripWS($aHostPage[1], 3) Return $aHostPage EndFunc ;==>_GetHostAndPage Func _GetMidleString($sString, $sStart, $sEnd, $iCase = -1, $iRetType = 0) Local $iCaseSence = '' If $iCase = -1 Then $iCaseSence = '(?i)' Local $aArray = StringRegExp($sString, '(?s)' & $iCaseSence & $sStart & '(.*?)' & $sEnd, 3) Local $IsArrayCheck = IsArray($aArray) If $IsArrayCheck And $iRetType = 1 Then Return $aArray If $IsArrayCheck Then Return $aArray[0] Return SetError(1, 0, "") EndFunc ;==>_GetMidleString Func _EncodeURL($sURL) Local $BinaryString = StringReplace(StringToBinary($sURL, 4), '0x', '', 1) Local $UniBinLen = StringLen($BinaryString) Local $EncodedString, $UniBinChar For $i = 1 To $UniBinLen Step 2 $UniBinChar = StringMid($BinaryString, $i, 2) If StringRegExp(BinaryToString('0x' & $UniBinChar, 4), '(?i)[a-z0-9]|-|_|\.|^/') Then $EncodedString &= BinaryToString('0x' & $UniBinChar) Else $EncodedString &= '%' & $UniBinChar EndIf Next Return $EncodedString EndFunc ;==>_EncodeURL Func _HexURLToString($URLHex) Local $StrArray = StringSplit($URLHex, "") Local $RetString = "", $iDec Local $Ubound = UBound($StrArray) For $i = 1 To $Ubound-1 If $StrArray[$i] = "%" And $i+2 <= $Ubound-1 Then $i += 2 $iDec = Dec($StrArray[$i-1] & $StrArray[$i]) If Not @error Then $RetString &= Chr($iDec) Else $RetString &= $StrArray[$i-2] EndIf Else $RetString &= $StrArray[$i] EndIf Next Return $RetString EndFunc ;==>_HexURLToString Func _HTTPConnect($Host) TCPStartup() Local $Name_To_IP = TCPNameToIP($Host) Local $Socket = TCPConnect($Name_To_IP, $HTTP_TCP_Port) If $Socket = -1 Then TCPCloseSocket($Socket) Return SetError(1, 0, "") EndIf $LAST_SOCKET = $Socket Return $Socket EndFunc Func _HTTPGetResponse($Host, $Page, $sRequest="GET", $sReferrer="") Local $Socket = _HTTPConnect($Host) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") _HTTPGet($Host, $Page, $Socket, $sRequest, $sReferrer) If @error Then _HTTPClose($Socket) Return SetError(2, 0, "") EndIf Local $Recv = "", $CurrentRecv Local $iTimer = TimerInit() While 1 $CurrentRecv = TCPRecv($Socket, 100) If @error <> 0 Then ExitLoop If $CurrentRecv <> "" Then $Recv &= $CurrentRecv If TimerDiff($iTimer) >= $Limit_TimeOut Then $Limit_TimeOutOver = True ExitLoop EndIf WEnd _HTTPClose($Socket) Return $Recv EndFunc Func _HTTPGet($Host, $Page, $Socket, $sRequest="GET", $sReferrer="") Local $Command = $sRequest & " " & $Page & " HTTP/1.1" & @CRLF $Command &= "Host: " & $Host & @CRLF $Command &= "User-Agent: " & $HTTPUserAgent & @CRLF $Command &= "Referer: " & $sReferrer & @CRLF $Command &= "Connection: close" & @CRLF & @CRLF Local $BytesSent = TCPSend($Socket, $Command) If $BytesSent = 0 Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) Return $BytesSent EndFunc Func _HTTPClose($Socket=-1) TCPCloseSocket($Socket) TCPShutdown() Return 1 EndFunc Edited May 27, 2008 by dabus
neo291 Posted May 28, 2008 Posted May 28, 2008 Generally such server side scripts FORCES ie's download manager to download the file. And moreover the purpose of such scripts is to authenticate users, who r abt to download them. I use DAP, and have set it to monitor downloadable files (in the list of downloadable files just put the extensions u want to download separately), n this will get u a popup each time a downloadable file is encountered on ne site or link. Then u can decide u want to downloaded it usin "REGULAR" mode or u wud like the dap to download it. Oh, You gonna need DAP 5.3 for this. Dint try on newer versions. I'm not a programmer. Just a Power User.
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