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Posted (edited)

UPDATE: Version 4 - only tested on AutoIt

Some minor security changes were made.

Two bugs were fixed (see first post).

An "About" informational toast was added.

USBLock now checks whether it is the only instance. (why didn't I do this before?)

Program Text (messages, titles, etc.) have been moved to the USBLock.lang file.

Included from first post to catalog/save space:

  • Fixed: If a user opens and closes the "Select KeyDrive" window manually, the 'Toast' could originally be deleted. MenuItems are no longer check-options in Au3.3.2.0+
  • Security: Minor changes
  • Options: Added an "About" option displaying author/program info.
  • Other: Moved all program text into an INI format file (USBLock.lang) for easier translation.
  • Other: Made USBLock quit if it is already open. (singleton function)

Further comments and replies to elsewhere:

If I didn't say it before: Do NOT run USBLock from the root of a drive - the local USBLock.key file (containing the saved key hash) could be detected and deleted. Ideally, USBLock should be ran from a folder on computer itself.

If you want to translate USBLock into a different language (eg: Spanish), you can now do so with the USBLock.lang file, not the actual script. (unless you want to translate/add comments)

Yes, the Emergency Keyfile allows anyone to bypass USBLock - but anyone can also edit their script to create their own Emergency Key. If you use the unedited key, you rely on security through obscurity; If you edit your key, you become secure but place responsibility on yourself to correctly edit and protect your emergency keyfile. Perhaps there will be an option to set/generate your Emergency Keyfile somehow in the future.

Q:"What can you do about drives that require authentication before mounting themselves (which makes the keyfile accessible)?" A:Nothing. The software used to lock those drives isn't something I can/want to bypass and writing the keyfile requires access to the drive.

Q:How can I make sure someone has to enter a password in addition to using the flash drive? A:Future option possibly... However, you can currently set the option in Windows for screensavers "On resume, Password Protect" - if you disable the MouseMove in the script.

Q:How do I lock my computer on startup? A:You can manually add a shortcut to USBLock in auto mode to your Startup folder. However, you might encounter difficulty with removable drives being detected until a short while after startup.

Forewarning: USBLock can't protect you from someone accessing your computer from Windows safemode.

This will not protect you in safemode.

Edited by crashdemons

My Projects - WindowDarken (Darken except the active window) Yahsmosis Chat Client (Discontinued) StarShooter Game (Red alert! All hands to battlestations!) YMSG Protocol Support (Discontinued) Circular Keyboard and OSK example. (aka Iris KB) Target Screensaver Drive Toolbar Thingy Rollup Pro (Minimize-to-Titlebar & More!) 2D Launcher physics example Ascii Screenshot AutoIt3 Quine Example ("Is a Quine" is a Quine.) USB Lock (Another system keydrive - with a toast.)

Posted (edited)

UPDATE: Version 5

Also listed in first post.

In locked mode, the mouse will now only be repositioned if it is off-center. This was changed because USBLock v4 was preventing screensavers from enabling while locked.

There are now options for what you want to happen when the computer is locked(When you remove your KeyDrive).

Options include: Turning off the Monitor(thanks MrCreatoR), Shutdown/Restart/Standby, Muting system volume. (see screenshot below)

Posted Image

When unlocking, the monitor will turn back on and the volume will unmute if those corresponding actions were chosen for locked mode.

All locked-mode actions are disabled by default.

Locked-mode options are saved on manual Quit and restored at program load.

Note: Mute/Unmute depends on current system state, the script doesn't have a way to detect whether the system is muted yet. The script assumes the current state is not muted.


Logoff/Shutdown modes may allow users to create a system where individuals must have the correct KeyDrive to use a computer with their specific accounts... just a random thought.

However, you may find it difficult to use Logoff/Shutdown options on startup because of possible drive detection delays during Windows startup. (which I previously mentioned)

Edited by crashdemons

My Projects - WindowDarken (Darken except the active window) Yahsmosis Chat Client (Discontinued) StarShooter Game (Red alert! All hands to battlestations!) YMSG Protocol Support (Discontinued) Circular Keyboard and OSK example. (aka Iris KB) Target Screensaver Drive Toolbar Thingy Rollup Pro (Minimize-to-Titlebar & More!) 2D Launcher physics example Ascii Screenshot AutoIt3 Quine Example ("Is a Quine" is a Quine.) USB Lock (Another system keydrive - with a toast.)


I have updated the .ZIP in the first post to include the compiled version (.exe) of the program for those who want to try the program without using the source code.

The download was temporarily unavailable because the first time I uploaded it, it failed.

My Projects - WindowDarken (Darken except the active window) Yahsmosis Chat Client (Discontinued) StarShooter Game (Red alert! All hands to battlestations!) YMSG Protocol Support (Discontinued) Circular Keyboard and OSK example. (aka Iris KB) Target Screensaver Drive Toolbar Thingy Rollup Pro (Minimize-to-Titlebar & More!) 2D Launcher physics example Ascii Screenshot AutoIt3 Quine Example ("Is a Quine" is a Quine.) USB Lock (Another system keydrive - with a toast.)

Posted (edited)

UPDATE: Version 6

An option to "Enable"/disable USBLock has been added to the tray menu. While disabled, USBLock will not enter locked mode. (USBLock is Enabled by default)

The Enable/disable and Options While Locked menus are now deactivated while in Locked mode.

The .LANG file now supports Name,Version,Author information - this information also now shown in the About toast-window.

Added a tray-icon flash option to the Options While Locked menu.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Now, while these changes may seem small, the first change is actually quite useful:

  • You could connect a new drive to select as a KeyDrive without using two USB ports at once if USBLock is disabled. (by swapping the current drive rather than connecting both)
  • You could disable USBLock, remove the KeyDrive, and simply "Enable" USBLock to lock your system from the menu; allowing you, functionally, a click-to-lock option rather than remove-to-lock.
  • Otherwise just useful if you decide you don't want to lock your system while playing with flash drives.

The display of LANG file information was added to ensure any authors of third-party language files get credited adequately, as well as informing the user to the LANG version.

Edited by crashdemons

My Projects - WindowDarken (Darken except the active window) Yahsmosis Chat Client (Discontinued) StarShooter Game (Red alert! All hands to battlestations!) YMSG Protocol Support (Discontinued) Circular Keyboard and OSK example. (aka Iris KB) Target Screensaver Drive Toolbar Thingy Rollup Pro (Minimize-to-Titlebar & More!) 2D Launcher physics example Ascii Screenshot AutoIt3 Quine Example ("Is a Quine" is a Quine.) USB Lock (Another system keydrive - with a toast.)

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