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So, after looking at the MIDI UDF, I decided it would be fun to generate some random music, etc, based on the process useage of the 'System' PID. (It normally is the first one pulled by the ProcessList() command anyway.


1. Random Instruments or Only Grand Piano (UI selectable)

2. Chords and Single Notes at random

3. Chord/Note hold times are random

In all, it doesn't sound too bad, and as it's based on the Memory Reads and IO's and some rather random calculations, you never can predict what notes will help when, and how long they will hold for, or how many chords will be allowed to play at once lol

It was just a good time waster. I'm sure i did many of the things in here rather LONG, but hey, that's me, pretty pragmatic when it comes to making stuff. The GUI is a bit flakey, ie sometimes you have to press a button 2 or 3 times for it to register, only because of all of the sleep commands.

I'm thinking of making it to where it can generate the sounds based on Internet usage too lol think that'd be pretty cool.

If you can think of anything to add, whatever, let me know.

Edit: Sounds better as: Sleep(Random(Int(Random(200, 400)), Int(Random(400, 900)))), so, changed script to reflect that.

#include <midi.au3>
$form = GUICreate("Digital Music", 190, 55)
$RandomI = GUICtrlCreateButton("Random Instruments", 0, 0, 190, 25)
$RandomN = GUICtrlCreateButton("Grand Piano Only", 0, 25, 190, 25)

;- Default is Grand Piano Only!
$RamdomInstruments = False

;- Dim default notes array
Dim $3RSArray[3][2]

;- Dim primary notes array
Dim $array[89][2]

;- Load array with the notes to turn on commands
$array[0][0] = $A0_NOTEON
$array[1][0] = $A0SHARP_NOTEON
$array[2][0] = $B0_NOTEON
$array[3][0] = $C1_NOTEON
$array[4][0] = $C1SHARP_NOTEON
$array[5][0] = $D1_NOTEON
$array[6][0] = $D1SHARP_NOTEON
$array[7][0] = $E1_NOTEON
$array[8][0] = $F1_NOTEON
$array[9][0] = $F1SHARP_NOTEON
$array[10][0] = $G1_NOTEON
$array[11][0] = $G1SHARP_NOTEON
$array[12][0] = $A1_NOTEON
$array[13][0] = $A1SHARP_NOTEON
$array[14][0] = $B1_NOTEON
$array[15][0] = $C2_NOTEON
$array[16][0] = $C2SHARP_NOTEON
$array[17][0] = $D2_NOTEON
$array[18][0] = $D2SHARP_NOTEON
$array[19][0] = $E2_NOTEON
$array[20][0] = $F2_NOTEON
$array[21][0] = $F2SHARP_NOTEON
$array[22][0] = $G2_NOTEON
$array[23][0] = $G2SHARP_NOTEON
$array[24][0] = $A2_NOTEON
$array[25][0] = $A2SHARP_NOTEON
$array[26][0] = $B2_NOTEON
$array[27][0] = $C3_NOTEON
$array[28][0] = $C3SHARP_NOTEON
$array[29][0] = $D3_NOTEON
$array[30][0] = $D3SHARP_NOTEON
$array[31][0] = $E3_NOTEON
$array[32][0] = $F3_NOTEON
$array[33][0] = $F3SHARP_NOTEON
$array[34][0] = $G3_NOTEON
$array[35][0] = $G3SHARP_NOTEON
$array[36][0] = $A3_NOTEON
$array[37][0] = $A3SHARP_NOTEON
$array[38][0] = $B3_NOTEON
$array[39][0] = $C4_NOTEON
$array[40][0] = $C4SHARP_NOTEON
$array[41][0] = $D4_NOTEON
$array[42][0] = $D4SHARP_NOTEON
$array[43][0] = $E4_NOTEON
$array[44][0] = $F4_NOTEON
$array[45][0] = $F4SHARP_NOTEON
$array[46][0] = $G4_NOTEON
$array[47][0] = $G4SHARP_NOTEON
$array[48][0] = $A4_NOTEON
$array[49][0] = $A4SHARP_NOTEON
$array[50][0] = $B4_NOTEON
$array[51][0] = $C5_NOTEON
$array[52][0] = $C5SHARP_NOTEON
$array[53][0] = $D5_NOTEON
$array[54][0] = $D5SHARP_NOTEON
$array[55][0] = $E5_NOTEON
$array[56][0] = $F5_NOTEON
$array[57][0] = $F5SHARP_NOTEON
$array[58][0] = $G5_NOTEON
$array[59][0] = $G5SHARP_NOTEON
$array[60][0] = $A5_NOTEON
$array[61][0] = $A5SHARP_NOTEON
$array[62][0] = $B5_NOTEON
$array[63][0] = $C6_NOTEON
$array[64][0] = $C6SHARP_NOTEON
$array[65][0] = $D6_NOTEON
$array[66][0] = $D6SHARP_NOTEON
$array[67][0] = $E6_NOTEON
$array[68][0] = $F6_NOTEON
$array[69][0] = $F6SHARP_NOTEON
$array[70][0] = $G6_NOTEON
$array[71][0] = $G6SHARP_NOTEON
$array[72][0] = $A6_NOTEON
$array[73][0] = $A6SHARP_NOTEON
$array[74][0] = $B6_NOTEON
$array[75][0] = $C7_NOTEON
$array[76][0] = $C7SHARP_NOTEON
$array[77][0] = $D7_NOTEON
$array[78][0] = $D7SHARP_NOTEON
$array[79][0] = $E7_NOTEON
$array[80][0] = $F7_NOTEON
$array[81][0] = $F7SHARP_NOTEON
$array[82][0] = $G7_NOTEON
$array[83][0] = $G7SHARP_NOTEON
$array[84][0] = $A7_NOTEON
$array[85][0] = $A7SHARP_NOTEON
$array[86][0] = $B7_NOTEON
$array[87][0] = $C8_NOTEON
$array[88][0] = ""

;- Load array with the notes to turn off commands
$array[0][1] = $A0_NOTEOFF
$array[1][1] = $A0SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[2][1] = $B0_NOTEOFF
$array[3][1] = $C1_NOTEOFF
$array[4][1] = $C1SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[5][1] = $D1_NOTEOFF
$array[6][1] = $D1SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[7][1] = $E1_NOTEOFF
$array[8][1] = $F1_NOTEOFF
$array[9][1] = $F1SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[10][1] = $G1_NOTEOFF
$array[11][1] = $G1SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[12][1] = $A1_NOTEOFF
$array[13][1] = $A1SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[14][1] = $B1_NOTEOFF
$array[15][1] = $C2_NOTEOFF
$array[16][1] = $C2SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[17][1] = $D2_NOTEOFF
$array[18][1] = $D2SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[19][1] = $E2_NOTEOFF
$array[20][1] = $F2_NOTEOFF
$array[21][1] = $F2SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[22][1] = $G2_NOTEOFF
$array[23][1] = $G2SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[24][1] = $A2_NOTEOFF
$array[25][1] = $A2SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[26][1] = $B2_NOTEOFF
$array[27][1] = $C3_NOTEOFF
$array[28][1] = $C3SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[29][1] = $D3_NOTEOFF
$array[30][1] = $D3SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[31][1] = $E3_NOTEOFF
$array[32][1] = $F3_NOTEOFF
$array[33][1] = $F3SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[34][1] = $G3_NOTEOFF
$array[35][1] = $G3SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[36][1] = $A3_NOTEOFF
$array[37][1] = $A3SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[38][1] = $B3_NOTEOFF
$array[39][1] = $C4_NOTEOFF
$array[40][1] = $C4SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[41][1] = $D4_NOTEOFF
$array[42][1] = $D4SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[43][1] = $E4_NOTEOFF
$array[44][1] = $F4_NOTEOFF
$array[45][1] = $F4SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[46][1] = $G4_NOTEOFF
$array[47][1] = $G4SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[48][1] = $A4_NOTEOFF
$array[49][1] = $A4SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[50][1] = $B4_NOTEOFF
$array[51][1] = $C5_NOTEOFF
$array[52][1] = $C5SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[53][1] = $D5_NOTEOFF
$array[54][1] = $D5SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[55][1] = $E5_NOTEOFF
$array[56][1] = $F5_NOTEOFF
$array[57][1] = $F5SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[58][1] = $G5_NOTEOFF
$array[59][1] = $G5SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[60][1] = $A5_NOTEOFF
$array[61][1] = $A5SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[62][1] = $B5_NOTEOFF
$array[63][1] = $C6_NOTEOFF
$array[64][1] = $C6SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[65][1] = $D6_NOTEOFF
$array[66][1] = $D6SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[67][1] = $E6_NOTEOFF
$array[68][1] = $F6_NOTEOFF
$array[69][1] = $F6SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[70][1] = $G6_NOTEOFF
$array[71][1] = $G6SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[72][1] = $A6_NOTEOFF
$array[73][1] = $A6SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[74][1] = $B6_NOTEOFF
$array[75][1] = $C7_NOTEOFF
$array[76][1] = $C7SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[77][1] = $D7_NOTEOFF
$array[78][1] = $D7SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[79][1] = $E7_NOTEOFF
$array[80][1] = $F7_NOTEOFF
$array[81][1] = $F7SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[82][1] = $G7_NOTEOFF
$array[83][1] = $G7SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[84][1] = $A7_NOTEOFF
$array[85][1] = $A7SHARP_NOTEOFF
$array[86][1] = $B7_NOTEOFF
$array[87][1] = $C8_NOTEOFF
$array[88][1] = ""

;- Create MIDI Socket
$open = _midiOutOpen()
While 1
    $c = Int(Random(1, 4));- Create itteration Count
    $d = Int(Random(1, 4));- Create Cleanup Count
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $msg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
            _MidiOutClose($open);- Close Midi Socket
        Case $RandomI;- Enable Random Instruments
            $RamdomInstruments = True
        Case $RandomN;- Enable Only Grand Piano
            $RamdomInstruments = False
        Case Else
            If $c = $d Then;- Remove Stuck Notes/Adds dynamics, Doesn't play any Notes however.  It's a good spacer.
                $c = 0
                For $z = 0 To UBound($array) - 1
                    $msg = _midioutshortmsg($open, $array[$z][1])
            Else;- Start playing notes!
                $3RS = Int(Random(1, 4));- How big will the array be, ie how many notes
                ReDim $3RSArray[$3RS][2];- Dim the array
                Call("_Play");- Play them
Func _Play()
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $msg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $RandomI
            $RamdomInstruments = True
        Case $RandomN
            $RamdomInstruments = False

        Case Else
            $Process = ProcessList();- Grab Processes
            If $3RS = 1 Then;- Only if 1 note
                ReDim $3RSArray[1][2];- redims the array as needed
                $pmem = ProcessGetStats($Process[0][1], 0);- Sets to the System PID
                If IsArray($pmem) Then
                    $Pio = ProcessGetStats($Process[0][1], 1)
                    If IsArray($Pio) Then
                        $trimme = Int(StringTrimLeft(((($pmem[0] / $pmem[1]) / ($Pio[1] / $Pio[4])) * Random(10, 30)), Int(Random(1, 3))));- Creates the random instrument # if necessary
                        If $trimme > 160 Then $trimme = StringTrimLeft($trimme, Random(1, 2));- If it's over than 160 (# of instruments defined), then truncate it
                        $randomNote = Random(0, 87);- Defines what note to pull from the array
                        If $RamdomInstruments = True Then;- If it's random then
                            $instrument = $trimme;- define the instrument as the instrument # defined above
                            $instrument = 0;- else if not random, define only as Grand Piano
                        $3RSArray[0][0] = $array[$randomNote][0];- Adds notes to array
                        $3RSArray[0][1] = $array[$randomNote][1];- Adds notes to array
                        _MidiOutShortMsg($open, 256 * $instrument + 192);- Select Instrument
                        $msg = _midioutshortmsg($open, $3RSArray[0][0]);- play the Array
                        Sleep(Random(Int(Random(200, 400)), Int(Random(400, 900))))
            ElseIf $3RS = 2 Then;- if there will be 2 notes to be played
                ReDim $3RSArray[2][2]
                $pid = $Process[0][1]
                $pmem = ProcessGetStats($Process[0][1], 0)
                If IsArray($pmem) Then
                    $Pio = ProcessGetStats($Process[0][1], 1)
                    If IsArray($Pio) Then
                        $trimme = Int(StringTrimLeft(((($pmem[0] / $pmem[1]) / ($Pio[1] / $Pio[4])) * Random(10, 30)), Int(Random(1, 3))))
                        If $trimme > 160 Then $trimme = StringTrimLeft($trimme, Random(1, 2))
                        If $RamdomInstruments = True Then
                            $instrument = $trimme
                            $instrument = 0
                        For $n = 0 To 1
                            $randomNote = Random(0, 87)
                            $3RSArray[$n][0] = $array[$randomNote][0]
                            $3RSArray[$n][1] = $array[$randomNote][1]
                        _MidiOutShortMsg($open, 256 * $instrument + 192);- Select Instrument At Random
                        $msg = _midioutshortmsg($open, $3RSArray[0][0]);- play a note
                        Sleep($trimme);- wait a quick amount of time ***** THIS IS NOT NECESSARY ***** But it does add dynamic to thes ound
                        $msg = _midioutshortmsg($open, $3RSArray[1][0]);- play second note
                        Sleep(Random(Int(Random(200, 400)), Int(Random(400, 900))))
            ElseIf $3RS = 3 Then;- if there will be 3 notes to be played
                ReDim $3RSArray[3][2]
                $pid = $Process[0][1]
                $pmem = ProcessGetStats($Process[0][1], 0)
                If IsArray($pmem) Then
                    $Pio = ProcessGetStats($Process[0][1], 1)
                    If IsArray($Pio) Then
                        $trimme = Int(StringTrimLeft(((($pmem[0] / $pmem[1]) / ($Pio[1] / $Pio[4])) * Random(10, 30)), Int(Random(1, 3))))
                        If $trimme > 160 Then $trimme = StringTrimLeft($trimme, Random(1, 2))
                        If $RamdomInstruments = True Then
                            $instrument = $trimme
                            $instrument = 0
                        For $n = 0 To 2
                            $randomNote = Random(0, 87)
                            $3RSArray[$n][0] = $array[$randomNote][0]
                            $3RSArray[$n][1] = $array[$randomNote][1]
                        _MidiOutShortMsg($open, 256 * $instrument + 192);- Select Instrument At Random
                        $msg = _midioutshortmsg($open, $3RSArray[0][0])
;~                      Sleep($trimme)
                        $msg = _midioutshortmsg($open, $3RSArray[1][0])
;~                      Sleep($trimme)
                        $msg = _midioutshortmsg($open, $3RSArray[2][0])
                        Sleep(Random(Int(Random(200, 400)), Int(Random(400, 900))))
EndFunc  ;==>_Play



Edited by zackrspv

-_-------__--_-_-____---_-_--_-__-__-_ ^^€ñ†®øÞÿ ë×阮§ wï†høµ† ƒë@®, wï†høµ† †ïmë, @ñd wï†høµ† @ †ïmïdï†ÿ ƒø® !ïƒë. €×阮 ñø†, bµ† ïñ§†ë@d wï†hïñ, ñ@ÿ, †h®øµghøµ† †hë 맧ëñ§ë øƒ !ïƒë.


good job!


lol, thanks. It's not meant to give you actual 'music' to listen too; just random midi tones based on the useage of your machine, but was interesting to create.

-_-------__--_-_-____---_-_--_-__-__-_ ^^€ñ†®øÞÿ ë×阮§ wï†høµ† ƒë@®, wï†høµ† †ïmë, @ñd wï†høµ† @ †ïmïdï†ÿ ƒø® !ïƒë. €×阮 ñø†, bµ† ïñ§†ë@d wï†hïñ, ñ@ÿ, †h®øµghøµ† †hë 맧ëñ§ë øƒ !ïƒë.

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