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hello there here is my first script to a tem's of use

heh just edit where i say to edit

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

#Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=but the way to the Info.kxf here like D:\blabla\info.kxf
$Info = GUICreate("Info", 625, 445, 193, 125)
GUISetFont(16, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif")
$Group1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Info of useing the program", 40, 40, 529, 217)
$Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("By clicking i accept you accept that its not our foult if", 56, 72, 432, 28)
GUICtrlSetCursor (-1, 5)
$Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("you get hacked or get virus, for everyone can edit my files", 56, 120, 483, 28)
$Label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("so click i dont accept if you dont wanna use my program,", 56, 168, 477, 28)
GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1)
$Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("I accept", 120, 288, 123, 25, 0)
GUICtrlSetCursor (-1, 0)
$Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("I dont accept", 360, 288, 123, 25, 0)
GUICtrlSetCursor (-1, 0)
#EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###

While 1
    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $nMsg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

        Case $Button1
         MsgBox(64, "I accept", "put in the text you whant it to say then you press I accept")
     Case $Button2
         MsgBox(64, "I dont accept", "put in here the text you whant it to say then you press I dont accept")

here is the link to the info.kxf file you need

hope you enjoy'ed my first script ever ;D

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>| |My scripts: |Warcraft lll auto login -- an auto login to warcraft lll ;) |Wow auto login -- an auto login to wow ;) | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>|


its a ok script for a beginner?

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>| |My scripts: |Warcraft lll auto login -- an auto login to warcraft lll ;) |Wow auto login -- an auto login to wow ;) | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>|


its a ok script for a beginner?

Not to be harsh or anything but this script is too basic and you even used Koda to create the GUI part. For a formal Term of Agreement or Term of Use or End user License agreement this wouldn't do it. It's good that you are getting the concept and learning Autoit. Welcome to the forum and keep working hard. :)

heh thx for the respons - im working on a more coded wow login xD.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>| |My scripts: |Warcraft lll auto login -- an auto login to warcraft lll ;) |Wow auto login -- an auto login to wow ;) | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>|


Anybody know of where I can get a copy of a better EULA script? I am trying to incorporate a "terms of use" approach to delivering an Acceptable Use Policy for users to accept. I write a Auto-IT script once a year, so my skillz are lacking. Was hoping I could get a good start off someone else's published work (if they don't mind).


my first script was with mouseclick and send() and with sleep..It configured display properties and folder options

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