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ahmm.. what if i want to get the list of process working on my my and then when It found the process, it will send keys on it.

or maybe how to get the window handle of that process to Send Keys on it... please help.

Posted (edited)

I'm having a hard time understanding the first question of yours, but for the last part, you could use something like this:

Edit: Fixed a small error in my code(whops):

#include <WinAPI.au3>


Dim $aNotepad = _ProcessGetWinEx("notepad.exe") ; For example to find notepad's window from it's process

ControlSend($aNotepad[1], "", "", "123abc - ControlSend{enter}") ; One way, only works on some windows(note: controlID "can" be set to "")

Send("123abc - normal Send") ; Another way, if you have nothing against activating the window first.

Func _ProcessGetWinEx($ivPid, $svClass = "")
    $ivPid = ProcessExists($ivPid)
    If Not $ivPid Then Return(SetError(1, 0, 0))
    Local $avwArray = WinList()
    Local $avRet[1] = [0]
    For $i = 1 To $avwArray[0][0]
        If WinGetProcess($avwArray[$i][1]) = $ivPid Then
            If $svClass = "" Or _WinAPI_GetClassName($avwArray[$i][1]) = $svClass Then
                $avRet[0] += 1
                ReDim $avRet[$avRet[0]+1]
                $avRet[$avRet[0]] = $avwArray[$i][1]
    Return $avRet
Edited by FreeFry

Sorry, I noticed I made an error in the first code I posted(I forgot that my _ProcessGetWinEx function returns an array of windows(if the process should happen to own more windows than one)).

I fixed that code, and I'm not sure ControlSend works for hidden windows, but the normal Send does, if you give focus to the window first.


#include <WinAPI.au3>

Run("notepad.exe", "", @SW_HIDE)

Dim $aNotepad = _ProcessGetWinEx("notepad.exe") ; For example to find notepad's window from it's process
ControlSend($aNotepad[1], "", "", "123abc - ControlSend{enter}") ; This does not work
Send("123abc - normal Send") ; This does work though
WinSetState($aNotepad[1], "", @SW_SHOW)

Func _ProcessGetWinEx($ivPid, $svClass = "")
    $ivPid = ProcessExists($ivPid)
    If Not $ivPid Then Return(SetError(1, 0, 0))
    Local $avwArray = WinList()
    Local $avRet[1] = [0]
    For $i = 1 To $avwArray[0][0]
        If WinGetProcess($avwArray[$i][1]) = $ivPid Then
            If $svClass = "" Or _WinAPI_GetClassName($avwArray[$i][1]) = $svClass Then
                $avRet[0] += 1
                ReDim $avRet[$avRet[0]+1]
                $avRet[$avRet[0]] = $avwArray[$i][1]
    Return $avRet

how will my code goes that be if I would like to send in a hidden window.. ahmm.. or on trhe window using gdi32.dll?? are you aware of it??please teach me..

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