LazyCoder Posted December 28, 2004 Posted December 28, 2004 (edited) Here is my modified version of _ArraySort. This is the one I use to manage the data I display in a listview. This way I can easily sort my list according to the column header the user clicked on (represented here by $i_SortIndex). I changed the name to quickly know which algorithm is used. I work on an other sort algorithm implementation as I'm not satisfied with this shell sort... (but that's personal) Maybe this can help others: expandcollapse popup;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _ArrayShellSort() ; Description: Sort a multi dimentional Array on a specific index using ; the shell sort algorithm ; Parameter(s): $a_Array - Array ; $i_Descending - Sort Descending when 1 ; $i_Base - Start sorting at this Array entry. ; $I_Ubound - End sorting at this Array entry ; $i_Dim - Number of dimentions ; $i_SortIndex - The Index to consider (for multi-dimensional ; arrays only) ; Requirement(s): None ; Return Value(s): On Success - 1 and the sorted array is set ; On Failure - 0 and sets @ERROR = 1 ; Author(s): Jos van der Zande / LazyCoder ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _ArrayShellSort(ByRef $a_Array, $i_Decending = 0, $i_Base = 0, $i_Ubound = 0, $i_Dim = 1, $i_SortIndex = 0) Local $A_Size, $Gap, $Count, $Temp Local $b_ExchangeValues = 0 Local $IsChanged = 0 If UBound($a_Array) < $i_Ubound Or Not IsNumber($i_Ubound) Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf ; Set to ubound when not specified If $i_Ubound < 1 Then $i_Ubound = UBound($a_Array) - 1 ; Shell sort array $A_Size = $i_Ubound $Gap = Int($A_Size / 2) $b_ExchangeValues = 0 $IsChanged = 0 ; While $Gap <> 0 $IsChanged = 0 For $Count = $i_Base To ($A_Size - $Gap) $b_ExchangeValues = 0 If $i_Dim = 1 Then If $i_Decending <> 1 Then; sort array Ascending If $a_Array[$Count] > $a_Array[$Count + $Gap] Then $b_ExchangeValues = 1 EndIf Else ; sort array Descending If $a_Array[$Count] < $a_Array[$Count + $Gap] Then $b_ExchangeValues = 1 EndIf EndIf If ($b_ExchangeValues) Then $Temp = $a_Array[$Count] $a_Array[$Count] = $a_Array[$Count + $Gap] $a_Array[$Count + $Gap] = $Temp $IsChanged = 1 EndIf Else If $i_Decending <> 1 Then; sort array Ascending If $a_Array[$Count][$i_SortIndex] > $a_Array[$Count + $Gap][$i_SortIndex] Then $b_ExchangeValues = 1 EndIf Else ; sort array Descending If $a_Array[$Count][$i_SortIndex] < $a_Array[$Count + $Gap][$i_SortIndex] Then $b_ExchangeValues = 1 EndIf EndIf If ($b_ExchangeValues) Then For $C_DIM = 0 To $i_Dim - 1 $Temp = $a_Array[$Count][$C_DIM] $a_Array[$Count][$C_DIM] = $a_Array[$Count + $Gap][$C_DIM] $a_Array[$Count + $Gap][$C_DIM] = $Temp $IsChanged = 1 Next EndIf EndIf Next ; If no changes were made to array, decrease $gap size If $IsChanged = 0 Then $Gap = Int($Gap / 2) EndIf Wend Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_ArrayShellSort Edited October 21, 2013 by Jos A good program computing A into B is mostly one that won't crash in all the other cases...
Developers Jos Posted December 28, 2004 Developers Posted December 28, 2004 (edited) LazyCoder said: Here is my modified version of _ArraySort. This is the one I use to manage the data I display in a listview. This way I can easily sort my list according to the column header the user clicked on (represented here by $i_SortIndex).I changed the name to quickly know which algorithm is used.I work on an other sort algorithm implementation as I'm not satisfied with this shell sort... (but that's personal)Maybe this can help others:<{POST_SNAPBACK}>I will copy this version to the Array.au3 replacing _ArraySort() ... tnxEdit have updated the array.au3 and Doc Page .. Edited December 28, 2004 by JdeB SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
LazyCoder Posted December 29, 2004 Author Posted December 29, 2004 Still for those interested, I finally produced my sort: one using the QuickSort method. Moreover I modified again the ShellSort function to manage a different way the Gap, saving some more time. Finally I rewrote a 1D/2D _ArrayReverse functions to suit my needs. To do this I created a usefull exchange function but I needed to set dimension and number of sub-elements as optional parameters because of a slow down I encoutered using UBound in my innermost function. So if all this can interest anyone, I'm still happy to share.ArrayLC.au3 A good program computing A into B is mostly one that won't crash in all the other cases...
LazyCoder Posted December 30, 2004 Author Posted December 30, 2004 As soon as the internal pb "with Ubound" will be solved, I'll update these functions. A good program computing A into B is mostly one that won't crash in all the other cases...
tylo Posted December 31, 2004 Posted December 31, 2004 (edited) I posted this at one time. It works for 1D arrays. /Add: with 5000 element, it is actually about twice as fast as LazyCoder's. expandcollapse popup;============================================================================= ; ; Synopsis: ; _ArrayQuickSort() - sorts an array of data in ascending order ; ; Function Description: ; Sorts an array of data using the QuickSort / InsertSort algorithm. ; Note that this implementation is also fast on already sorted arrays. ; The speed is about twice of the SortShell by Brian Keene. ; ; Parameter(s): ; $array = The array to be sorted. ; $left = first index ; $right = last index ; ; Version: ; 1.1 Added Then to If ; 1.0 ; Author: ; Tylo <> ;============================================================================= Func _ArrayQuickSort(ByRef $array, $left = 0, $right = -1) If ($right = -1) Then $right = UBound($array) - 1 If ($right - $left <= 10) Then ; InsertSort - fastest on small segments (= 25% total speedup) Local $i, $j, $t For $i = $left + 1 To $right $t = $array[$i] $j = $i While ($array[$j - 1] > $t) $array[$j] = $array[$j - 1] $j = $j - 1 If ($j <= $left) Then ExitLoop Wend $array[$j] = $t Next Else ; QuickSort - fastest on large segments Local $pivot, $L, $R, $t $pivot = $array[ ($left + $right)/2 ] $L = $left $R = $right While (1) While ($array[$L] < $pivot) $L = $L + 1 Wend While ($array[$R] > $pivot) $R = $R - 1 Wend While ($L <> $R) And ($array[$L] = $array[$R]) $L = $L + 1 Wend If ($L = $R) Then ExitLoop ; Swap $t = $array[$L] $array[$L] = $array[$R] $array[$R] = $t Wend $L = $L - 1 If ($left < $L) Then _ArrayQuickSort($array, $left, $L) $R = $R + 1 If ($right > $R) Then _ArrayQuickSort($array, $R, $right) EndIf EndFunc ;============================================================================= ;Ex. Usage: $SZ = 2000 If $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then $SZ = $CmdLine[1] Dim $DATA[ $SZ ] For $i = 0 To $SZ - 1 $DATA[ $i ] = Random() Next $time = TimerInit() _ArrayQuickSort($DATA) MsgBox(0, "QuickSort", "Seconds used on " & $SZ & " items: " & Round(TimerDiff($time)/1000, 2)) ShowArray($DATA, $SZ/2 - 3, $SZ/2 + 3) EXIT Func ShowArray( ByRef $DATA, $l, $r ) $MSG = "" For $i = $l To $r $MSG = $MSG & "$DATA[ " & $i & " ] = " & $DATA[ $i ] & @CR Next MsgBox(0, "Sorted Data", $MSG) EndFunc Edited December 31, 2004 by tylo blub
Developers Jos Posted December 31, 2004 Developers Posted December 31, 2004 (edited) Ahh, our speed monster at it again i feel another competition coming Seriously, you are correct it is about 2 times faster than the current one in the Array.au3 include file so think we should consider using it. It only needs to be changed to be able to use the multiple dimensions and be able to select the dimension to sort on..... So what do you think ? Edited December 31, 2004 by JdeB SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
Administrators Jon Posted December 31, 2004 Administrators Posted December 31, 2004 Heh, every single time somebody posts something that mentions the words "speed" or "fast" then it's taken as a challenge. Programmers are funny. Deployment Blog: SCCM SDK Programming:
SumTingWong Posted December 31, 2004 Posted December 31, 2004 Jon said: Heh, every single time somebody posts something that mentions the words "speed" or "fast" then it's taken as a challenge. Programmers are funny. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Speed and size It's not just me then
Valik Posted December 31, 2004 Posted December 31, 2004 Jon said: Heh, every single time somebody posts something that mentions the words "speed" or "fast" then it's taken as a challenge. Programmers are funny. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Freud would say its a "My e-penis is bigger than your e-penis" thing.
LazyCoder Posted January 3, 2005 Author Posted January 3, 2005 (edited) Here is my version, adapted from Tylo's. I added 2D arrays management and sort criterium (on the 2nd dimension). Otherwise, just three points: 1) To tylo: I couldn't verify that your version was twice as fast my previous one (QuickSort algorithm, not ShellSort, otherwise, I'm OK) Anyway, the melting of InsertSort/QuickSort is a benefic one I should not have forgotten... this version is a bit quicker than mine, I fully agree! 2) I knew my algorithm was not the better (if you look at my QuickSort code you'll read; Should be better to choose an other place BUT would have to read ; from both ends...But as I'm a lazy coder (incredible, isn't it?) and needed to deal quickly with such a pb, I just did not take time to write it any better... Now it's done thanks to Tylo! 3) I've no pb with my e-penis being the smallest on the e-planet, I'm too pragmatic to mind such competitions [Edit: File removed...] Edited January 3, 2005 by LazyCoder A good program computing A into B is mostly one that won't crash in all the other cases...
LazyCoder Posted January 3, 2005 Author Posted January 3, 2005 (edited) I removed the file I added in my previous message because I encountered a little pb with the recursive version of the algorithm... Try Tylo's code but change:$DATA[ $i ] = Random()for$DATA[ $i ] = 11 and you'll see what I mean... I'm working on it. In the meantime, I'll stuck to my old version (that also encounters this pb, I know!). Edited January 3, 2005 by LazyCoder A good program computing A into B is mostly one that won't crash in all the other cases...
LazyCoder Posted January 4, 2005 Author Posted January 4, 2005 (edited) Here we are, finally! I finally rewrote the whole damn thing to have it behave a stable way even in the worst cases. Indeed, I wrote 5 different versions and finally found that Larry had already given the same algorithm implementation (more than one month ago BUT minus the InsertSort enhancement). So, if had known this any sooner... Anyway, you'll find the following main functions for 1D and 2D arrays: _ArrayExchangeValues _ArrayShellSort _ArrayInsertSort _ArrayQuickSort _ArrayReverse (to avoid sorting in both orders... ) Enjoy!ArrayLC.au3 Edited January 7, 2005 by LazyCoder A good program computing A into B is mostly one that won't crash in all the other cases...
GaryFrost Posted February 14, 2005 Posted February 14, 2005 (edited) Here's a couple of UDF's (attachment) you might find interesting LazyCoder Feel free to improve on them, the sort is based on using your sort routines also here's an example of using the sort expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> #include "ArrayLC.au3" #include "ListViewUDFs.au3" GUICreate("listview items",220,250, 100,200,-1,$WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES) GUISetBkColor (0x00E0FFFF) ; will change background color $listview = GuiCtrlCreateListView ("col1 |col2|col3 ",10,10,200,150);,$LVS_SORTDESCENDING) $button = GuiCtrlCreateButton ("Value?",75,170,70,20) $item1=GuiCtrlCreateListViewItem("item2|col22|col23",$listview) $item2=GuiCtrlCreateListViewItem("............item1|col12|col13",$listview) $item3=GuiCtrlCreateListViewItem("item3|col32|col33",$listview) $input1=GuiCtrlCreateInput("",20,200, 150) GuiCtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_ACCEPTFILES) ; to allow drag and dropping GuiSetState() GUICtrlSetData($item2,"|ITEM1",) GUICtrlSetData($item3,"||COL33",) GUICtrlDelete($item1) #cs ======================================== The following declartiong creates an array using the number of columns in the ListView ======================================== #ce Dim $b_Descending[_GUICtrlGetListViewColsCount($listview)] Do $msg = GuiGetMsg () Select Case $msg = $button MsgBox(0,"listview item",GUICtrlRead(GUICtrlRead($listview)),2) Case $msg = $listview ; MsgBox(0,"listview", "clicked="& GuiCtrlGetState($listview),2) _SortListView($listview,$b_Descending,GuiCtrlGetState($listview)) EndSelect Until $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Edited February 16, 2005 by gafrost SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
tylo Posted February 24, 2005 Posted February 24, 2005 LazyCoder said: I removed the file I added in my previous message because I encountered a little pb with the recursive version of the algorithm...Try Tylo's code but change:$DATA[ $i ] = Random()for$DATA[ $i ] = 11 and you'll see what I mean...I'm working on it. In the meantime, I'll stuck to my old version (that also encounters this pb, I know!).<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Here's a QuickSort that fixes the above problem. On my machine I can sort 5000 floats in about 2.7 seconds. (With the new Variant class updates i submitted to Jon, it takes about 2.2 secs. - about 20% faster).expandcollapse popupFunc _ArrayQuickSort(ByRef $array, $left = 0, $right = -99) If $right = -99 Then $right = UBound($array) - 1 If $right - $left <= 10 Then ; InsertSort - fastest on small segments (= 25% total speedup) Local $i, $j, $t For $i = $left + 1 To $right $t = $array[$i] $j = $i While $array[$j - 1] > $t $array[$j] = $array[$j - 1] $j = $j - 1 If ($j <= $left) Then ExitLoop Wend $array[$j] = $t Next Return EndIf ; QuickSort - fastest on large segments Local $pivot, $L, $R, $t, $k $pivot = $array[ ($left + $right)/2 ] $L = $left $R = $right Do While $array[$L] < $pivot $L = $L + 1 Wend While $array[$R] > $pivot $R = $R - 1 Wend $k = $L While $L <> $R And $array[$L] = $array[$R] $L = $L + 1 Wend If $L = $R Then ExitLoop ; Swap $t = $array[$L] $array[$L] = $array[$R] $array[$R] = $t Until 0 _ArrayQuickSort($array, $left, $k - 1) _ArrayQuickSort($array, $R + 1, $right) EndFunc blub
Guest Guidosoft Posted February 24, 2005 Posted February 24, 2005 Valik said: Freud would say its a "My e-penis is bigger than your e-penis" thing.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Freud was a moron.He said that when I go to sleep, everything I dream is about sex. He is retarded. LOL. HAHAHA!
tylo Posted February 26, 2005 Posted February 26, 2005 (edited) A post of this drop-in replacement of _ArraySort() passed without any comments in the idea lab section, although the speedup is remarkable compared to the current implementation. It is now stable on any input (including all equal elements). EDIT: Did a simplification. Test arrays: $Array1[2000], $Array2[2000][3] Sort time $Array1: Current: 50 secs, New: 2.5 secs. Speedup: 20X Sort time $Array2: Current: 60 secs, New: 4.6 secs. Speedup: 13X expandcollapse popup;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _ArraySort() ; Description: Sort an 1 or 2 dimensional Array on a specific index ; using the quicksort/insertsort algorithms. ; Parameter(s): $a_Array - Array ; $i_Descending - Sort Descending when 1 ; $i_Base - Start sorting at this Array entry. ; $I_Ubound - End sorting at this Array entry. ; Default UBound($a_Array) - 1 ; $i_Dim - Elements to sort in second dimension ; $i_SortIndex - The Index to Sort the Array on. ; (for 2-dimensional arrays only) ; Requirement(s): None ; Return Value(s): On Success - 1 and the sorted array is set ; On Failure - 0 and sets @ERROR = 1 ; Author(s): Jos van der Zande ; LazyCoder - added $i_SortIndex option ; Tylo - implemented stable QuickSort algo ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _ArraySort(ByRef $a_Array, $i_Decending = 0, $i_Base = 0, $i_UBound = 0, $i_Dim = 1, $i_SortIndex = 0) ; Set to ubound when not specified If $i_UBound < 1 Then $i_UBound = UBound($a_Array) - 1 If UBound($a_Array) <= $i_UBound Or Not IsNumber($i_UBound) Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf If $i_Dim = 1 Then _ArrayQuickSort1D($a_Array, $i_Decending, $i_Base, $i_UBound) Else _ArrayQuickSort2D($a_Array, $i_Decending, $i_Base, $i_UBound, $i_Dim - 1, $i_SortIndex) EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_ArraySort Func _ArrayQuickSort1D(ByRef $array, $decend, $left, $right) If $right - $left < 10 Then ; InsertSort - fastest on small segments (= 25% total speedup) Local $i, $j, $t For $i = $left + 1 To $right $t = $array[$i] $j = $i If $decend Then While $j > $left And $array[$j - 1] < $t $array[$j] = $array[$j - 1] $j = $j - 1 Wend Else While $j > $left And $array[$j - 1] > $t $array[$j] = $array[$j - 1] $j = $j - 1 Wend EndIf $array[$j] = $t Next Return EndIf ; QuickSort - fastest on large segments Local $pivot, $L, $R, $t $pivot = $array[($left + $right)/2] $L = $left $R = $right Do If $decend Then While $array[$L] > $pivot $L = $L + 1 Wend While $array[$R] < $pivot $R = $R - 1 Wend Else While $array[$L] < $pivot $L = $L + 1 Wend While $array[$R] > $pivot $R = $R - 1 Wend EndIf ; Swap If $L <= $R Then $t = $array[$L] $array[$L] = $array[$R] $array[$R] = $t $L = $L + 1 $R = $R - 1 EndIf Until $L > $R _ArrayQuickSort1D($array, $decend, $left, $R) _ArrayQuickSort1D($array, $decend, $L, $right) EndFunc Func _ArrayQuickSort2D(ByRef $array, $decend, $left, $right, $bound2, $sortIdx) If $left >= $right Then Return Local $pivot, $L, $R, $t $pivot = $array[($left + $right)/2][$sortIdx] $L = $left $R = $right Do If $decend Then While $array[$L][$sortIdx] > $pivot $L = $L + 1 Wend While $array[$R][$sortIdx] < $pivot $R = $R - 1 Wend Else While $array[$L][$sortIdx] < $pivot $L = $L + 1 Wend While $array[$R][$sortIdx] > $pivot $R = $R - 1 Wend EndIf If $L <= $R Then For $x = 0 To $bound2 $t = $array[$L][$x] $array[$L][$x] = $array[$R][$x] $array[$R][$x] = $t Next $L = $L + 1 $R = $R - 1 EndIf Until $L > $R _ArrayQuickSort2D($array, $decend, $left, $R, $bound2, $sortIdx) _ArrayQuickSort2D($array, $decend, $L, $right, $bound2, $sortIdx) EndFunc Edited October 21, 2013 by Jos blub
SlimShady Posted February 26, 2005 Posted February 26, 2005 Does it also work that fast using the current version (3.1)? I'll use it anyways. Great job.
tylo Posted February 27, 2005 Posted February 27, 2005 SlimShady said: Does it also work that fast using the current version (3.1)?I'll use it anyways.Great job.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Yep, I tested with that I simplified it a little (edited). It now works slightly faster with unsorted arrays, but slightly slower if you have long sequences with equal elements. No big deal. This is the very original quicksort algorithm with insertsort optimalization. blub
Developers Jos Posted February 27, 2005 Developers Posted February 27, 2005 Will update the UDF lib. with this version... SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
spiderblues Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 (edited) Hi, thanks for the listview sorting function. But how can I catch an event when selecting an item? By clicking on the listview header, its sorting. When I click on an item, I want to run the code that's now on the edit button. -> the item data should be shown in the input fields... My next problem: how can i update the data oft the listview item when I changed the input fields??? ...oh my god, I have to learn al lot!! :"> Can anybody help me? spider Here's the code:expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> #include "ArrayLC.au3" #include "ListViewUDFs.au3" $LVM_DELETEITEM = 0x1008 Dim $filename = @ScriptDir & "\products.csv" Dim $pgm_name = "Products" If $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then $filename = $CmdLine[1] $GUI = GUICreate($pgm_name,1000, 700, -1, -1,$WS_THICKFRAME + $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) Global $listview = GUICtrlCreateListView ("Product|Description|ItemNr.|Type|Date",10,40,600,500) Global $inp_lv_1 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("", 10, 10, 80, 20); Edit Global $inp_lv_2 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("", 100, 10, 80, 20); Edit Global $inp_lv_3 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("", 190, 10, 80, 20); Edit Global $inp_lv_4 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("", 280, 10, 80, 20); Edit Global $inp_lv_5 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("", 370, 10, 80, 20); Edit $btn_edit = GuiCtrlCreateButton ("Edit",10,550,70,20) $file = FileOpen($filename, 0) ; Check if file opened for reading OK If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open specified search results file...") Exit EndIf ; Read in lines of text until the EOF is reached While 1 $line = FileReadLine($file) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop GUICtrlCreateListViewItem(StringReplace($line,@TAB,"|"),$listview) Wend FileClose($file) GUISetState() Dim $b_Descending[_GUICtrlGetListViewColsCount($listview)] Do $msg = GUIGetMsg () Select Case $msg = $listview _SortListView($listview,$b_Descending,GuiCtrlGetState($listview)) Case $msg = $btn_edit $strSelFile = StringSplit(GUICtrlRead(GUICtrlRead($listview)),"|") If $strSelFile[0] > 1 Then GUICtrlSetData ($inp_lv_1, $strSelFile[1]) GUICtrlSetData ($inp_lv_2, $strSelFile[2]) GUICtrlSetData ($inp_lv_3, $strSelFile[3]) GUICtrlSetData ($inp_lv_4, $strSelFile[4]) GUICtrlSetData ($inp_lv_5, $strSelFile[5]) Else MsgBox(0, "Error", "Please select line to edit!") EndIf EndSelect Until $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE The products.csv: Product 1 first description 123 Controller 8/29/2002 3:41 AM Product 2 description 2 65 Video 8/4/2004 12:56 AM Product 3 what's this? 987 Case 8/4/2004 12:56 AMlistview.au3 Edited April 14, 2005 by spiderblues
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