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Posted (edited)

A. Percy, or anyone

i know that im probably booring everyone with my dumb questions, but its beter to ask rather that to dont know :)

when i use command AddImage is there a way to resize or delite,move,unload that img from screen?

at the moment i made 100 difrent pictures to simulate HP (and i still need to do 100 more pictures 4 MP) state of my animation, and every picture is drowing one ower another, im only looking 4 other solutions like one picture resizing to simulate curent state.

looking forward 4 next update, cant wait, love your work

Edited by bogQ

TCP server and client - Learning about TCP servers and clients connection
Au3 oIrrlicht - Irrlicht project
Au3impact - Another 3D DLL game engine for autoit. (3impact 3Drad related)

There are those that believe that the perfect heist lies in the preparation.
Some say that it’s all in the timing, seizing the right opportunity. Others even say it’s the ability to leave no trace behind, be a ghost.

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You can use the billboard nodes, which are essentially vertical front facing pictures.

$yourImage[0] = "frames\anim1.gif"
SetMaterialTexture( $yourBillboardNode, 0, GetTexture( $yourImage[0]) )
$yourImage[1] = "frames\anim2.gif"
SetMaterialTexture( $yourBillboardNode, 0, GetTexture( $yourImage[1]) )
$yourImage[2] = "frames\anim3.gif"
SetMaterialTexture( $yourBillboardNode, 0, GetTexture( $yourImage[2]) )
$yourImage[100] = "frames\anim101.gif"
SetMaterialTexture( $yourBillboardNode, 0, GetTexture( $yourImage[100]) )

That is extremely unoptimized and zero context code. You still have to create your $yourBillboardNode, initialize it, and place it, create a camera and point it toward the $yourBillboardNode, and so on.

Anyway, check out the Billboard example, and then use SetMaterialTexture to change the images.


Anyway, check out the Billboard example, and then use SetMaterialTexture to change the images.

Sry, il try this time and next time if needed when i post to better explaine what im trying to say :lmao:

i dont have problems with billboard, my HP bar is foloing animation (and as y already explained how to change the images, ist working, and i dont have problem with that), in my case im using normal mesh node so that i can scale it to simulate HP state and not to use 100 pictures (becose i didnt find way to scale billboardnode)

so i dont have problems with HP bar on top of animation, i have problems with hp mp and lvl status bar on uper left corner (animation info)

4 exsample Posted Image

im looking 4 a way to scale one img so that i dont need to have 100 of them (only one to scale "or at least to move that img to the left and right")

maby i can try to SetViewPort with focused camera and displayed in uper left corner and then to scale hp node to simylate (animation info) bar, i dono how will it turnout becose it will b camera in a camera on one screen. :)

TCP server and client - Learning about TCP servers and clients connection
Au3 oIrrlicht - Irrlicht project
Au3impact - Another 3D DLL game engine for autoit. (3impact 3Drad related)

There are those that believe that the perfect heist lies in the preparation.
Some say that it’s all in the timing, seizing the right opportunity. Others even say it’s the ability to leave no trace behind, be a ghost.

Posted (edited)

Ahh. Create a flat panel as your HP bar, then use Scale(X,Y,Z) and scale the hp bar node to the size you want along the axis you want. Probably Y, so you'd do Scale(1,.93,1) to represent 93% health.That would work...

However, using 3D nodes for your GUI seems to be very wasteful, to me. You're giving the engine things to work with and having to come up with solutions dependent on those 3D nodes, and what you're after is a flat panel animation.

So, create a single GUI panel 3D node, then you can use GDI to write a virtual bitmap, and use SetMaterialTexture() to update the GUI from your GDI loop. That way, at least there is only one 3D object for the engine to handle, and you can still handle fancy transitions and animations on the GUI itself. I don't have the details at hand, but search for GDI examples until you find the ones that deal with modifying a bitmap in memory, and you can adapt that to your needs. Basically, you'll have to script some basic GUI elements such as statusbars, text widgets, and buttons, but you'll have the best solution available at this point.

Edited by JRowe


Those are the animation states available for SetMD2Animator() . Check out the RenderToTexture example to see 2 models animated in conjunction with eachother. Those animation states are simply names. You don't have to create animations following their naming strategy, but you do have to use those names to call whatever animations you assign to those slots... e.g. $EMAT_STAND could actually be your model buzzing around in circles, doing wacky yoga stances, or something other than standing.

If you have an MD2 model, those animation states can be called, and if the animation frame data has been generated for that model, the animation will be played. I've verified on several models I have (but can't link to for copyright reasons. I'll try to find some free ones for reference.) I can safely say that if you're having issues with md2 animations, its something on your end. Post code and model files (or PM) and we can tell you what's going on. Vague assertions that something isn't working is just going to send people off on tangents. Anyway, give us something to work with and we'll get you fixed up asap :)


After researching animation extensively and exploring different formats, I've found that md2 models are generally obsolete, obscure, and difficult to use. However, since the capability is there, and the animations are simply called and managed, md2 is a great format for games in AutoIt.

So, in order to get an animation from md2:

$ModelsDir = @ScriptDir & "\Models\"
$CharMesh = GetMesh( $ModelsDir & "DarthVader\tris.md2" )
$CharWeaponMesh = GetMesh( $ModelsDir & "DarthVader\weapon.md2" )
AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode( $CharMesh )

;Setting animation
SetMD2Animation( $CharMesh , $EMAT_RUN )
SetMD2Animation( $CharWeaponMesh , $EMAT_RUN )

;Setting animation speed
SetAnimationSpeed( $CharMesh , 30 )
SetAnimationSpeed( $CharWeaponMesh , 30 )

This is from the help file, just expanded on. What is happening is simple: you load the mesh file (in this case, the figure of Darth Vader, and a lightsaber. The models have been animated in concert... $EMAT_RUN for both models are synchronized. If you did, for example, the $EMAT_FLIP on tris.md2 (Vader) and $EMAT_BOOM for weapon.md2 (light saber), both animations would work, but they'd be unsynchronized. Try various combinations. By manipulating the animation speed, in conjunction with carefully timed animation sequences, you can get some neat effects.

It's easy enough to work with the logic. For complex animations, though, this won't be great for expressiveness.

You'll need a modelling program and some patience to create fully animated md2 files. Here's a great resource geared toward blender, but applicable to any modelling application. There's the quake modeller still floating around, a plethora of open source apps, and various commercial programs ranging from milkshape to Maya.

That should help some people with md2s. I'm looking at how animation is done, and it's very eclectic.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

sry JRowe 4 replying this late to your posts (dident had alot of free time after new eyar :) ) i know that problem whas on my side and that is why i whas looking 4 other solutions.

My problem whas that i dident understand what is happening to animation when i call command emat_run, now after i whas on irrlicht forum and spended any free time that i had i think that i understand, every command have specific valye in it (first and last frame, start and end frame)

i didnt find any explanation in help file from Au3IrrLicht, and that is why i didnt understand what it mented (probably it is in help file but i did not see it :) )

This is from MD2 Animation Type List that i finaly located on irr forum that explainds what i dident understand

from frame 0   to frame 39  tootal frames per a command (40 frames)  command EMAT_STAND
from frame 40  to frame 45  tootal frames per a command (06 frames)  command EMAT_RUN
from frame 46  to frame 53  tootal frames per a command (08 frames)  command EMAT_ATTACK
from frame 54  to frame 57  tootal frames per a command (04 frames)  command EMAT_PAIN_A
from frame 58  to frame 61  tootal frames per a command (04 frames)  command EMAT_PAIN_B
from frame 62  to frame 65  tootal frames per a command (04 frames)  command EMAT_PAIN_C
from frame 66  to frame 71  tootal frames per a command (06 frames)  command EMAT_JUMP
from frame 72  to frame 83  tootal frames per a command (12 frames)  command EMAT_FLIP
from frame 84  to frame 94  tootal frames per a command (11 frames)  command EMAT_SALUTE
from frame 95  to frame 111 tootal frames per a command (17 frames)  command EMAT_FALLBACK
from frame 112 to frame 122 tootal frames per a command (11 frames)  command EMAT_WAVE
from frame 123 to frame 134 tootal frames per a command (12 frames)  command EMAT_POINT
from frame 135 to frame 153 tootal frames per a command (19 frames)  command EMAT_CROUCH_STAND
from frame 154 to frame 159 tootal frames per a command (06 frames)  command EMAT_CROUCH_WALK
from frame 160 to frame 168 tootal frames per a command (09 frames)  command EMAT_CROUCH_ATTACK
from frame 169 to frame 172 tootal frames per a command (04 frames)  command EMAT_CROUCH_PAIN
from frame 173 to frame 177 tootal frames per a command (05 frames)  command EMAT_CROUCH_DEATH
from frame 178 to frame 183 tootal frames per a command (06 frames)  command EMAT_DEATH_FALLBACK
from frame 184 to frame 189 tootal frames per a command (06 frames)  command EMAT_DEATH_FALLFORWARD
from frame 190 to frame 197 tootal frames per a command (08 frames)  command EMAT_DEATH_FALLBACKSLOW
from frame 198 to frame 199 tootal frames per a command (01 frames)  command EMAT_BOOM
tootal of 200 frames from one animation

at the moment im using free misfit modeler , program is small and nice, bone to frame animation with one click after that from mm3d (that can save bone animation) so that you dont lose them when exporting to md2 becose that format dont save bones, easy to understand.

When i have more time im hopeing to make my first steps in Au3IrrLicht world ^_^

looking forward 4 next update, cant wait :huh2:

edit: for my first steps in Au3IrrLicht world heare is how it look like for now

new edit: soon i hope that il have some fighting with that mob :lmao:

new edit: at the moment mob is walking on its own and if you get too neare him he will start closing in on you and hiting you with his head when he get you, i still have to work on:

* hp for the mob.

* hp for char.

* to join two scripts that r used (one for game other for gui suport) in one.

* to make new script that will controll all mobs on the ground, their animation and hp.

* char animation and attacking.

* loading and deliting objests and mobs based on distance from char.

* first quest.

* Make my own char so that i can get out of redistributhing EULA for thisone that im curently using for testing.

After that i hope that i can finaly post whole script as an example. Free models for testing used from http://artist-3d.com/ and http://www.turbosquid.com/

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Posted Image

Edited by bogQ

TCP server and client - Learning about TCP servers and clients connection
Au3 oIrrlicht - Irrlicht project
Au3impact - Another 3D DLL game engine for autoit. (3impact 3Drad related)

There are those that believe that the perfect heist lies in the preparation.
Some say that it’s all in the timing, seizing the right opportunity. Others even say it’s the ability to leave no trace behind, be a ghost.

  • 2 months later...

Sorry for outdigging this thread but i have a little question for A. Percy.

Are you going to continue developing this plugin? And, you are going to make it opensource or not? In my opinion this is the best graphic plugin for Autoit ever and the project should be continued, please answer if you will read this. I have milions of idea when loking forward for abilities of this plugin, I hope you wont left this project in this state, I'm waiting for updates (and answer).


That's funny, I was actually thinking of this UDF earlier today. I did have much fun with it, and had a few ideas. I wish I had the C++ knowledge to do it myself. I was thinking, in the past, of making a combo 3D GDI+ program. I just haven't had the time or the notion to do it. I was going to have the GDI run in the background, export images, and have them be the sides of the spinning cube example that is out there some where, it would be like an animated 3D cube. Would be nifty.


  • 1 month later...

This is incredible! With opengl and prospeed, you could make a really cool game! Keep up the great work! I will be following this topic!


Atendendo a pedidos, uma nova versão :)

Ok, new version :)


This is an intermediary version before I implement bullet collision functions. The size of plugin DLL growed a little, cause I'm using Bullet includes for some tests ;)

Some light functions was redesigned.

I was using irrlicht 1.5, but if was incompatible with some collision functions, so, I'm using 1.4.2 again ;)


Now you can use AddSphereSceneNode


I forget to include the actualized help file, so use this help instead: http://www.box.net/shared/0zgjdn5odc

Só o que posso lhe dizer, bom é quando faz mal!My work:Au3Irrlicht - Irrlicht for AutoItMsAgentLib - An UDF for MSAgentAu3GlPlugin T2 - A 3D plugin for AutoIt...OpenGl Plugin - The old version of Au3GlPlugin.MAC Address Changer - Changes the MAC AddressItCopter - A dragonfly R/C helicopter simulator

VW Bug user

Pinheiral (Pinewood) city:



OH noes! The AddSphereSceneNode doesnt work for me!

Please, put it at examples folder and run:

#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 AutoIt Version:
 Author:         A. Percy

 Script Function:
    Template AutoIt IrllLicht script.

#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Script Start - Add your code below here
#include <..\IrrlichtPluginUtils.au3>

AutoItSetOption( "TrayIconHide", 1 )
Opt( "WinTitleMatchMode", 3 )

;creating the device
CreateDevice( $EDT_OPENGL, 640, 480, 16, 0, 0, 0 )

;setting window caption
SetWindowCaption( "My first IrrLicht Scene" )

;Add Light
$Light = AddLightSceneNode( 0, 2000, 2000, 0, 1, 1, 1, 10000 )

;Add Camera
$Camera = AddCameraSceneNodeFPS( 0, 100, 200, 1, 0.8 )
SetPosition( $Camera, 50, 25, 50 ) ;setting position
SetTarget( $Camera, 0, 25, 0 ) ;setting target

;Creating scene nodes
$Node = AddSphereSceneNode( 20 )

;Setting position
SetPosition( $Node, -60, 0, 20 )

While IrrRun( )
    ;BeginScene( bool backBuffer, bool zBuffer, int Alpha, int Red, int Green, int Blue )
    BeginScene( true, true, 255, 100, 100, 100 )
    ;gets collision from Vader
    SceneDraw( )
    $CollCameraNode = GetSceneNodeFromCameraBB( $Camera )
    If $CollCameraNode = $Node Then
        ToolTip ( "It's a sphere!" )
    GuiDraw( )
    EndScene( )
    sleep( 20 )
    ToolTip( "" )

Só o que posso lhe dizer, bom é quando faz mal!My work:Au3Irrlicht - Irrlicht for AutoItMsAgentLib - An UDF for MSAgentAu3GlPlugin T2 - A 3D plugin for AutoIt...OpenGl Plugin - The old version of Au3GlPlugin.MAC Address Changer - Changes the MAC AddressItCopter - A dragonfly R/C helicopter simulator

VW Bug user

Pinheiral (Pinewood) city:



Hello to all,

see everywhere iTunes interface 'clones' :

Posted Image

Posted Image


Is there any way to build similar GUI with Au3IrrLicht ?

Thank you for any info,

(please at least a Yes or No)


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