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Posted (edited)

Within this engine, everything is a node. Imagine a node as a single point with an object attached to it. It can have rotation along any axis, and a placement at any point relative to it's Node location.

There are two default cameras. One is "AddCameraSceneNodeFPS," which adds a first person shooter style camera. The other is "AddCameraSceneNodeMaya" which adds a camera that uses a Maya style controllable camera.

What I've done is simply attached my camera node to my ship node, slightly behind and above it. It never moves from that point. What I'm eventually going to do is allow the camera to move around slightly, as if it lagged behind the motion of the ship, to give it a more natural feel. I created $MyCamera with $ShipNode as it's parent, so it's locked to $ShipNode unless I change the parent or its location.

Anyway... all the complicated stuff is done for you. All you need to do is understand that everything is a node, and you manipulate those nodes into doing what you want. The help file is definitely a big resource. It's got all the functions and parameters in there for ya.

To answer, no, you don't have to lock the mouse to get object selection, but you have to use a little math. GetSceneNodeFromRayBB( StartX, StartY, StartZ, EndX, EndY, EndZ ) -

StartX, Y, Z are the relative X,Y,Z coordinates of your mouse cursor on the flat plane centered on your camera node.

The End point is the point off in space at a particular distance you define. You have to calculate angles, etc, to get the endpoint, but after you set up the endpoint's relative position to the mouse start coords, then you can determine if your Ray intersects an object, and if so, what object it is. I'll write up a demo after I'm finished with the ship demo.

Edited by jrowe
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Updated. http://www.box.net/shared/kk8gsrk9of#Au3Irrlicht_2008_11_05

Some bug fixes and new functions.

Have fun! :mellow:

PS: I'm having problems to upload files, so I will do it only on weekends until I install internet connection in my house.

Só o que posso lhe dizer, bom é quando faz mal!My work:Au3Irrlicht - Irrlicht for AutoItMsAgentLib - An UDF for MSAgentAu3GlPlugin T2 - A 3D plugin for AutoIt...OpenGl Plugin - The old version of Au3GlPlugin.MAC Address Changer - Changes the MAC AddressItCopter - A dragonfly R/C helicopter simulator

VW Bug user

Pinheiral (Pinewood) city:



Excellent, looking good :(

Great to see that the concerns of mine have been addressed, and it looks like I can begin development of an simple little FPS using the Irrlicht3D wrapper ;)

thanks :):mellow:


dude u rock ... u are Chuck Norris right? only god-himself (chucky) can make such AMAZING THING! likea creating earth, u just created base for 3d autoit games (Au3GlPlugin is good too, but this is AWSOME) ... dude ... U ROCK!

Is There A Life BEFORE Death?im stupidSaved warn logs: cheateraSmOke_N Note Added 17 January 2009 - 02:54 PM Added to warn level Posting a way to hack the registry and force sending someones desktop via TCP. Jos Note Added 25 November 2008 - 02:52 PM Added to warn level for being an impolite rookie.once a year i go bad ... what will happen in 2010??[u]Its GOOD to be BAD ... (Warlock's Succubus - World of Warcraft)[/u]


dude u rock ... u are Chuck Norris right? only god-himself (chucky) can make such AMAZING THING! likea creating earth, u just created base for 3d autoit games (Au3GlPlugin is good too, but this is AWSOME) ... dude ... U ROCK!

Chuck Norris is god and I'm not a god :mellow:

Thank you !

Só o que posso lhe dizer, bom é quando faz mal!My work:Au3Irrlicht - Irrlicht for AutoItMsAgentLib - An UDF for MSAgentAu3GlPlugin T2 - A 3D plugin for AutoIt...OpenGl Plugin - The old version of Au3GlPlugin.MAC Address Changer - Changes the MAC AddressItCopter - A dragonfly R/C helicopter simulator

VW Bug user

Pinheiral (Pinewood) city:


Posted (edited)


See at: http://www.box.net/shared/6pdees50yd

Now using irrlicht 1.4.2 and Visual Studio 2008 express :)

PS: and some new functions

Edited by A. Percy

Só o que posso lhe dizer, bom é quando faz mal!My work:Au3Irrlicht - Irrlicht for AutoItMsAgentLib - An UDF for MSAgentAu3GlPlugin T2 - A 3D plugin for AutoIt...OpenGl Plugin - The old version of Au3GlPlugin.MAC Address Changer - Changes the MAC AddressItCopter - A dragonfly R/C helicopter simulator

VW Bug user

Pinheiral (Pinewood) city:


  • 1 month later...

Hi Percy ,

First, Your work is really amazing !!! congratulation.

i have few question regarding your Irrlichtplug.

1 : When a made a cube appear, how can i made it disappear ? ( not only invisible but really unload. command like "DropObject" ?)

2 : Do you plan to include "GetFont" command from irrlicht (because the default font is so small.... and of course can be usefull in many case)

3 : What about the irrlicht GUI function ?

it's all for the moment. :o

With your actual plugins i can do a lot but you how the think's goes... we need always more and more and more. :)

BRAVO for your work.

Merry Christmas and Happy New year 2009 From Croatia.


Hi Percy ,

First, Your work is really amazing !!! congratulation.

i have few question regarding your Irrlichtplug.

1 : When a made a cube appear, how can i made it disappear ? ( not only invisible but really unload. command like "DropObject" ?)

2 : Do you plan to include "GetFont" command from irrlicht (because the default font is so small.... and of course can be usefull in many case)

3 : What about the irrlicht GUI function ?

it's all for the moment. :D

With your actual plugins i can do a lot but you how the think's goes... we need always more and more and more. :)

BRAVO for your work.

Merry Christmas and Happy New year 2009 From Croatia.

Thank you!

Answering your questions:

1 - SetVisible( $YourCube, 0 )

2 - Yes, when my wife recover from surgery on the knee, I'll back on development.

3 - It isn't my priority at the moment, as has already autoit own interface, but is in my plans. Now we have 4 functions: AddImage, AddStaticText, SetText, GuiDraw.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Brazil :o

Só o que posso lhe dizer, bom é quando faz mal!My work:Au3Irrlicht - Irrlicht for AutoItMsAgentLib - An UDF for MSAgentAu3GlPlugin T2 - A 3D plugin for AutoIt...OpenGl Plugin - The old version of Au3GlPlugin.MAC Address Changer - Changes the MAC AddressItCopter - A dragonfly R/C helicopter simulator

VW Bug user

Pinheiral (Pinewood) city:



Thank you!

Answering your questions:

1 - SetVisible( $YourCube, 0 )

2 - Yes, when my wife recover from surgery on the knee, I'll back on development.

3 - It isn't my priority at the moment, as has already autoit own interface, but is in my plans. Now we have 4 functions: AddImage, AddStaticText, SetText, GuiDraw.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Brazil :)

Thank's for you quick answer :o


last time i needed to understand movement of camera with object, and i solwed that with adding the one more child object infront and one in back of the nude char that r rotating along with the char, getting childs position and moving main node to it. Ty JRove for your explanation on Nude :)

Now i have new thing that i dont understand

i whas trying to learn from exsamples in help file and try to learn how to manipulate gravity (i reedit Sea exsample for testing), with no success

my char in the best chenario is going down like he is walking on ice, in the wors situation he is in the midle air flying and climbing something that isnt there O_o

can someone pls telme what i need to do to have charecter walking on the ground normaly, or at least show me some pointers to solution "what m i dooing wrong :o ".

#Include <Misc.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <..\IrrlichtPluginUtils.au3>
Global $mrdni1,$mrdni2,$mrdni3,$Node,$Camera1,$rotori,$x1,$x2,$x3,$x4,$x5,$x6
Global $snimaj1 = 0
Global $snimaj2 = 30
Global $snimaj3 = 200
Global $Gravity = -0.0002
$ModelsDir = @ScriptDir & "\Models\"

AutoItSetOption( "TrayIconHide", 1 )
Opt( "WinTitleMatchMode", 3 )
CreateDevice( $EDT_OPENGL, @DesktopWidth,@DesktopHeight, 32, 1, 0, 0 )

$Light = AddLightSceneNode( 0, 2000, 2000, 2000, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 10000 )
$Light = AddLightSceneNode( 0, -2000, 2000, -2000, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 10000 )
; Setting terrain
$TerrainNode = AddTerrainSceneNode( @ScriptDir & "\data\terrain-heightmap.bmp", 0, 5, $ETPS_17, 4, 0 )

SetScale( $TerrainNode, 100, 0.5, 100 )
SetMaterialTexture( $TerrainNode, 0, GetTexture( @ScriptDir & "\data\terrain-texture.jpg" ) )
SetMaterialTexture( $TerrainNode, 1, GetTexture( @ScriptDir & "\data\sand.jpg" ) )
SetMaterialFlag( $TerrainNode, $EMF_FOG_ENABLE, 1 )
ScaleTexture( $TerrainNode, 1, 100 )
SetMaterialType( $TerrainNode, $EMT_DETAIL_MAP )
SetPosition( $TerrainNode, -1200, -60, -1200 )
$TerrainMaterial = GetMaterial( $TerrainNode, 0 )
SetAmbientColor( $TerrainMaterial, 0, 255, 255, 50 )
SetEmissiveColor( $TerrainMaterial, 0, 100, 100, 50 )
$MapSelector = CreateTerrainTriangleSelector( $TerrainNode, 0 )
; my char
$Node = AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(GetMesh( $ModelsDir & "ok.3ds" ))
SetMaterialFlag( $Node, $EMF_LIGHTING, 0 )
$Node3 = AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(GetMesh( $ModelsDir & "ok1.3ds" ));<= front child noode
AddChild( $Node, $Node3 )
SetPosition($Node,0,20, 0)
SetPosition($Node3,0,1000, -5)
$Node2 = AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(GetMesh( $ModelsDir & "ok1.3ds" ));<= back child noode
AddChild( $Node, $Node2 )
SetPosition($Node2,0, 1000, 3)
; Setting cameras
$Camera1 = AddCameraSceneNode( $Node, 0, 30, 200, 0,0,0 )

; Setting water
$WaterMesh = AddHillPlaneMesh( "Water", 210, 170, 140, 140, 0, 0.0, 0, 0, 10, 10 )
$WaterNode = AddWaterSurfaceSceneNode( $WaterMesh, 0.5, 500, 0.001, 0 )
SetMaterialFlag( $WaterNode, $EMF_BACK_FACE_CULLING, 0 )
SetMaterialFlag( $WaterNode, $EMF_FOG_ENABLE, 1 )
SetMaterialTexture( $WaterNode, 0, GetTexture( @ScriptDir & "\data\water2.jpg" ) )
SetMaterialTexture( $WaterNode, 1, GetTexture( @ScriptDir & "\data\water2.jpg" ) )
$WaterMaterial = GetMaterial( $WaterNode, 0 )
SetEmissiveColor( $WaterMaterial, 0, 50, 50, 80 )

;~ $MapSelector = SetTriangleSelector( $TerrainNode, $node )
;~ $MapSelector = SetTriangleSelector( $TerrainNode, $MapSelector )
;making collision for "map x camera"
$MapCharAnimator = CreateCollisionResponseAnimator( $MapSelector, $Node, 20, 8.1, 20, 0, -1, 0, 0, 16, 0 );character can collide it
AddAnimator( $Node, $MapCharAnimator )
;~ DropAnimator( $MapCharAnimator )

;~ $MapSelector = CreateOctTreeTriangleSelector( $TerrainNode, $MapNode )
;~ SetTriangleSelector( $MapNode, $MapSelector )

$Red = 20
$Green = 170
$Blue = 255
$Start = 400
$End = 2000
SetFog( $Red , $Green , $Blue , 1, $Start, $End )
$Y = 0
$LastY = 0

While IrrRun( )
    BeginScene( true, true, 0, $Red, $Green, $Blue )
    SceneDraw( )
    GuiDraw( )
    EndScene( )
    sleep( 20 )
    If _IsPressed("62") Then 
        If $snimaj2 > 49 Then
            $snimaj2 = $snimaj2-2
            SetPosition( $Camera1, $snimaj1,$snimaj2,$snimaj3)
    If _IsPressed("68") Then 
        If $snimaj2 < 201 Then
            $snimaj2= $snimaj2+2
            SetPosition( $Camera1, $snimaj1,$snimaj2,$snimaj3)
;~  If _IsPressed("64") Then 
;~          $snimaj1 = $snimaj1-2
;~          SetPosition( $Camera1, $snimaj1,$snimaj2,$snimaj3)
;~  EndIf
;~  If _IsPressed("66") Then 
;~          $snimaj1= $snimaj1+2
;~          SetPosition( $Camera1, $snimaj1,$snimaj2,$snimaj3)
;~  EndIf
    If _IsPressed("57") Then 
    $x4 = GetAbsolutePosition( $Node3, "X" )
    $x6 = GetAbsolutePosition( $Node3, "Z" )
    If _IsPressed("53") Then 
    $x4 = GetAbsolutePosition( $Node2, "X" )
    $x6 = GetAbsolutePosition( $Node2, "Z" )
    If _IsPressed("41") Then rotorL()
    If _IsPressed("44") Then rotorD()
;~  $x5 = GetAbsolutePosition( $Node3, "Y" )
;~  ToolTip($x4&" : "&$x5&" : "&$x6,0,0)

Func mrdanje()
    SetPosition($Node, $x4, GetAbsolutePosition( $Node, "Y" ), $x6)
    SetTarget($Camera1,  $x4, GetAbsolutePosition( $Node, "Y" ), $x6)
;~  DropAnimator( $MapCharAnimator )

Func rotorL()
    $rotori = $rotori - 5
Func rotorD()
    $rotori = $rotori + 5
Func rotacija()
    SetRotation($Node, 0, $rotori,0)
    SetRotation($Camera1, 0, $rotori,0)

Func izlaz()

TCP server and client - Learning about TCP servers and clients connection
Au3 oIrrlicht - Irrlicht project
Au3impact - Another 3D DLL game engine for autoit. (3impact 3Drad related)

There are those that believe that the perfect heist lies in the preparation.
Some say that it’s all in the timing, seizing the right opportunity. Others even say it’s the ability to leave no trace behind, be a ghost.



#Include <Misc.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <..\IrrlichtPluginUtils.au3>
Global $mrdni1,$mrdni2,$mrdni3,$Node,$Camera1,$rotori,$x1,$x2,$x3,$x4,$x5,$x6
Global $snimaj1 = 0
Global $snimaj2 = 30
Global $snimaj3 = 200
Global $Gravity = -0.0002
$ModelsDir = @ScriptDir & "\Models\"

AutoItSetOption( "TrayIconHide", 1 )
Opt( "WinTitleMatchMode", 3 )
CreateDevice( $EDT_OPENGL, @DesktopWidth,@DesktopHeight, 32, 1, 0, 0 )

$Light = AddLightSceneNode( 0, 2000, 2000, 2000, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 10000 )
$Light = AddLightSceneNode( 0, -2000, 2000, -2000, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 10000 )
; Setting terrain
$TerrainNode = AddTerrainSceneNode( @ScriptDir & "\data\terrain-heightmap.bmp", 0, 5, $ETPS_17, 4, 0 )

SetScale( $TerrainNode, 100, 0.5, 100 )
SetMaterialTexture( $TerrainNode, 0, GetTexture( @ScriptDir & "\data\terrain-texture.jpg" ) )
SetMaterialTexture( $TerrainNode, 1, GetTexture( @ScriptDir & "\data\sand.jpg" ) )
SetMaterialFlag( $TerrainNode, $EMF_FOG_ENABLE, 1 )
ScaleTexture( $TerrainNode, 1, 100 )
SetMaterialType( $TerrainNode, $EMT_DETAIL_MAP )
SetPosition( $TerrainNode, -1200, -60, -1200 )
$TerrainMaterial = GetMaterial( $TerrainNode, 0 )
SetAmbientColor( $TerrainMaterial, 0, 255, 255, 50 )
SetEmissiveColor( $TerrainMaterial, 0, 100, 100, 50 )
$MapSelector = CreateTerrainTriangleSelector( $TerrainNode, 0 )
; my char
$Node = AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(GetMesh( $ModelsDir & "ok.3ds" ))
SetMaterialFlag( $Node, $EMF_LIGHTING, 0 )

$Node3 = AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(GetMesh( $ModelsDir & "ok1.3ds" ));<= front child noode
AddChild( $Node, $Node3 )
SetPosition($Node,0,20, 0)
SetPosition($Node3,0,1000, -5)
$Node2 = AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(GetMesh( $ModelsDir & "ok1.3ds" ));<= back child noode
AddChild( $Node, $Node2 )
SetPosition($Node2,0, 1000, 3)
; Setting cameras
SetPosition( $Node, 0, 100, 0 )
$Camera1 = AddCameraSceneNode( $Node, 0, 30, 200, 0,0,0 )

; Setting water
$WaterMesh = AddHillPlaneMesh( "Water", 210, 170, 140, 140, 0, 0.0, 0, 0, 10, 10 )
$WaterNode = AddWaterSurfaceSceneNode( $WaterMesh, 0.5, 500, 0.001, 0 )
SetMaterialFlag( $WaterNode, $EMF_BACK_FACE_CULLING, 0 )
SetMaterialFlag( $WaterNode, $EMF_FOG_ENABLE, 1 )
SetMaterialTexture( $WaterNode, 0, GetTexture( @ScriptDir & "\data\water2.jpg" ) )
SetMaterialTexture( $WaterNode, 1, GetTexture( @ScriptDir & "\data\water2.jpg" ) )
$WaterMaterial = GetMaterial( $WaterNode, 0 )
SetEmissiveColor( $WaterMaterial, 0, 50, 50, 80 )

;~ $MapSelector = SetTriangleSelector( $TerrainNode, $node )
;~ $MapSelector = SetTriangleSelector( $TerrainNode, $MapSelector )
;making collision for "map x camera"
$MapCharAnimator = CreateCollisionResponseAnimator( $MapSelector, $Node, 20, 8.1, 20, 0, -0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0 );character can collide it
AddAnimator( $Node, $MapCharAnimator )
;~ DropAnimator( $MapCharAnimator )

;~ $MapSelector = CreateOctTreeTriangleSelector( $TerrainNode, $MapNode )
;~ SetTriangleSelector( $MapNode, $MapSelector )

$Red = 20
$Green = 170
$Blue = 255
$Start = 400
$End = 2000
SetFog( $Red , $Green , $Blue , 1, $Start, $End )
$Y = 0
$LastY = 0

While IrrRun( )
    BeginScene( true, true, 0, $Red, $Green, $Blue )
    SceneDraw( )
    GuiDraw( )
    EndScene( )
    sleep( 20 )
    If _IsPressed("62") Then
        If $snimaj2 > 49 Then
            $snimaj2 = $snimaj2-2
            SetPosition( $Camera1, $snimaj1,$snimaj2,$snimaj3)
    If _IsPressed("68") Then
        If $snimaj2 < 201 Then
            $snimaj2= $snimaj2+2
            SetPosition( $Camera1, $snimaj1,$snimaj2,$snimaj3)
;~     If _IsPressed("64") Then
;~             $snimaj1 = $snimaj1-2
;~             SetPosition( $Camera1, $snimaj1,$snimaj2,$snimaj3)
;~     EndIf
;~     If _IsPressed("66") Then
;~             $snimaj1= $snimaj1+2
;~             SetPosition( $Camera1, $snimaj1,$snimaj2,$snimaj3)
;~     EndIf
    If _IsPressed("57") Then
    $x4 = GetAbsolutePosition( $Node3, "X" )
    $x6 = GetAbsolutePosition( $Node3, "Z" )
    If _IsPressed("53") Then
    $x4 = GetAbsolutePosition( $Node2, "X" )
    $x6 = GetAbsolutePosition( $Node2, "Z" )
    If _IsPressed("41") Then rotorL()
    If _IsPressed("44") Then rotorD()
;~     $x5 = GetAbsolutePosition( $Node3, "Y" )
;~     ToolTip($x4&" : "&$x5&" : "&$x6,0,0)

Func mrdanje()
    SetPosition($Node, $x4, GetAbsolutePosition( $Node, "Y" ), $x6)
    SetTarget($Camera1,  $x4, GetAbsolutePosition( $Node, "Y" ), $x6)
;~     DropAnimator( $MapCharAnimator )

Func rotorL()
    $rotori = $rotori - 5
Func rotorD()
    $rotori = $rotori + 5
Func rotacija()
    SetRotation($Node, 0, $rotori,0)
    SetRotation($Camera1, 0, $rotori,0)

Func izlaz()

Só o que posso lhe dizer, bom é quando faz mal!My work:Au3Irrlicht - Irrlicht for AutoItMsAgentLib - An UDF for MSAgentAu3GlPlugin T2 - A 3D plugin for AutoIt...OpenGl Plugin - The old version of Au3GlPlugin.MAC Address Changer - Changes the MAC AddressItCopter - A dragonfly R/C helicopter simulator

VW Bug user

Pinheiral (Pinewood) city:


Posted (edited)


i did, and char is still floading in ari :/ (i can see that when trying to get him into water), maby i did some mistake with 3D program, shud i try to put animation down a litle i dono will that help :/?

Edited by bogQ

TCP server and client - Learning about TCP servers and clients connection
Au3 oIrrlicht - Irrlicht project
Au3impact - Another 3D DLL game engine for autoit. (3impact 3Drad related)

There are those that believe that the perfect heist lies in the preparation.
Some say that it’s all in the timing, seizing the right opportunity. Others even say it’s the ability to leave no trace behind, be a ghost.

Posted (edited)

sry 4 2x post, it whas animation problem for floating in the air:) i set my animation litle down in 3d program, and now it rly looks like im on the right track,

ty A. Percy for this wonderful world y created 4 all of us :)

Edited by bogQ

TCP server and client - Learning about TCP servers and clients connection
Au3 oIrrlicht - Irrlicht project
Au3impact - Another 3D DLL game engine for autoit. (3impact 3Drad related)

There are those that believe that the perfect heist lies in the preparation.
Some say that it’s all in the timing, seizing the right opportunity. Others even say it’s the ability to leave no trace behind, be a ghost.

  • 2 weeks later...

i have problems with md2 cant make it to work with trigger animation names so im looking for other formats

Do Au3IrrLicht have at the moment any other way to animate frames or skeletal animations that isnt SetMD2Animation, something at least to animate from frame 3-8 so that i dont have to involve frame names only frame numbers?

TCP server and client - Learning about TCP servers and clients connection
Au3 oIrrlicht - Irrlicht project
Au3impact - Another 3D DLL game engine for autoit. (3impact 3Drad related)

There are those that believe that the perfect heist lies in the preparation.
Some say that it’s all in the timing, seizing the right opportunity. Others even say it’s the ability to leave no trace behind, be a ghost.


i have problems with md2 cant make it to work with trigger animation names so im looking for other formats

Do Au3IrrLicht have at the moment any other way to animate frames or skeletal animations that isnt SetMD2Animation, something at least to animate from frame 3-8 so that i dont have to involve frame names only frame numbers?

No... but I'll research a way to do...

Só o que posso lhe dizer, bom é quando faz mal!My work:Au3Irrlicht - Irrlicht for AutoItMsAgentLib - An UDF for MSAgentAu3GlPlugin T2 - A 3D plugin for AutoIt...OpenGl Plugin - The old version of Au3GlPlugin.MAC Address Changer - Changes the MAC AddressItCopter - A dragonfly R/C helicopter simulator

VW Bug user

Pinheiral (Pinewood) city:


  • 2 weeks later...

This is friggin incredible, great job!

I've got some questions (sorry if they seem noobish)

1) Is the 100 lines IrrlichtPluginUtils.au3 the only thing between the dll and eye popping graphics? That's the shortest library I ever saw...

2) I didn't find any documentation on shadows... (only the SetShadowColor thingie)

The thing is that I wanna use shadows for a 2d enviroment like in the image below...

I did some research and I believe it's smth like "stencil shadows, normal mapping, per pixel specular highlight"

Can I use irrlicht to get smth like this?

Posted Image

3) Is there any antialias available available?

and thx for sharing this... it's even better than peanut butter jelly


This is friggin incredible, great job!

Thank you!

1) Is the 100 lines IrrlichtPluginUtils.au3 the only thing between the dll and eye popping graphics? That's the shortest library I ever saw...

No, you need "Au3Irrlicht.dll" and "Irrlicht.dll" to use it.

2) I didn't find any documentation on shadows... (only the SetShadowColor thingie)

The thing is that I wanna use shadows for a 2d enviroment like in the image below...

I did some research and I believe it's smth like "stencil shadows, normal mapping, per pixel specular highlight"

Can I use irrlicht to get smth like this?

Not now. The plugin is not yet mature enough.

3) Is there any antialias available?

Not yet.

and thx for sharing this... it's even better than peanut butter jelly

Thank you again! :)

Só o que posso lhe dizer, bom é quando faz mal!My work:Au3Irrlicht - Irrlicht for AutoItMsAgentLib - An UDF for MSAgentAu3GlPlugin T2 - A 3D plugin for AutoIt...OpenGl Plugin - The old version of Au3GlPlugin.MAC Address Changer - Changes the MAC AddressItCopter - A dragonfly R/C helicopter simulator

VW Bug user

Pinheiral (Pinewood) city:




I never thought that theese kind of stuff can be possible implemented using AutoIt Posted Image.




Using OS: Win 7 Professional, Using AutoIt Ver(s): /

AutoIt_Rus_Community.png AutoIt Russian Community

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AutoIt_Icon_small.pngProjects: ATT - Application Translate Tool {new}| BlockIt - Block files & folders {new}| SIP - Selected Image Preview {new}| SISCABMAN - SciTE Abbreviations Manager {new}| AutoIt Path Switcher | AutoIt Menu for Opera! | YouTube Download Center! | Desktop Icons Restorator | Math Tasks | KeyBoard & Mouse Cleaner | CaptureIt - Capture Images Utility | CheckFileSize Program

AutoIt_Icon_small.pngUDFs: OnAutoItErrorRegister - Handle AutoIt critical errors {new}| AutoIt Syntax Highlight {new}| Opera Library! | Winamp Library | GetFolderToMenu | Custom_InputBox()! | _FileRun UDF | _CheckInput() UDF | _GUIInputSetOnlyNumbers() UDF | _FileGetValidName() UDF | _GUICtrlCreateRadioCBox UDF | _GuiCreateGrid() | _PathSplitByRegExp() | _GUICtrlListView_MoveItems - UDF | GUICtrlSetOnHover_UDF! | _ControlTab UDF! | _MouseSetOnEvent() UDF! | _ProcessListEx - UDF | GUICtrl_SetResizing - UDF! | Mod. for _IniString UDFs | _StringStripChars UDF | _ColorIsDarkShade UDF | _ColorConvertValue UDF | _GUICtrlTab_CoverBackground | CUI_App_UDF | _IncludeScripts UDF | _AutoIt3ExecuteCode | _DragList UDF | Mod. for _ListView_Progress | _ListView_SysLink | _GenerateRandomNumbers | _BlockInputEx | _IsPressedEx | OnAutoItExit Handler | _GUICtrlCreateTFLabel UDF | WinControlSetEvent UDF | Mod. for _DirGetSizeEx UDF
ScreenSaver Demo - Matrix included | Gui Drag Without pause the script | _WinAttach()! | Turn Off/On Monitor | ComboBox Handler Example | Mod. for "Thinking Box" | Cool "About" Box | TasksBar Imitation Demo

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