A. Percy Posted August 4, 2008 Author Posted August 4, 2008 And if you saw the help file and found that airplane, yes, I'm making a flight simulator in autoit. Só o que posso lhe dizer, bom é quando faz mal!My work:Au3Irrlicht - Irrlicht for AutoItMsAgentLib - An UDF for MSAgentAu3GlPlugin T2 - A 3D plugin for AutoIt...OpenGl Plugin - The old version of Au3GlPlugin.MAC Address Changer - Changes the MAC AddressItCopter - A dragonfly R/C helicopter simulator VW Bug user Pinheiral (Pinewood) city: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinheiral
monoceres Posted August 4, 2008 Posted August 4, 2008 Greeeeaaat update The new features looks awesome! Keep it up Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!
A. Percy Posted August 4, 2008 Author Posted August 4, 2008 Greeeeaaat update The new features looks awesome!Keep it up Thank you! Só o que posso lhe dizer, bom é quando faz mal!My work:Au3Irrlicht - Irrlicht for AutoItMsAgentLib - An UDF for MSAgentAu3GlPlugin T2 - A 3D plugin for AutoIt...OpenGl Plugin - The old version of Au3GlPlugin.MAC Address Changer - Changes the MAC AddressItCopter - A dragonfly R/C helicopter simulator VW Bug user Pinheiral (Pinewood) city: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinheiral
JRowe Posted August 4, 2008 Posted August 4, 2008 Very good, A.Percy. This is awesome. [center]However, like ninjas, cyber warriors operate in silence.AutoIt Chat Engine (+Chatbot) , Link Grammar for AutoIt , Simple Speech RecognitionArtificial Neural Networks UDF , Bayesian Networks UDF , Pattern Matching UDFTransparent PNG GUI Elements , Au3Irrlicht 2Advanced Mouse Events MonitorGrammar Database GeneratorTransitions & Tweening UDFPoker Hand Evaluator[/center]
A. Percy Posted August 20, 2008 Author Posted August 20, 2008 Thank you! Tomorrow I'll restart my programming routine. Finally I did the revalidation of my pilot licence Só o que posso lhe dizer, bom é quando faz mal!My work:Au3Irrlicht - Irrlicht for AutoItMsAgentLib - An UDF for MSAgentAu3GlPlugin T2 - A 3D plugin for AutoIt...OpenGl Plugin - The old version of Au3GlPlugin.MAC Address Changer - Changes the MAC AddressItCopter - A dragonfly R/C helicopter simulator VW Bug user Pinheiral (Pinewood) city: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinheiral
JRowe Posted August 21, 2008 Posted August 21, 2008 Awesome, A.Percy, and congratulations. Flying must be a lot of fun [center]However, like ninjas, cyber warriors operate in silence.AutoIt Chat Engine (+Chatbot) , Link Grammar for AutoIt , Simple Speech RecognitionArtificial Neural Networks UDF , Bayesian Networks UDF , Pattern Matching UDFTransparent PNG GUI Elements , Au3Irrlicht 2Advanced Mouse Events MonitorGrammar Database GeneratorTransitions & Tweening UDFPoker Hand Evaluator[/center]
A. Percy Posted August 21, 2008 Author Posted August 21, 2008 Awesome, A.Percy, and congratulations. Flying must be a lot of fun Thank you! Só o que posso lhe dizer, bom é quando faz mal!My work:Au3Irrlicht - Irrlicht for AutoItMsAgentLib - An UDF for MSAgentAu3GlPlugin T2 - A 3D plugin for AutoIt...OpenGl Plugin - The old version of Au3GlPlugin.MAC Address Changer - Changes the MAC AddressItCopter - A dragonfly R/C helicopter simulator VW Bug user Pinheiral (Pinewood) city: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinheiral
monoceres Posted August 28, 2008 Posted August 28, 2008 (edited) Just finished copying & pasting all the functions from the helpfile to the au3.api file in scites install dir. This gives code completion for the Au3Irrlicht functions! Just add these lines to Autoit install dir\SciTe\api\au3.api CODE AddAnimator( NodePtr, AnimatorPtr ) Adds an animator which should animate this node. CreateCollisionResponseAnimator( SelectorPtr, NodePtr, EllipsoidRadiusX, EllipsoidRadiusY, EllipsoidRadiusZ, GravityPerSecondX, GravityPerSecondY, GravityPerSecondZ, EllipsoidTranslationX, EllipsoidTranslationY, EllipsoidTranslationZ ) Creates a special scene node animator for doing automatic collision detection and response. CreateFlyCircleAnimator( CenterX, CenterY, CenterZ, Radius, Speed, UpDirectionX, UpDirectionY, UpDirectionZ ) Creates a fly circle animator, which lets the attached scene node fly around a center. CreateFlyStraightAnimator( StartX, StartY, StartZ, EndX, EndY, EndZ, Time, Loop ) Creates a fly straight animator, which lets the attached scene node fly or move along a line between two points. CreateRotationAnimator( RotationPerSecondX, RotationPerSecondY, RotationPerSecondZ ) Creates a rotation animator, which rotates the attached scene node around itself. DropAnimator( AnimatorPtr ) Drops the object. Decrements the reference counter by one. AddCameraSceneNode( ParentNode, PosX, PosY, PosZ, TargetX, TargetY, TargetZ ) Adds a camera scene node to the scene graph and sets it as active camera. AddCameraSceneNodeFPS( ParentNode, RotateSpeed, MoveSpeed, NoVerticalMovement, JumpSpeed ) Adds a camera scene node which is able to be controlled with the mouse and keys like in most first person shooters (FPS). AddCameraSceneNodeMaya( ParentNode, RotateSpeed, ZoomSpeed, TranslationSpeed ) Adds a maya style user controlled camera scene node to the scene graph. GetActiveCamera( ) Returns the current active camera. SetActiveCamera( CameraPtr ) SetFarValue( CameraPtr, ZFarValue ) Sets the value of the far clipping plane (default: 2000.0). SetTarget( CameraPtr, PosX, PosY, PosZ ) Sets the look at target of the camera. CreateOctTreeTriangleSelector( MeshPtr, NodePtr, MinPolysPerNode ) Creates a Triangle Selector, optimized by an octtree. CreateTerrainTriangleSelector( NodePtr[, LOD ] ) Creates a triangle selector which can select triangles from a terrain scene node. CreateTriangleSelector( MeshPtr, NodePtr ) Triangle selectors can be used for doing collision detection. GetSceneNodeFromCameraBB( CameraNodePtr ) Returns the scene node nearest to the camera, which collides with the ray. GetSceneNodeFromRayBB( StartX, StartY, StartZ, EndX, EndY, EndZ ) Returns the scene node nearest to start position (first 3 parameters), which collides with the ray. SetGravity( AnimatorPtr, GravityX, GravityY, GravityZ ) Sets the gravity of the environment. SetTriangleSelector( NodePtr, SelectorPtr ) Sets the triangle selector of the scene node. SetWorld( AnimatorPtr, SelectorPtr ) Sets a triangle selector holding all triangles of the world with which the scene node may collide. CreateDevice( Type, Width, Heigh, BitColour, FullScreen [, StencilBuffer [, Vsync ]] ) Does de more important thing: creates the Irrlicht device. CreateDeviceOnWindow( ParentHwnd, Type, Left, Top, Width, Heigh, BitColour [, StencilBuffer [, Vsync ]] ) Creates the Irrlicht device attached to another window. IrrRun( ) Runs the device. Also increments the virtual timer. SetRenderTarget( TexturePtr [, ClearBackBuffer [, ClearZBuffer [, Alpha [, Red [, Green [, Blue ]]]]]] ) Sets a new render target. SetViewPort( X, Y, X2, Y2 ) Sets a new viewport. Every rendering operation is done into this new area. SetWindowCaption( "Title" ) Sets Irrlicht window title. AddImage( TexturePtr, PosX, PosY [, UseAlphaChannel [, ParentPtr ]] ) Adds an image element to gui. AddStaticText( "Text", X, Y, X2, Y2 [, Border [, WordWrap [, iParent [, FillBackground ]]]] ) Adds a static text. SetText( GuiElementPtr, "Text" ) Sets the new caption of this element. GuiDraw( ) Draws all gui elements. It's a friendly name (in AutoIt) for original "drawAll" from IrrLicht. AddTexture( "Name", ImagePtr ) Creates a texture from a loaded Image. CreateImageFromFile( "FilePath" ) Creates a software image from a file. CreateRenderTargetTexture( Width, Height ) Creates a render target texture. GetTexture( "FilePath" ) Returns a pointer to a texture. AddNewSLight( CastShadows, Falloff, InnerCone, OuterCone, Radius [, Type ] ) Creates a dinamic light. SetLightData( LightNodePtr, SLightPtr ) Sets the light data associated with a LightNode. SetLightAmbientColor( SLightPtr, Red, Green, Blue ) Ambient color emitted by the light. SetLightDiffuseColor( SLightPtr, Red, Green, Blue ) Diffuse color emitted by the light. SetLightSpecularColor( SLightPtr, Red, Green, Blue ) Specular color emitted by the light. GetMaterial( NodePtr, Num ) Returns the material based on the zero based index i. GetMaterialCount( NodePtr ) Returns amount of materials used by this scene node. SetMaterialFlag( NodePtr, Flag, NewValue ) Sets all material flags at once to a new value. Helpful for example, if you want to be the whole mesh to be lighted by. SetMaterialTexture( NodePtr, TextureLayer, TexturePtr ) Sets the texture of the specified layer in all materials of this scene node to the new texture. SetMaterialType( NodePtr, Type ) Sets the material type of all materials s32 this scene node to a new material type. SetAmbientColor( MaterialPtr, Alpha, Red, Green, Blue ) How much ambient light (a global light) is reflected by this material. SetDiffuseColor( MaterialPtr, Alpha, Red, Green, Blue ) How much diffuse light coming from a light source is reflected by this material. SetEmissiveColor( MaterialPtr, Alpha, Red, Green, Blue ) Light emitted by this material. Default is to emitt no light. SetSpecularColor( MaterialPtr, Alpha, Red, Green, Blue ) How much specular light (highlights from a light) is reflected. AddHillPlaneMesh( "MeshName", TileSizeX, TileSizeY, TileCountX, TileCountY [, Material [, HillHeight, [CountHillsX [, CountHillsY [, TextureRepeatCountX[, TextureRepeatCountY ]]]]]] ) Adds a Hill Plane mesh to the mesh pool. AddTerrainMesh( "MeshName", TexturePtr, HeightMapPtr, StretchX, StretchY, MaxHeight, DefaultVertexBlockSizeX, DefaultVertexBlockSizeY ) Adds a static terrain mesh to the mesh pool. AddZipFileArchive( "FilePath" ) Adds an zip archive to the file system. GetMesh( "FilePath" ) Loads the file if not loaded already. GetQ3Shader( MeshPtr, EnumType ) Loads Quake 3 map shaders. It's an adaptation of getMesh method from getMesh. ScaleMesh( MeshPtr, ScaleX, ScaleY, ScaleZ ) Scales the whole mesh. AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode( MeshPtr ) Adds a scene node for rendering an animated mesh model. AddChild( ParentNodePtr, ChildNodePtr ) Adds a child to this scene node. If the scene node already has got a parent, it is removed from there as child. AddCubeSceneNode( [ Size [, ParentPtr ]] ) Adds a test scene node for test purposes to the scene. AddLightSceneNode( ParentNode, PosX, PosY, PosZ, Red, Green, Blue, Radius ) Add a light to scene. AddMeshSceneNode( MeshPtr ) Adds a scene node for rendering a static mesh. AddOctTreeSceneNode( MeshPtr ) Adds a scene node for rendering using a octtree to the scene graph. AddSkyBoxSceneNode( TopTexturePtr, BottomTexturePtr, LeftTexturePtr, RightTexturePtr, FrontTexturePtr, BackTexturePtr [, ParentPtr ] ) Adds a skybox scene node to the scene graph. AddTerrainSceneNode( "HeightMapFile" [, ParentPtr [, MaxLOD [, PatchSize [, SmoothFactor [, AddAlsoIfHeightmapEmpty ]]]]] ) Adds a terrain scene node to the scene graph. AddWaterSurfaceSceneNode( MeshPtr, WaveHeight, WaveSpeed, WaveLength [, Parent] ) Adds a scene node for rendering a animated water surface mesh. GetPosition( NodePtr, "Axis" ) Gets the position of the node. GetRotation( NodePtr, "Axis" ) Gets the rotation of the node. ScaleTexture( NodePtr [, Scale [, Scale2 ]] ) Scales the base texture. SetAnimationSpeed( NodePtr, FramesPerSecond ) Sets the speed with witch the animation is played. SetMD2Animation( NodePtr, Animation ) Starts a default MD2 animation. SetLoopMode( NodePtr, Option ) Sets looping mode which is on by default. If set to 0, animations will not be played looped. SetPosition( NodePtr, PosX, PosY, PosZ ) Sets the position of the node. SetRotation( NodePtr, AngleX, AngleY, AngleZ ) Sets the rotation of the node. SetRotationByAxis( NodePtr, "Axis", Angle ) Sets the rotation of the node through specified axis. SetRotationByTime( NodePtr, "Axis", StartAngle, EndAngle, ExecTime ) Sets the rotation of the node through specified axis in especified time. SetScale( NodePtr, ScaleX, ScaleY, ScaleZ ) Sets the scale of the scene node. SetVisible( NodePtr, IsVisible ) Sets if the node should be visible or not. BeginScene( backBuffer, zBuffer, Alpha, Red, Green, Blue ) Application must call this method before performing any rendering. EndScene( ) Presents the rendered image on the screen. SceneDraw( ) Draws all scene elements. It's a friendly name (in AutoIt) for original "drawAll" from IrrLicht. SetFog( [ Red [, Green [, Blue [, LinearFog [, Start [, End [, Density [, PixelFog [, RangeFog ]]]]]]]]] ) Sets the fog mode. Edited August 28, 2008 by monoceres Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!
A. Percy Posted August 28, 2008 Author Posted August 28, 2008 Just finished copying & pasting all the functions from the helpfile to the au3.api file in scites install dir.This gives code completion for the Au3Irrlicht functions!Just add these lines to Autoit install dir\SciTe\api\au3.api...Perfect and very useful. Thank you! Só o que posso lhe dizer, bom é quando faz mal!My work:Au3Irrlicht - Irrlicht for AutoItMsAgentLib - An UDF for MSAgentAu3GlPlugin T2 - A 3D plugin for AutoIt...OpenGl Plugin - The old version of Au3GlPlugin.MAC Address Changer - Changes the MAC AddressItCopter - A dragonfly R/C helicopter simulator VW Bug user Pinheiral (Pinewood) city: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinheiral
monoceres Posted August 28, 2008 Posted August 28, 2008 Perfect and very useful. Thank you! It's great to able to give back something for this great library! Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!
monoceres Posted September 22, 2008 Posted September 22, 2008 Hi Alexsandro! How do I stretch a texture so it is only drawn once on a node? Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!
A. Percy Posted September 22, 2008 Author Posted September 22, 2008 (edited) Hi Alexsandro! How do I stretch a texture so it is only drawn once on a node? Hi! Try use: ScaleTexture( NodePtr [, Scale [, Scale2 ]] ) >_< Edited September 22, 2008 by A. Percy Só o que posso lhe dizer, bom é quando faz mal!My work:Au3Irrlicht - Irrlicht for AutoItMsAgentLib - An UDF for MSAgentAu3GlPlugin T2 - A 3D plugin for AutoIt...OpenGl Plugin - The old version of Au3GlPlugin.MAC Address Changer - Changes the MAC AddressItCopter - A dragonfly R/C helicopter simulator VW Bug user Pinheiral (Pinewood) city: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinheiral
monoceres Posted September 22, 2008 Posted September 22, 2008 Hi! Try use: ScaleTexture( NodePtr [, Scale [, Scale2 ]] ) Yeah, I tried using that function, but I didn't quite get how it works. I tried extremely high values, low values and values very near zero but nothing >_< Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!
A. Percy Posted September 22, 2008 Author Posted September 22, 2008 Yeah, I tried using that function, but I didn't quite get how it works.I tried extremely high values, low values and values very near zero but nothing >_<Hmmm... Take a look on "sea.au3" example. Só o que posso lhe dizer, bom é quando faz mal!My work:Au3Irrlicht - Irrlicht for AutoItMsAgentLib - An UDF for MSAgentAu3GlPlugin T2 - A 3D plugin for AutoIt...OpenGl Plugin - The old version of Au3GlPlugin.MAC Address Changer - Changes the MAC AddressItCopter - A dragonfly R/C helicopter simulator VW Bug user Pinheiral (Pinewood) city: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinheiral
monoceres Posted September 22, 2008 Posted September 22, 2008 Hmmm... Take a look on "sea.au3" example. Hmm, I don't know, I just don't get it. Maybe it's something wrong with my code? #include "IrrlichtPluginUtils.au3" CreateDevice($EDT_DIRECT3D9,640,480,32,0,0,0) SetWindowCaption("Shooter!") $light = AddLightSceneNode( 0, 0, 0, -2000, 1, 1, 1, 10000 ) $camera = AddCameraSceneNodeFPS( 0, 100, 200, 1, 0.08 ) SetPosition( $camera, 0, 100, -500 ) SetTarget( $camera, 0, 0, 0 ) $cube=GetMesh(@ScriptDir&"\cube.3ds") $node=AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode($cube) SetScale($node,1.10,1.10,1.10) SetMaterialTexture($node,0,GetTexture(@ScriptDir&"\texture.jpg")) ScaleTexture($node,0) SetPosition($node,0,1, 0 ) While IrrRun() BeginScene(true,true,255,255,255,255) SceneDraw() GUIDraw() EndScene() WEnd Here's the resources I used: http://monoceres.se/Uploads/texture.jpg http://monoceres.se/Uploads/cube.3ds Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!
A. Percy Posted September 22, 2008 Author Posted September 22, 2008 I didn't find a solution, but I'll develop this feature today. Só o que posso lhe dizer, bom é quando faz mal!My work:Au3Irrlicht - Irrlicht for AutoItMsAgentLib - An UDF for MSAgentAu3GlPlugin T2 - A 3D plugin for AutoIt...OpenGl Plugin - The old version of Au3GlPlugin.MAC Address Changer - Changes the MAC AddressItCopter - A dragonfly R/C helicopter simulator VW Bug user Pinheiral (Pinewood) city: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinheiral
monoceres Posted September 22, 2008 Posted September 22, 2008 I didn't find a solution, but I'll develop this feature today. >_<Yippee Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!
AdmiralAlkex Posted September 22, 2008 Posted September 22, 2008 @A. PercyHow are things going with the flight simulator you said you were working on in post101?? .Some of my scripts: ShiftER, Codec-Control, Resolution switcher for HTC ShiftSome of my UDFs: SDL UDF, SetDefaultDllDirectories, Converting GDI+ Bitmap/Image to SDL Surface
A. Percy Posted September 23, 2008 Author Posted September 23, 2008 @A. PercyHow are things going with the flight simulator you said you were working on in post101??Hi!The flight simulator development is paused until I make this function work: getCollisionResultPositionTo make some meshes a bit more rounded, I finished the conversion of CreateMeshWelded, so the aircraft will have more softness in the forms. Só o que posso lhe dizer, bom é quando faz mal!My work:Au3Irrlicht - Irrlicht for AutoItMsAgentLib - An UDF for MSAgentAu3GlPlugin T2 - A 3D plugin for AutoIt...OpenGl Plugin - The old version of Au3GlPlugin.MAC Address Changer - Changes the MAC AddressItCopter - A dragonfly R/C helicopter simulator VW Bug user Pinheiral (Pinewood) city: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinheiral
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