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Posted (edited)

I use PSPad to write my AutoIt v3 scripts. Thus I came to make a little tool to reproduce/re-install my AutoIt v3 configuration and preferences for PSPad.

Maybe this tool can be interesting for others.

This tool includes:

- Tidy (thanks to Jos van der Zande)

- CompileAu3 (thanks again to Jos van der Zande)

- Au3Check (thanks to Tylo)

Of course, I'll try to update my tools as often as AutoIt or those tools are updated.

Indeed, I'm usure I'm using the up-to-date version of those tools, but I release my tool anyway, just to see whether it's a good thing to share or not.

Please note that the syntax and clips are those corresponding to the BETA version of AutoIt (the one I use...).


Here is http://www.autoitscript.com/fileman/users/public/LazyCoder/PSPAu3Conf.exe !

PS: If I did something not allowed, I apologize and be sure I did not intend to...

Edited by LazyCoder
A good program computing A into B is mostly one that won't crash in all the other cases...
  • Developers

This tool includes:

- Tidy (thanks to Jos van der Zande)

- CompileAu3 (thanks again to Jos van der Zande)

- Au3Check (thanks to Tylo)

Of course, I'll try to update my tools as often as AutoIt or those tools are updated.

Indeed, I'm usure I'm using the up-to-date version of those tools, but I release my tool anyway, just to see whether it's a good thing to share or not.


CompileAU3 is an older version, should be v 1.0.5... (I haven't been updating the "My Autoit3 stuff" webpage text but the links are up-to-date. )


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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I'm almost sure I'm the only one here using PSPad rather than Scite to write my AutoIt scripts... but anyway, I updated my configuration tool to the last 3.0.103 version.

For the happy few (very few I guess...)

Edited by LazyCoder
A good program computing A into B is mostly one that won't crash in all the other cases...

I used to use PSPad at first until I used JdeB's Scite4Autoit3. Haven't went back since then, Scite4Autoit3 is awesome and is continually updated like clock work. JdeB is awesome !!


It has a few bugs.

You really need to test it before release.

- Check the "external applications" section; "%File%" is not always needed

- AU3Record is not installed here.

- There was something with the Tidy installation. Can't remember...


I also use PSPad. I simply love it! The only missing thing for it is the CodeExplorer for AutoIt. Then it'd be perfect.

I haven't tried Scite since a lot of time ago but when I tried it was nice but seemed less featured than PSPad. The only thing that Scite had that PSPad had not was code folding and that is not such a big deal for me.

I'd like to encourage everyone to try PSPad. It is really great free software, with a lot of features, like built-in comparison tool, and a lot more.




@SlimShady :

It has a few bugs.

You really need to test it before release.

That's right, I didn't test this one as much as my first one...

As I really intend to test my work before ANY release, I sincerely apologize.

- The useless "%File%" where bad Copy'n'paste results... :idiot:

- AU3Record is now installed (error so stupid I'm still amazed I made it... :D )

- I relied till then on Tidy installation. That's why at the end it proposed to open a file to tidy. Modified so that you only have the configuration panel then continue PSPAu3Conf installation.

So it's updated (v1.0.4.0), was much more tested and should almost be "monkey-proof" this time - as I say.

A good program computing A into B is mostly one that won't crash in all the other cases...

Don't worry, it's OK.

I'm glad you fixed the obvious bugs.

3 things:

- suggestion: uninstallation support

- a debug box is showing up

- bug: the path to the compiler is incorrect.

About the last one:

I made a batch file that runs Au3Check first.

It will only compile if there are no errors.

The errors will be shown.

Another suggestion:

- Add Au3Check in the "External Programs" list

You may edit and use my batch file if you want.

I have put CheckComp.bat in the following folder:

C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Extras\Compileau3

I tested it and it works great.

(Rename it with the extension .BAT)

Posted (edited)

Updated (v1.0.4.1):

- Removed DEBUG window (damn, was I tired to forget it?)

- Changed compiler path

With PSPad you do not need to make such a batch file: you "compile" with Au3Check then launch CompileAu3. If Au3Check returns an error code, you don't got any further so...

And with this use, you can double-click on the error lines shown in the log panel to directly go there and correct your code.

My mistake was that I forgot the "Run after compilation" line in my tool.

I'll soon work on uninstallation ability and will improve my installation too.

Thanks for your feedback.

Edited by LazyCoder
A good program computing A into B is mostly one that won't crash in all the other cases...

With PSPad you do not need to make such a batch file: you "compile" with Au3Check then launch CompileAu3. If Au3Check returns an error code, you don't got any further so...

And with this use, you can double-click on the error lines shown in the log panel to directly go there and correct your code.


Ah. Now I understand. Good idea.
  • Developers

Updated (v1.0.4.1):

- Removed DEBUG window (damn, was I tired to forget it?)

- Changed compiler path

With PSPad you do not need to make such a batch file: you "compile" with Au3Check then launch CompileAu3. If Au3Check returns an error code, you don't got any further so...

And with this use, you can double-click on the error lines shown in the log panel to directly go there and correct your code.

My mistake was that I forgot the "Run after compilation" line in my tool.

I'll soon work on uninstallation ability and will improve my installation too.

Thanks for your feedback.


LazyCoder, you don't really need to do the au3check first, since the au3check can also be done by compileau3.exe . It defaults to run it. :idiot:

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Live for the present,
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Posted (edited)

Updated (v1.0.4.4):

- updated Au3Check v1.25

- changed Au3Check install dir to allow CompileAu3 to launch is own checking (sorry I missed that before)


I know that, but if I use my sequence, PSPad is able to redirect Au3Check output to a LOG window that I can use to correct my code by double-clicking on the error line.

CompileAu3 treats Au3Check a transparent way and thus do not provide this output.

Moreover, CompileAu3 first shows its window, before any syntax checking, while I consider more logical and efficient to check file first and then display CompileAu3 console...

But that's purely personal.

Thanks for your help and advices.

Edited by LazyCoder
A good program computing A into B is mostly one that won't crash in all the other cases...

Updated (v1.0.4.8):

- updated Au3Check v1.26

- added link to AutoIt Homepage and Forum in PSPad Online help menu

A good program computing A into B is mostly one that won't crash in all the other cases...
  • 6 months later...

I use PSPad to write my AutoIt v3 scripts. Thus I came to make a little tool to reproduce/re-install my AutoIt v3 configuration and preferences for PSPad.

Maybe this tool can be interesting for others.

This tool includes:

- Tidy (thanks to Jos van der Zande)

- CompileAu3 (thanks again to Jos van der Zande)

- Au3Check (thanks to Tylo)

Of course, I'll try to update my tools as often as AutoIt or those tools are updated.

Indeed, I'm usure I'm using the up-to-date version of those tools, but I release my tool anyway, just to see whether it's a good thing to share or not.

Please note that the syntax and clips are those corresponding to the BETA version of AutoIt (the one I use...).


Here is http://www.autoitscript.com/fileman/users/public/LazyCoder/PSPAu3Conf.exe !

PS: If I did something not allowed, I apologize and be sure I did not intend to...


What happened to the download?
  • 8 months later...

Is the download available somewhere? I'm having trouble getting PSPad completely integrated with AU3. I "compile" with Au3Check and then run Aut2EXE to compile. But double-clicking on an error message doesn't bring me to the error location.

I probably just need the proper highlighter settings for AutoIt files.

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